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A tale of erotic fantasy.

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    The city lay before me as pondered my options this night. One thing was certain the view from Xegis’ quarters was rather magnificent. The library had been built on a hillside, and from the old sages quarters it gave an unobstructed panorama of the city and the western ocean that lay its foot. The moon was half waned, a sight that always lighted the heavy burden on me. In a few days the new moon would smother the effects of the taint, I would find the remnants of lost humanity once again on me.

    I liked the dead of night, when a city slipped into a relative calm, In the pull of the taint my senses were taxed by a multitude of bombarding pricks of humanity. In this stillness I  could finally breath in its quiet elegance, think clearly,…. Well clearer is better said. The curse on me seemed to breath in subdued restraint when others were not about.

    I turned to Xegis who sat quietly at his desk, for the most part stoic of attitude. His  eyes still failed to give any glimmer of recognition, and frail hope on my part ever pressing dimmer. For three days it remained as unfocused and purposeless of conscious reaction. Even though I had broken from my search lingering in small shapes to intervene on the meals the one named Caduceus brought to him. Now I released a heavy sigh bordering between frustration, and surrender grappling with the gnawing possibility that the great mind of Xegis had been lost simply due to age.
    It was echoing disappointment in that  I had wandered the city, searching for leads of the mysterious liquid. but met with failure after failure. Few could discern the light odor of the drug, none could  shed any light of its nature. The best lead had been a woman, a sentiment echoed by many, but I had entered her shop and found myself in maelstrom of oaths and curses the moment she set eyes on me. A half breeds life isn’t an easy one.

    The phrase “Roseshackle” to the apothecarys met with vacant stares matching Xegis condition, …more frustration,  for I was certain… Xegis in that brief bind had tried to tell me what clouded his mind. None knew of it.

    His words in that melding were few,  but direct clues in my mind as I tried to grapple with thee memory. I think I would have give hope up but for him naming Zierst, I was certain he held knowledge of value concerning the demon, otherwise I would have long slipped from the city. I had left a wake of death during the full moon and  such matters do not go unnoticed. They invoke a responses.  Naming Zierst was enough to dance in the possible repprucussions. The hints regarding the fate of Aldaris heavy chains on me to hold  me to the old man’s fate. There was no way I could leave this place, not with troubling allegations concerning her lingering in my mind.
    I had to know,.., had to peel back that blanket on his mind.

    I crossed the room again to him, naked feet in a soft padding on the wooden floors. Kneeling at his side as I reached up cupping his head. Another attempt at binding seemed necessary. With a resigned sigh, I shifted into my mind….found that core and reached to his…, my senses probing, but the walls too strong,… each press was shoved away, parried, slide away ineffective. I broke the contact, looked onto Xegis and saw a slight smile cross his face.

    “You’re resisting me aren’t you?”

    The smile disappeared as he spoke. “Soup,… soup help, I need ….soup”

    I sat back on my heels,…the stern determination of his words hit me.  Broth was often seen as a aide to the ill,…perhaps he knew something it might dampen the effects of the drug, maybe purge the body of its touch.  I wrestled with the prospect,…he needed to be completely free of this place, free of any potential chance of the drugging. The only way to be assured would be to remove him, hide him and try to wean the effects of the drug from him. Feed him soup,.. hell, bath him in it if that’s what it took.

    Rising I with the decision I moved quick to his wardrobe, yanked a couple of changes of clothes and crossed back, easing him up as I dressed him in the formal robes and slippers of his profession. My own nakedness a minor concern, I might have borrowed his, but they were far too small. To creep the halls of the library naked with a babbling old man was not the most favorable of options.

    I raised a finger to my lips for silence as I slipped into the consciousness of a creature from my far flung travels. Xegis hardly reacted as the Mountain Gorilla materialized, reached for him and lifted him over the coarse hairs of my shoulders. With a quick burst I scooted across the room leaped through the window clamping a hand on the sill, and swung down to a lower ledge,… leaped for another hand hold then dropped us easily to the ground, latching back to my natural form as I slide him from my shoulders and straightened his gown.
    “Ready for soup?” I asked, the tone more in playful tease then fact.

    He nodded eagerly,.. ”Soup! Yes soup!”

    I shushed him again,…raise my hands as I backed into the bushes where my clothes lay hidden. “Soon enough friend,.. we’ll get you soup at the inn.”

    He shook his head,.. ”No,.. no soup… need soup. Soup help! ” His eyes seemed frantic at my suggestion glancing nervous down the street.
    “At the inn,” my tone holding to a gentle consoling edge, as best as I could. Xegis gave me a peculiar troubling look.

    “They have soup there,… good soup.” I turned away stepping into the cover, slightly puzzled as I reached down for the jerkin. and slid the leather over my head.  “I’ve tried their soup, It’s particularly good.”

    I reached for the leather pants, sliding one leg in, turning as I did back to Xegis. “If one doesn’t…”

    ,….or rather turned to where he should have been. A sharp curse slipped from me as I stepped from the bushes. A frantic look right ,.. left… no sign of the old sage. Stamped my foot… pants falling free.


    Damn,… damn… DAMN… how the hell could an old decrepit  man suddenly slip from me. I slipped back into the bushes stripping quick again, angry at myself for such carelessness… reached into the memories as I jerked free of the jerkin… sliding comfortably into one that could help.
    Had I been on the absolute cusp of the moon I would not have required it, but dulling senses meant to give over to forms with acute abilities. I trotted from the bushes on gangly legs, bent my head to the ground and let the bloodhound in me take charge. I hated the floppy ears that continually flapped over my eyes, but the nose was its essence… the power of the form, it honed on the scent of Xegis with  incredibly ease… a squirrel too,… molding sweet bread crumbs…a remarkable perfume in the air… back to the squirrel… I halted,.. steadying my control… as always some instincts take hold first with a form… and it takes a moment to gain purposeful control.

    Refocusing, I latch to the scent of Xegis and nose to the ground send myself into the darkness on his trail.

    It lead downhill, following the winding street, skirting the foreign district…a path straight of purpose hardly of mindless wandering. That I had not caught up to him quickly indicated intent on destination…,whatever end point he had in mind he made good time. I had confidence I was gaining, at least until the path lead into the docks,. and my nose was overwhelmed by a cacophony of odors. I crisscrossed the plaza of the docks… catching faint whiffs of the trail… weaving past burly night stevedores.. drunks,.. dodging heavy carts bludgeoning with wares. Found the trail skirting dangerously close to the dock edge…skirted under a heavy caged wagon…my ears picking up a womans cries.

    Her gasps and pleas were enough to pull me in detour, I slipped beneath the heavy caged wagon,, drifting forward until I could peer about the wagon catch the sight of the huge man in ruthless action against a woman, her hands bound by ropes to the huge bars of the caged, head tossing in frantic response…lost in the ecstasy of the moment. Her high booted legs wrapped tight on his hips, skirts hiked high as she as she rode him in abandonment to lust. The loud slaps of his quick powerful thrusts, the heavy scent of sex in the air,.. enough to pull me forward… plant my hips to the ground and watch. Her body tightened , back arching as an orgasm took her,… which propelled her grunting partner into further action… I found myself …ahem.. well,… aroused by the sight of the hot lust and all…panting,…not even certain when my long tongue spilled lazily out to droop from my mouth… body tingling as I felt the slip of a hardness of my cock sliding from its sheath….

    I was mesmerized by the moment.. watching as he finally found that breaking point gripping her hips tight as he arched back and released his seed into her slick depths.. just the aromas to the sensitive nose was a powerful aphrodisiac,… I lingered watched her rolling on his hips, eyes locked on his sweating face as if in eager need of more. He back away, slipping from her…

    “Insatiable…don’t ever change bitch.”  He kissed her hard. Stepped back to shove his package into his trouser. He turned away but I could here him shout, “Jarvis your're up!”

    I heard the heavy clod of horses led by two men as the entered the narrow confines. The woman eyed them eagerly as they tied the saddled mounts up to a nearby wagon.

    “About time ,”  grumbled one, “There’s a delay in raising the rest of the gear from the holds. Arn has nothing to do till the ships captain gets his thumb from his ass and gets the remaining gear off loaded. Figure a double dip might kill the time.”

    The woman released a delicious moan at the suggestion as two big men slipped into view. Hard looking men, a swagger of confidence given to mercenaries who know their trade.

    My tail wagged in eager anticipation.

    One pulled a knife quickly slashing the ropes, stepped around her and freed the other hand, then tossed the knife into the ground before me.
    “Hurry boys…” she coxed, her eyes locked on the man freeing her,  her gaze slipping past him lingering  in my direction, no doubt amused by the presence of the hound dog with a raging hard on. She laughed, until our eyes met…

    The corruption is an disease the infected can hide from normal humans, but the waning and waxing of its effect is ever present, eyes are windows into the souls,… channels by which we of the corrupted use to touch into the receptors of another’s senses… or find the reek of the corruption in another.

    I could taste it on her,… as she could taste it on me. I recoiled at it instantly.

    The expression on her face was washed by confusion. I knew, she sensed it, knew the image of a dog was a pardox, for canines are not affected by the taint.  She began stuttering as hands grabbed her pushing her down to her knees.

    I stared at the knife before me… shuddered as if dunked in a bath of ice water… silver…

    Glancing to the string of horses, my eyes focused on a bandoleer of silver cross bolts. The heavy cage to which she had been bound.
    The woman’s voice staining to redirect the men, “Boy’s… boy’s…”

    “Com’ on luv’ lets see your talents again..” The were shifting,.. obviously unleashing their members.

    “Goddamm it!…” Her voice raised in annoyance, the moments mood killed, “Enough!… Stop it! The dog!”

    “What dog?”

    I had already moved away slipping into the darkness, nails clicking on the cobblestones as I loped from the wagons and the ones I recognized as lycan hunters. My mind raced. The luxury of time had been twisted.  I had presumed 18 days before conditions dictated leaving the city,.. with hunters it would have been a delicate extension,… they are honed to pick up the aggressive natures as the moon approaches.. peg their targets. Myself as a hunter had always had the luxury of conscious knowledge in rooting out the corruption.  Yes we can look into another’s eyes and recognize it, some betters then others. I am very good at this,…but I have had decades of practice,  better too in that as the full moon approaches… there is a point when we can sense  the presence nearby… feel them across widening distance. On the cusp of the full moon is a common knowledge all share.

    I grappled with the time frame… a week,…ten days…I had to avoid the woman at all costs on the rising moon.  Maybe fourteen at best before the alluring call of the taint would connect us. I had never imagined that the one advantage I held in my hunts would at some point be turned on me.

    I slipped from the docks, doubling my intent until I found Xegis trail again and moved quick to leave the threat of the hunters behind me. His scent  moved beyond the docks, climbed a small hill into the better residential district of the area… turning at last into a large house with finely manicured shrubs,… neat,… orderly,… light within still aglow even at this hour. I glanced to a wooden shingle squeaked in its hinges above me,…and understood….finally… FINALLY understood.

    When faced with uncertainty and helplessness we seek that which brings us comfort,..,  lean on spouses, friends,.. lovers for that support we need. Even in the cobwebs of the confusion Xegis desired that. I had just been too preset on his words to understand… and so as I turned away from the house, my nails again clicking on the cobblestone as I wandered in thought,… for even in the wave of unsettling events  I found comfort in the realization of this discovery… I knew just where to find Xegis, instincts telling me he wouldn’t be wandering off. I headed back to my clothes forming a path to skirt the hunters… and return…to the structure with the business shingle out front that read,

    “Madame Soopes House of Hospitality”


    (The Brotherhood Monastery)

    Leaning back in his chair, his eyes closed, his chest slowly rising and falling, the Frater Altum repeats his tantra’s. A routine repeated so often, it has become second nature, almost effortless. Yet, even after countless times, he finds it hard this time to reach the inner peace he is looking for. As he clears his mind, testing and preparing it, he breathes in the moist morning air, the small window behind his desk opened. Closeby, vaguely he hears the song of the blackbird and envelops it into his trance, as a thread leading to the conscience world.

