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A tale of erotic fantasy OOC

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  • #49444
    Janine Dee

    I know I have no plans to continue it, so I wouldn't feel any objection.


    A couple nudges from a vocal pair have requested I resurrect my fantasy tale…so for them, and others who might have enjoyed it…Talon returns…
    To any others who might find an interest weaving a story into the mythical city of Leviticus please find your muse and add your own tale here.


    Welcome back in action, Bear! I'm glad you make Talon revive another time!



    Talon is back,  the bar is set.    Congratulations Bear, 
    Awaiting more episodes in anticipation.

    Maybe Janine, Adera and Lover may be tempted too.  I do hope so.


    And what about you, Bee!?


    Well its  about time we got some stories out of you 

    hope there is a back log of unposted material 

    welcome back to writing


    Welcome back to the story bear, good you're pushing it

    I will continue too, my character is still standing on the foot of the city – for 2.5 years now


    Now i understand what those spider nets  against him are! 


    To let everyone enjy this tale, i'd think to post here too the final version ot the city map……enjoy!



    Welcome back to the story bear, good you're pushing it

    I will continue too, my character is still standing on the foot of the city – for 2.5 years now

    May I suggest knocking at the gate and seeing if anyone is home?
    Yes jayc there is a backlog, but a sudden revelation of the storyline mandates a full rewrite.

    I am struggling with a scene …which in my reread seems woefully inadequate for its pivotal part in  this story.


    ooook, after had a talk with Lover, i agree with him about adding here too the part about my character that can make some of you interact with her.

    at the moment, i added only the second part, slowly i add the others too.

    p.s.:  sorry for double posts


    Yayyyyy! wellcome back in action, Brandy! i'm happy to see you working of your line of the story!


    Thanks Brandy I have been more over thinking  the next scene and should probably just post it and let the story roll. I have been a bit busy taking care of some the quake damage from last week (Others homes not mine thankfully I was on the outskirts of that rolling shaker)

    Sorry Jayc but I do think Brandy made a better spot of tea…. though I never understood her aversion of letting me have honey with it.


    Over thinking,  men ?  Narrr

    Please post, we are all waiting.  :-*

    Hope all are getting the help and assistance in the quake effected area. Thoughts to all those effected and things get back to normal and a semblance of order soon.

    It's the aroma of hot honey, it sets the gagging action into full drive. Not a pretty sight lol.


    I know what it mean to live in an area after a quake, there was one here in 1997 and for months there were small others. Wish the things are going to be settled soon in your area and everyone get the help they needed.

    Now, back to the tale………….as you probably seen, i've posted the extra chapter about the Lycans in my chronicles and i'm planning to write more of them till i reach the event i'm planning and where they are involved begin. Anyway, i hope it may fit here too……

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