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Achat’s Removal of topics

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Home Forums Forum News Achat’s Removal of topics

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  • #8841

    About time the forum was given a tidy up.
    Keep on removing anything out of date


    Whilst the removal of topics is under way in this new climate of attempts to gag any kind of free exchange of opinions and views which is the very idea of a forum.
    Can we also have some order brought to the disarray that the forum has been allowed to fall into please?

    As an example : Why are “Sexy Photos” included in a section entitled ” Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books… “?
    There are enough dedicated sections for this type of thing without  it appearing in a section that makes no mention of anything of the kind.
    Yes, I know that Achat is a “sex site”, but it's nice to be able to get away from that occasionally. Which I assume is the reason that section was created.

    Just a request which will no doubt be unpopular with the posters of porn. But I'm a member too.
    Am I not allowed to make a request?


    Whilst the removal of topics is under way in this new climate of attempts to gag any kind of free exchange of opinions and views which is the very idea of a forum.
    Can we also have some order brought to the disarray that the forum has been allowed to fall into please?

    As an example : Why are “Sexy Photos” included in a section entitled ” Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books… “?
    There are enough dedicated sections for this type of thing without  it appearing in a section that makes no mention of anything of the kind.
    Yes, I know that Achat is a “sex site”, but it's nice to be able to get away from that occasionally. Which I assume is the reason that section was created.

    Just a request which will no doubt be unpopular with the posters of porn. But I'm a member too.
    Am I not allowed to make a request?

    I think it is a very good idea to look at some topics and ask for removal but not without the permission of the Original Poster if they are still around. I do not give permission for any of mine to be removed.

    Who is behind this though and who decides?  Is it voluntary amongst members or is Achat involved?

    attempts to gag any kind of free exchange of opinions and views which is the very idea of a forum. Can we also have some order brought to the disarray that the forum has been allowed to fall into please?

    I have to take issue however with some comments made by the original poster in this topic.  They are said as though others are responsible for such behaviour.  The poster was one who tried to gag and humiliate someone for talking about their sexual preferences.
    The issues may be resolved now but still the underlying currents are there and could easily happen again with others.

    Free speech is one thing and everyone is entitled to their opinion but only where laws and Achats terms of service of forum are followed.
    Bullying and harassment should be stamped on and agreement made by all members here for tolerance rather than hiding behind nasty shitty comments, wrecking topics and being arseholes  saying … he/she deserved it; its a joke, where's your humour.
    No one deserves to be ganged up on, laughed at or humiliated.  That's not the forum I joined and I don't think anyone should condone that behaviour as acceptable. It doesn't matter how you try and justify it.

    There was a nice rule here once where it was agreed between members and moderators, that names in text, chat or in screenshots would be removed so no embarrassment was caused, even if that was the original posters intention.  Permission had to be sought from all parties before publishing. If it wasn't, the moderators would remove the names or post.  That should be bought back again.

    Then theres' the behaviour of posting rubbish (not on topic) in threads that are not even her topics and was not pleasant for others who enjoy them. The subject of the Topic should be noted and the following posts looked at as examples for reference.
    I mention this because I politely asked it to stop and was attacked pretty much like my friend who I had invited to Forum in the first place.

    What many may not realise is that there is a lot more people who read Forum than actively post. So posters should understand that Forum is a big public platform and their behaviour reflects on them and on the forum here.
    Your behaviour can actually dictate on people views of forum, whether they join or whether they stay.
    Your posts or even behaviour here or in the game that show rudeness and disrespect will cause the reactions for the drama that usually ensues.

    If this place is going to be given a spring clean, behaviours should also be looked at. There should be an agreement between members to respect other members and the owners of topics.
    If there is an objection to a post as its nasty or off topic, then the poster should consider removing it without attacking the requester or trying to put them in their place,  or trying to be “Super Arsehole clever” 

    Example  –  I know the the Queen died centuries ago but its the Obituary thread. 
    We can all post like that and totally fuck forum up, but we don't do we.  If you really must, start a new topic called Queens or something.

    Yes, I know that Achat is a “sex site”, but it's nice to be able to get away from that occasionally. Which I assume is the reason that section was created.
    Just a request which will no doubt be unpopular with the posters of porn. But I'm a member too.

    There are plenty of topics not sexual and enjoyed by many here.  I think the original poster should decide if the content is sexual or optional and the thread reflect that.  People who just post in the thread cant decide to change the rules half way. And trying to deliberately sabotage a topic because you believe it should not be sexual is just as bad as being “Super Arsehole clever”

    I think in general, as it is a sex site, unless totally obvious in the topic subject, members do assume they can post naughty images or saucy dialogue in them.
    Its what Achat is – Adult Chat and content. So if you don't want it sexual, make it obvious in the explanatory first post and give a few example posts too. I'm sure most posters will follow what the Topic maker wants and if they make a mistake, a gentle poke will result in it being removed.

    I hope that Forum can move forward and members be pleasant and kind to each other. 
    Lets hope we all have the strength to lead by example rather than cause the disarray mentioned.
    But I will admit my strength to turn the other cheek is none existent and if I feel someone is trying to pick on me, they will endure my wrath.
    I have had enough disrespect shown me these last months to last me an Achat lifetime.





    One possible solution to making the forum easier to navigate would be to create an Archive for older threads that haven't been posted in for, say the 120 days that flashes as a warning if an old post is replied to.
    This would reduce the clutter and make it far easier for people, especially new members, to find their way around.


    Clearer defenitions by people starting topics as to what they'd like posted there would be beneficial too.
    If the creator of a thread wants to exclude certain things from being posted, it should be clear from the outset.
    Otherwise, as someone has stated somewhere in the forum, the name escapes me, sorry, it can lead to all kinds of misunderstandings.

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