    Slowly plans start to unfold in his sharp mind, the one thing that hasn’t deminished with age. His years and experience, the harsh decisions he had to make, grinded his mind into a razorsharp blade, difficult to yield and impossible to read. His main tool for attack and defense. A dilemma is shown as he directs his thoughts to the Ranger. He knows the seductions of Libidinis, he had been there himself and struggled to swtick to his training and education. He knows the Ranger’s mission is threatened by the luring temptations of the city. He was wise to bet one more than one horse.

    His second play has already been set to action, a message was sent to the Queen. As the Queen is the lawful reign of Litus Meridium, the lands to the south of Libidinis, the Brotherhood has tried to keep diplomatic relations at the highest level with her and had succeeded beyond expectations. In her quick rise to the thrown, years ago now, the Brotherhood had planted a spy at her castle, and due to a foolish neglect in the vigilance of the Queen, the spy managed to catch a glimpse of her mirror. She was compelled by the Brotherhood to offer her assistance in some matters, after they had confronted her discretely with their discovery. In exchange to guard her secret and allow a few outposts of the Brotherhood in her lands, they offered her assistance in legal matters and, in some cases, certain leverege to procure trade deals and dictate peace conferences. In return she  assisted in some discrete ventures of the Brotherhood, using her mirror to perform tasks

    The message that was sent to the terrifying Queen, will inform her of a part of his plan, asking for her aid and promising her a great award. So great, she will understand that the matter is pressing and will demand her absolute discretion and secrecy. The time too short to expect an answer, the Frater Altum knows she will be willing to assist in the matter. The reward would strengthen her position considerably and provide a constant flow of income to her treasury. And she will be in Libidinis anyway. As she attends at the festival as the personal guest of the Prefect each year, to confirm the friendship between the city state and the kingdom. Besides that, she visits the baths of Libidinis regularly where she is welcomed with the upmost respect and attention, fulfilling her every desire. With her capacities in weaving a web of deception, the Frater Altum is convinced she will perform her task well.

    But will this all be enough to release Libidinis from the clutches of the house Mercator? Even though they governed the city well for centuries, the future of the city is looking bleak. He has heard of the deranged mind of the young man, the son of the Prefect, Comes. If his father had procured more offspring, he would have left the city unmeddled. Now he feels compelled to influence its future dramatically. Letting the city fall into the hands of the deranged son, would bring inreperable damage to the properties and diplomatic ties the Brotherhood has so carefully build up in the City and the lands surrounding it. This kind of damage considered unacceptable. Soon, if things go as planned, the city will be stable for at least the duration of Queen Julia’s reign.

    The Castle of the Queen

    “My Queen, a message has arrived” With large steps, the herald walks towards the centre of the large hall, the centre of the Queens power. As he arrives at the steps, leading to a black marble stage where a large throne of palisander and teak sits. The back and seat of the thrown are lined with deep purple velvet, her weapon embroided with goldthread, the edges laced with a thick golden cord. With a bored look, the Queen tilts her head and stretched out her arm in a slow, almost bored motion. The long sleeve of her dress, half opened up to the elbow, slides down her forearm, exposing the pale white skin. Her crossed legs slide apart as she sits upright, exposing the softness and paleness of her long legs, a shadow hiding her bare sex.
    “Give the bird to me” Her long, slender fingers open like a claw, the manicured, sharp nails dig into the feathers of the pigeon as she clutches it in her hand. The pressure of the blades against its small body, makes the bird tremble but stay still, the panic increasing as she squeezes slightly.. Teasingly slow she unties the thin thread that binds the message to the bird’s leg. She clutches the bird firmer, increasing the pressure until panic grips the bird’s mind and in a frantic attempt to escape, he flaps his wings and pecks at her fingers. As she pierces deep into the guard’s eyes with her cold, amber eyes, she squeezes the bird until a soft snap is heard and the bird goes limp and the life floods out of it. The little scroll of paper quickly hidden in the palm of her hand, she drops the dead bird in the hands of the herald and waves him off in a nonchalant gesture.

    As she opens the small piece of paper, breaking the small seal carefully, her eyes squint, almost closing as she concentrates on the small letters. From behind a small secret panel, she retrieves a booklet, parchment and a small fountain pen. She opens the booklet and starts deciphering the message. Within minutes she has translated the code and read the content of the message. She leans back again, hiding the booklet, parchment and pen and crosses her legs. She pulls on a small chord hanging to the side of her thrown and folds her hands in her lap as she waits for the captain to arrive. Her mind concentrated on the message she just read, she doesn’t notice him until the soft clanging of his sheathed sword brings her back to the present.

    “Have all preparations be made for leaving for Libidinis?” The captain, a large man with broad shoulders, thick eye brows throwing shadows in his pale green eyes, stands at attention with the posture of a veteran. The big scar across his face a reminder of the battlefield. His deep voice echoes through the hall as he answers the Queen. “Yes my Queen, ready and waiting for your order” He bows his head, his chin touching his bronze-plated chest. “Make sure to leave in an hour and let noone disturb me until then”  “Yes my Queen” The captain puts his arm across his chest as a salute and starts walking backwards out of the hall, his chin touching his chest.

    As she is left in solitude in the large hall, she raises her slender body of the throne, tightly wrapped in a black, velvet dress, the high splits revealing her long, pale legs. Her cleavage showing her ample breasts, the laced hem only just covering her perky nipples, her areola’s slightly seen through. She decends the platform and strides to a curtain at the short end of the hall, touching two small wooden panels simultaniously. With an almost silent click, a secret door opens, revealing a hidden chamber. A long oval shape is hanging from the far wall, covered by thick, black velvet drapes, only two large candles lit leaving the room in twillight. Carefully she closes and locks the door behind her as she steps in, before pulling the drapes open. A large mirror, the length of a man, is revealed, its surface as black as the night

    The Queen stands in front of the mirror and closes her eyes, her hands sliding up and down her hips uncontrollably as she concentrates on her spell. “Mirror, mirror on the wall, show me none and show me all, show me the man that has to fall” Her wide mouth moving almost invisibly as she mumbles the words, her jaws clenched. The drapes lining the mirror start vibrating as the surface of the mirror start waving like the sea, emitting an eerie green light into the dark room.

    Janine Dee

    Many marvel at the talents a veteran warrior displays. I know I once did. The way they can hear their enemies in the earth, or scent them on the wind. What I now know is that there is no magick to it, no spirits scouting for their masters.

    At least for the most part. Every sizable army knows the value of spellslingers in their ranks.

    No, one just learns to stop ignoring the signs all around them.

    When putting one's ear to the earth if you can hear marching, but can not see the marchers you know there are a great many to create such a sound, but you can also make guesses as to how far they are by if they march in the steady rhythm of an army able to march in unison, or if their steps seem harassed by any rough terrain between them and you.

    Or when scenting smoke in the wind. Wood smoke on a grassy plain is a sure sign of people, while grass smoke could be indicative of a wild fire.

    It is no different in the city.

    Such as now I find that not only are there more guards then a city would need even in a festival time such as this, but the guards carry themselves with  a swagger that comes from employers trying to emphasize how important their jobs are, but mainly just giving their hired guards an undeserved swagger.

    Veterans don't swagger, our eyes are low, keen, not up in the air following the line of our chins. Our weapons are clean because we maintain them, knowing that in the heat of battle their are our first and most reliable of ally, not because they are still fresh from the forge.

    We'll be the first to step aside in a crowd because not only do we not seek to fight unless necessary, but we know that a tangle of people is a horrid place to have to fight.

    If they all wore the colors of the city guard I might just worry about a ruler developing an iron first, but they wear the standards of numerous houses.

    Which leaves me to worry the city is ready to tear itself apart.

    Yet even that is not the only worry, for I pass numerous stands offering silvered weapons at a cost that might not even make up for the expense of their creation.

    Stopping to talk to one of the more well supplied stands the merchant tells me how they have already had victims of a changer, how they now had hunters in the city, and the reward they are seeking, and how even at such low prices he was still making a killing.

    Always keeping an eye open for opportunity I decide to pick up some more silversheen, an alchemic compound that can be applied to a blade that makes it as good as silver without needing a second weapon. Though I also make note to sharpen my silver dagger as changers are not always polite enough to hold off while I treat my bastard sword with a substance that can kill them.

    Getting to the hotel the women of the baths had directed me to I find it much as I expected, still in a state of revelry, but with the more subdued revelry of the higher class. They also have a room because, again as I expected, those looking for rooms are often just looking for a place to pass out between debauches.

    I first secure the room, checking the window to see how easily one could climb to it, and still securing the shutter with a coil of wire in spite of the sheer surface surrounding. The walls are sturdy timber, and once the door is locked and a chair braced to the handle I allow myself to strip down and climb into the bed, but even still I take advantage of the warm climate to sleep unimpeded by covers, with my sword already unsheathed and ready for a quick grab.


    A city. A new city. Right in front of my eyes. I know I’ve never been here before. Yes, I saw this city in my mind some days ago. Like most of the cities I ever have visited.
    Something is new. I was so very tired after my vision of this city. Sure, I always am tired when I see the future. But this time it was not the same. Something changed.
    Whenever I see the future it’s clear, I see details and know the time, too. This time it has been dusty, blurred and confused. Confused? Yes, it’s the right term. This time I am confused. Something inside of me is driving me. Driving me to this city.
    I’m a traveller. So my folk is. We are travelling, following our intuition. Intuition. Oh my god – I can’t hear this any longer. “Follow your intuition” Wonderful. What, if my head says no? What, if the brain says “You’re stupid. There is much more than intuition. Listen to your mind.”
    My ancestors told me, our destiny is to save life. We’re travelling to protect people. Pah! Protecting people. And then? Some years later they die. Anybody has to die! So why do I have to save them?
    And how do I save them? “You know it” they say. Great answer?! How do I know it? „It’s in your gut“ they say. Ha! There is much more in my guts, but I never saw an answer coming out.
    What did I do last years? I tavelled. I followed my guts. I followed my inner voices. And probably I followed my folks’ destiny. Always on the search to find a logical explanation for my knowledge.

    A new vision is coming as I follow the path to the city. Seeing the future is something I’m able to. Of course, I can’t see the whole future. But I know what will happen next days every time I haven a vision.
    I always thought, everyone is able to. Until I was told just few folks are able to. You never ask yourself things that seem to be logical. I was surprised. Why is not everyone able to see the future? It’s so easy; you don’t have to do anything. It just starts. An idea – is this my mission? Am I able to teach people to see the future? This would be a big help. I would be able to settle down, stopping travelling around. I teach them to get a vision and they can help themselves. My head is burning. This is it!! I teach them… „No, it doesn’t work!“ Looking around. I’m alone. Sure I am. I know this voice. It’s my own voice. My inner voice. It speaks to me „This is not an ability you can teach. You can this or you can’t. Ready!”

    So true. I tried to show it Ardienne. Ardienne… my eyes are flashing, I feel drunken when I think of her. I saved her life. She was very grateful. Very grateful…

    Some month ago I arrived to a small village. When I saw her I had a vision. Rain, storm, fire – and she in the middle of it. She just was saving a child in a burning house when the roof was crushing down. Just one day later it will happen. “She gives her life to save another one” I think. Ok. This is the reason you are here. “Stranger, may I help you?” Two deep blue eyes are looking friendly. If you knew.. I’m here to help you I think by myself. But I’m not allowed to tell her. “Yes, please. I’m a… walker. I’m very thirsty and hungry. I’m very tired, too. Is there an inn to spend the night?”
    She smiled „Sure. It’s at the end of the road.“  I read her mind, to say it more exactly: Her emotions. Friendly, honest, bright. She does nothing. She is so innocent.
    After eating my diner I went to bed. The long walk and the vision made me very tired. And – I knew I had to get up early. The storm will begin next morning!

