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Group as a "favourites" on profile

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  • #8104

    So from looking around the forums and viewing profiles I don't understand why this isn't an option already.

    The ability to set group sex (preferably specific type) as a favourite seems very useful. It would help people find others with the same want much easier. (from what I see the
    3rd person is the hardest to get.

    Now group isn't my preference but there are a couple of people on the forums who find it hard to get mmf. And also a great deal of womens profiles (can't speak for men) have group sex preference either as country or description. And if that's not enough to show that some want it I dunno what is :p

    So I think best bet is to add it to favourites. Also frees up profile space woo a bonus

    Edit: changed like to favourites


    Hello Kevin

    I agree somehow, but you know the “short” info would be longer and longer if all points be listed,

    Look for what PPL write in  Country Short Info -and in the field Description

    MF    MM  MS  MMF  MFM  MMS   al kind of groups possibilities open to you
    To let PPL know exact what you looking for

    Some put other words in – some what they like to say in few words

    Its up to you and this way you find easy if you read a profile.

    You didt it in the post introduce yourself already but here,23.0.html
    you can add another post what you looking for and maybe find some there.

    It will take a bit time but you will find the right one




    I'm sorry if I didn't explain myself properly.

    What I am saying is BECAUSE many people are using country and short info for groups and preferences then surely that means it should be added to the “favourites” as a button.

    I'm not saying country and short info is bad. The profiles are fine, this just seems like an easy to implement quality of life change that (judging by the amount of people who put it in info) would be used by many.

    P.s I'm happy with my profile. It's just an observation.

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