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2 guys and 1 girl is not as popular as I thought it would be

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Home Forums Everything about sex and love 2 guys and 1 girl is not as popular as I thought it would be

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    Part of my fantisy of using this site is to have sex with two guys, no bi play intented. However, in trying to set up an adventure like this, I keep getting a lot of declinations or the offer to go two girls/one guy instead (or shemale). Are hetero guys really that afraid of getting into the room with another maile. I mean the position requests can be denied, so they won't get ass fucked without okaying it.  Has anyone else expereienced this same issue?  Let me know.



    Hello dee and welcome 

    Tbh I received lots of offers for MMF and very few for FFM but maybe that's just me 


        Welcome deelishuz1 and let me assure you that you are not alone. From my experience, most guys (specifically ones you meet for the first time or ones anxious to play in a room) prefer FFM over MMF. Here is my theory (and guys, correct me if I'm wrong). I've encountered MMF 3somes where the guys are unable to… “share” me, tehehe. Usually begins by one wanting my complete and full attention so when my attention is divided, he would get jealous, assuming that I favor the other guy over him and leaves.

        If you want a truly enjoyable MMF experience, I suggest taking it slow first by spending time getting to know different guys and asking if they are into those kinds of 3somes. Guy friends that I've gotten to know are more willing to participate in a MMF 3some with me than someone new because they enjoy my company and know I always deliver a fun and exceptionally stimulating experience.

        I hope this helps, looking forward to seeing you around the forums, deelishuz1. 


    Welcome Dee,

    I can only speak for myself, so don't take this as a generality for us guys.
    When I started here, I got involved in a few mmf 3somes, only to discover that the guy that participated, was either rude, silent or not participating at all. Since then I have been weary in accepting mmf, because of the insecurity who the other partners is. As Keiko mentioned, it is a lot easier when the guys you want to invte, know eachother.
    For me it is the personality that enters the room that is decisive, not wether I get enough attention from the girl… And one more remark: there are no bi-sexual poses/action for the guys in a mmf…

    I do hope you will find a few guys happy and willing to share the experience with you..



    The thing about inviting a shemale instead of another guy seems quite usual at least… I get some requests for that once in a while (I'm a shemale btw). I haven't taken part in many 3somes like that, they make me a bit frustrated and jealous since the only ones that can get fucked are the female and the male.

    I have told that to some men when they've asked me to join in for a MFS 3some and sometimes I am happily surprised when they say “How about just you and me then and I'll fuck until you can't walk strait?”.

    Keiko, it's just too bad that some can't just share and take their turn and it's not like you will want to give them more attention if they start to complain.

    Dee, I also hope you'll find some nice guys to give you a good time.

    Janine Dee

    Welcome Dee.

    I think that's the plus I find with FFF… far more a “Go Team” kind of atmosphere. 

    Even then there is still a mechanic like Tight describes where those who will TRY will distinguish themselves, while those who don't will be all the more apparent.

    I think a more key problem to all the threesome poses is that it can be damn difficult to get ANY three people (of whichever genders) in a rooming mood at the same time.

    And I think Keiko has the solution, but even with just two people, it's better to know those you are rooming with a bit beforehand.


    In my experience it essential for a good experience that guys know each other and most of all like each other as persons. Most of all it would be wise to talk about what are you planning to do in there and how not to interfeer with your partner's actions. In my best FFM experience I talked to the guy for like 15 minutes before enterinh the room, in that talk we presented each other and got to know each other a little better and talked about what were we gonna do and how were we gonna do it and everything went perfect 

    So my advice is be patient, finding the right guys to have a wonderful MMF may take time, better if you try finding them among friends and lovers, u'll have more chance of finding 2 guys that get along well 


    Janine, I've had that feeling in SSS.


    Very good suggestions, all of you.  Keiko and Medjai, I think you are right about the guys knowing each other. I am slowly building some regulars that we meet and perhaps two of them would want to. I know that chatting, many guys read the chats, whether they can read them when we are in the room is something I don't know.  Does anyone know if you are in a room and can someone else just join in or does the group experience have to start from the beginning?