    Thunder made me awake. Oh, I slept much longer then I wanted to. Remembering a dream I had. Hm. I didn’t dream for years. Sure, I have visions, but they come at day. A dream… I saw this beautiful girl. Oh! In this dream, she and I have been together. Not only together – we have been a couple. No, that’s not possible. I am a traveller – alone, like every traveller is alone. But in my dream I was…… happy. Strange. Happy? Me? Pah. Being happy is for the silly ones! Luck is just a cheap whore, following anybody who is willing to pay.

    Go out. Go and do your job. Then go on. Like you ever did, like you always will do.

    When I left the inn, the thunder was rolling. Heavy rain and flashes made the world around very dark, though it was high noon.
    I ran to her house. I saw Ardienne, also running to this house. Just in the moment she arrived, a flash crashed into the roof. Fire!!!
    I ran through the open door, looked around… a very young child, almost a baby, was crying.
    Suddenly I hear a voice. “Bastian!” Ardienne’s voice. She was running to this house, trying to fetch her brother. She arrived when the roof crashed. That didn’t stop her. Calling her brother she ran inside. Smoke, fire and also rain through the open roof. She saw her brother sitting under the table.
    I hurried. When I was just few steps away, a peace of wood fell down – onto her shoulder. She was knocked down. I threw the wood away and carried her outside. Again I ran into the house and fetched Bastian. He was ok. When I turned to Ardienne I heard a big noise!
    The house – only some pieces of burning wood!
    Some people arrived at the same moment, Ardienne opened her eyes. “Bastian!” She shouted. “He is ok!” I replied. “He is safe, you are safe, too.” “Our house?” I closed my eyes and turned my head. Then I recognized Ardiennes’s hand in mine. “Thank you” She whispered. Her look made my heart melting.
    Some neighbours brought her to a house and took care of her. As I habe been there at once, she just had small injuries.
    Same evening we walked around , reaching athe forest and a small lake. We lay on the grass near the water. She looked at me and seriously she said “You saved Bastians and my life. I’ll never forget this!” Then she kissed me. Thunder and flashes came back. But they were just in my head. Stars exploded. Her kisses so unique, so clean, so wonderful.

    Her hands stroked my breast. I put my arms around her, holding her so close to me. Suddenly she stood up. Looking at me she slowly undressed. I was speechless.
    “And you?” She asked smiling. In less a second I was nude. Took her in my arms, we slowly went down, kissing and stroking each other. I started to kiss and touch her lovely breasts. She moaned when she felt my tongue on her nipple. Bending her body she pressed her breast into my mouth. I sucked it, rubbing my teeth in her skin. “MMmmmmm go on” I heard her soft voice. Did the same with her other breast. After few minmutes she turned me around. Now as I was on my back she rolled up to me and placed herself on my little friend. Oooooo wonderful. She was so hot, at once she began a fast ride. Didn’t least long and she bent her body, closed her eyes and the birds around heard silent screams.
    The stress, the fear, her hurts – everything left her soul in this one moment. She was living and also had this little death at once. Her nails scratched my body. It hurt, but it was a wonderful pain. Ardienne showed her deepest emotions and I was the one to live it! I was proud, happy, unable to think – and unable to read her minds in this moment, but this I noticed much later.

    She fell down and kissed me. Slipping down my body she kissed my breast… then slowly went deeper and deeper til she reached my dick. Feeling her hand jerking before her lips and her tongue made me breaking through the sky…I was sure she didn’t have much experience, as me too. But she did it with such love, she made everything right. A nature talent…
    Again and again she went up and down on my tail. It was soo wonderful to feel her tongue, her warm and soft lips… she sucked while her eyes send me the deepest look I’ve ever seen.

    I was short before cumming. But now I wanted to taste her, so I pushed her onto her back. Place myself between her legs, kissing her moist lips… She pressed my head closer to her delicious pussy. My tongue was deep inside and I licked her full of passion and love.
    Her moaning showed me I’m doing right. She also was short before cumming again. I slipped up to kiss her, pushing my dick inside and moving it forth and back. “More, more, more” She moaned. I wanted to give more. I wanted to give everything. Yes, I wanted to give my heart and soul. Faster, faster, faster…

    Though we both didn’t want to finish, our passion was much too big. Just few minutes later we both came at the same time…
    We lost the world around. No singing birds, no rustling trees, only our gasping was heard.

    We spent the whole night at the lake. It was warm and no memories of the storm. Bright moon and shiny stars have been our roof. We talked for hours and I tried to awake her intuition. It didn’t work as she never used it before. She didn’t believe it, as she thought her life is lead by the gods.
    Then, lying in my arms, she feel asleep. I didn’t. “What has happened to you?” I thought by myself. “What is this? You cannot read her emotions though you feel her.” I never had this before. Strange… my brain was searching for a logical explanation.

    The sun was awakening a beautiful day. Ardienne awoke, too. When our eyes met, we both knew we had to follow our own paths. She had a mission in her village, as she must take care of her father and little brother and also to renew the house.
    I – I had to follow my intuition. There is a mission I have to do.
    I left.

    Now I find myself here at the foot of this city. The vision is forming…

    Janine Dee

    Normally when I wake up I tend to be unpleasant. In camp the men learned to leave me alone for the first hour upon waking simply because I preferred to wake in stages. Even my Lady tended to wake me gently, though she always did so with a fond smirk.

    That was when I was waking up peacefully however.

    Now when my eyes snap open my mind is clear and my blood is already starting to pump in response to possible danger. Rolling off the bed silently I look to my bastard sword and decide it too large for the tight confines of the room. Instead a draw one of my daggers from my gear, the keen blade's point reaching almost to my elbow as I grip it firmly in my hand and tight against my forearm.

    The sound that woke me came from the lock on the door. Not only would a member of the staff announce themselves before entering, the person is taking too long to be trying to enter  with the key the staff would have readily available.

    More likely a thief thinking my gender leaving me an easy target.

    So I wait, and once I hear the click I kick the chair out of the way while using my free hand to grab the door handle and yank the door open wide.

    The free hand then grabs the still kneeling figure by the hair and pulls his head into the doorway. As I do this I realize there is a second figure with them so I use my knee to quickly slam the door shut again on the head of the first one before I use my hand hold to shove him back hard against his comrade.

    Following I slam a hard open hand to the middle of the second mans chest to drive the wind from him. Keeping the hand there I use it to push him into the wall where I bring my dagger to his throat.

    Once it's there and my threatened feeling calms enough to take a more detailed assessment of the situation my eyes go wide at the coughing, grinning figure I'm holding at blade's edge.

    “Sorry Janine, come at a bad time?”

    His clothing is now cleaner, and more elaborate then he would wear back when campaigning, just as his shoulder length brown hair and beard and mustache show a greater level of care then one was able to find in the field my old comrade was unmistakable.


    Janine Dee

    I feel my heart start to slow to a more regular rhythm, but I still look up and down the hall warily. The young man accompanying Marcus follows my eyes, obviously wondering what I am looking for, but Marcus doesn't flinch, undoubtedly keeping a similar awareness of his environment.

    Letting the dagger slip to an easy grip I place my empty hand on my bare hip. “So what do you want?”

    He smiles ruefully. “It's really a matter of need rather then want, but do you think  you could put something on? I think it's taking my young friend here enough time to recover his wits as it is.”

    I wasn't buying. “I'm sure he's seen a naked girl before.”

    “No doubt.” Was Marcus' reply. “This is Libidinis, but here beautiful women such as yourself tend to be content to pursue lives of being beautiful women, rather then growing up to be feminine vessels of destruction such as yourself.”

    I smirk, turning around to walk back into the room, and wrapping the bed sheet around myself as I sit down on the mattress and Marcus lets his dizzy young friend take the chair while he remains standing. “Already laying on the compliments? You must really be desperate. What's wrong? I don't imagine you have some virgin who's innocence you need to me safeguard.”

    That got a laugh, but then Marcus expression got serious, and I found myself getting the same look as he started speaking. “Nothing so pleasant for you. From what I picked up from my friends on the guard you arrived here today, but I'm guessing you've seen it, felt it, here in the city?”

    Yeah, I had. “Not just the changer?”

    While it had been a question, the tone let him know I knew the answer, even as he nodded the affirmative. “I don't think there is a sell sword in a hundred leagues that isn't employed by one noble house or another at this point, and the houses aren't worrying about quality as much as quantity, giving farm boys with delusions of grandeur new swords and  half dozen drills before putting them to work glaring at the house's enemies.”

    I met his eyes. “And your stake?”

    Since the last time I saw him had been when I was forced out of the unit the unspoken question was obvious. “While our Lady had always taken good care of us I managed to live long enough to realize I wouldn't live forever, but I still was a warrior by trade so I sought what I had thought the best possible city to set up in and found a position as captain of the guard of a noble close enough to the throne to need security, but far enough to never need that security to do much of anything.”

    I couldn't help but interrupt. “You got made captain right away.”

    The grin slipped back on his features. “Master Thomas is an excitable lad, but my predecessor had spent a lifetime protecting one noble or another and still hadn't developed the level of skill I had in our Lady's Army. When I asked if they would be needing a guard he took me in for a time, but when he was sure of me he recommended  me as his own replacement and retired to be a tavern keep.”

    Probably for a tavern frequented by the town guard or the like as no one ever FULLY retired until they expired, but the story was sound, and Marcus seemed sincere enough to convince me.

    I let him continue.

    “The changer is just a symptom Janine. A year ago the Guard would have requisitioned guards from each of the houses to take up a search in their respective parts of the city and this thing would have been run down and destroyed. That's the damnable thing about this Janine. Libidinis has always run on the cooperation of it's citizenry. People tend to come together when there is a problem, but then leave each other to be peacefully the rest of the time, but that's gone now. It's everyone for themselves, and even the merry making that I'm guessing drew you here as much as it drew me seems more people trying to drown out their senses rather then reveling in them.”

    His next sentence chilled me to the bone. “It feels like Telmiah.”

    I remembered Telmiah. I remembered loosing a thrid of our number to a noble who needed our skills, but didn't have the coin to pay for them, so after throwing us as the fiercest of the fighting he had his armies turn on us after we had earned him the victory. I remembered our losses reaching half before his armies were dead and his keep in flames.

    I could never forget Telmiah, and the hollow tone told me Marcus felt the same. It also told me that a brother in arms truly needed my help, and I wouldn't turn from that.


    Tavern The Anvil

    Suddenly I sit up straight in the bed, screaming out loud as the images start fading. My body wet with cold sweat, the sheets thrown to the floor, the silence of the night only broken by my heavy breathing. I shrug my shoulders, trying to get my trembling body under control, shaking off the blurred images that have not yet faded completely. As the shroud of sleep slowly slips from my mind, clear thoughts begin to form, realising where I am the first valuable one. My eyes, slowly geting used to the darkness in the room, slide to the shuttered windows, the silence leaving a deafening echo. Silence… Since I entered the city, a few days ago now, the night has never been silent. People walking the streets at all hours, coming from or going to one of the countless parties and festivities in the city.

    But no sounds disturb the night now… An eerie feeling creeps up my spine, mixing in with the terrifying images that are still remaining present in the back of my mind. Flashes of torn flesh, blood spraying around, a feeding frenzy of creatures I have never seen, only heard of. Shape shifters, lycans… I rub my eyes, sleep has faded from my body completely. My mind is going in circles to understand what provoked this dream. I never dream, or at least never remember what I have dreamt. The Brotherhood taught from day one, that dreams are dangerous, trickery of mind and should be discarded. Yet, these images were so vivid, so real, following a certain story. As if they were directed to maximize the effect.

