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A tale of erotic fantasy OOC

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The forums Erotic Stories A tale of erotic fantasy OOC

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  • #49311
    Janine Dee

      I am not putting pressure, this is a the more the merrier kind of thing.

      You are putting the pressure on yourself by showing how well you can do it.  ;)


        Damn I knew I was wrong joining the story…

        It was fun to write my first part, to develop my figure, to dream of the erotic part. Now I'll put more depth in it, more details.Think I need the translator very often next time :)


          that's good….if you enjoy it when you are writing, this mean you are doing it in the right way and i think you can do an amazing job. damn, i anvy you all!

          about me, i'm still working to the first part of the story, to introduce my char and her first sexual experience. it takes me so long, but at the moment i'm wrinting it in italian, then i'll gonna translate it. hope i can do it soon and have your impression!


            are we still going on?


              are we still going on?

              Sorry, I haven't written anything more yet. I kinda know what I could write next but I just haven't done it yet.

              Bear and Tight probably have quite a lot ready already.


                I indeed have a lot ready, but have to review it before I can post. After the initial story more or less fell asleep, I took my part of the story and worked on it, more. I have about 35 pages of story ready.

                But, I will have to work hard to adapt the existing story to fit with the so=tory on forum. As I have been busy with other matters, health concerns taking up a lot of mental and physical effort, the time to adapt the story has been lacking. I do expect to have (a lot of) free time soon, expecting a surgery.

                The first thing I wanted to really do, is to write a background for the brotherhood, to give it a place and a history which explains the connection with the Zierst Cult. and for that I need to explore the cult itself, more intensively…

                Janine Dee

                  Been caught up with the roof over the head, groceries in the house aspects of life, but still determined to get back in.


                    yeah Janine reality has a nasty way of interfering…

                    I think of  Zierst and his cult as meddlers in the affairs of the living. always attempting to find a power base of influence, Whether your brotherhood ses the broader picture of Faule's involvement  I leave to you. Zierst himself represents a pawn in my mind when I look at my story. A very powerful pawn paving the way for something greater..

                    Talon wouldn't care… right now I am pondering what I see as his cycle of weakness, the new moon when the influence of the taint is low and he must survive on his wits and his other abilities.

                    And too I am trying to weave a “not so parallel”  story, what posted here is a bit more lighthearted, and not wrapped in the dark moods my true story has centered on.


                      Hey, no one has to apologize, there is (still ;)) a life outside.

                      I just asked, cause there has been a sudden death and wanted to bring it back to your minds. But thanks for your answers.


                        I hope you mean the thread is slow… it always has been.
                        Or did something happen in RL?


                          No, not in RL – last year has been bad enough.
                          I doon't know if slow is the right term for a thread that suddenly stopped. Or has “sudden death” yet another meaning in the states? 


                            better call it “volunteer hiatus” or sort of……, my head……

                            btw, i still working on mine char but really slowly, so i dunno when i can add something. Plus, i'd like to ask Adera if she will read it before i post it, cause i'm a bit scary of hurting her feeling.

                            mmmmh, something run in my mind……somewhere i read about no post about animal……is it ok using fantasy creature like demon, naga or similar!? i have a big doubt about it!


                              The animal thing is meant: No sex with animals

                              I (but that's my opinion) don't say anything against sex with fantasy creatures, as long as it fits to the background. Not just “I use something like an animal and fuck it”.

                              Janine Dee

                                As I see it there is animal, and then there is creature. I mention my swordswoman having periodic trysts with a nymph.

                                I think a humanoid form ( dragon having the ability to assume one counts.) would be recommended, but even more then that consciousness to consent to the encounter.


                                  tasteful and supporting the story are my thoughts… so a creature with humanoid form seems fine with me…

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                                The forums Erotic Stories A tale of erotic fantasy OOC