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FF Pose Review Request. 23. 69 with Dildos.

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Home Forums Woman with woman in AChat FF Pose Review Request. 23. 69 with Dildos.

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    Save their money on an employee and just listen to some of the spot on remarks customers make here.

    Take a moment and talk with the customer base,..they would do fine,..the problem is the focus on shemale poses, which require so many variants of partnering.

    everything has a dick,..interchangeable,..but when it come to the FF,…they falter,..not yet understanding even the het' set and others can use,..enjoy… the fondling,…kissing,… caresses, subtle actions,…pelvic grinding is not a necessity to achieving sensuality.

    Janine Dee

    Actually at this point I'm leaning away from clueless and more towards lazy. I think they made this position for the shemale/shemale (the handjob is a tell IMHO) and just made it FF as an after thought. In this case the insult is more that FF doesn't warrant any effort in their books. I think the fact it was marketed as a FF is just a huge blunder on their part in a case of wanting to try to make it look like they weren't ignoring the FF they made it all the more clear that they are.

    At this point I'm also willing to wager at the MOST there will be one new FF by Christmas.


    It's the sort of position that should have been rolled out for all combinations, with or without a dildo/penis.

    I mean come on, the 69 is one of the most common sex moves, it should have been a staple from the very beginning.

    Janine Dee

    And if they had been giving nominal support to FF development I wouldn't be as pissed off as I am. I'd still be making fun of it (and them) but at this point it's been a good three months since there's been a FF position that doesn't involve sucking silicone.


    If the next FF pose is like the last ones I won't know what to say.

    Janine Dee

    What will probably be even worse is neither will I, and for better or worse I'd be willing to bet it won't be seen in November.


    I just tried the 69 pose with another shemale, it is really hot then cause you really get to play with each other. But it feels unfair to FF considering all the releases we've got in the last months.

    Janine Dee

    No no honey, don't feel like that. We're still ahead of you in total moves (at least I'm pretty sure), and the gripe is with the Development Team, not any users. They have control of what comes out, you do not.


    I hope the A-team are sitting in their chairs, gloating over how they are able to push buttons, while they know there will be an awesome release for FF planned. Something that will shut everyone's mouth. At least for a short amount of time. Even I can tell some people are at their end, willing to give up AChat. Which would be a waiste of capital for them, and a loss for the community online. Hang in there girls

    Janine Dee

    For the record though one won't do it. There have been a mere two positions over the past three months, and they both focused on sucking silicone. A great one would be a step in the right direction, but only a step. Unless I see an upswing, unless they show me that they will actually give some sliver of consideration I'll find other places to spend my money when it's time to renew.


    Tick tock,…times a wasting development team


    I think there are more FF poses than MS, FS or SS… but not together then.

    Janine Dee

    There are 17 FF not including the standing there and standing there in sex clothes.


    But again, it's not about quantity but about the quality of the poses.  Recently revisited what is displayed as FF here and am honestly sickened by the lack of true FF poses available.  Can honestly say that when I'm with a woman, a penis is the last thing on my mind.  Sure, sometimes internal stimulation can heighten the experience, but personal experience tells me it doesn't require a dildo or other phallic  object to achieve those heights.

    Janine is absoulutely justified in her rants.  (And I apologize for not speaking up earlier.)  Has to be pure laziness on the development team.  HAS to be…they can't be THAT clueless, can they???



    hmmm…janine was looking for a partner at the camp fire. too bad the fire has burnt out…

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