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A tale of erotic fantasy.

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    With every stroke of her hands, my vigilance is pushed away further, until I slip into a continuous stream of images of my beloved forests around the monastery. The woods I have wandered so often, knowing each trail, cave and hollow tree. So deeply emerged in my reverie, I hardly notice her hands sliding over my chest and down to my stomach while her breath warms the back of my neck. A wave of lust suddenly rips through my body as I am suddenly awoken from my daydream. Her hand found my cock and with a firm grip she pulls  the foreskin down, exposing the bright red tip, throbbing and engorged with blood. Immediatly my cock reacts, twitching and twisting, filling with blood as her mouth finds my ear.

    Her lips suck on my earlobe as she slowly starts stroking my hard cock, her long, slender fingers barely touching as she wraps her hand around the base of my cock, squeezing hard as her other hand grabs my cock just below the tip. Moaning involuntarily I push my hips forward, through her hands, feeling her fingers slide down the lentgh of my shaft, slippery with soap. She lets out a silent gasp, breathing her hot breath into the shell of my ear as she releases the base of my cock and slowly starts stroking my shaft. Her nimble hand moving up and down, twisting, stroking, rubbing my foreskin over the tip as precum starts oozing out.

    One hand disappears, and suddenly her voice changes, moans and gasps almost silent leave her throat, breathing into my ear. Secons later i feel her fingertips push against my lips, moist, scented with her juices. As she pushes one finger between my lips, introducing her taste to my tongue and nose, her other hand slides down further, cupping my hard balls, slowly squeezing and feeling them, a delighted sigh as she notices their fullness. Without warning she stands up, leaving my cock twitching on my stomach, my ear wet and cold. I hear the rustling of clothes, two thumps as she tosses her shoes in a corner. Her hands tying her long hair into a bundle on her head as she steps completely naked into my view,

    Her long legs slightly parted, showing her sex, droplets of her nectar glistening in the few rays of sunlight falling in through the window. Her chest heaving, lifting her firm, full breasts, her nipples perky and engorged, her eyes dreamy, fixed on my manhood. She places her hands on either side of the tub, her upper body leaning in, her gorgeous breasts only inches away from my face as she steps into the tub. She moves her feet up next to my hips and slowly starts to bend her knees. My hands automatically sliding to her hips as I stare between her legs. Her smoothly shaven sex, not a single hair left, pink and slightly opened. One hand releasing the tub and moving towards my cock. In slow motion i see her hand grab my shaft and bring it up to her burning centre. I can feel her heat on the crown before she pushes it against her lips, pushing her body down and opening them ever so slowly to let the tip slide in.

    As soon as I feel her smooth insides clench around the tip of my cock, I cry out and try to push her body down on me, all cognitive thoughts feeing from my mind, acting based on instinct only. She tenses her legs, keeping me from sliding in more than an inch, swaying her hips from left to right as she releases my hands from her body and brings them to her chest. I take her breasts in my hands carefully, putting my thumb and indexfinger around her nipples and squeeze, pushing her nipples out before releasing. As I release, I feel her body sink down further on my cock, my shaft half way inside her now. Both her hands on my shoulers, her chest heaving while I gently massage and rub her breasts, pushing them into her chest, rolling them around, tugging on them gently. I take both her nipples between my fingers and roll tweak them,  pinch them and pull on them, hearing her voice cry out shrieks of pleasure.

    As she closes her eyes, I feel her push her body down on me, taking the whole length of my shaft inside her, pushing her body against mine as she holds for a moment. Feeling her insides adjust to my size, convulsing and rippling around my shaft, I move my fae towards her chest, lifting her breasts and sucking one of her nipples into my mouth. Her hands pulling my face harder against her, my mouth sucking in as much of her breast as I can hold while my tongue circles around her nipple. I can feel her hips start to turn and twitch, whisking my cock inside her without taking it out. Her warm nectar engulving my throbbing shaft, her tight, clenching sex massaging my cock inside of her.

    Knowing what she wants, she releases one hand from her breasts and pushes it between her legs, Her opened lips exposing her hard button, my fingertips finding it and gently pinching, rubbing, circling. As the water is slowly washing over my stomach while she circles my cock with her body, my fingers get wet and slippery and I gently start to pinch her clit. A continuous stream of moans start flowing from her mouth as I start to move my fingers faster over and around her clit. Her body starting to move faster, my teeth now grazing her nipples. I feel her nails sink into the skin of my neck as she starts to gasp. Feeling her lose control of her body, I start to buck my hips against her, sliding my shaft in and out of here while she circles around it. Thrusting deeper and harder, panting as I feel pressure build up in my loins. My mind occupied with one thing only, the waves of orgasm announcing themselves as my body starts to shiver and my moans turn to grunts. I open my eyes, finding her staring at me with an intense, concentrated look. Replacing my fingers with my thumb, I frantically start rubbing her clit while my cock is pounding inside her. Water splashing as our bodies collide forcefully, mixed in with the sound of moans and grunts, creating a symphony of sex in the bath chamber.

    With a primal cry I suddenly feel myself explode. A floodwave of pleasure racing through my body, intensifying my thrusts momentarily, bouncing her body up and down my cock. Her sex clenching tightly around me as she freezes, her own orgasm overtaking her body, making her spasm and tremble on top of my cock, a long stretched, high pitched moan leaving her lips as I ravish her body. My cum, released and propelled forward by the intense pressure in my loins, shoots inside her body in heavy gushes, mixing with the flow of juices released during her climax. As our bodies bump into eachother uncontrollably, our mixed juices drizzle into the bath, diluting as our love making violently stirs the water.

    Then she sits up straight, clenches her buttocks and grips my cock hard with her insides. Teasingly slowly she starts to move her body up, queezing my cock as it slowly slides out of her. As the tip leaves her entrance, a trail of our cum glistens in the light. A handful of water splashes against her sex and our cum is washed off. Without a word she steps out of the bath and quickly dries herself before stepping into her attire. “Your bath is ready, my lord. Please call me if I can be of more assistance to you”. With a wink and a smile she steps through the door, leaving me behind, satisfied but slowly getting a grip back on reality. Suddenly the water feels cold and the ominous realization of what just happened slows starts to seep in..


    My thoughts were warped, for the moment. A naked man appears in your room…

    “Xegis?”  My probing uncertain, the hope this was not the man I had sought . His head tilted, nodding …but the words underlined different thoughts

    “You never bring soup anymore” the tinge of disappointment marked on his words.

    Xegis the wise,… my mind was twisted on its irony. I moved slowly rounding the desk,.. his eyes following me with that blank look. I had seen such before in the human elders,.., the look of a mind lost, when age grips the mind in cloud. His attention refocused on the book before him as I cleared a spot on the edge of his desk, sitting there and watching. He turned the pages slowly, yet I doubted he was grasping anything before him.

    “You know I love my soup, but you never bring it anymore.”

    I spoke softly. “I, know, Xegis,”… his attention set yet on the mindless turning of pages. “Xegis,…look at me.”

    The blank stare turned to me. In that the wave of disappointment which I felt shattered me. I had come so far,.. carrying that weight of hope, that someone could give a thread of knowledge of the one  I  hunted.
    “Did you bring my soup? It is lunchtime”

    “No soup Xegis, I’ll bring you soup if you like, but tell me… does the name Zierst mean anything to you?”  He didn’t answer, but the vacant eyes went cold. A subtle glimmer of recognition, as he looked away. I suspected the knowledge did lay within, trapped  within the a confused tangles of his mind.  Reached out, my broad calloused hand gently cupping his face, holding him steady as I locked my eyes to his. Aldaris had said I could bind with any living creature, and in that binding a small measure of the creatures knowledge was possible to access. I had done so with the hellhound, but the minds of the higher forms were darting, quick, confusing, and  finding a seam of a thread of the core physical memory, the primal patterns that are our makeup, stable enough to grasp and weave a connection nearly impossible.

    It seemed worth a try. This one appeared a simpleton now,…the din of his thought patterns perhaps subdued enough to warrant a try.  I pulled from my core of her gift,.. reaching from my mind to his, peeling back the layers slowly until I found a barrier, the milky sheen of a binding wrapped within his mind. It was like a cataract on the thoughts. A blinding barrier, which I pressed through, feeling it yield and wrap about my touch piercing below. Then it hit me as a wave of thoughts burst through the  dam upon me. The surge a buckling crush unto my own mind of disjointed thoughts feeding through that conduit.  I tensed, his thoughts piercing into my mind, probing, reading…my heart pumping wild, I severed the connection, staggering as I collapsed to the floor, stunned that through the connection he could pull knowledge from me, it sent a shiver through my soul. Dazed as I heard the voice of Xegis speak,…his words a struggle.

    “Roseshackle, …Shapeshifter,… walk from this,… Zierst, the harvester, …the collector,… bound to Faule and the ceremony of fire… killed your friend he has”,.. magical,… killed the corporeal perhaps,.. the spirit of the magic cannot be destroyed,.. manipulated, .. twisted, … never destroyed. A prize to command… a pet, companion she would become…, find the…”

    His voice trailed of to a murmur, something more lingered in his words, lost as what little clarity collapsed. The vacant stare set again on me as I sat gasping, weakened by the contact. His intrusion into my mind had shocked me, the prospects I had never considered before.Taking quick breaths my thoughts tried to unravel the few words that he had spoke. That lapse brief, I was jarred to realty as the latch of the door clicked and my mind reacted instantly fearing discovery.

    Gripping a memory as I pulled the  sweep of magic about me,… the primal fear filling me as I blurred,.., I squeaked,… pooped in fear… scurrying across the floor, instinctive of the need of flight, diving into a pile of books lying on the floor the waves of fear filling me until I could find that settling connection of control. A mouse wasn’t the safest of forms, but the easiest to hide here amidst the clutter of the room.

    I peered from my safe haven, watching as Caduceus entered the room, a tray in hand as he moved towards Xegis.

    “Did you bring my soup?”
    “No Xegis, bread, cheese and juice as always. It is mid day meal master.” The roll of master from him did not sound of respect.

    My mouse mind twittered with joy. I could sense the mouth watering with the prospects of crumbs.

    “You never bring me soup.”
    Caduceus set the tray on the desk top, “Far too warm for soup, Xegis, perhaps when the weather cools. Enjoy your day?” His question mocking of tone, as he lifted a cup from the tray and turned. One hand slipping under his robes

    “I saw a bird…”
    “You did?” Caduceus pulled a vial from his robes,..popping the cork as he emptied the contents into the cup.

    “Spoke to me, it did. Right there” The scribe smiled, swirling the cup as he listened,… “Stood right there and talked,…” Xegis waved a withered hand before the desk….“Asked of Zierst, then turned into a ghost…gone…disappeared..”

    Caduceus stiffened. The color draining from his face. “Who? Who asked of Zierst?” He turned quick, setting cup and vial to the side as he leaned in. “Who?” he demanded

    “The bird… a hunter he is”

    “Who was he?” shouted Caduceus, “Xegis..”