    The Queen’s Castle

    Her body jolting violently as she gasps for air as she releases the hold on the mirror. The mirror ripples with wild waves of pulsating green a last time, then suddenly it calms, leaving the black surface stirless, the image of the Queen reflected in every single detail.

    She opens her eyes, lashes flutering as she regains her composure. The intense concentration, needed to yield the power of the mirror, has drawn all color from her pale skin. The blue veins laying underneath, form an intricate web, enhancing the cold look she perfected after years of effort. Her entangled fingers start to relax and unfold as she looks at herself in the mirror with a content smile curling the edges of her broad, thin lips. Her amber eyes burn fieverishly as she releases the last thread of power that she weaved between her and the ranger’s mind.

    With a jerk of her shoulders she breaks the staring gaze of her own eyes, steps forward and closes the black velvet drapes with two decisive moves, covering the mirror. The candles are extinguished with an aimed jet of air as she pouts her lips and exhales. She opens the secret door and leaves the chamber. Carefully locking the panels behind her, she strides through the great hall and leaves on the other side, making her way gracefully to the waiting coach.

    Tavern The Anvil.

    I slide off the bed, having to keep myself from falling as a sharp pain shoots through my ankle. The drop off the roof of the house last night, has left it’s mark. I clench my teeth and carefully place my weight on it, knowing nothing is torn or broken, just stretched when catching my own weight. Slowly I walk to the pitcher of water and drink, quenching the thirst and washing away a sweet, metallic taste that fouls my mouth. The taste of blood…

    Suddenly a high pitched, ghastly scream echoes through the narrow street that ends at the kitchen of the tavern. The hairs in my neck stand up straight as the sound suddenly dies away, as if it was cut off in a violent manner. Without a sound I shuffle towards the window and carefull open it to a small crack. The night is dark, the moon hidden behind a veiling of clouds, and all sounds are sucked away in an all-embracing silence. After what seems to take an eternity, suddenly doors are opened and lights cast over the cobbled stones of the alley, voices start filling the night and the echoes of footsteps, heavy boots bouncing off the walls of the houses.

    The tone of the voices excited, angry, chaos resonating through in each outcry,  but more than anything, the stench of fear fills the air and smothers the city. A passionate scream of pain and sorrow rips through that shroud, followed by excited outcries of anger and fear.


    “Lock your doors! Call the guards!”

    “Bloodhunters are here!”


    At that first outcry, chaos hits the people that have collected in the alley. Screams of fear and horror cascade down the narrow street, people start running aimlessly,  blades glistening when drawn, catching the light of latterns. Ghostly shadows are cast on the facades as a group of men form a defensive circle, lanters held outwards to light the shadowed corners. One man seems to take control as he barks out orders, authority resonating through with each harsh word. Runners are sent for the city guards as the group slowly starts to move through the street, methodically searching through all possible hiding places.

    A soft knock directs my attention to the door of my room and almost immediatly a second knock sounds, more urgent, louder, almost demanding. I slide my hand under my pillow and unsheath a small dagger before slowly moving towards the door. A third knock sounds, then the soft voice of a woman seeps through the small crack that parts the door from the post.

    “Please, let me in.. Please… I am so scared”

    I open the door slowly, leaving my foot to block it as I pierce through the small crack, letting the dagger drop into the floor. The wet, red eyes of Sinah are wide open, fear has taken all color from her normally tinted face, her body trembling, only wrapped in a short, cotton, white singlet. She pushes against the door and as I move my foot, she falls into my arms. Quickly I slide my arms around her and walk her to the bed as she clings to me, writhing her body against mine, her arms tightly clenched around my neck.

    Attempts to pry her arms away from my neck failing, her body clinging to me as she burries her face against my chest, her lips moving, kissing, touching, seeking consolation and divertion. My ankle starts to burn as she leans her weight more and more into me, her leg sliding up mine, moving over my hip as she pulls herself further into me. Forced to sit down, I let myself fall to the bed, allowing Sinah to climb into my lap. Her face moves up as her lips trace my neck, find my mouth and are pushed hard against me. Her tongue is pushed inside my mouth as she starts to grind her hips into me, rubbing her bare sex over my pelvis.

    Overtaken by her fear-driven eagerness, the will to resist disappeared after the chase and the terrifying dream, I let myself fall back to the bed, allowing her to open my pants and uncover my member. With her eyes fixed on mine, she takes my member in her hand and squeezes it, before she rolls it around in her hand, carefully, skilled, nurturing it to an erection. As she starts to stroke my growing shaft, her hips start to buck against her hand when she lips it between her legs, her fingers hidden underneath the linnen singlet, her thighs straddling my legs. Before I reach a full erection, she moves herself up my body, hovering over me as she guides my member to her entrance. As the tip touches her sex, it is coated with her warm, flowing juices and without hesitating she slowers her body onto me.

    She takes me in easily, her inner walls coated with her slick juices, allowing her to push her body all the way down on me, her lips stretched around the base of my cock. Quickly she starts to move her body up and down while my member is still growing inside of her. Her eyes now closed, her face distorted with the forced concentration, her hands on her thighs balancing her upper body as she throws herself down on me.

    I endure her need for our bodies to connect, the physical pleasure having its effect on me, but I am looking at us from a distance, having detached my mind from my body as soon as I sensed her sexual urge, fuelled by her fear. The images in my mind are clinging to the back of my conscious thoughts, almost too faded to see them clearly. They feel intrusive, imposed.. as if someone forced them into my dreams, forcing me to see them. With what purpose?

    I watch her pushing her body down, her mouth twisted as she collects her sexual energy, her breathing fast and shallow, moans forced through her throat. Within minutes her body freezes, every muscle in her body tightening as she screams a silent scream, reaching the pinacle of her climax. Her hands squeezing, her chest heaving, sweat glistening on her face as her body start to slow down, then comes to a halt on top of me. Exhausted she falls down on my chest, her hot breath sliding over my chest, slipping into a deep sleep while we are still connected…


    I can smell the gunpowder all around me and I’m sure it’s coming from the rifles of the hunters, which are all aiming at me waiting for my next move and even if I can’t see them, I know they are coming closer.  It took several days of chasing to them to be able to push me through a gorge at the foot of the mountain where I usually live and where I can stay away from the humans or any other race of the Continent of Drakoonia. Despite the considerable power that comes from the demon blood running through my veins, I couldn’t climb a wall so steep, especially considering the fact that I have several wounds caused by the weapons and the traps of the hunters, probably the most prepared group of them I ever have meet. The only chance to break free is a frontal attack with great risk to fall under the fire of the their rifles and more I look around me, more I realize how much they were able to put me with my back against this gorge. And I’m quite sure they are almost ready for the final rush of this long hunt.
    But I don’t want to give up……I don’t want to end my life in some cage like a beast! Because this is what normal people see in me, in my body trapped between the one of a pretty young girl and the one of a demon! Probably, if the problem was just the horns over my head, I could try to hide them with a hood or an ornament, making them appear to be part of it, but the real problem has always been my legs, two powerful legs with sharp claws instead of feet, which could pierce the body of an adamantine bear in a moment, if only I want it! And I can’t really hide them so easily! Or, anyway, not in a no suspicious way!
    At last, I’m almost ready to attack, even if I know the risks, when a noise caught my attention upward. When taking a look over me, I can see that hunters have caused an avalanche which is going to crash right on my head! Thanks to my body and strength, dodge the first isolated boulders was not so difficult, even if I’m starting to move with increasing difficulty, but I can’t say the same for the others which follows after that first wave: there were too many of them and at last, for one I dodge, two hit me causing me more wounds and pain, till I’m totally overwhelmed by them. And, little by little, I’m getting trapped on the bottom of the gorge, with more boulders still falling over me. The noise they made is deafening, probably too much even for me, and I’m losing the count of how many of them are hitting me till, at last, all around me become black and I lost conscious.

    When I get conscious again, my head is so confused…. Where am I?! What happened?! Appealing to my strength, I’ll try to get up, but something is restraining my body: am I still trapped under the avalanche!? No, it cannot be…. I can clearly see the sunlight shining, even if my vision is still blurred and I’m sure it's not a crack between the rocks…. it’s something different, maybe…. yes, now I can see things more clear…. the ones I see are…. bars!? What happened while I was unconscious!? I try to get up yet, but nothing to do…. then, I try to look around, moving my arms….. these are also blocked, but from what?! Appealing to my little strength, I try to lift my right arm…. a clatter of metal makes me finally understand what it is: chains! That's right…. at the end, the hunters were able to capture me, and they wrapped my body with strong chains, restraining me and imprisoned me in a wagon with which they are transporting me somewhere!
    Suddenly, an unmistakable smell of salty air hit my nose. I have no doubt, we are heading towards the Berin Sea, where probably my new destiny is waiting me: to be exposed in a cage for the rest of my life! I can’t allow it…. no, this is not the life I want, I don’t want to live like a caged animal…. there is a lot I want to experience and, most important, I would like to find someone who will support me in good time but more, when things looks bad and the presence of someone who can cuddle you is more needed. But I know this will remain just a dream, no one could love a half-demon and more if he found out my secret…. no, that would remain forever a beautiful, sweet dream. What expects me now is just harsh reality….

    When we finally reach the harbor, someone open the cage’s door. Strong hands grab tight my legs and drag me out, causing a huge metal uproar: for a moment, I think this is my only chance to escape from there and I try to wriggle with all my strength, but the grip of those hands is surprisingly strong, almost comparable to mine. I look up to this mysterious entity that posses this incredible strength and what I see leave me stunned: a 6,6 feet and more tall figure, self-confident despite he’s facing a being that many others wouldn’t have hesitated to call “monster”! Watching carefully, I am impressed to discover it’s a human! How is it possible he can have so much power!? I never met one like him! His body is massive and the muscles of his arms are perfectly sculpted, maybe even too much, a clear sign of the long and hard workouts that has sujected his body. A body I can’t stop to look at, as if it has hypnotized me with his strength.

    Then, the voice of a man distracts my attention from that incredible figure.

    “Horgus, take that creature in the hut reserved for the gladiators and take care of her wounds! Those idiot hunters…. they will never learn how to capture their prey uninjured!”

    “As you wish, Lord Barton!” the figure thundered, whit steady and strong voice.

    Saying this, he carry me on his mighty shoulders, without any apparent fatigue, as if he is transporting a small bag of floor or something similar, and not another person like me, almost 7 feet tall! Everything seems so incredible, I always thought humans were small, weak, coward, but not him, he looks different from all the other humans I ever met! Horgus…. at least, I know his name now, a name that suit perfectly to a man of such strength and vigor and who is able to make my heart bump faster and wild: is it possible that this man has impressed me so much!? And why I’m starting to feel attracted by him and his mighty appearance!? I’m so lost in my thoughts that I hardly notice that we have reached a hut and he laid me on a straw bed, just before to begins removing the chains that imprison me.

    “I suggest you to don’t try to escape…. you are too weak and it will be easy for me to catch you again. But don’t worry, I’ll take care of your wounds, and soon you will also serve Lord Barton! “

    “Yeah, sure ….” are the only words I can say at this moment. I can’t believe I’m acting like a little human girl who fell in love for the first time, not after I survive after facing many dangers and wild animals …. Horgus might have abducted my heart so much and so quickly!? A sudden shudder pervades my body …. it takes me awhile to finally realize that the hands of Horgus are caressing my body, cleaning it up from the mud and the blood gushed from my wounds.

    “Take off your clothes…. they must be washed and I can’t take care of your wounds properly with them on!”

    Those words, even if they don’t have second thoughts, make my face flush and I can feel chills running on my spine. I turn away to don’t face him but most, cause I don’t want he see my blushed cheeks, I don’t want he can understand the strange, but wonderful, effect he is having on me. Then, I try to find an excuse to don’t undress right in front of him.