    As for an alternate experience with a shemale or FFF, unfortunately I had a very disturbing experience with an ex of mine who invited a girl into our bed without telling me. We were in the middle of having sex when she just came in and started molesting me. My ex, just held onto me as long as he could before I punched him and got up. Even though I don't mind the thought of alternate lifestyles, that traumatic experience of basically being raped by another woman has put me off  the idea. By the way, he became my ex that very night and it took 6 months of therapy to try to come to terms with what happened. 


    Thanks Tight for your info from a male's point of view. I do appreciate and respect it. I think you are right. I have noticed a lot of guys invite you in and are pounding you from the get go. I have learned that those people are not that interesting and I do not ask them to become a friend. Other guys like the play before the pounding, and that turns me on. I like to do the fun stuff like lap dances, pole dances and obedience play (give and receive). I have tried to educate some of these guys on the other aspects of this site but some just know the basics. Also I have found out the extent of the person's membership limts them from buying certain moves and positions. Someone with a free membership doesn't have half the possibilities of  someone with a paid one and cannot be invited into group at all. So the level of the play coming from your mate is very much dependent on the level of their membership and extent of the tricks that have available to them.

    Thanks again.


    First of all I'm really sorry for what happened to you, that was really horrible and noone should experience such unpleaset thing.

      Does anyone know if you are in a room and can someone else just join in or does the group experience have to start from the beginning?

    A 3some has to start as a 3some, once u're in room u can't either receive or send messages  outside the room neither invite someone else to join. That's what basically the hardest thing to do when searching for a 3some, finding all the partners in the right mood and online, but with a little patience and the right friends u can have the most weonderful experience and I wish you to find the right guys tha can give you that 

    As for the poses, it's true that memebrs that have been here longer most of the times have more poses but u just need 1 member to have the available poses necessary if u're in a 3some in order for them to be available to everyone and as for free members it's the same, they don't have poses but if u do or the third partner does the problem is solved 

    Janine Dee

    That was just wrong, I can't even begin to understand what would have went through their heads to think that would have been any sort of acceptable.

    I am just happy you've have been/are moving past it.


    Hi deelishuz

    I add one more thought to it. I had some nice 3some fun here. I noticed, that for me 3some is not as great as I thought it would be when I started the game, but that's my opinion.
    I also had some bad 3some with mmf – sometimes you feel like just being a stopgap. 2 people just need a 3rd one. That's not my thing. I also am not interested “to fight” for the attention of the girl – either we all have fun or I leave. So it's much easier to chat before, telling your ideas and wishes all together. That doesn't mean every 3some is great, but the chance to really have fun is much bigger.

    Like my friends before, I also wish you all the best and lots of pleasure here


    wandering into this a bit late,… but Keiko has a fair assessment of the situation from her perspective of background in VR play.

    The Alpha attitude is a tough one to overcome when strangers are involved. Medjai has the right approach when a women asks. That guys try  to take a little time to understand the male counterpart. Not only  so much as to coming to an agreed direction, as to understanding a bit of their existing relationship with the women. A successful MMF  occurs when the egos are checked in at the door and it becomes a mutual experience. That means the guys have to temper their normal 1-1 attitudes and adjust their  play from the women to having fun with the male counterpart.

    That runs contrary to what most think is important in MMF play. It's the males dynamics with each other in room play that make it work. When the males have fun together, so too the female.  That at least has been my experience.

    FFM are easier because the women tend to have an existing bond, and have a mutual interest in bringing a male into the play. That caters to the self centeredness of the male. Any guy thrills at being a focal point. I actually find that more playful exchanges happen in FFM encounters which in my theory is a result of that, and its pretty easy to see  they gravitate to male partners who exhibit the same type of attitude.

    I personally like jumping into MMF  situations as a stranger,.. it is a test of my interpersonal skills, and I thoroughly enjoy reading their exchanges, and unraveling depths of relationships.

    But you are right Lover… the worst case is just being a prop to the situation. A matter that unfortunately Robot Boy is better suited at. That option should be made available.


    wish i got more mmf invites lol but it seems they only ask for ffm which I know sometimes it would be nice when they do send the group invites what group they are inviting for cause not all of them say ahead of time want this specific group

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