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Campione! Harem Scarum

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    Whoever said that a harem was the ideal situation…never met these girls….
    (This is the beginning of a story that I started and never quite got around to finishing. )


    Godou Kusanagi was very busy pretending that the entirety of his attention was focused on his morning breakfast.  There was a distinct lack of conversation around the table, in spite of the fact that he'd had company for the night.  With two of the girls displaying what he could only describe as smug looks, and the third somewhere between befuddled and confused; he'd decided that discretion was the better part of valor.

    Both Erica Blandelli and Ena Seishuuin had been in rare form the evening before, and Liliana Kranjcar had been quite adamant about not leaving the two of them alone with him.  The former two had been quite insistent: Erica that she was the only one worthy of Godou's affections, and Ena that a Japanese Campione should only have a Japanese lover.

    At some point, the argument had turned into him having both of them in bed with him . . . sans clothes.  Liliana had loudly proclaimed that she wasn't about to be outdone, all but ripping off her clothes and climbing into the pile with the rest of them.  His memory got hazy at that point, and he'd woken up tireder than when he'd went to bed.

    “So what was all that racket about last night?”  His little sister, Shizuka Kusanagi, finally demanded of them.

    “We'll tell you about it when you get older.”  Erica replied, wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue.

    “Definitely when you're older.”  Ena echoed, holding out her rice bowl for a refill.

    “ONII-CHAN!!”  Shizuka's rather vocal response pretty much finished off any chance of further breakfast conversation.

    So Godou's trip to school was made in a rather unusual fashion, with an each arm buried in a different set of cleavage.  With Erica on his left and Ena on his right, he didn't even have to look over his shoulder to see Liliana's rather sullen expression.  He decided not to protest but when the pressure on his arms increased, he suspected that the not  quite audible sigh he'd emitted hadn't been quite as silent as he'd hoped.

    Once they'd arrived at school, and with the girls finally distracted, Godou escaped to the nurses office for a much needed nap.  He wasn't sure how long of a nap he got before being awakened by the touch of a hand on his face.  He opened his eyes to find the three girls from this morning, plus the addition of Yuri Mariya, who looked somehow more concerned than the others.

    “My poor Godou.”  Erica practically crooned, still stroking his cheek.  “If you needed a place to rest, you can always use my lap.”

    “He can use me as a pillow anytime he wants.”  Ena, who was obviously not to be outdone, climbed onto the cot with him.

    The presence of the latter on the cot brought the former likewise into the snuggle: which brought the cot . . . and it's contents . . . crashing to the floor.

    A few moments later found Godou in the safety of a not-broken cot, with Yuki standing at the opening of the curtain that separated him from the tongue lashing that Erica and Ena were busy receiving from the school nurse.

    “What has gotten into those two today?”  He asked Liliana, who was seated at the stool next to his cot.

    “Well, last night, you know;”  She was tapping her forefingers together nervously and staring at her hands, blushing as well.    “You, umm, deflowered all three of us.  Rather enthusiastically.”

    It took a few seconds before the meaning of the unfamiliar term sank in; at which point he pulled the blanket over his head rather than respond.

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