    “You never bring me soup anymore”

    Caduceus whirled about frustration full on his face, I could sense the nervous edge raise strong inside him. A brief moment of contemplation,  obvious that further questions of the old man would yield little. Moving quick as he strode from the room, his thoughts elsewhere, forgetting the vial. No sooner than the door closed I scurried forth, released the binding to the rodent as Xegis picked the cup up. I raced forward, reaching, my hands pulling the cup from him.

    “The juice is spoiled my friend” taking it from his lips..

    “You promised soup.”

    “I did,..” Nodding, I broke off a small piece of cheese popping it into my mouth,.. savoring it’s taste as I crossed to the rooms chamberpot and emptied the contents of the cup within. The savoring taste of the cheese seemed to sooth the transition in return.

    “The juice is bad,.. remember that..”  I had small hope of his understanding that warning. But the the sound of footsteps again rose beyond the door. I moved quick.

    The latch of the door clicked,.. my fears of Caduceus returning for the vial strong, I raced back to the desk,.. grabbing the container, and setting it between my lips as I leaped towards the window,.. Gripping within again for that winged form, I slipped again into flight, streaking down,.. back into the safety of the shrubs, laving the weakened hope of immediate answers behind.


    I lost my viginity when I was 15 years old. A ritual in a deep dungeon in the crypts of the monastery. Overseen by my supervisors, I was stripped naked and bound to a cold stone table. A woman was led in, naked, her youth left her body ages ago. As the potion stimulated my manhood to full erection, she straddled me without a word, grabbed my cock and led it inside her. Within seconds after she lowered herself on top of me, I shivered and moaned as I squirted my cum inside of her. As I caught my breath, she simply stood up, cleaned her sex with her fingers, depositing my cream on the floor with a quick flick of her hand. Regarded taking me as a task like cleaning the tables after supper. Without a word I was untied as the woman disappeared, and washed down with cold water. Ever since that day, I only masturbated to fulfill my physical need.

    Yet something had changed, I realised it as I got out of the bath and dried myself off, carefully dressing myself, automatically falling back into my training and leaving no trace other than the dirt in the bathwater. A sorceror might make something of the merkiness swirving around in the tub, but this would be discareded in the sewer and never to be seen again. The lust in the eyes of the woman, similar to the lust in the eyes of the girl in the stream. Yet she masturbated, something I could understand. This woman plunged herself on my manhood as if it was the only existing thing in the world. And as I came inside of her, her body trembling and shaking, the girl engulved in her own peak, the connection made between my physical and mental need became unbreakable.

    Tasting the sweet bliss of orgasm, climaxing inside a woman, sharing intimacy, something I had never experienced before, shaking my foundations. Confused as I am, my body strangely relaxed, I lay down on the bed as my mind falls to ponder. The implications of the experiences I just went through racing through my mind. Understanding why the Brotherhood demands celibacy while residing in the monastery. Finding the lure of sexuality too distracting, interfering with a straight mind for the assignment to be fulfilled. Therefor banned. My training was rigorous, endless repeating of tantra’s, floggings when  I made a single mistake. All I have to do is close my eyes and the toneless rythm of the words flow through my mind. Yet now I feel unstable, my training did not prepare me for the lust and passion I felt as I made love to the girl.

    I submerge myself in the tantra’s, repeating them to myself in a soft murmor, my eyes closed as I rest my head on the thin pillow. As the rythm of the chants settles my brain, I feel my calmness return, the grip of control over mind and body slowly growing stronger as my loins settle down and the images of the girl fade into a blurr. I slip into a meditative state, emptying my mind from all images and emotions, finding focuss as I concentrate on my breathing. Without noticing hours slip by, while a small part of my cognitive mind is kept open for the sounds of the tavern to seep in. A few visitors coming and leaving. Then the sound of a blackbird rolls through the alley, a sound not fitting to this city. I open my eyes, dropping the sheen of meditation, fully aware of my surroundings at once. I focus my ears, tuning into the song of the bird, recognising the song to be human, whistled by a skilled Ranger, almost impossible to distinguish from the real bird, but still human. He’s here..

    As soon as I realise my contact will arrive, I jump from the bed and leave the room. Quickly I move down the stairs and find the same table as where I had my stew. I sit down, finding the eyes of the girl behind the bar for a second, her broad smile directed at me, before I pull the hood down over my eyes and focus on the door. A few minutes later the door is eased open, leaving just enough room for a shadow to slip in. His clothing similar to mine, tight woolen pants, cotton shirt and a thick leather vest, sturdy leather boots, a hood p[ulled down over his eyes. Steelblue eyes inspect the room, resting in mine as our view meets. Flexible as  mountainlion the figure swiftly moves to the niche and sits down besides me, hiding his face from the room as he turns his eyes to me.”Praedator Umbra, Shadowprowler will be your name. Umbra is what you will be called”. His voice low and soft, whispering in my ear as he reveales my name to me.

    Shadowprowler.. an ominous name, but my name from now on. Umbra.. A name common as others, as most people have forgotten the old language the name originated from. It will be a good name to use. Praedator Umbra, from now on my name. From now on a full agent to the Brotherhood. Slightly trembling my new name roams through my mind, suddenly mixing in with the thoughts of the girl plunging herself down on my manhood. A twitch in my shoulders, catching the eye of my contact. “I am Manu Occidit, Handkiller, this will be the only time we meet. Follow the instructions on the scroll.” His hand moves under the table and I feel something hard poking against my knee. I slide my hand under the table and a roll of paper is pushed between my fingers. The sealing-wax hard, the sign of the Brotherhood imprinted in it as it keeps the scroll closed from unwanted looks. “Take this to your room and burn it when you have read it. This is the only time we meet. Fulfill your mission or die”. With an abrupt motion he pushes himself away from the table, stands up and glides through the room. Within the blink of an eye he is outside and disappeared, from view and memory.

    Slowly I stand up, hiding the scroll inside my vest in the shadows, and return to my room. Ignoring the batting eyelashes of the girl behind the bar, I walk up the stairs and lock the door behind me. I close the shutters of the window and light a candle as the room is darkened. I break the seal and roll out the paper.

    “Comes of Mercator, son of the prefect”

    “Meet Delniz 3 nights before the solstice”

    The message short, the mission clear. Comes, son of Signis and Lydia of the house Mercator, prefect to the city of Libidinis will die. The name so familiar as I studied the houses of this realm. A rich house, made its fortune from overseas trade, prefectors of Libidinis for centuries. A powerful house with connections to most of the houses in this part of the world. A dangerous assignment, the consequences could be grave. The meddling of the Brotherhood must not be known. I will have to be very careful when finding information about Comes. I have to scout, tonight. And I need to find Delniz, for I am to meet him tomorrow. I hold the paper to the candle and watch as it bursts into flames, then crumbles into ashes on the side table.


    I walk out of the market to an area of the city where they have more expensive wares following a map the dwarf had quickly sketched up for me when I told him I wanted to buy a dress for myself now that I had money. He had told me there where quite a few tailors in the city which made dresses and gowns but he was sure this one would be the best for me.

    Finding the shop marked on the map I looked it over, it was nothing special about it, kinda old but it looked good from the outside and they had huge windows with some regular dresses and gowns though they looked alluring for some reason. I could see a far more flamboyant shop a little down the road but trusting the dwarf I walked in.

    The shop wasn't very special inside either and I could see a young girl behind a counter working on a dress glimmering of silver, catching the light mystically. The girl looked up at me smiling “Are you here to buy miss?”, “Yes, a dress in fact I heard from a dwarf that this was the best place around here.”.

    An elven woman walks into the room from a door in the back she seems old for some reason, well not really old but mature and somehow you can really feel the power in her even without having a magical ability like mine too tell it for you. She has pitch black hair, steel gray eyes, a bit more curvy than elven women regularly are, she hold herself with a regal posture and moves with precision and grace.

    She looks at me with unsurprised eyes “A customer and a pixie at that, was it Dorim that sent you here?” (yes that's the dwarfs name) I looked surprised at her, she had recognised what I was instantly. A little hesitantly I answered her “Umm… yes it was Dorim.”, “Oh, don't look so surprised child, I've visited you realm once or twice.”… “But… the last visit was an elven female visiting a thousand years back or something.” she grimaced a little at that “Hmm was it that long ago… well time just flies by, doesn't it?” both me and the girl behind the counter looked at her a bit wide eyed “Oh, don't look so surprised girls.”. After letting us collect ourselves and grasp her nature a little better she introduces herself and the girl “I'm Erthiathea and this” she waves at the girl “is Sofi.”, I smile at them “I Adera, yes I'm a pixie and I really want to buy a nice dress from you”, “Oh, so it is a dress your looking for and your even willing to pay for it… last time I visited your realm it didn't seem like you had grasped the concept or rather had any need for it.”, “I've learned a lot since coming here.”, “Well its not often I get a customer to which I can really make a dress for and I think I will make one for you. I don't like the noble women and girls here, they can't appreciate the work and to be frank… I much rather make dresses for girls with magical power or understanding”. Her statement seems kinda like I've received an honour and for some reason it feels that way when its a woman of her stature willing to create something for me.

    She suddenly claps her hands looking at me her eyes telling me she's decided on making a dress. Her gaze slides over my body and she starts telling measurements to Sofi… apparently she just needs to look at someone to tell their measurements. She walks around me and then coming closer her hands starts to slide over my body feeling me up unashamedly, her fingers feels like jolts of electricity running over me and I can't help but feel my body get hot from it.

    I didn't tuck my dick back down my panties today since my dress where hiding it nicely as long as its soft. Now though I really wished I had tucked myself back as I feel it growing hard and tent the front of my dress making my cheeks flush bright red in embarrassment.

    Sofi had been scribbling quickly on a paper but now she stops looking at my crotch surprised, Erthiathea on the other hand just rolls her eyes “We have to do something about that, can't have you showing unladylike bulges where it doesn't belong”. She waves her hand and my dress and underwear falls to the floor leaving me naked and I try to cover myself as best I can, Sofi looking at my body with wide eyes. Erthiathea slides in close, I can feel her breasts against my back, she cups my breasts fondling them, then slides her hands down my body feeling everywhere and I can't help but let some of my stifled moans out loud.

    “There I have a general idea about your body, now we're going to try on a few test dresses so I can get a better idea of what your body would fit in”. Erthiathea quickly walks to the back room telling me and Sofi to follow her. Quietly Sofi whispers to me “You might understand why we don't get to many customers, she's like a dictator, she has to approve her subject and then its her way or no way but I promise you its worth it.” she can't really keep her eyes from darting down at where I'm trying to hide my dick.

    We follow Erthiathea to the back room and now I'm met with the most awesome and beautiful dresses, gowns and all other kinds of clothing I've ever seen. The threads so thin its almost invisible and every inch it all is infused with intricate magic. I stand in the opening looking at everything with wonder in my eyes, craftsmanship at an incredible level and magic so complex its hard to see where things begin and end. “Don't stand there all dumbstruck girl, come over here.” I walk through the room a little hesitantly to where she pointed as she searches through racks and piles of clothes pulling out a few dresses.