    “But …. but I really don’t …. “my face looked ready to explode, now I can feel it burning ” …. I don’t know if I can do it …. “

    “You'll soon get used to it, because from today we will share this place because I’ll going to take care of you and I’ll teach you everything you need to know to be a fighter”. Hearing those words, my heart leaped again…. sharing the same place!? With him? It seemed like a dream! “Now hurry up or did you want to be punished by Lord Barton!?”

    “Y-yes ……” hesitant and confused, I begin to remove the belt first, then my vest. I let it slide down my upper body, slowly, but when it reaches my belly, agitation takes control of me again. I’m getting so nervous and embarrassed by this situation….. it’s not something I’m used to do!

    “Please, don’t look! It’s …. it's too embarrassing! I can’t!” I suddenly yell, trying to catch the vest before it falls on the floor to cover my belly.

    My heart begin to bump like crazy, I can feel his eyes pointed on me while I try to hide my secret: no matter how much I can resemble a human girl, I’m definitely not! Horns and legs are not the only unnatural parts of my body: under my frayed and dirty vest, my shaft has started to react to Horgus gentle touch and to my feelings, growing and getting hard as I never felt it before! I don’t have enough courage to look at his face …. how could I!? Maybe he’s my first love, but he could be attracted, or even feel interested, by a freak like me!? I can’t get this thought out of my head, pounding incessantly to the point I didn’t notice how close Horgus is to my face.

    “Are you fine!? You act strange and your face is all red …. maybe your wounds get infected or it’s fever….”

    Saying this, he put his forehead on mine. His face is now so close to mine, I just need to move for few inches to being able to kiss him, but I’m petrified…. any muscles of my body is blocked, even my lips! And I’m sure he notices it, someway.

    “No, I don’t think is fever….” he says, moving a step forward “but I’m sure something is not good….”

    I would like to scream to him what I feel but I can’t. Not a single word is coming out of my mouth, maybe even my breath can’t find its natural way. All I can do now, is staring at him: he is not a so attractive man but in his sculpted and toned body, there is something wild that caught my attention, something I can see more clearly in his black and deep eyes. Now I’m sure of it, that man have a sort of animal presence (instinct, maybe!?) who makes my demon’s blood boil and I can’t control it!

    Insecure on what to do, I let the vest fall on the floor and reveal my shaft to him for the first time. I’ll try to cover it with my hands, but agitation and nervousness has take control of me, letting me fall on my back and exposing my full naked body to him: if I was able to hold the shame till that moment, my face was now burning as it never has done before and I can’t hold his eyes who are now exploring any inch of myself. I was sure he will leave the hut disappointed by this ugly view, but something unexpected, suddenly happen.

    “You are a wonderful creature….”

    Few words…. probably he told them to many girls but this is the first time someone told them to me! I look at him suspiciously, without worrying to cover my body: my mind is sure they are just a lie but when I look deep into his eyes, I can see the truth of them, I can see the surprise but also a strange light, similar to admiration or it looks like that to me.
    He gently helps me to stand and sit on the bed, and for all the time I can sense his eyes glued on me. Even if his words and act had helped me to relax a little, I’m still confused and agitated: that situation, embarrassing at the begin, is now turned into something different. Or maybe it was for me…. the attraction I felt for that man till the first time I saw him has grown and it’s more than instinct for me now, it’s love! Maybe Horgus can appear like a rude and strong man (and he probably is!) but he’s showing me a sensible side of him, something he probably hide and he is revealing it to me now, a half-demon, a creature usually hunted by the humans.

    “That’s why you were so nervous!?” he asks me, breaking the silence between us.

    “Yes …. I’m a half-demon and not only that …. half man and half woman …. it’s my curse….” I reply, looking down.

    “Maybe…. or maybe not! This can make you a special creature!” he says, taking a sponge and starting to clean my body “Look  atme, for example. I’m a human, but most think I’m weird…. I’m tallest then everyone else and have a massive body…. someone think I’m a mixed race and avoid me….”

    Silence fills the place, again. We stare at each other, both surprised to see how our lives where similar and how destiny, sometimes, can be cruel but, at last, somtimes it gives a small sparkle of hope. After that confession, we didn’t say a word. Just when he finishes the treatment of my wounds, he spoke to me again.

    “I have business to do, but I’ll come back later with new clothes…. now, try to rest!”

    Then, he vanishes outside the hut, just to come back when it was already dark with some food. This was the first of many sleepless nights spent admiring at my Horgus, so kind and sweet while he takes care of my wounds, but resolute when he is in the arena behind Lord Barton’s Estate training the gladiators at Lord Barton’s service.

    I must say it, every time I look at Horgus during the trainee’s sessions in the arena, I’m surprised by his strength. Of course, he is not at my same level but for being a common human, he is really powerful and his techniques are more than excellent, plus no one of the other gladiators are closed to be compared to him! Probably, even my fighting techniques are not effective as his ones, especially considering the fact I never had someone who taught me how to fight. And this aspect of Horgus is fascinating me too, making me impatient to step down in the arena to face him and finally be able to evaluate his real strength.
    But at the same time, another feeling is growing inside me. Every time Horgus touch my body to take care of my wounds, strong shivers run thorough my body and they make my blood burn so intensely that it become very difficult to resist to the temptation to reveal to him my true feelings. Feelings that he returns with joy, as I’m about to discover….and maybe, Horgus’s feelings are even deeper and stronger than mine! And even if I’m able to take care of me by myself, I take advantage of the situation to have some intimate time with him, something I have the impression Horgus is appreciating too.

    Then, during one of those sleepless nights, something happened….something which is going to change many things in my life.

    That night, naked in my straw bed, sleep was very difficult. Few steps far from me, Horgus lies just wearing his leather pants: covered by a thin sheet from toes to head, I stare at him and  at his incredible and mighty body. I wonder if he notices to have my attention…. carefully, I continue to look at him, just to turn on the other side when he, sometimes, look in my direction. Even if I can’t see him, I can sense his eyes pointed on me, trying to catch any movement I made.
    Suddenly, shivers run over me body, surprising me: a gentle hand caress my back, slowly, giving me some strong and intense emotions. I turn back to see who is touching me but before I can see something, strong lips are against mine, leaving me breathless for a moment: they felt warm and firm in that long kiss and when they finally are away from mine, I can clearly recognize Horgus. Without saying a word, his lips kiss my neck, moving down to my chin, then to my tits, till they reach my nipples at last: this is a totally new sensation for me, something  thought I’d never felt…. his lips huddle around my nipples, his tongue gently caressing them…. it’s a sensation so intense that I can’t hold a moan of pleasure. Horgus immediately noticed it, I can feel it in his hands who are touching me, exploring every inch of my body, eager, as he doesn’t has touch a woman’s body for so long.

    I can’t control these new sensations he is giving to me and he know it! I’m overwhelmed by them, to the point I’m losing myself and I didn’t realize immediately to have his hard and mighty rod pressed on my belly, barely touching mine in an intense and intimacy ceremony. My face flushed, again, when he spread my legs with a fast but firm movement of his pelvis and his rod reach my entrance, pressing over it. I can’t believe to what is going to happen and on how badly he want me! This make me happy but at the same time, fear start to run in my body.

    “I-i don’t ….” I try to babble.

    “Don’t say anything …. I understand it from how your body reacts, from your breath and your eyes …. I can read clearly the desire but also the fear …. this is your first time, isn’t it!? “

    I nod at him, with my eyes closed. I’m too embarrassed to look at him and he probably notices it, because he starts to kiss my belly gently and slowly moving down till he reaches my entrance. His tongue lingers for a while around my entrance, greedy, but at the same time temptress, waiting for my reaction…. or rather, a reaction of my body. And he doesn’t have to wait for it so long: my body squirms at his gentle but firm touch, reacts with increasing force, the feeling becomes more intense, overwhelming! Is that what you feel when someone caresses your body, when he want you!? It's a unique and inebriant sensation!
    But Horgus leave me no time to get lost in these thoughts. While I think I’ve reached the climax, his tongue slip into my hole, slowly at first, then more and more strongly, so much so that I can’t hold a moan, then another…. and again! More I try to resist, more the excitement rise in my body, making my blood burn of intense and unexpected lust …. lust that increase suddenly when Horgus 's fingers open their way inside, exploring my body like no one had ever done before! They move inside me trying to open a way to dig deeper and deeper: at first, the pain arrived, but pleasure take its place, becoming more intense as I get used to them and at all the new sensation they are giving me. And that pleasant torture continues for several time, till they begin to move out slowly, finally leaving me the chance to breath, to calm the beat of my heart.
    But Horgus don’t want give me time to rest: he grab my waist and pull myself close to him and rubbing his shaft against my barely open entrance. I close my eyes and nervously swallow, thinking to be ready for it, but I’m probably wrong!

    “No, please …. I …. I’m not ready for this! ” I yell trying to push him away.

    But I know I keep lying to myself …. perhaps I’m not mentally ready, but my body is! My breath becomes more heavy and even if I don’t want to admit it, I want it as much, or maybe more, then Horgus want it too. But he surprises me again.

    “If you really think you are not ready, I can wait …. I don’t want to force you to do something you don’t want ….” as he said this, his hands loosen their grip on me, and moving on my side.

    “Forgive me …. I would, but I’m afraid …. afraid of all this unknown sensations!”

    Without realizing it, tears flow from my eyes and fall slowly down my cheeks. I’m acting like a little girl who looks out at the world for the first time: a world she never had seen before and she find scary, even if she want to explore it. Looking at my tears, Horgus move closed to me, gently dries my tears and hug me, giving me another beautiful moment of great happiness and I can finally feel safe in a world who always has try to refuse my existence.

    “I’ll teach you everything you need to know, not only on fighting …. I like you, I want you …. but I don’t want to see you suffer! We have plenty of time so we take one step at a time till you are ready to do it.”

    ” Horgus …. ” is all I’m able to say before he gives me another passiante kiss.


    I stretch myself luxuriously when I exit the bathhouse, my stomach growling a little, I should probably find an inn or somewhere to stay. I look up and the street but I can't make heads nor tails about most of the signs visible outside the buildings. I choose a direction on impulse and starts to walk down the street looking curiously at the people and shops I pass by.

    Somehow I can feel something odd prickling at the corners of my subconscious, as if there's something my magical senses should discover but is diverted from, but the problem is that it's very hard to hide something magical from a pixie. Almost by reflex my mind is subconsciously attracted by the tricky magic and starts unfolding it so it's brought to me at a conscious level.

    Suddenly my mind gets through all the diverting and subtle magic and I can see it. There are threads of magic going between patterns spaced out far in between and they're pulsating with subtle magical power. It must be masterful magic since it took even me such a long time to notice it and I'm a pixie so by nature I'm very good at that. Oh well, let's go see what that glowing door hidden in the alley does.

    I walk into the alley, the noise of the street getting kinda muffled, people doesn't really seem to care much about the alley for some reason… though it's filled with garbage. To my left is the glowing door, it's mostly just a faint light in the stone wall of a building, though that's how I'm perceiving it with my strong senses… nothing at all really gives it away unless you can see the magic in some way like me.

    I can see that there is a ward on the door that hinders people from entering it. I lean against the wall so my ear is very close to it and then I can hear the small whisper of a boring spell of dry magical words that let's you enter, people around here really should learn how to make more beautiful magic than this. Muttering the dry boring spell quickly I can then enter into the door and I'm suddenly in a room and judging from the windows I'm now far up in a tower room somewhere else in the city… ooh this seems fun and I can't hold back an excited giggle from escaping me.

    “Hrrmm!?” I jump at the sudden sound, turning my head to the side where I see an old man with a long silvery beard, funny hat and a long robe sitting by a desk and looking indignantly at me.

    “Can't they ever teach you young ones to take the main gates into our grand establishment than use all these back doors, it's getting on my nerves to be interrupted during my most important work. I will have to take this up with the council this is getting out of hand, how do they expect me to unravel the mysteries of making fire that doesn't smell when it burns off of wood if I'm disturb all the time!?”.

