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Big, simple fixes from an amateur game dev

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  • #8013

    firstly, a-chat devs, good game y'got right here
    pretty solid all around, but there's a few rough-around-the-edges things I'd like to offer an opinion on..
    and seeing as I boost naughty games as a second job (I cant 'advertise' here..  :)
    I'm hoping to offer simple solutions to some of the problems I've noticed.

    so, without further ado.. here we go with some practical suggestions..


    #1. Cold invites.
    probably the MOST complained about thing in -any- kinda game like this..
    when it happens to me, I'll usually kick that rude-boy's cock clean off..
    ..he aint having fun, and he probably wont stick around for long, after.

    but, the real thing is.. they dont know any better.

    as an easy solution, I'd like to see a block on invites for anyone under a certain level
    and have a popup when they try.. something along the lines of “you cant send invites yet, try asking them.”

    I think this will do wonders for teaching new people how to actually make connections.. instead of mashing buttons and getting yelled at.
    even if they just move to asking straight-up, they'll get real responses and feedback to actually learn from.

    and the community -WILL- improve from this!
    new people will stand a chance of fitting in, and everyone else spends less time yelling at them. (hopefully)
    everybody wins!

    #2. Languages
    now, this might not happen -that- often, but this is something I havent seen anyone talking about..
    if you're starting here and you dont speak english.. you're gonna have a bad time. do doubt.
    unless you're lucky enough to find your own people, you're doomed to run around playing 'guess what' forever.
    plus, devs. that's one customer who wont be sticking around after their trial ends.

    solution – I'd like to be able to see some flags on the bottom of our profiles (and public menus) telling people what we can speak.
    that way, at a glance, you can find your own people in rooms or in search.

    #3. Sexuality
    I can be alone, here.. but simple labels like hetero, homo and bi just dont seem to cut it.
    about 10 times a day I need to tell girls that I aint -that- bi.. and it's got to be even more of a mine-field for shemales..

    so, I'd like to see something more detailed..
    similar to the flags-system, I want to be able to say -exactly- what I'm into.

    “M, tick. S, tick. F, cross.”
    ..and maybe expand that in the big search menu to include what groups we're into.
    FFM, cross. FMM, *drool* ..etc.

    that way, it's a bit of information that we can actually take on .. because right now, it's treated like meaningless fluff.

    #5. Yellow Status
    Alright, you log in and you're happy to see someone on your lovers list.. they're online and they're yellow… time to look around for them, right?
    bum-boww. they're in a room (or poker) and you wasted 5 mins looking for them..

    one simple thing here, please.. a blue status orb for when you're in public rooms.
    (and it'd be real nice if we could still receive messages, too.. but that's wish territory, right?)

    #6. Faster.. Slower! Change places!!
    Talking without talking.. there's a few things in-room that can help us communicate better with each-other..
    I mean, it really breaks to mood to say “hey, hit those buttons, you!”
    so, let's see here..

    speeds work great.. until you hit the end of your bar.. then you've got to tell them to do stuff.
    problem is, words like 'faster' tend to get lost in the chaff..
    so, it'd be nice if hitting speeds when you're at cap sends a ping to your partner, making their speed bar blink.

    next up “pick my pose, already!”
    two solutions. number one, that little “you offered to change poses” line I see in the chat.. send something similar to my partner.
    or two, move the pose popup to the bottom of the screen, closer to the chat and where the actually usually is.


    ..and that about does it for the big, simple fix ideas…
    but, while I'm here..

    Makup and lipstick:
    please, please, please split them up. let us look more unique with mixing and matching!
    (plus, they're separate models already. I know it and so do you, devs!)

    Layering clothes:
    I wanna be able to use more clothes together. tops, bras and body-stockings.. let us play with them all, huh?

    Colour palettes:
    on the topic of the shop, you appear to be holding back on re-colours to reduce on store clutter, have you considered keeping alt-textures inside mini drop-boxes for each item?
    I think we'd all appreciate more variety in colours (especially for hairs, plus silver/gemstone rings)
    I think that's a good way to go about it, if you're interested. something to consider, anyhow..

    Lighting as decorations for rooms:
    a little bit of ambience goes a long way. I would LOVE to be able to bring the bar's dark lighting into the other rooms..
    ..and ooh, just imagine moonlight and sunset bedrooms.. please let that happen!

    Mail system:
    skipping quickly over how you've got to re-log to check your mail.. (there better be a good reason for that, guys!)

    Time and dates:
    can we please pick time-zones somewhere so I can actually tell when my mail turned up?
    it's VERY unusual to not have anything like that in the settings..

    Copying text in mail:
    it's probably been said before, but not being able to copy links isnt doing much to stop spam, just annoying people trying to share dumb videos with their friends.. so, un-fix that already, y'hear?

    Long-term mail:
    it's perhaps niche, but it'd be handy to have the option to leave 'offline messages' to online people.
    y'know.. for date reminders, love letters or just anything that they'd want to hold onto..
    plus, if we could send them to ourselves, we can use the system for keeping notes.
    (a new lover's fantasy/kinks, special dates you need to remember or just a whore's trusty little 'do no accept cheques from..' shit-list.)


    And that's all for now, I guess  :-X
    ooh-ee, look at all those words… props to anyone who got this far..

    ..and add my stuff to the shop already, devs!  :-*


      Bloody Hell !!!

      I'm speechless !!!   (Well almost)   :

      Your ideas are ASTOUNDING.  WOW..

      This post as been up for more than a day.  And no responses.   Jeeesus.  What's going on ?

      People what change, and here it is.

      Nice one Corta.   :-*


    Well said Corta, let them fix these things now


                  Great great job Corta!
                  Couldn't agree more with your amazing suggestions!

                  I hope Achat-devs use their valuable time on implementing these improvements
                  instead of some other recent 'ideas' that don't bring real value to the game or to the players

                  Remember… players don't just PLAY… they also PAY  (does this ring a bell ? )


    All good ideas.  Well said Corta.

    I Hope Achat listen and these ideas are much better than seeing what poses I have  and likes / dislikes !!

    Oh btw,  if anyone sees me in the Meeting Room, please dislike me
    I wont be offended, bad boys have more fun and  “likes” kind of ruin my bad boy image 

    See ya when I see ya.


                   I hope Achat-devs use their valuable time on implementing these improvements
                   instead of some other recent 'ideas' that don't bring real value to the game or to the players

    That's very well stated, Carol.  Thank you.
    I have often had the exact same thought.


    I wont be offended, bad boys have more fun and  “likes” kind of ruin my bad boy image

    being disliked and being bad are two very different things.


    Completely agree with you!
    We want these changes!


    +1 on point 3

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