    I stand there waiting not knowing what to do, my dick and nipples still hard and embarrassing. Erthiathea turns to me “We really have to do something with that dick of yours if we're going to try on these dresses.” I look a little scared at her “Oh, don't worry sweety I'm not going to cut it off.”, I let out a sigh of relief and she walks in close behind me, pushing her breasts against my back again. She gently pushes my hands aside and wraps one of her soft warm hands expertly around my dick, rubbing it, a hand cupping my breast, playing with a nipple while she whispers soft words into my ear, telling me what a cute little girl I am. My mouth opens, I can't hold back my moans at all, squirming from her touch, jolts of pleasure travelling through my body. Her hand playing with my nipples travels down my body teasing me all the way, sliding over my hip, she turns me a little in front of her. She casts a little spell making her fingers wet the then she works one finger into my ass, two, then three and she massages my prostate expertly while rubbing my dick making me squeal in pleasure. I feel my orgasm hitting me, my body shuddering, my anus contracting and squeezing her fingers in rhythm with my dick shooting my cum.

    She releases me with a kiss on my cheek “Good girl”, I feel my knees buckle under me and I fall down sitting onto the floor, still breathing heavily and my dick dripping of my cum. “Go over to that bowl and use the water and the towel to clean up Adera” she looks at Sofi. I can see Sofi looking at me with glazed over eyes, skirt pulled up and a hand fingering her hot dripping sex while the other is playing with a nipple. Erthiathea walks over to her “I'm never getting any work done with girls like you two around” though she has a strange smile on her face, she walk over to Sofi and I watch while she gives Sofi a treatment making the girl shudder and shake in orgasm.

    Erthiathea turns to me “Now didn't I tell you to clean up?” I hurriedly stand up, my legs steadier now, cleans myself and walks back. “There much better”. She hands me a pair of thong panties, tells me to put the on and tuck me back so we don't have to worry about my naughty dick interfering all the time. Sofi comes over to help out and we're suddenly trying on dresses on me, lots of dresses, all the while Sofi takes notes about things that Erthiathea comments on.

    After a quite some time… like a 100 dresses Erthiathea tells us to go eat something while she makes the dress, she's intending to do it now and she probably can with her expertise and magic. Me and Sofi leaves the room, I'm just in a dressing gown to get something to eat while chatting like old friends all the while.

    It takes quite a while before Erthiathea finally stands in the door telling us to come in and we do. I walk into the room, stopping, staring… in the middle of it stands an absolutely gorgeous dress. The dress is somehow perfect, skimpy like how I like them but at the same time so beautiful I can only smile wide as I'm watching the blue silk with golden intricate designs and details and a pair of the cutest matching heels to go with it. I can't really believe my eyes at first but then I'm almost jumping in excitement to try it on. I jump into Erthiathea arms hugging her tight but she pushes me away with a smile and tells me we have to try it on.

    After putting the dress on I stand in front of a few big mirrors in which I can see myself in it from all angels, the dress is fitting me almost too perfect, the colours, the quite cute but still sexy cut, the shoes and the sexy stockings. I take it all in smiling wide and thanking her a lot, Erthiathea smiling at me telling me this is why she makes dresses and gowns… though only to those who can carry them and in her opinion deserves them. Erthiathea then tells me that the clothes won't get worn, won't need to be cleaned and she shows me a few easy spells that magically activates the dress in different ways. One of them making me look absolutely irresistible.

    Suddenly it hits me… I have to pay for this… oh shit, its going to be very very expensive. I ask Erthiathea hesitantly about the price, the thinks for a while tells me it… well its not cheep but I can easily afford it. I look at her really surprised “Really, only that much”, “Sweety, the money aren't really the important thing to me” and she smiles at me.

    After paying her, kissing and hugging them both I head off promising I'll be back and she smiles waving me off.

    Exiting the shop I noticed it had taken quite some time and its starting to get dark, hmm maybe I should take a look at that taverna, The Dragon's Breath was its name… wonder where that name came from, did you spew flames from the drinks there?

    I memorize the turns I have to take to get there from the map and I walk down the road. Just to try my new gorgeous dress out I activate it a little making it glow, sparkle, the perfume becoming more tantalizing, a light breeze flowing through my hair… well lots of subtle things. As I walk down the road I notice quite a few eyes on me, well I can't really do much but stand out in this I think smiling to myself.

    Janine Dee

    It seems the sounds I heard were coming from others getting “massages” as the bathing area turns out to be more sensual then sexual, but that makes sense as the point is to remove the residue of ones actions rather then soak in a communal pool of the same.

    The bathing procedure in these baths reinforcing that idea as one was expected to first wet themselves with one bucket of warmed water, soap themselves up, and then rinse the soap away with yet another bucket of water. You would repeat until you felt clean and then you could enter a communal soaking pool of gloriously warm water where you could soak until you were content.

    The communal pool was truly communal and men and woman lounged. For the men my gaze passed over them quickly. While they were obviously unarmed I quickly picked out those with the physiques that came from a life of physical labor, and then sorted them by those who had the callouses of laborers without the scars of fighting men. The fighting men looked to be guardsmen, either belonging to the city or in the employ of one noble house or another, but in both cases more suited to carrying weapons and looking threatening then actual combat.

    There were even some veterans, but I marked them as they marked me, giving mutual nods of respect.

    There were other men with the softer physiques that could mark a merchant or a academic, but since they weren't a threat unless their study was the mystic arts I disregarded them as unless they wore the trappings of a spell caster they couldn't be recognized as such until they started casting spells.

    The women got a much longer perusal, and much to my delight I got similar long gazes, and when I smiled the smile was mirrored many times over as well. At first I wondered how so many of the people, both men and women had such fit frames, but then I realized that in Libidinis where the body was exalted it would only be natural for the body to be maintained.

    The fact that the women of Lbidinis were as open with those lovely bodies with each other as they were with men was a refreshing change. As while I had never had any real trouble finding lovers the fact that I wouldn't have to worry about introducing the very concept of womanly love… I could say that it made things much easier, but the deeper truth was that it made things more welcoming.

    A welcoming that the women of Libidinis made in person as I slipped into the waters and several drew closer to make my acquaintance.


    As I walked to the tavern I saw this big building that seemed to offer baths and massages. My muscles don't really get stiff and I can use magic to keep myself clean but its still very relaxing and nice to take a bath. I walked into the bathhouse noticing a counter with a woman behind and one to me quite intimidating guard.

    The woman smiled at me as I entered “My lady”… apparently they though I was noble in my attire, not being human probably contributed even more to that “are you here looking for a massage?” and she winked at me when saying the last word. Noble women don't go to the communal baths for bathing or for a massage they have their own baths after all or they go to very exclusive places. What she was hinting at that I didn't understand at all was that noble women coming here where usually just looking for sexual pleasure of some sort. This bathhouse had a very good reputation in noble circles for these kinds of services and it was a secure environment in which one could trust. The men and women providing the services where well paid, well they worked as regular massager otherwise and it wasn't uncommon for a massage to turn into some sexual play but wasn't expected. What I had had walked into on the other hand wasn't something that might turn into sex. No, for nobles coming here sex was the expected requirement and they paid the bathhouse for it.

    She sent me lots of hints about what the massager's offered though I was quite oblivious to it all since I though I was just buying a regular massage. She asked me lots of questions about what kind of massage I wanted (she never directly said what I would REALLY get) and we settled for a longer and hard massage so those tensions would really be released as she put it. She also, very enthusiastically suggested a massager that seemed good… supposedly very good at massaging, big, strong, tanned and with quite a tool to massage with… whatever she meant with that… maybe big hands? Well she recommended him personally and even though he hadn't come to work quite yet and I would have to wait for a while it was worth it. I was a little confused about the price since it was far above what was written on the board, though she had used words like special massage and such so I thought I'd get a better massage since she refereed to me as a noble and a lady.

    I paid her and she told me I could lounge by the communal bath for a while and he would come pick me up… I would of course get refreshments sent to the table I choose to sit at.

    I went to the baths and I could see people walk around naked completely unashamed, hmm I wondered if I would have to hide my dick with magic but then I though… what the heck I'll go as I am. I undressed and a nice girl came to collect my clothes but I just put them into my handy dimension which rewarded me wide eyed looks from her and even more so when she noticed my dick.

    The girl left and I was left alone in the changing area. I noticed a pack with a absolutely enormous sword lying on it, who could possibly wield a sword like that? Hmm I wonder if the sword is magical, not so little curious I walked over to the sword and started pulling it out. The sword wasn't magical as far as I could tell since I couldn't hold it up at all as I drew it our from it sheet and the sword fell loudly onto the floor making lots of noise. I winced and someone that hadn't seen it all angrily asked what the heck was going on and I heard footsteps coming this direction.

    Not so little panicky now I hurriedly threw a spell with which I would be able to float and move the sword and when controlling the blade I couldn't really control my nervousness moving my hand controlling the sword too fast. Well the sword lunged at the sheet missing it and piercing the pack… and the wall… by several feet. I looked helplessly at the mess which would take quite a while to fix now and I fled the scene.

    I walked a bit hurriedly away from there but then forced myself to calm down and I imitated Erthiathea posture and movements so to act like a noble woman, seemed like the best idea while I walked to the tables on the other side of the pool.

    I got quite a few looks, an inhuman woman with the grace and confidence of a noble walking by and then most noticed my dick as well giving me shocked looks at first but many of those turned to interest. One particular man I walked by developed this huge raging hard-on and he watched me with lustful eyes.

    Well I got quite excited by all of this and the excitement from what I'd done just earlier earlier didn't help much. As it turned out my dick was starting to get hard, as was my nipples but then again it seemed like I wasn't alone here with those traits… though maybe alone with that combination.

    I reached a suitable table to sit by while waiting, the girl came to me with a tasty looking drink for me, told me the massager would be her in a little while all the while seeming to have a hard time not looking at mine to her foreign body. She looked up at me after she noticed she had been staring, blushed cutely and I just smiled at her and thanked her for the drink.

    There had been some commotion over where my little mishap had happened but I tried to ignore it and think of other things… like when my massager would come and rescue me from here.


    The arched ceilings, divided with heavy wooden beams, flickering as three chandeliers throw their candlelight into the room. A heavy oak table, centered in the room and set for three. Silver plates are covering the smooth surface of the long planks, Wax worked in for centuries as the table was made when the house of Mercator was established. For centuries the head of the family sat at the head of the table and had his evening meals, discussing business with his wife and children, submerging them in the family principles.

    The house of Mercator grew rich from trading overseas and along the coastline. They started with a little merchant ship, going from harbour to harbour, peddling goods they picked up on the way. Soon a first trading route was established and regular journeys could be made. The House of Mercator having a keen eye for chosing the right product to buy and sell, soon a fleet of ships was roaming the seas around Libidinis. With the growing richdom, their influence grew as well and it did not take long before the house of Mercator accepted the position of Prefect, handing it down to the oldest son through generations. As the men were blessed with good semen, each generation brought forth a son that was able and willing to take over the posotion of Prefect. Lead by the house of Mercator, the city of Libidinis grew into a thriving centre for trade, attracting folk from all directions and plumage.