    “Umm… I'm sorry but I'm kinda new here” looking at him apologetic with large eyes and he seems to calm down somewhat.

    “New you say?” he looks me up and down uncomprehending at first, then after adjusting his spectacles “By the three hidden cities! You're no human, if my memory serves me right you're one of those fairy creatures?”.

    “Why yes, I'm a pixie to be precise” smiling proudly as I tell him what I am “I'm looking for a nice inn and preferably one where they serve blueberry pie”.

    He scoffs indignantly “Does this look like an inn to you young lady? This is the prestigious and hidden magical establishment of this frivolous city… why they placed it here I have no idea, must have been the council a millennia back. Those old…” I stop him before he rambles on.

    “No no I didn't think that, I was wondering if you knew of one”.

    “Oh, I know of many fine establishments, once, 15 years back…” again I interrupt him.

    “Like here… and now?”.

    “Right, well I was coming to that part” then he peers at me, his eyes glinting “You know, the problem with my fiery project isn't making a fire that doesn't smell, but to make the magic fire sustain itself simply by burning wood like an ordinary fire. I will have to test your skill since only those that are quite well versed in magic are allowed in here and if you manage to make a fire that doesn't smell and burns off of wood for a while I'd say it's fine” he hands me a torch and indicates that I should start.

    “Oh well, this isn't going to be hard” I say confidently, I wave my hand around the torch, quickly weaving my spell and a bright flame erupts from the torch shining with a warm light and smelling a little of lavender.

    He sniffs the air grimacing “it smells of… lavender… it shouldn't smell you know, though it is quite nice like this”.

    “I just thought that it would be nicer than no smell and this way I think I might have made it last for quite a while as well”.

    He peers at the flame, inspecting it carefully “You might very well be right about that, who would have thought”.

    My stomach suddenly growls loudly and he laughs with mirth “let's go find you some blueberry pie my pixie friend”.


    The Castle of the Queen

    As in a trance the Queen is focussed on the flickering images in the mirror. The surface flowing up and down, emerging from the centre and cascading to the sides. Ripples of silver, grey and green disclosing pictures and scenes for her eyes only. The mirror’s powers, bound to the power of the legal Queen, not only show her the images she demands, but also gives her the ability to transfer into a shadow form that can enter dreams and manipulate thoughts. An ability she has used often before, seeking the receptive mind of an innocent man, driving him to sexual madness in his dreams without letting him release. Withdrawing before he awakes, she pleases herself, the utter dispair of  the man still lingering in her mind, feeding her lust

    With the shimmer of a smile on her face, she watches the Ranger spill his seed into the body of the insignificant serving girl, his virility, hunger and selfish conduct amusing her. Unconsciously she squeezes her thighs together, a flutter of desire stirring her sex as she sees the thick shaft of the Ranger slam into the girl. “So this will be my prey. I think I will like this hunt. But before I dispose him, I willl have him for myself” As the images fade away, she abruptly closes the drapes, shutting off her growing desire. Silently she leaves the secret chamber and moves to her private quarters, her long legs striding through the long passages of the large castle. Three girls are waiting for her, ready to assist her in undressing and putting on her travelling atire. As she enters the room and nods, the girls move swiftly towards her and undress her in silence. Naked she stretches herself like a feline, lengthening her back, flexing the muscles in her legs and arms before she allows the girls the help her dress.

    The tight body of the grey, almost silver dress is designed to hug her breasts tightly, propping them up into a deep cleavage, only the lace on the hem covering her nipples and areola’s. A little trim of gold weave accentuates her waist and wide hips, the ever-present long slits at the side exposing her long legs. Black leather boots with 6” stiletto heels are slid on her feet, covering her legs up to her knee, smoothly hugging the sensual line of her calfs. A quick look in the mirror, a litle smile forming around her lips as she judges her cleavage, before she strides out and walks through the halls and corridors to the courtyard, where her carriage is waiting. A bataljon of her soldiers stand at attention in the courtyard, waiting at attention as she walks down the steps of the terrace, leading from the main entrance gate. The silver, covered carriage is aligned in the middle, the door opened already. As she nears the carriage, the Captain of the Guard steps forward and offers his arm as she ascends to her seat. With the sharp order of the Captain, the soldiers turn and start marching out of the main gate, the  silver carriage, pulled by 6 black stallions slowly starts to roll away, gently handled by the driver as not to discomfort the Queen.

    There had always been tention between Litus Meridium and the city-state, as the Kings and Queens had always wanted an accesible harbor, but the big influence of the Houses of the city in the kingdom always preventing an attack. Libidinis always in need of hinterland to protect the city and create a bigger market under their influence kept diplomatic relations high at all costs and encouraged all ties formed between Southcoast and the City. Commercial interests kept a fragile balance in place and maintained for centuries, although there had been squirmishes in the past. But both Libidnis as Southshore as it was often called, were dependend on trade and the possibility to make money always prevaled over the other interests and ambitions.

    As the journey leads the Queen through the rolling hills of her lands, covered as a vibrant coloured quilt with wheat- and cornfields, meadows with cattle and lifestock and small woods spread out, she leans back, her eyes staring out the small window.embedded in the side panel. The offer and request of the Brotherhood occupying her thoughts more as pleases her. As she is very familiar with the reputation of Comes, surrendering the city to his deranged mind would be a mistake. Taking out the boy from the equasion, would leave the city in a bitter fight as the Houses would tumble over eachother in their efforts to seize power over the city. The city would have her attention directed inwards, volnurable, distracted the conquering force would be noticed too late and the city taken in a few days. And all she has to do is take over this ranger’s mind and control him, ensuring his succes.

    Once the Ranger is corrupted and submerged in decadence of Libidinis, the suspect will be drawn away from the Brotherhood, known for their celibate practice. Yet submitted to her will, helpless in the tight clench of her claws, he will perform his task as instructed. And, as her spies told her, a city from the north has been trying to upset the political balance of Libidinis. Information undoubtedly known to the council of Libidinis, drawing attention away from the Ranger even more. As she plays with the plan in her mind, she slowly starts to get aroused, her heart rate speeding up slowly, her thighs pushing together continuously in a reflex. She closes her eyes and lets the slow sway of the carriage progress through her body. She opens her legs slightly, the splits allowing the cloth to slide up, leaving her thighs exposed almost to the hip, her hand moving over her pale skin, into the cravess that holds and guards her sex. As she touches her clit, a shiver of pleasure trickles down her spine, cascading down her hips and legs, ending in her toes. She enjoys her own touch, but her grip on her desire is too tight to let it out of control. She opens her eyes again and removes her hand from her sex, blinks twice and crosses her legs again, her thighs clenching just a fraction tighter together as before. Libidinis will quench her thirst for power, the ranger will quench her thirst for sex. “Patience patience, I will play with him before I kill him. I’ll visit him in his dream again tonight” An eerie laugh leaves her throat as she tilts her head back, stretching her long neck.

    Tavern the Anvil

    My eyes flare open, my mind immediatly clear and focussed, my hand sliding over the sheets that covered me and Sinah during the night, only to find the spot she occupied empty and cold. The first rays of the sun force themselves through the small cracks of the shutters, announcing the break of day. Her shift has started and I never noticed her slipping out of bed, pushed into a deep sleep after she claimed me and rode my cock. Slowly I slide out of the bed and walk to the small stand with the bowl of water on it. I wash my face, my chest and lower body quickly, before dressing. I move around with calculated moves, testing the strength and trust in my ankles. As they warm up, I find steady footing and head down to the main room of the tavern. The old woman behind the counter, the dark pockets under her eyes disclosing her tiredness, pretends I’m not there. I sit myself down at a table, a different one as last night to prevent a routine or a reference, and call for her. As if her feet are glued to the tiled floor, she drags herself to my table, not mentioning a word or even looking at me. I order a simple breakfast regardless of her lack of attention. Eggs, bread and beans with a jug of water. As she slowly scuffs off, I lean back in my chair and pull my hood over my eyes.

    A few minutes later the food is dropped on the table, the water spilling from the jug, marking the table. Desinterested the woman turns and leaves me to myself. Quickly I eat and empty my plate, finishing with a large drink of water. I slide from the chair, pulling the hood down further to cover my face and eyes. Weary of my ankles, I start moving towards the exit, staying as close to the walls as possible. Though the morning is still young, there are already a few customers conversing with dampened voices. As I open the door, I avert my eyes from the bright early sun and slip away. Outside the door I turn right, into the narrow street that leads towards the central square. Falling back to my training I blend in with the crowd that is just up at the start of a new day or returning home after a night of festivities.

    As the opening of the festival is at hand, all kinds of parties are organised, entertaining the visitors and inhabitants of Libidinis, keeping a steady flow of people on the street during all hours. The perfect circumstances to disappear amongst the people, my common face seen and forgotten, and to find my way without being noticed. I reach the central square, where the crowd is so large, people are squeezed together, moving along with the slow pace of a congested bowel. After crossing the crowded market at the heart of the square, I turn towards the harbor, the scent of fish and the sea drifting on the air. I follow the scent down a broad street and soon find myself in the crowded midst of fish mongers, carriers and customers. A small square which ends at the docks, is filled to the brim with stalls and shops, displaying a big array of fish and shell-fish, the fruits of the sea. The market is enclosed on both sides by tall buildings, one housing the auction, the centre of the activities. To the right, a small arched corridor leads to a narrow street, the other side of the market closed off by warehouses.

    This should be the street where Delniz has his workshop, the only street leading to the east from the fish market. With the outlay of the city engraved in my memory, I confidently walk under the arched canape of the corridor and enter street, paved with cobble stones. After a few hundred yards I see the tin violin on the facade of a smal shop and as I near it, I can see some instruments displayed behind a barred window. Without hesitation I step through the door next to the display window, setting off a little tingle, a bell attached just besides the door calling for the attention of the shopkeeper. I step into the shop, the walls lined with planks, violins, citars and lutes in all sizes and colours set in a simple order, the price determining position. After a few moments a stumble draws my attention to a small door at the back and an old man steps through it. Though his face is grooved with lines and wrinkles disclosing his high age, his hands show a high level of awareness and control, his sharp eyes taking his visitor in with a quick glance.

    His steel blue eyes and the blonde hair mixed in with the grey of his beard, hint to his northern descent. His ancestors came from the high north where the seas are frozen and life is cld and harsh. His eyes now pierce in mine, mustering me, trying to look into my soul, looking for a hint of deceit in my look. Then, without a word, he turns and disappears through the door he enter through. Accustomed with the practice at the monastery, I take his silent disappearance as as an invitation to follow him. I step through and as I enter the little workshop, the tidyness of it strikes me. All tools are neatly arranged by size and use, hanging from hooks on the wall or placed for immediate use on planks. Wood is carefull sorted by colour and size. Not a splinter of wood or a speck of dust can be found on the workbench or floor, as if the workshop had not been in use for years. Yet several instruments are worked on, as some of them are placed in clamps or drying on a shelf. A skylight in the flat ceiling, a single sheet of plain glass, offers the brightness of day, and must have costed a fortune.

    The old man stands silently, leaning against his workbench, his cold eyes fixed on me, his expression empty. Unsure what to say I step a little closer. “I was sent by the Brotherhood” I look at him closely as I utter the words. Without flinching and without saying a word, Delniz steps aside and opens a secret hatch, seemlessly hidden in the floor. He reaches inside the small hiding place and takes out a small package, bundled in sheep leather. He pushes it into my hands with more force as needed, almost glad to be rid of it. His gesture also making me take a step back. “Come back in two days, at noon” Then he turns and leaves as he steps through the door and in a glimpse I see the ankle of a woman, her calf slender and strong quickly hidden behind the wall. I hide the bundle under my vest and leave through the door. I reach the exit in a few steps as I rush through the shop, pulling the door shut behind me. I turn right and walk off, the sounds of the fishmarket dying off in the distance.