    Signis, the current Prefect of Libidinis, had very similar traits his grandfather Viribus had. A proud man, very aware of his responsibilities towards the city and his family. Watching over his interests very carefully, he married his wife Lydia out of convenience. Her familyties with a neighbouring kingdom, offered him an alley towards the inlands, protecting the city from possible threats. Besides that, her natural flair offered great advantages in the diplomatic field. A glance from her could get even the most stoically man to blush. Though never attracted to her himself, only bedding with her to care for progeny, he knew what effect she could have on men. Her slender sensual body, her heavy chest and her large eyes turning heads wherever she went.

    On their weddingnight he explained to her what he expected off her. If she would obide to his rules, she would have a good, stable life, enjoying the riches and influence the house of Mercator offered. Though not blessed with a high intelligence, she understood her position and her capabilities as the Prefect’s wife. Allowing her as many lovers as she wanted or needed, he demanded that she would be discrete and would aid him in establishing political and diplomatic relations. Being clear her natural femininity could be a great asset in negociating business deals, she had bedded down with partners, yet only if she desired the man himself.

    They had a good life, their relationship well established and working for the both of them. As soon as Lydia was expecting, all physical relations stopped, never to recommence once Comes was born. Having now a son to take over the leadership in the future, Signis drew back to his love for his own gender. Occasionally he would have one of the male servants come to his room late at night and spend a few hours in the arms of a young man. One night a young man came to his room, the first time they met and it would never be anyone else to come to visit the Prefect at night. Lucas, as Signis called him lovingly to himself, was the son of a black smith. With his slender build and having three more brothers competing for the future passing down of the smitty, he was sent to trade school and mastered serving. At the top of his class, he caught the attention of the housemaster of  Aquila Hall. As soon as he finished his apprenticeship at a connected house and turned 19, he was hired and added to the staff of Aquila Hall. The residence named after the first ship of the house, the birth of the riches of Mercator. Soon he found himself in the arms of the Prefect, becoming his only lover.

    “Comes, tell me about your Ludus team. Are they well-prepared for the tournament?”

    The dark voice of Signis fills the room, the timbre making the candles on the table flicker.

    “Yes father, they are training as we speak. I have been pushing them hard lately, I think they have a great chance of winning and bring glory to our house.”

    Looking at his father, Comes’s eyes harden. “My house soon father, though it will be a surprise for you”, whispering the thought to himself, he doesn’t take his eyes away from his father. He has been planning his take-over for months now. He knows his father has a talent for seeing indiscretions in someone’s eyes when there is turmoil behind it. Congruency is key, the slightest slip of concentration could make his whole plan fail. He has been under the guard of his father’s eyes for too long. He could give himself away in a heartbeat.

    “Tomorrow I will give them the day off. Maybe send them to the baths. They need to relax first to get to perfect form. Don’t you agree mother?”

    Comes directs the attention to his mother, who is playing with her food, distracted by some unguessed thought. She lifts her head and glazes at both of them before she returns to reality.

    “What’s that Comes? Oh yes, a man needs to redirect his focus, unload before he can charge up fully for an important tournament. I think it is an excellent idea to send them to the baths. I will go there myself later tonight.”

    As the words leave her mouth, her attention disappears with them in the dimmed light of the room. Her eyes glaze again and she sinks back into her daydream, her hand forgotten, stirring the food on her plate. Comes sighs, knowing of the little adventures of his mother. Understanding the relationship his father and his mother have, he has long gotten used to her slipping out to the baths or having a lover spend the night in her private quarters. “At least I won’t have to worry about either of, I’ll have my own fun.” His father having his own lover spend the night in his bed, Comes has arranged for the twins to be in his room tonight. Baldur, the Captain of the Guard got his orders a few hours earlier and will bring the girls to him. He spent an hour preparing his room and giving specific instructions to the captain, making sure the girls would be presented to him the way he wanted. Soon he can leave the table and play.

    As he sheds the thoughts of anticipation from him, his mind turns to more pressing matters. So far his plan worked out fine. The small raids on the warehouses of the family, gave him a nice working capital. Secretly hiring pirates to plunder the warehouses, he shared the yield with them, he gathered enough to hire a group of mercinaries to take over the house on the night of the solstice. The timing would be perfect, at the end of the first match of Ludus Vitae, his father will be home, spending time with Lucas. His mother will be attending the match and Comes himself will as well, since his team won the tournament the year before and opens the tournament. 10 men will capture his father, take him away and he will never been seen again. The suspicion will fall on the house of Adversa, the born enemy of the house of Mercator. Constructing devious rumours, placing evidence and hints over the past months have suggested the house of Adversa planning hostilities towards his house.

    Even arranging the practice match between both Ludus teams to be exceptionally brutal, his seeds of suspicion are firmly planted and have taken root. The first leaves and branches emerging from a growing vine of  deceat. As the matter was often discussed in the diningroom, his father told him the intimate details of his plan for defense and strike-back, allowing him to weave in between the lines of defense and find an opening to take the house and make it his. All his plans culminating to that one night, when all he wants will be his. Suddenly his thoughts are interrupted as his father pushes his chair back. Finally, time to play…


    “Has Praedator Umbra reach Libidinis?”

    “Yes Curator”

    “Did he receive his name?”

    “Unknown yet Curator”

    “A prisoner escaped from the northern outpost?”

    “Yes Curator, a minor thief”
    “Send out a message to Manu Occidit. The thief will be drawn to the festival”

    “Yes Curator, it will be done”

    As the herald walks backwards to the door, keeping his head down, the Curator turns to his large desk. The monolithic legs, made out of tusks of the enormeous sea mammoth, caught in the most norhtern seas reachable by sail, support the heavy marble desk. Underneath the oleander drawers, the intricate inlay of the desktop, freshly polished with rose oil, slightly senting the room. The desk cleared, not a single paper fouling the rose-red patterns of the pink marble, flowing into the pattern of the inlay of  dark oak, grey teak and the fullness of rosewood. The sign of the Brotherhood catching the eye immediatly.

    As he puts his hand to his chin, slowly rubbing the rough bristles of his trimmed moustache, he turns his head, just a breath of air making the candles flicker, focussing his attentive eyes to the door. Slowly and without a noise, the door swings half open and a shadow slips in, keeping his face away from the candles that light the room.

    “I understand you have heard the news Curator?”

    “Yes Aranea, and I have taken measures already. Worried the mission of our Ranger is in danger?”

    “No Curator, as long as he keeps his head in the city. We have sent Rangers there before.”

    “But didn’t we adapt our training when we found out they were seduced by Libidinis?”

    “Yes Curator, but results have so far been unpredictable. It will depend on his character”

    “Have we heard from Manu yet?”

    “No Curator, by calculation they have met in the past 2 days or will tonight. A pigeon takes 3 days to reach the monastery”

    “If the pigeon reaches the monastery… Too many falcons have been in the skies lately, too few messages have gone undelivered. Let alone the risk of discovery. Something is brewing”

    “Very possible Curator. Though the risk of our messages being decrypted is very low. It is the best encryption we have made so far”

    “Indeed. Our faith is in the hands of Umbra. Too late to do anything else now. I take it you have set plan B in motion already?”

    “Yes Cuator, as you have ordered”

    “Good, good…”

    As he turns his eyes away from the shadow in the corner of the room, and finds the slowly burning fire in the marble fireplace, once more the candles flicker and the lightest click reveals the visitor gone. “I must make sure the falcons stay in for the next 4 days. That message needs to arrive. The thief escaping could very well fit into the play. I wonder who it is.” The Curator turns to a small cabinet next to the hearth, takes a bottle from behind a small door and a glass from the top and pours. As he swings the blood red wine in his glass, smelling the deep layered flavor of the almost sirupy fluid with his large nose, his eyes stare at the fire as his thoughts dwell on. “I need to compromise Umbra’s cloak of shadows, without it leading back to me. I need to get a message to that thief. I need to find the witch…”

    The sky starts to turn orange as I get up from my bed. I have made my plans for tonight, closing off all influences from outside, I returned to my meditative state and read the scroll over and over again. Comes of Mercator, Delniz, solstice, meet. I have to find Delniz and I have to scout the residence. I know its location from the maps I memorised, the strange lay-out of the city seemed to direct all roads from the residence, towards the centre of the city. Just a small alley leading towards the city walls, lined by warehouses, stables and workshops. The alley seemed to narrow for two carts to pass, so I have to find out what this alley is used for. Might be an escape route. I decided to go downstairs and have a quiet meal, enjoying the local wine, pretending to have too much after a few hours and returning to my bed to sleep off my intoxication. Using my deep sleep as a cover to leave quietly through the windo in my room.

    I open the door and step onto the landing, bumping into the girl from the tavern. Her soft breasts are pressed against my chest and her soft, slightly rounded stomach bumps into my crotch. As she stumbles and finds her balance, her hands extend and grab my arms, throwing herself against me. As she looks up, her whispers in a coarse voice..

    “Will you have dinner downstairs and dessert in your room, my Lord?”

    “I will have dinner. I’ll think about dessert. But may I ask you a question?”

    “You may, but I am not sure I will answer”

    With a wink she sways her hips from left to right, rubbing her lower body against mine as she keeps my arms around her, her breasts dragging over my chest, a shimmer of naughtyness glistening in her coal black eyes. I pull her closer to me and bend my head down as if kissing her neck. “

    “Where can I find Delniz”

    “Do you mean Delniz, the violin-builder?”

    “Do you know more Delniz’s?”

    Slowly I let my lips slide down her neck, to her shoulders and then back up, my hands travelling from her hips to her buttocks, cupping them as i pull her stronger against me. I slide the tip of my tongue out, tasting the sheen of sweat covering her skin as I let it move up to end just below her earlobe. A deep sigh, a tremble, hardening of her nipples as she bends her head back, exposing her throat to me. I pout my lips, and suck them against her skin, finding her main artery and feel it pulsate against my tongue, speed increasing as I bend her back.

    “Well, anymore Delniz’s you know?”

    “No, not to my knowledge, and I know almost everyone in this part of the town”

    A deep sigh released from her mouth a I swing her back upright, holding her tightly as she finds her balance, her face flushed as blood rushed down when I bend her backwards. As she leans against me, I give her a light liss on her cheek, then let her go and start descending the stairs…


    I see this tall bronze skinned man walk into the baths, he's got a well defined chiselled face and a strong muscular body. His eyes sets on me and he starts walking over to by the edge of the pool, a confident and somehow powerful walk. I can't help but let my eyes travel over his naked body and down to his crotch where a well… really big cock hangs. He walks over to me, stands confidently “My lady I'm your massager, please follow me” and he offers me his arm.

    I stand up, my dick has softened slightly during my wait and I had kinda had it between my crossed legs. As I stand up he can see it though he hardly even raises an eyebrow, I guess they told him since I seem to get a reaction more than that from most here.

    I slide my arm around his offered one and his leads towards a corridor going away from the pool. Its kinda hard to walk beside this Mediterranean god of a man and not glance over at him. I notice he throws me a few glances and its quite hard not to notice his big cock growing which I find really exciting and my dick and nipples harden visibly. I look up at him and he smiles down at me, I just know this is not going to be just a massage and I follow him expectantly hanging a little on his strong arm.

    We enter a separate room and I can hear him close the door behind me as I walk over to the table in the middle of the room thinking I might as well just lay down so he can massage me. A few quick steps from behind and his strong arms takes control of me, pulls my arms behind my back and he takes both of them in one to me physically inescapable grip. I feel my heart jump from this unexpected turn of events and I don't even think about using magic in my surprise just physically trying to escape him.

    I can barely move, my upper body pushed down against the table by his strong hand (only one) holding my arms behind my back at the same time. He pushes his crotch against my buttocks and I can feel his now rock hard big cock slide between my buttocks. For some reason I don't feel any urgency from, he doesn't hurt me, he just holds me there and when he bends over me and whispers what he will do to me. I stop resisting him, the situation dawning on me, what I've just paid for and I suddenly get awfully horny as I understand that I'm going to be in for quite a ride.

    He doesn't loosen the grip on my back though, I did after all buy a little rougher time for myself. He lets his cock slide under me, the head sliding under my balls and along my dick… his far thicker and longer than mine. I feel a big greased finger prod at my hole, pushing inside and working me, after a while a second and then a third to open me up and make me ready. Well even if a noble lady buys this rougher service she's can stop it at any time by telling so and the massager will make sure not to hurt her… though getting sore might be unavoidable.

    I find myself moaning as his fingers explore my anus, stretching and massaging my spot with his thick fingers. He retracts his fingers, greases his cock and slaps it across my ass and I wiggle my butt a little in anticipation. He aligns his cock with my hole… will he really be able to push that thick thing into me and slowly he does so. He just pushes in a little at a time letting me relax and adjust to his wide girth and when I do he pushes in a little more until I satisfyingly can feel his balls against mine.

    After letting me adjust to all of his rock hard meat he pulls out far and slowly pushes into me slow but unrelenting. He increases his pace more and more until his thighs are slapping against my buttocks as his cock is ploughing deep into me. He changes his hold, releases my arms and takes a hold of my waist to get better leverage. I whimper on the table, his cock so big, rubbing so good inside of me and my dick is dribbling precum onto the floor. He leans in over me, grunting into my ear, fucking me harder and harder.

    I scream out in pleasure, my ass contracting around him as I orgasm, my dick spurting my cum over the floor. I feel him shove his cock deep into me, expanding and then it wildly lets loose inside of me… cumming deep and hard into me.

    I come down from my orgasm, him breathing hard as he lies on top on me the table. He whispers that he usually don't cum this fast and that he's sorry about it. I just moan in answer and squeeze his still rock hard cock in my ass which makes him chuckle, throw me on my back on the table, put my legs over his shoulder and push into me again.

    He fucks me for a steady 30 minutes, hard and without getting tired making me cum twice in quivering pleasure from his unrelenting and hard cock. Then he cums again inside me with a roar and my dick can just dribble a little as I orgasm a last time while he fills me with his cum. He pulls out kisses my cheek and leaves as I lay there, my body shaking and my mind foggy… you have to pay quite a bit extra if you want then to stay and cuddle with you.

    After a while I get a grasp on reality again and slowly sit up on the table, put my shaking feet onto the floor and walk wobbling and quite unsteady to the door and out to the pool.

    As I walk my legs gets a bit steadier though his cum comes out from my ass and slowly runs down my inner thighs. I come back to the pool and not even caring about my dishevel looks I slip down into the warm water, lay my head against the pool side and just lets my mind drift away.

    Janine Dee

    I spotted the pixie heading towards my bag by the third step towards it. I recognized her as a pixie as I picked up a decent amount of knowledge of the fae after making the acquaintance of a nymph I visited every time I was anywhere near her pool. I knew that this pixie was a male of their species as she possessed the male genitalia, and I knew that they usually kept to their own realm.

    I decided to let curiosity win and not interfere unless it looked like she was out to damage my possessions. She quite nearly did, but my habit of running my sheathed sword through the straps of my backpack to weight the scabbard down in case I would need to do a sudden draw meant that she pinned it through the straps.

    As sharp as I keep the blade if it had been off the ground it would have sliced the straps cleanly by the sheer weight of the pack, but since it was just driving through the straps of the pack that was already resting on the floor the real damage was to the wall.

    One of the attendants came over to survey the damage, but with several women willing to state I was with them they were more embarrassed that someone had tampered with another person's belongings, a sort of rule in public baths. Knowing a  pixie would have no knowledge of such a thing, and having no need or desire to pursue the matter I let it drop.

    The pixie had been led off to be massaged, and I had several women I was more interested in. Both because they were both alluring and attentive, but also because several mentioned offers of employment. While I was here to enjoy myself if the offer was enticing enough I could be convinced to miss out on some of the fun.

    Before any of that I wanted to find myself a room. While several said they would happily find me a bed I ALWAYS made sure I had a secure place to rest no matter how many beds I may lay in.

    I managed to charm them enough that they didn't take it personally, simply explaining that since I didn't know what if any employment I would accept during the festival I wanted to make sure I would have a room to myself, and so they directed me to one of the finer inns in town.

    For at a fine inn I would be more likely to find a room as most would seek accommodations that gave them more coin to spend at the festival, but I would also have the extra security that would come with a finer establishment, not to mention that I would be able to enjoy the luxuries that I am not able to out in the field.

    Because for all my skill at arms, and all my strategic savvy, while part of me would always be on the battle field the rest of me liked to savor life's pleasures.

    Putting on some fresh clothes I put my pack on my back and my sword on my hip and headed in the way they had directed me.


    For the rest of the afternoon I had wandered the city running a list of apothecaries  a local had given me. It hadn't been easy to find one willing to offer the information, a restrained suspicion of outsiders was beginning to edge into the town folk attitudes, and I was certain the list by far was not complete. For the most part the talk was limited of the lycan torn body found in the alley.  As I passed through the district where I had struck,  the rumors were more specific,… a survivor, …the suggestion of 2 lycans prowling,… the name Silvermane dropped ominously into conversations, fear was beginning to undercut the tone of the oncoming festival. At such I would word I would typically leave towns, but my work here was incomplete.

    The satchel I carried once crammed with an assortment of herbs I had gathered in my journeys, nearly emptied. My coin purse instead brimming now with coin, a meager way to fund my journeys but effective. I had learned early those herbs which brought better returns, keeping my senses open for the rare herbs which I hoarded until between towns. As always wolfbane, sold easily, especially where rumors of lycans roamed. Not that it helped much, merely tempering the effects of the taint, and certainly not rising to the heights wive’s tales spoke of it’s qualities to cure or ward.

    Yet for each shop I stopped and sold my goods, none could identify the substance within the vial. The yellow liquid within almost odorless to humans, even to my refined senses, the sweet odor seemed evasive.  For now in the late hour I of the evening, I could only mull my failures at the tavern of the inn I stayed crowded. I swirled the vial I held, eying the clear liquid once more before pocketing it within the folds of my leather shirt. Resigned to address the issue in the morrow I turned my attention to the mug of dwarfish ale before me and jostle of the growing numbers of travelers in the inn filtering in to the tavern for like matters.

    The sound of a lute drifted above the din of the crowd, the subtle melody I had heard over the previous nights weaving through the crowd.  Sitting before the huge stone fireplace was a satyr, his fingers working smoothly over the pipe,.. his eyes drifting over the crowd  nodding to those who gave him smiles. The gray streaks of his beard signified an older form, seleni perhaps, one of the matured creatures, who typically wandered the lands as story tellers and performers. It was not uncommon to find them frequenting the taverns and inns of the lands of the wilds. That one should come to a large human city, quite unusual.

    His companion immediately caught my eye.

    Curled at his hooves in her submissive pose, a wood nymph sat, her form straight, hands flat on the bronze skin of her thighs. Her shimmering black hair fell mid-shoulder, framing the narrow face that peered with darting, emerald green eyes. The diaphanous cloth wrapped about her body did little to hide  the marvel of her shape. I was spell bound, my heart racing with the memories of the nymph who had shared my bed, the brief stabbed of pain shooting through my soul. I stared, hard no doubt and her side glance to me, that subtle smile that crossed her face showing her appreciation.

    The music of satyr grew louder, as I watched her  the rise and fall of the breath of the nymph as the music took her. The familiar urges of the taint growing in me, my mind wrapped to the seductive creature before me, as the tune weaved, threading itself into my thoughts, those passionate memories I held,… the edge of my vision blurring, until only on her filled my gaze.

    She gracefully rose, bare feet stepping with a dancers precision,.. standing before the satyr,  her slender body moving slowly to the beat. Arms rising, the translucent wrap about her body tightening, short on her hips, it barely covered her bottom, but low enough that her movements although tantalizingly close never revealed the treasure between her legs.

    I wet my lips, watching her, consumed by her movements and the music, the rolling undulation of her torso, the press of her small breasts against that sheer fabric ,her hard nipples clearly outlined as she danced, twirled, rolling her hips seductively. Turning her head slightly her eyes lifted met mine, and a smile crossed face. She turned slow, keeping her rhythm as she worked her way towards me.  Never breaking her movement, her grace and flow memorizing. The tavern was a blur to me, the other patrons nonexistent. There was only the nymph, the music and the growing lust inside me.

    She stepped to the bench on the other side of the table, crawled forward until she knelt before me, bending her head in a roll, her hair swirled, her sweet fragrance filling my nostrils.  Her heartbeat wild excited, I could smell her want,.., the rise of excitement as she performed for me. Leaning back with knees set wide, her short shift rose on her hips, and I could see the lips of her sex glisten with rising desire. I was swelling with my own desire, my member tight in the leather breeches’. The animal lust rising, I could think of nothing more than the fire of desire of want,…need… that compulsion of the taint driving me mad.

    She leaned back on the table, torso rolling again,… the invitation too tempting, I leaned forwards reaching out and sliding my hands along her sides, the slow draw down to her hips as I pressed in kissing her along the inner thigh. Her scent strong,.. mind boggling…, gasping at the touch of my lips, she settled back,.. allowing me to slide forward, my lips and tongue glancing along her skin, working itself smoothly as I parted the folds of the fabric, pressed in and kissed moist lips of her sex.