    For a moment I lingered outside the inn where I had chosen to to stay and took in a deep draught of the aromas floating in the air. My intent had been to merely to rid myself of the leather jerkin and change into my finery, this was after all not the wilds which I was so normally accustomed to. That aroma though,… succulent, enticing, the deep scent of sexual excitement emulating from the inn detoured my intentions. It was always harder to shake myself down into that quiet peace of humanity as opposed to the rise after the new moon. Be it just fresh on my mind,..or my obsession I lingered on that edge of choice, not compulsion. Perhaps it was being in that state of mind, a sad statement of my current nature which had not found fulfillment for over a day to simply rationalized Xegis would be fine till morning. None would know his disappearance until the morning hours.

    I needed release for clarity.

    A rationale any addict could relate to.

    With mouth watering I entered the main floor of the inn trembling as I felt the sexual charge even before eying the naked mass of patrons entwined in their sexual orgy. Licking my lips I took stock of the sexual energy which hung in a haze abundant over the withering mass within locked in their ecstasy. My acute senses probed for one highly aroused, the one most likely to be receptive to my own enraging lust. My attention was drawn to  the large voluptuous matron straddling the Satyr upon the performing platform. I could not retrain myself from watching her ride that gigantic phallus. The sheen of her excitement coated his cock, making it glisten in the dull light of the room.

    I watched as she rolled on him, salivated as she leaned back pressing him deeper into her folds as she reached up and squeezed her heavy ample breasts. With his lute set to the side, his hands held her hips as he rolled  under her  in response…bracing her as he leaned back and with raised hips thrusted that slab fast into her. She arched shattering at his quickened thrusts, breaking over and over into the throes of orgasm.

    I stood there soaking in that intoxicating sight.. nearly panting… feeling every thrust pummeling into her sex.. No doubt the satyr had used his unique gift caressing those sweet seductive chords upon his audience. The symphony of groans, … ecstatic moans,,,the chirp of rising peaks sung by the thirty so naked soul entwined in the room were music to my ears.  He had led them to completely disrobing of any inhibitions. I had found heaven in this moment. Like a drunk beaming at an open bar, I wavered there, fumbling at the ties of my jerkin eager to plunge into the chaos of flesh.

    I needed no music to find my lust.

    My interest flickered brief to the side catching a glimpse of the seductive nymph who had shared my illusion. She knelt stoic behind him. Clothed, rigid in form, untouched by the  chaos of lust that filled the room. a stark statue of contrast to the primal action surrounding her .My eyes roamed over the fine beauty of her face framed by the black waves of long hair which cascaded over her shoulder, drifting lower following the rise and fall of her chest, those perky breasts jutting against the mold of silk draped upon her.  For a moment the memory of our shared illusion filled me, the feeling of her…, all sweeping again upon me. Her eyes shifted falling upon me,  not with flames of lust or intimacy, nor despair, but a lancing gaze, …that pierced thru my  hormonal drive,…calming, ….familiar as it seemed to drive into me.

    Shrinking from the effect of her  gaze…my eyes avoiding hers, perhaps  in hope to withdraw again into the darkened shadows of the I,…but I was compelled again to look meeting again that calm demur she bore. She knelt there proud,…regal and brilliant in that a stature in the midst of writhering entwined flesh.

    I swallowed hard, my throat parched from my canine  exploits and the lobbing run from the docks .My eyes glanced to the empty bar wet From tipped cups and tankards. Yet one stood foaming at the brim, it beckoned my thrist..

    A good draught and I perhaps this strange stillness would passs and I  would be set to join in the fun.

    Crossing to the bar my hands reached to grip the tankards handle, yet halted by a steeled grip which shot out locked to my wrist.

    “Nay so fast laddie. That beauty is spoke for… just move along and find something of the flesh to divert your thirst..”

    A grayed head rose from behind the heavy oaken bar, and steeled eyes framed by equally gray and bushy eyebrows took me in. A dwarf, proud faced, with high ruddy cheekbones stood up, which wasn’t really much, for  he rose a head higher than the  bar.
    Eyes narrowed, nearly squinting as he weighed me, then released his stout  short fingers from my grip in recognition. It was a face I knew…long,… long ago.

    He mulled me for a moment,  then spoke in a deep booming voice. “Ner’ ever did I figure to see the likes of you again laddy. You seemed destined to go the way of darkness, “  He shoved the drink towards me. “Drink up Bear.””

    Lifting  his mug hidden in his other hand below  below the bar  he raised it in toast squaring his broad massive chest then tossing back his head to drain the contents as the tankard kissed his lips..

    In the decades I had wandered the lands I rarely broke bread with folks more than once. It was far too dangerous to linger long anywhere, and my quest kept me constantly on the move searching for clues and rumors of Zierst.  But for once.. I had met Angus and his troop of gnomes in the dark woods a place far to dangerous for them or other travelers in such small numbers to venture alone in.

    I was raw edged in the ways of civilization and of common folk, as much a wild creature of those dark woods than of humanity. I was a shadow that would slip unseen into the towns, making no attempt to blend with the streets of life. Yet a small thread of decency did exist in me.
    Reluctantly I agreed to guide them to nearby settlements.

    Their fellowship was a flame to attract the fleeting moth of my interest, the camaraderie of nights about the campfire with the gnomes,…intelligent, inventive,… eccentric in their ways and manners. I found  moment of peace with them, listened to shared  lores and laughter under the stars of those wildlands. The old dwarf smithy gave me a fathers wisdom which had been torn from me in my youth,.. I had learned I  yearned for such, for I had never realized the burden of loneliness the years had left an ache for companionship until I had found it. So days stretched into weeks,.. weeks into months. It was they who named me in the cloak I wore, for identity…Bear, … by reason a chance encounter of the youngest gnome to see my transformation into such. I spun my lies of identity on that, an ursine shapesifter  and found them accepting of my uniqueness.

    When the moon would be raising in threatening fullness, I would excuse myself from their camp simply explaining of the need to live that form. They did not question it, nor feared,  knowing no trepidation in that I would be in the woods watching over the protecting them, greeting me enthusiastically after the moon waned when I lumbered back into camp bear formed and transformed human again.

    The taint became a mere annoyance,  only  rearing its ugly head of lust when we found settlements. I figure the scents and aroma fuel it. Like I should be feeling now.

    “To you Angus. For clear roads and full purses” I lifted the tankard in sincere salute and took a deep draught,… regretting it immediately. My throat burned, as the liquid slid down. My eyes watered and I gagged spitting out what had not been swallowed slamming the tankard down
    Angus cut loose a hearty laugh,  “Careful what you poach lad. It may bite back.”

    I rubbed at my mouth as if I could push the taste out of it.

    “Gods, what form of demon spit were you serving me.”

    He turned about grabbing a fresh tankard and filled it from a barrel against the wall.swinging me about to hand me what I hoped was more suitable ale.

    “The good dwarven stuff Bear, Sleepy Hollow Thunder Ale,” He set a fresh tankard before me. “polish one of those off and ye’ be sleeping 99 years.”

    I reached for coin to pay him but he shook his head waving me off. That suited me , The back of my hand I had wiped with still burned with my transgression. Internally I paid too,…my stomach churned and I swore I was sweating. I eagerly took the ale and drained it.

    “Well if you aren’t finishing this….” He gripped the shunned tankard and drained it full.

    I did not answer immediately, hoping the weaker ale would sooth me. “Well I never figured you the likes of you  to hang your hammer up and take to minding a bar.”

    Angus laughed, “Hardly laddie, though the idea of endless supply of ale is enticing,, but then  I’d drink me profits away. Nay,.” He cast a gesture to the side. “Ol’ Jo’ell is a bit distracted to attend to matters.”

    Leaning across the bar and I glanced behind it, catching sight of a skinny white ass bobbing up and down between the open legs of  a serving wench.

    “So poaching a bit yourself while he's churning the butter, eh? What brings you here then, certainly not the tunes…And just where are your charges? They still with you”

    Angus face soured, “Nay not the tunes, you know we dwarves move to a different note…. The tune master himself.” His eyes cast angrily at the Satyr. “ That bastard of a goat  Baylis, he owes me for work I did in Amberdeen a couple years past. I hoped to recoup a the loss. That was a wasted  hope,  As to the lads,. “ He sighed and dip behind the bar again..

    His voice raised as he filled his tankard from a keg below apparently Ol' Jo'ell was protective of his select brew.,  “As to the lads, I left them with a charge to sweep the stables. There are four,… nothing will be accomplished, they’ll bicker all night about how to accomplish it . Safe and secure in inaction.” 

    “Hardly fair making the tavern pay for his slight.”

    “Me cheat?”  A hand slapped a wad of tab receipts on top of the bar. He rose again filled tankard  in hand. “Baylis will have a hefty account to settle this night.” I grinned and cast the satyr another glance, though my eyes went past him onto the nymph again. Her eyes were still set upon me, her head tilting slight as a gentle smile crossed her face. Sublime,.. as if asking in expectant expression ‘what are you going to do now?’.
    She paid scant attention to the staggering male who approached with desiring eyes. Nor did she flinch when the satyr impaled that buxomest blond deep on him and lashed out with a cloven hoof sending the suitor scurrying away. Harsh words were spoke, yet I heard none, such was my infatuation in her.

    “What of his companion?” I asked of Angus, leaning back in a casual matter “What do you know of her, this… Baylis seems quite protective of his little treasure there.” I tried to keep my question subtle.

    “Forget her, unless you dare walking as a skinned bear . He’s protective of that one. Intent of maintaining her purity.”

    I cocked my head amused. “A nymph pure?… you might as well say burning snow.”

    Angus shrugged, raising his tankard to his lips, he paused in a thought, “Moon phase purity they say.” I looked on him noting a hint of unsteadiness in his normal solid stance, that bright sparkle in his eyes had dimmed a bit. Gods know just how much of this brew he had been slamming down, but it was quite apparent to have an obvious kick.

    I reached out tapping his arm in distraction from taking a sip.

    “They? Who are they?”

    He waved me off, “Idle tavern gossip,… you know .” ready to indulge himself in his tankard..

    I reached, stopped him again short of drink. “Of Baylis and a simple nymph? Seems quite trivial speculation”

    Angus scoffed, waving a hand at me. “Nothing trivial about Baylis.” He lifted the drink to his lips.

    “Well nothing trivial about being a cheat. Unless there are much deeper secrets you have not shared.”

    Angus halted, I knew enough of him to bait his loose tongue. He set the tankard on the bar, rising on tip toes to  lean forward, as best he could across the bar. A stout finger shook at me as he slurred. “Oh he is,… you know he’s exiled from the courts,… he has. Ere since Celedon, Played his lute there and worked them up mightily. Found no favor with the King when he was caught ploinking the queen. Banished…” he waved his hand out in enthusiastic emphasis knocking the tankard over. He paused, and for a moment I thought he might grieve over spilled ale. Annoyed he continued in a hushed voice. “ N’ere to play the royal courts again. A seleni in his prime exiled,… stuck in  playing in two talent shitholes for commoners. For years he’s be seeking a sponsor to enter the courts again. Right the shame his pride cannot endure. “

    Angus slid back grabbing his tankard and dipped below to refill it.

    “and he found one?” I asked

    Angus peeked over the bars lip nodding,… I think he was nodding, hunched below. “Aye,… some say he caught favor with the prince, delivering him specially endowed … gifts.” He set the tankard on the Bar, leaned in again whispering …”An evil one that prince,… Gods have mercy on those poor lasses that be was bequeathed. The dark hall of the docks abound with stories of his perversions…I fear mightily for these people if he when he ascends the throne.”

    “So she is a gift for the princes… gratification?”