    The pace of the music quickening as I slipped my tongue out stoking light, pressing dropping into her furrow , the slow strokes collecting as I savored the nymphs nectar. Lips pressing, sucking at her clit, as I reached in my fingers spreading her lips, then my tongue sweeping in a glancing brush, darting as it dipped and swept lower pulling through her to run at the rim of her sex. I could feel her heart racing, her body trembling, moans and whimpers reaching my ears as her body convulsed with the waves of pleasure sweeping her as I lapped there at the growing moisture.
    My other hand reached down struggling with the lacing of my pants, my hard member bent awkward in its confines, appreciative once free, firming hard once the binds released.  I pressed the bench back,…as I pulled from her. Reaching out she eagerly slid across the table under my guidance slipping down to straddle me.. She reached down gripping my hard shaft as she posed herself above, then lowered, slowly letting my thick shaft penetrate, and press in. Her hot walls gripped tight as she lowered, moaning with pleasure, her body shudder with the sheathing of my cock into her. Leaning back and bracing with her elbows on the table, she rolled slow, swallowing me in that silky warmth, riding on me in slow purpose as she savored the fullness of my shaft in her.  Pressing faster letting the tempo flow and match the beat of the music as the action built
    My senses were afire. The taste of her on my lips, the wild tingling of my skin with the slightest contact of her, her scent overwhelming with lust and need, my eyes taking in her consumed look of fucking me, eyes closed, watching the trembles, pursed lips wavering under the sweet sensations. I could feel the wild thumping of her heartbeat, the rise of hot blood sweeping her as she strained to hold back that orgasm, the merging, commingling of the magic which flowed through our souls, wrapping us in an aura of exquisite ecstasy, driving us headlong as we fucked to that pinnacle.

    Until I could hold no more, with the eruption which swept me. I groaned, shuddered as I clenched her waist grinding her down on to me…which sent her over the edge. Her cries of pleasure as she released herself to her own orgasm. The magic about us flared,…until the music hit a disconcerting note.

    Instantaneously I was aware, gasping for breath as I realized my grip was not to her, but to the table. My pants wet, soiled from my seed. My eyes scanned the room, finding the nymph clenched to the leg of the satyr. Her staunch kneeling pose shattered, as she labored for breath as the waves of spasms still seemed to sweep her. As she collected herself, she gave me a knowing smile, eyes bursting yet with excitement.
    The Satyr was staring at her with confusion, taking in first the gasping  reaction of the nymph, then searching, wandering the crowd for understanding until his eyes fixed on me still panting. His eyes burned onto me letting me know of my transgression.

    I was confused, the image had been so rich in realty, but it was the magic that had bound us.  That I was certain, the satyr himself had wove those strings with his powerful magical music. What the nymph and I shared had flowed along the filaments of that music. I gave his stern glare a grin.  I was  hardly  in remorse of having filled my need at with his sweet succulent servant

    I could do nothing other than arrange my satchel to hide the wet spot on my pants as I rose. Slowly weaving through the maze of tables I returned to my room to clean myself up, and sleep, though my rest that night restless, the bittersweet memories of my nights with Aldaris consuming my dreams. 


    As I walk down the stairs, the stench of sweat and coal, cloved tobacco and beer coming up the stairs in heavy waves. I find the table empty I had sat at before. The tavern has filled with people, apprentices, black smiths and merchants, since my meeting with Manu. I sit myself down and a few minutes later the tavern girl arrives. Her smile big, her dark eyes sparkling with lust and afterglow, she leans in especially far, showing me her hardened nipples as she talks to me in her hoarsely voice.

    “You can find Delniz in the street east of the fishmarket. Go to the harbor, the smell will tell you its direction. Just look for the tin violin on the facade”

    “Thank you. I’d like some strong red wine and the fish”

    A surprised look with my coarse answer, she turns and swings her hair around as she pouts her mouth in disappointment. I’ll seduce her for info, but other than that, I have no need for her. I can’t allow myself to let her get too close to me. My secrecy still the underlaying bases for the succes of my quest. Soon the first jug of red wine is brough to my table, the girl trying to catch my eyes, but as I am staring at the hearth not too far from me, she pours a cup of wine and leaves. I quickly empty the cup and fill it up once more. Before the fish is brought, the jug is empty and I ask for another one. When I feel a light buzz run through my veins, I get up and go to the outhouse, emptying my stomach from the wine.

    When I come back, a second jug of wine and a platter of fish is waiting for me. Eagerly I attack the food, hungry from the lust that arose in me, drained by the emotional clash that resulted from it, the implications of my quest racing through my head. With my foot I move a spittoon under my seat as I sit down, a good container to deposit my wine into, undiscovered until the last guests have left the tavern for the night. As I eat and pretend to drink, I have a 3rd and 4th jug of wine brought. As the wine is brought, I let my shoulders sink and rest my arm on my elbow on the table, holding my head in my hand. With slurred speech I answer the girl as she asks me if I need anything. Trying to perfect my role of having too much to drink, after the fourth jug, I stand up, stumbling and grabbing the table to keep myself upright.

    As I almost keel over, the girl runs up to me and catches me, taking my arm and guiding me to the stairs. As I stumble up, she holds my arm tight, pressing her body against my side, feeling her soft breasts and still or again erect nipples against my arm. Feeling a slight buzz from the wine I had to swallow, her soft and willing body against mine makes the butterflies in my loins start fluttering again. Yet the pressing matter of my plans for the night, does not leave me room to release my desire, so I ignore the fluttering and step inside the room, collapsing on the bed as the girl covers me with a sheet. She bends down, lays her hand on my crotch, presses her soft upper chest against mine and kisses me, whispering in my ear “sweet dreams, my lord” before she leaves the room. The soft click, her footsteps down the stairs, mixing in with the other sounds coming from the tavern downstairs.

    A few more minutes I wait before I sit up straight and open my eyes. I let them adjust to the darkness in the room for a few seconds before I get out of bed and walk towards the window. As I opened it earlier today, I noticed the slight squeak, dropping a bit of grease onto the hinge before going down to have dinner, it should open without a noise. I push the window open and the balmy evening breeze, the salt from the ocean mixing in with the scents of the city, fills my nostrils. I take a deep breath and nimbly climb out the window, staying in the shadows of the building, the almost full moon casting its rays of pale light down onto the city. The main streets are filled with people, yet the back alleys are left to the cats and the ones hiding in the shadows. I caught a rumor of a Lycan in the city yet not a lot of information has gotten to me. Maybe his existance is being repressed by the authorities, not wanting a shadow cast on the coming festival. I’ll take his presence into account, but expecting not to cross paths.

    I quietly slide down the roof, roll over the edge and land on my feet without making a sound in the alley behind the tavern. I planned my route carefully, knowing each alley and shortcut to the residence of the Prefect, going through each step in my head while having my food. I turn to the west, knowing the moon will not rise above me for a few more hours, I carefully make my way to the residence. Going from doorpost to doorpost, surprising the feeding rats as I creep through the alleys and courtyards, the walls of the estate suddenly sharply defined as the smooth edges are lighted by the moon. Quickly I climb a small warehouse, hiding behind the chimney as I let my eyes run along the wall, finding the small back entrance, the door hidden in folds of stone. Dampened voices reach my ears as two guards discuss the practice match of the Mercator’s Ludus team.

    As I follow the edge of the wall. I notice a few trees peeking out and looking over the rim, suggesting a garden and a possible way of entrance. A hundred feet behind the wall, I see the outline of the master house, high peaked towers and minarets reaching into the sky. I look around, trying to find a building higher as the wall, but noticing them all at least 10 feet lower. The house of Mercator understands how to control their surroundings to stay safe. I must think carefully about entering and leaving. A precaution like this points to vigilance and a smart insight into defending a current position. Quietly I climb down the warehouse and cross the street, taking advantage of some clouds cloaking the moon, casting dark shadows to hide my dash. I press myself into a small corner, knowing I can be spotted easily when the moon reappears from the clouds, finding a cart closer to the back entrance. I hide myself as the voices of the two guards become clearer. I listen a few minutes to their conversation, finding out they are good friends are looking forward to their night off, planning to go the central square for some food, wine and a lot of girls.

    Going through my options in my mind, I know I have to look at one more place before I can return to the tavern, the small alley leading to the city walls in the south, the only road not leading towards the central square. But from the map I could not see any intersections with other roads or alleys, wondering how to enter the alley without having to track back to the wall. As I hear the guards move away from me, walking towards a noise they heard, I sprint off, away from the cart, dashing around the corner of an nearby building. I look back with a quick nodd of my head, just moving my eyes beyond the stone wall, finding the guards laughing and pointing at a rat, scurrying away. I guess not a lot happens at the back entrance, yet their vigilance stands out. That might be their weak point. As I go through the map in my head, from this alley I have to walk to the south-west, and then either turn left or right into the street parallel to the hidden alley. Maybe I can find a small entrance or a forgotten or new alley, not drawn into the map.
    I walk to the end of the alley, reaching a wider road, running in a semi circle from the south gates towards the central square, opening up the outer quarters of Libidinis. I decide to turn right, moving closer to the residence. The street is littered with small stores and workshops, taverns and warehouses. As I start walking down the street, small groups of people pass me by, couples holding hands and looking into eachother’s eyes, leaving me unnoticed. A few hundred feet from where I am, a small line starts to form in front of the entrance of what looks like a large, low warehouse. I cross the street, to avoid the attention of the people standing in line, wondering what could be inside to draw such a crowd. As I come closer, I notice the majority are women, the sound of a flute coming from inside as I approached the large, double doors, opened wide as an invitation. Suddenly I hear a voice cry out:

    ”Hey, I kissed you this morning! Hey, stranger!”

    Before I can hide myself or ignore the outcry, the young girl I bumped into this morning walks up to me, two friends following her close behind. All three with gorgeus, almost black hair, long enough to touch their lower backs. Eyes black as coal, glistening in the light of the moon, red lips and clothing that seems very provocative. All three wearing short, wide dresses, their breasts and buttocks barely covered and the excitement of the evening making their nipples perky. She walks up to me and wraps her arms around my neck, pushes her body against mine and pouts her lips. A soft kiss lands on my mouth before she lets go. Then the girl standing next to her does the same, slides her arms around my neck and kisses me softly. Then the third girl steps closer to me, her friends pushing her in her back until she bumps her slender frame against my body. Her arms reluctantly slide around my neck and she kisses me. Her lips linger on mine for a moment, before she grabs me tight, opens her mouth and pushes her tongue through my lips for a passionate kiss. All this happening in a few seconds, taking me by surprise and leaving me helpless to do anything against it. As the third girl lets go of me, a string of saliva trailing between our lips, the other girls grab my hands and start pulling me towards the warehouse.

    The closer we get, the louder the flute-music gets and I notice a change in the eyes of the girls. Not able to tear myself away from these three, I see a glaze start to come up in their expression and their cheeks flushing, nipples hardening. As we step inside and my eyes get used to the obscure light in the warehouse, I see a Faun in the back of the hall, half resting on a lounge sofa, playing his flute. At his feet and around the sofa, women have gathered and are swaying with the endless and mesmorising melody emerging from the slender flute the Faun plays so convincingly. As he intensifies the rythm and melody, painting a picture of eroticism with the notes and timbre, the women at his feet start touching him. Hands sliding all over his body, touching every inch of his furr-covered legs, the smooth skin of his chest and the enormeous, throbbing cock standing proud from the attention. Suddenly one of the women rises, pulls her already short skirt over her hips, revealing her damp sex and turning her back towards the faun. As he adjusts his body, she slowly sits down, taking his cock in her hand and guiding it to her entrance. She cries out as she feels herself stretched wide, the tip of his dick entering her before she thrusts down on him with her body, pumping his cock inside her with a single, fluent movement…


    The woman moans out loud as she raises herself from the Faun’s cock, leaving her juices behind, making his throbbing member glisten in the candlelight, before pushing herself down on him again. Another woman taking her clothes off, sliding her hand between her legs and frantically starts rubbing her sex with her full hand, her eyes locked at the sight of the woman pinning herself on top of the Faun. Meanwhile the Faun leans back, giving more room to the woman to fuck his member, never taking the flute from his lips or miss a note. Faster and faster she plunges herself down on him, until she explodes in a quick, body shaking orgasm. As the woman spasms on top of him, overtaken by her climax, a slight smile curls the corners of his lips. Satisfies he looks down as the woman raises herself of his cock and steps down from the sofa, only for the woman pleasuring herself, to take her place. Again the Faun leans back and changes the melody and pace of his music.

    Coming from an uplifting melody, the pace high, he eases into a sensual, slow song as he directs the woman’s actions with his flute. She slides to her knees, getting between his legs and bending her head down, her tongue sticking out and touching his head. Slowly she circles her tongue around the swollen tip of his cock, lapping the juices left behind by her predecessor, before she slides down his shaft and cleans it with slow, broad licks. Another change in melody and she climbs on the sofa, straddling his legs as she turns her back to him and climbs on top. She pushes her feet underneath his buttocks, bending her body forward and moving her wide opened lips towards the Faun’s cock. As he slows the pace, the woman’s movements are delayed as his crowns slides in past her lips. She starts circling her hips around his cock, the ridge of his member lodged inside of her, her sex clenched around it, determined to keep it inside her. As she stirs herself with his cock, she slowly moves down, inching it in, feeling his hard, throbbing veins slide against her lips. She cries out as she starts swinging her hips harder, while starting to move her hips up and down. In a circular motion she starts to devour his cock with her body, sending tremors up her spine as her fingers find her nipples and squeeze them. Her breathing becoming shallow and fast, her upper body twitching in pleasure as she erupts in orgasm and cries out her desire and lust silently, her throat clenched by the strong waves racing through her body.

    Enclosed by the three girls, my eyes are fixed on the Faun and the women offering themselves to him, half enchanted by their music, half enchanted by the sheer size of his member. Painfully aware of my own excitement, my cock is throbbing in my pants, the tip uncomfortably lodged under my belt. The girls holding my hands gripping harder, pushing their bodies into mine, the third girl in front of me, pushing her buttocks against my bulging crotch, rubbing her behind pleasingly against me. My hands start to sweat and my face is flushed. Images of the tavern girl, straddling herself on top of my cock, twitching and moaning in her pleasure, shoot through my mind as the music of the Faun enchants me as well. I feel a tug on my left hand as the girl that kissed me starts to walk to a darker corner of the hall. Nudging her friends, she starts moving towards the far end of the hall, finding a nieche with a large sofa.

    The sofa is littered with pillows and enclosed with drapes, partially see-through, casting shadows of people passing inside. As we gather, the girl looks at her two friends askingly, then winking as she turns to me.

    “Hi stranger. I am Dina and these are my friends Natalya en Firenza. How do you like the Faun? Isn’t he amazing? He comes here once a year, for the festival and women from all over town come here to worship him. It is an honor to be chosen by him. But we are still too young and Firenza here, hasn’t even been made a woman yet”

    She points at the tallest of the three girls, smiling and winking at her. My eyes follow and I see a dark red colour deepening her already tanned skin, her eyes turning towards the floor, winging her hands at this sudden remark.

    “We thought it would be a nice idea if we brought our own Faun to his concert. And Firenza just told me your member isn’t that much smaller. I’m so glad I kissed you this morning”

    Giggling she plants a kiss on my cheek and then lets herself drop on the couch, leaning back as she arches her back, pointing her tightly covered chest at me. I am startled, feeling uneasy, the music of the faun and the willing offering of the women on the stage, has unleashed another burst of lust, my loins now roaring with excitement. In the presence of three young women, all seeming eager to explore their sexuality as I see signs of excitement in all three. My mind is racing, the alley, I need to find the alley. I must’n be distracted. But as I fight to get my urges under control, I feel a tall body come up behind me, wandering hands sliding over my sides to my stomach and chest, pushing in from behind, inching me towards the couch. Dina extending her hands, grabbing mine and pulling me down next to her, The girl behind me stumbling and landing in my lap as I turn to sit down. Natalya smiles, then turns and walks away. A few moments later she returns with a jug of wine and 4 cups. As Firenza wriggles in my lap, finding her place as she wraps her long slender arms around me, Dina places my right arm around her shoulder, pushing her soft, perky breasts against my side as her lips find my neck. At the same time, I feel the lips of Firenza touch the other side of my neck, her breasts pressing into my chest as she bends down for the kiss.

    Natalya puts the mugs on the sidetable, bending down with her back turned towards me, the fabric of her dress tautly stretched around her firm buttocks. The hem creeping up, exposing her soft skin of her thighs, almost exposing her laced panties. She offers all of us a cup and I feel 4 lips leave my neck, the warmth of our touching bodies released into the air. As I have one arm around Dina and the other cradling Firenza, Natalya takes my cup and brings it to my lips, offering me a sip of the light, almost cherry red wine. I take a sip and the mug is pulled back and replaced  by two full, soft lips and a wet tongue, pressed against and through my lips, entering my mouth and searching for my tongue. I gasp for air for a moment, surprised by this sudden intrusion, then the sweetness of the wine and the sensual feeling of her tongue roaming my mouth. I close my eyes and kiss her back, finding her tongue and enticing it into a slow, erotic dance. Hands start sliding down my body, buttons opened, vest taken off, then my arms lifted and the kiss shortly broken, my shirt taken off by nimble hands. Soft fabric touching my naked chest as a warm bosom is pressed against it, two hard nipples piercing my flesh. My mouth opens and again her warm, wet tongue slides inside, her lips sucking to mine. Hands in my lap, pulling on my belt as other hands quickly take of my shoes. My pants pulled down quick and easy as Natalya stands up and releases my mouth. As she steps from between my legs, she puts her hand on my shoulder and pushes me backwards, making me lay down on my back as my pants are taken from me. Naked and with a rock hard cock I lay on the couch, the three girls standing in front of me, their glistening eyes locked on my crotch.

    Dina is the first one to move and she climbs on the sofa, crawling towards me as her dress rides up her hips. Her mouth finds my chest and her tongue twirls around my nipples, before tracing my neck and chin, finding my lips and plunging her tongue in my mouth. Eagerly she starts kissing me, her tongue darting in and out, flirting, seducing me to follow her, her hands caressing my face and her fingers running through my hair. Natalya then lays down beside me, kissing and sucking on my earlobe as her hands run across my chest and stomach, following the lines of my body, finding my thighs and teasing them with ther nails. I’m panting, overwhelmed with all these hands on me, then a sudden gasp, breathing into Dina’s mouth as I feel a hand grab my cock. Firenza sits besides me as she wraps her long fingers around my shaft. Moving it around, looking at it from all angles, playing with it, pulling the foreskin down to expose my engorged crown. Then finding a rythm as she slowly starts stroking it, her hand sliding from the tip to the base, my shaft twitching in her hand as it grows to full erection. Her eyes glimpsing mine occasionally as she alternates the speed of her strokes, the tightness of her fingers around my shaft, testing what I like most. Then she slows down, pulling the foreskin down as far as it will go and bend forward. I feel her hot breath against the tip before i feel the soft touch of her lips on my cock. A soft kiss, a lick and then her mouth around it, sliding down as she takes my cock in her mouth.

    I gasp for air as Dina releases my tongue and mouth, her face just inches above me, her eyes locked with mine. Natalya raises herself as well and plants a kiss on Dina’s cheek, her hand sliding to her body, across my chest, a sign of wanting attention. As I feel Firenza’s lips touch the base of my cock, the tip deep down her throat. I watch Dina move towards Natalya and slide her tongue in her mouth as they kiss passionately. My last struggle against my desire dying with Firenza’s hands cupping my balls as she sucks hard on my cock, her head retreating, sliding my cock slowly out. I moan loud as I feel her head pushing down again, taking my cock all the way, clenching on the head with her throat. My mind a blank now, my lust taking over, racing through my body, culminating in my loins..


    Without really realising, my hands slide up the legs of the girls as they kneel beside me, kissing eachother passionately. Simultaniously I slide their dresses up and over their hips, exposing tight buttocks, soft skin and the musky scent of the their excitement. Slowly I start rubbing them, panting as I see them kiss, trails of saliva dropping on my chest. My cock now sucked hard, rythmically as Firenza decides to enjoy het ascent to womanhood fully. Bobbing her head up and down, i feel her lips clenched tight around my shaft as she pumps it in and out of her mouth. Grabbing the insides of Dina’s and Natalya’s leg, I slide my hand up and find two damp panties, lips puffy and swollen, tightly covered with lacy fabric.

    Freezing bodies as my fingertips touch lips, then chests pushed together as the passionate kissing of Dina and Natalya commences. My balls tightening, my cock throbbing with the intense attention of Firenza, her head bobbing up and down faster, her lips tightening around me. I close my eyes, not able to stop the surge of lust rushing through my loins. My breath fast and shallow, moans clogging my throat, my body tingling with desire. I start rubbing both girls, their juices seeping through the thin fabric of their panties. Moans above me, sucking lips and dancing tongues, hands cupping breasts, sliding up and down backs and hips, touching, teasing, caressing, bodies swaying together in an endless kiss.

    I feel Firenza’s grip on my cock release, then the sultry air in the hall brushing on my skin as my cock slips from her mouth. Her hands sliding up my chest as she straddles my thighs, climbing on top of the couch. Dina and Natalya releasing their kiss, watching as Firenza sits on top of me. My throbbing cock pressed against her wet sex as she slides herself up and down, prying her lips open, the tip of my cock sliding over her erect clit. I catch her eyes as the other girls lean back and see them glistening with desire. Her hand sliding down, taking my cock in a loose grip, then bringing it to her entrance. The other girls now caressing my upper body, pushing me down as Firenza raises her hips and guides my cock between her lips.
    The resistance of her tightness immense, hardly bareble as she pushes herself down on me. Her eyes closed, a tear running from the corner, her teeth clenched as she adjusts and wiggles herself around my cock. Then suddenly the resistance subsides and she eases herself down on me until her swollen lips touch my pelvis. Hand sliding over my chest, fingers pinching my nipples, Firenza’s body pinning my hips to the sofa. Slowly she starts swaying her hips, whisking my cock inside her in a slow, unsettled motion. Encouraged by the other girls, she opens her eyes and looks deep into mine, gauging my excitement. Dina turns her body towards me and takes my hand in hers, guiding it between her legs, fumbling it into her panties. My fingertips finding her lips slick and wet with her juices, sliding in almost immediately. She raises her hips and spreads her knees a bit further, giving me more acces to enter her. Natalya bending towards her again, mouth half opened and a glazed look in her eyes.

    Again they kiss and as I probe Dina’s centre with my fingers, wiggling and twisting them inside her, Firenza starts to raise her hips slowly. My cock sliding out inch by inch, suddenly swelling as her clenching lips prohibitting blood flow, slide up the shaft. Her pussy stretched with the sudden engorging of my shaft, a deep grunt leaves her lips. Just leaving the tip inside of her sex, she stays idle for a moment, watching the passionate and lustful kissing of her two friends, then looking down at me as she pushes her body down on me again. As her body meets mine in her slow, smooth movement, I squeeze my muscles and push in just a little further. Without stopping she moves herself up again and slowly moves down, enjoying the feeling of my cock sliding in her tight sex. She finds a rythm, moving down fast, moving up slow, thrusting my cock inside her. Her eyes closed, a drizzle of saliva hanging from her lips as she concentrates on her sex.

    Natalya’s lips release Dina, who leans back and grabs my hand, forcing my fingers deep inside her. Slowly she starts circling my fingers with her hips as she finds her clit and starts rubbing it fast. Natalya slides down, half on top of me and closes her lips around one of my nipples. Slowly sucking on it, it grows hard in her mouth, her tongue flicking over and around it. Her hand clenched between her thighs as she starts pleasuring her burning centre. The stirring in my loins now getting uncontrollably wild, my legs tightening and twitching with the pleasure, my balls getting hard. Flashes of heat running up my spine as Firenza starts to go faster, taking me harder, bumping her body against mine. My free hand clawing at her thigh as my mind goes blank and my balls squeeze, my climax about to erupt. Quick moans start coming out of the half opened mouth of Firenza, her sex tightening as the first ripples of her orgasm start racing through her body. She sits down on me hard, pushes her hips backwards in a final attempt to push me as deep in her as it will go.

    Her nails find my stomach, leaving red traces behind as she erupts. Her body spastically shaking on top of me as I start squirting my hot cum inside of her. Firenza screams out her pleasure in a high pitched voice, tilting her head back and releasing her putcry into the hall. Dina starts shaking, pressing my fingers deep inside her pulsating sex as she succumbs to her own climax. Natalya rasies herself on her knees, spreading her legs wide as she plunges her fingers inside herself, moaning deep with her frantic fingering. My hips bucking against Firenza, the last drops of my semen squirting inside her, my breath irratic, then my muscles unwinding, my body collapsing onto the sofa, covered with Firenza’s soft body as she lays herself on top of me. I slide my arm around her, my other hand still clenched between Dina’s thighs. As Dina goes through the last rushes of pleasure, she too lays down on the couch, releasing my hand and sliding her body against mine and Firenza’s, overlooked by the glazed view of Natalya. Judging from her deep breaths and bucking hips, she’s near her climax as well and with a deep sigh a trickle of her nectar oozes from between her fingers, covering her inner thighs. Silently she endures the heavy shaking of her torso, pressing her hand tight against her sex, her chest heaving up and down. Then she opens her eyes, looks us over and a sweet smile forms around her dried out lips. Her tongue flicks out to wet them, then she brings her fingers to her mouth and licks her nectar from them, savouring every drop.


    The warm afterglow of my intense orgasm seeping into every muscle and artery in my body, my mind drifting off in a dream of an endless forest, the giggling of girls behind every tree As Natalya lays down, pushing her body against my side, her lips close to my mouth, her deep breath warming my ear, I slowly start to come back to my senses.. The gentle movements of the girls on top of me, the touch of their skin and the soft sounds coming from dry lips easing me back into the present. Carefully I start moving my body, waking Firenza from her half sleep. Finding her looking at me when I give her a small kiss on her cheek.

    “I have to go”

    Whispering the words at her, her still glazed look upon me, her eyes widen as the content of my words reach her conscious thoughts. A hint of disappointment twitches around her mouth, before her lips curl up in a big, loving smile.

    “I understand.”

    She leans in and kisses me with half-opened lips, her tongue pushing deep into my mouth, sliding around before she releases me from her passionate kiss.

    “I coulnd’t have asked for a better way to become a woman. Thank you. Enjoy your stay at the festival and we might bump into eachother again”.

    A giggle, then the pressure on my body subsiding as she sits up and releases me from her thighs. Slowly I sit up and slide to the edge of the sofa, helping Firenza slide in between her two friends, both half conscious, intoxicated by the wine and pleasure. Dreamy eyes watching me as I stand up and gather my clothes, dressing quickly, a bit embarrassed as I feel the girls looking at me. I wink a waitor, order more wine and turn to the girls. Kneeling on the sofa with one knee, I lean in and kiss all three of them, the kiss returned most passionate by Firenza, and bid my farewell. Quickly I turn and walk off, keeping my eyes directed at the exit of the hall, passing the waitor with the wine. As I pause for a second, I give him enough silver to serve the girls for the rest of the night.

    As I step through the doors into the cool night air, I take a deep breath and for a few seconds, the events of just now pass through my mind in unclear, flickering images. A shiver of comfort, then I shrug my shoulders and move into the shadows, following the road. Finding a steady pace, my breathing in sync with my moving legs, my mind starts to shed the fog of the wine and sex, the reason for going into the night suddenly rushing back into my conscious mind. Each breath bringing me back into the flowing mindset of my training, the awareness of everything around me increasing with each step. As I reach a small square, a masoned fountain at the centre, I start looking closely at the facade of the houses across the street. As the map suggests an entry to the small alley to the south wall, my eyes inspect every door and window, looking for a hint.
    As the road curves to the east, an overhanging facade catches my eye. In the shadow underneath the outbuild of the house, the shimmer of a bronze doorhandle catches the light of the almost full moon. Hidden in the shadows, an arched corridor is blocked by a heavy oak door, reinforced with steel bands running horizontally and diagonally across the wood. The sign of the Prefect engraved in the bronze handle almost hidden by dirt, unused for years as it seems. Slowly I turn in the shadows and empty my mind. Focussing on seeing and hearing what wants to be unseen, I patrol the area with my ears and eyes. Looking for an unexplained shadow, the rustle of a leave, a brush of air out of direction, yet finding nothing that seems out of the ordinary. Far away from the centre, the focus of the city distracted from the silent roads, it seems I am alone.

    I cross over and against my better judgement I grab the doorhandle and carefully push it down. Locked, and no keyhole. This can only mean the door is locked from the inside or there is a hidden way to open it. Going through the options in my mind, I decide to leave the door unmeddled, fearing discovery and increased vigilance. Quickly I cross the street again and look at the houses for a way to climb up and over them. A latticed house catches my eye, the sturdy beams forming the construction, filled in with clay and straw, covered with gipsen offer an easy way up. Yet its too exposed to take the risk. I decide on a low, bricked warehouse. Big blocks forming corner stones offer an easy climb to a jib, from where I can get on the slightly tilted roof of the house next to it. I cross the road again and plant my feet on the corner stone after having looked aorund a last time. Then, concentrating on my climb, I push off and jump for the jib. My fingers just hanging on to the edge of the jib, I quickly push my feet against the wall and push myself up onto the wooden beam. Pushing my body against the wall, my eyes trace the street below, finding no signs of being noticed.

    I hop onto the roof and press my body down flat on the slates. Pulling myself forward on my elbows, I creep across the roof, sliding over the ridge and hiding in the shadows. The moon hidden by clouds making me almost invisible against the dark grey slates. Inch by inch I move closer to the other side of the roof, fingers stretched, anticipating to feel the edge before seeing it. The rough texture of the slates scraping my fingertips, then suddenly nothing but air. Having reached the edge of the roof, I move even slower, not making a sound until I can peek down into the dark alley. This must be it. Piercing into the distance, I can see the small lights in the guardtower of the residence to the north, a few hundred feet away the thick walls of the outer defense of the city rising up in the south. Finding the other side of the arched corridor, I find no other entrances to the alley. This must be either a service entrance or an escape route. Seems this is the only entrance between the residence and the city walls.Suddenly I hear someone cry out.

    “On the roof! Look! There’s someone on the roof!”

    A sudden rush of adrenaline races through my body. The voice coming from my left and above me. A quick turn of my head shows a dark profile against a brightly lid window, voice getting louder, doors opening and slamming shut. My mind racing, discovery is evident, going through options to escape. Doors opening on the other side of the roof, blocking the street below. Roofs around me to steep to climb, the only appareant escape is the alley below. Without delaying I swing my legs over the edge, hanging on my fingertips for a moment before releasing. As I hit the alley floor, I bend my knees and roll backwards absorbing the blow of my landing. Quickly getting on my feet, I start racing down the alley, choosing to go south towards the wall. The walls that enclose the alley are smooth, no doors or windows offering escape, roofs too high to reach and climb up. With each step closer to the city walls, the fear of being caught getting stronger.

    As I run down the alley, the voices left behind in the distance, the city walls suddenly appear in the darkness. As I approach them fast, I see one of the houses leaning against the city walls, has a ledge half way up the facade. In a frantic attempt I run up against the wall, push off with my feet and jump towards the ledge. Digging my nails into the wood I find an unsteady grasp and hit against the wall of the house. I struggle to keep myself from falling, heart pounding in my chest, then finding a good hold. I pause for a second, hearing the voices in the distance, getting closer, but on the other side of the alley. If I can get across this roof, I am safe for at least a little while. Quickly calculating my route across the roof, I jump up and grab the gutter, pulling myself up and on the roof in a fluent motion, quickly scurrying to the other side. As I reach the edge of the roof, I suddenly hear marching boots ín the alley, the sounds echoing forward faster as the feet that created them move, yet pressing me for haste.

    It’s a high jump. Risking twisting or breaking my ankles, I swing myself down, hanging on the edge of my fingers, then letting go. The air rushing in my ears as I plummit down, the hard thump as my feet hit the cobbled stones. Trying to cushion the blow as well as possible, my knees bend fully, my ass hits the floor hard before rolling away on my back. The hard blow to my ankles leaving leaving me unable to move for a few moments as I clench my teeth, sucking in the cry of pain that is forced out of my throat. Quickly I hobble into the shadows, finding a moment of rest as I bite down my teeth and endure the pain. Pushing myself into action, I hide in the shadows and start moving down the street, my side scraping the facades as I keep myself out of plain view. My adrenaline keeping my on my toes, I keep searching for voices and footsteps as I rush through the streets and alleys, taking unexpected turns, tracing back my steps through courtyards and passages in this maze, avoiding my destination for at least an hour before allowing myself to get closer.

    After almost two hours I feel satisfied I have escaped my chasers and approach the tavern from the back alley. Still vigilant, I trace the shadows for any presence, but none are to be found. I quickly jump to the ledge of the roof and pull myself on top, the window of my room still cracked open as I left it. Without a noise I climb inside, finding my room as I left it, everything in its place and untouched. I walk directly at the washbowl ands scoop some fresh water in my hands. I lean in and splash the water in my face, washing off the sweat and dust gathered during my quick escape. As I burry my face in my hands, a sudden rush of extreme fatigue runs through my body, legs starting to tremble so bad I barely make it to the bed. I collapse on top of the sheets and as soon as my head hits the pillow, I am lost in a deep, dreamless sleep.

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