    “Eh,..” Angus shrugged that off in uncertainy and slipped below again. “I be not convinced  of that. For weeks the dark halls have echoed the prince desired something special. It’s not normal for him so publicly seek for personal …indulges.”

    I frowned at that. The dark halls he spoke of were gathering places of thieves assassins, and murderers. I glanced to him as he eyed the prize in his grip.” And your opinion?”

    Angus always had an opinion to share.

    “A gift,… he seeks favor with the imperial eagle.”

    That caught my attention. An imperial emissary  here in the free state of Liviticus.? The Imperium had been founded on the noblest of concepts. Yet centuries had seen the purist of intents fall victim to the cancer within it. Greed, the thirst of personal power had twisted it into a brutal repressive kingdom.

    “Why would an Imperial Eagle be here?”

    “Are you daft lad? You’ve walked those woods far too long. War is brewing between the free states. Even now alliances are being carved out. Lines are being drawn tis’ a sad dawning that rises in our future. The Eagle arrives and it is not a blessing for these folks.”

    “So you think she is prize to be offered to the Imperial Eagle,? A princes favor for Imperial support.?”


    Angus stood there with raised mug. anticipating another question. “Are ye done lad? This dwarfs throat is parched with all this babbling and in serious need. “

    My eyes drifted over the orgy aflame in the room, returning to the nymph who still looked upon me. I could feel her,… I could feel the calm clarity of my soul as her eyes held to me. With all the sexual tension hanging in this room, the sweat, the aromas, the sounds of lust that should have ignited my own….her effect intrigued me..

    “Go ahead, Angus its drink well deserved”

    Angus grinned his chest heaved relieved  as he brought the potent brew to his lips muttering… “Ah….Come to papa…”

    I casually added baiting him,  “Of course  robbing Baylis of such a pure gift would be a satisfying means of retribution…for debts unpaid.”

    Angus halted mid sip, he slowly lowered his mug leaving his mustache coated in white foam. “The nymph?”  I nodded at him “Naer thought that itch in your crotch would ever serve good use, but you may have something there… get the old goats goat.”

    He set the tankard far to the side and leaned in.

    “I’m listening…”

    I had an idea of a plan, whether it would work… that would be seen. I leaned against the bar and stroked my chin, using my hand to hid the subtle smile I felt. It was far easier to ride my reputation of lust in a lie then tell the truth of my motivation.

    Nobody would have believed the truth.


    Three years had passed from that first night in the hut of Lord Burton’s gladiators and many changes happened in my life. Every day, for six months, Horgus has trained me hard to get ready to fight in the arenas of the kingdom, to became the champion of Lord Barton, until finally I can join my first tournament: here, the crowd cheered his favorite champion, no matter the race or anything else…. all they want is to see an intense and crude fight between two excellent fighters. I wonder why they can be so exalted watching two of them biting the dust and getting covered by mud and blood, I think they can be really weird sometimes, but I must admit it…. the fight excite me too, awakening my demon side and giving me an intense pleasure. But it’s not even similar to what I feel when Horgus holds me in his powerful arms, while he touch my body and when his lips looks for mine for an endless and passionate kiss or when he wants me so badly to hardly resist to come and join me in the fighters area after a match …. or even before it! Horgus is giving me sensations I forget for many years, maybe for too much, something who brings my memory back to the happy days of my childhood when I was living with my mother: I feel safe and relaxed with him and I love to feel the warm of his naked body against mine, our breaths getting heavy when he posses me, making me reach a strong and intense orgasm! I must admit it…. I can’t imagine my life without him now! He makes me change my opinion about humans, not all of them are weird or heartless…. there are some who have a gentle heart and they don’t have forget what love is, no matter who you are!

    And I must say that even being at Lord Barton service, after all, is better than I was expecting: of course, he always demands the best from his gladiators and he know how to be cruel with those of them who don’t satisfy his expectation, but at least he has never try to hinder our relationship even if he didn’t approve it at the begin! But in the end, he realized that Horgus is my weak point, the only thing that really interested me, and he realized that he could use it in his favor. But now, after all the victories I  reported and with the champion’s title firmly in my hand, he started to take me in highest consideration, to the point he sometimes asked my opinion about the new gladiators and their abilities.
    But that wasn’t the only change in my life as a gladiator at the service of Lord Barton. After the first time I won the champion’s title of the league, it wasn’t so rare that other members of the nobles’ families want to know and meet me. And it’s for this reason that Lord Barton took the decision to gave me a proper education, especially about the etiquette I must follow when I’m in front of nobles or highest rank citizens of Rhoonas and of the other cities of the kingdom. At the begin, being used to all those formality wasn’t easy and too many times I made mistakes, but little by little, at last I was able to learn how to act as a perfect lady while I was in front of nobles and, of course, of the Royal’s Family.

    And it was during a banquet at the Estate of lord Barton that one of the nobles was particularly impressed by the incredible contrast between my appearance, fierce and almost majestic, and my perfect manners, maybe even more perfect than some of the noblewomen invited at the banquet. He was the first one who called me “Lady Dragon”, even if it was just a sort of joke, and from that moment that became my official name, the only one I had memory since I was a child.
    Even Lord Barton was surprisingly satisfied by that name, the perfect mix of strength and femininity. Soon, my name became really popular in every country of the kingdom, thanks to my continuous victories which bring more popularity to me and to the Barton’s family. Lord Barton, since he was young, was always interested in gladiators and their fights in the arena, as many others in the whole kingdom, so I found really strange the fact he rarely came to the arena to follow the trainees, leaving to Horgus the whole responsibility to follow them for him. Probably, he leave the trainees in Horgus’ hands because he have full trust in that giant but lovely man! And that’s why today I’m surprised to see him coming to the arena, in the middle of our train.

    “Well, well …. I see with pleasure that despite tomorrow we’ll sail for Libidinis, you still training hard today ….” he say, pleased to see we are working hard as usual “Lady, being invited to join the Libidinis’ tournament is a rare opportunity…. I expect the best from you!”

    “Of course, Milord , I’ll never disappoint your expectations!”

    “It's the least you can do, Lady …. the loss is not concerned, you know! it It’s a big chance for the Barton’s family to enlarge its influence! In the afternoon, don’t forget to prepare all we need, Horgus!”

    Horgus nod at him and after that, Lord Barton leave the arena . To both of us, it’s clear how much Lord Barton is pointing on the tournament and to me to gain the favor of Libidinis’ citizen to expand the area where the name of the Barton’s family is known and find new area for his business: I know I can’t disappoint him or I’ll going to pay the consequence of my failure and he will probably push me far from Horgus, something I can’t deal with! I look at my Horgus, standing near me and I’,m surprised to see his body barely trembling and I wonder why! I mean, I fought in many tournaments and I never had seen him like this, with his eyes pointing at the sky and full of not so hidden hope!

    During the whole day, I can’t get out of my head that strange expression he have but I’m sure something is going on in his mind. Something I understand when he bring me in the forest and, when he’s sure no one is around us, hold my shoulders tight with all his strength and watch me straightly in my eyes

    “Listen Lady …. win this tournament is your big chance! I know how it works, there are many young fighters in search of fame and many Nobile let their fighters join it to show how powerful are and to gain realms favor! But the important thing, for you, is if you win, you can have one wish granted…..”

    The expression on his face is even more serious and I’m starting to understand what he means with his talk. The silence probably lasted a few seconds but it was enough for me to understand that chance can give me back my freedom! Thinking at it, I can’t hold a smile and Horgus noise.

    “Lady, I think you understand what I mean: you can get your freedom back!” he continues, holding me tight “but listen me carefully now, because I have something important to say to you!”

    I nod at him, staring at his serious expression.

    “Lady….if you win and you will have your freedom back…. marries me! I’m thinking about this from months and this is our opportunity to be happy together!”

    Marrying him!? He really is asking this to me!? Is this what he really wants!? I mean …. in these last three years, Horgus gave me so much, making me feel needed and sowing me what love is…. something who was given me only by my mother, till I was able to live with her. It looks unbelievable to me and his request echo in my mind.

    “Do you…. do you really want to marry me? A half-demon!?” I ask him, hesitant.

    At these words, his face becomes more serious and he looks straight in my eye.

    “Do you think I’ve played with your feelings all this time!? ” he said, puzzled , ” I don’t care about your demon heritage, I have always loved you  and want to live my life with you ….”

    The silence that follows his words was long. He observe me to catch any little change of my expression while in my mind I can see all the moment we spent together, alone, far away from curious eyes: he show me the best side of humans and he gave me his love, without hesitation, and I gave him my soul, my body…. everything I have and in exchange, I received more than I ever had for many years ago! He teaches me what love is, he makes me feels like a normal girl…. and I love him for doing it!

    “I know you never done it and I never played with yours …. I love you too …. I can’t imagine my life without you….”

    He didn’t answer me with words but with a passionate kiss who cut my breath: it’s strange how time can change you …. until three years ago, I probably never has trust his words and has push him away getting ready to fight, but now …. now I’m living a wonderful dream with him, a dream I wish will never end and I know it’s going to happen till we are together!

    Our tongues are now seeking, greedy, and the contact with his sweaty ant toned body is making me horny, while the smell of his skin burnt by the summer’s sun is intoxicating me, like a pleasant drug that begin to circulate in my veins. I feel clearly his right hand quiver with desire as it slowly move down my spine, till it reach my bum cheeks: it grab and squeeze them harder with his left hand, making me wince to the point of not being able to hold back a moan of pleasure. His hand slipped under my dress, grab my panties and literally rip them off ….he looks like a beast, unstoppable and unable to win against his instinct, but I like it! I like the way he squeeze my cheek, the way he show me how much he want me but most of all, I like when he hold me tight in his arms kissing me….it make me feel like normal girl who have finally find happiness and a wonderful man who want to take care of her. But his fingers are not giving me much time to think: I can sense the med one rubbing in circle at my entrance, firmly, teasing me again and again, making me desire with all my strength for the moment he will open its way inside me and Horgus know very well this is something I can barely resist to and how much it aroused me! I want to yell at him to stop, to don’t tease me like this but his lips and his tongue didn’t give me any chance to breath: they are eager, lustfully and those feelings pass from him to me, unstoppable, running wild from my tongue to my rosebud, making my body squirm when his finger open its way in it! It’s pleasant and my body react to it, more and more, at any thrust he give me with his mighty finger who is digging his way deep in me, till Horgus barely pull it out just to push it back with another one, stretching my wet entrance more.

    A suffocated moan rise up my throat….this feeling drive me crazy, it’s like he’s gaining full control of me and I love it! I always give all of myself to Horgus, body and mind, I have full trust in him and he always repay me with strong and intense sensations who show me his deep love and desire for me, but today it’s different….he’s thrusting his fingers in me roughly and his tongue is dancing wild with mine as ever done before! I can barely hold the pleasure who rise at any thrust and even if I can’t yell it out, my body can’t hide it: I never had my nipples so hard and erect, as I never felt my rosebud getting so wet….any sensation is pushed at the limit but it looks not enough….I want…no, I need strongest emotions….more….emotions who never end! He got everything from me in those three years: my body, my soul, my trust….now, Horgus is my whole world and I have done everything for him, because I love him….so deeply….he’s my man, my lover! I can feel his brawny hard rod pressed against my belly….it’s throbbing, it desire me so badly that the leather pants can’t restrain it properly and that massive bulge is clearly visible!
    I want it in me here, now….I can’t wait anymore but Horgus is too caught by playing with my rosebud! He pushed a third finger inside, it’s a little painful but so exciting….it makes my whole body burn and I can feel my blood boiling as never happen before: instinctively, I dig my fingers in Horgus’ back, making him bleed a little, but he didn’t stop, he get more rough, squeezing my tits in his left hand till it hurts and I can’t hold the pain and the ecstasy and reach a first intense orgasm who makes my leg tremble. In all the three years we had live together, this is the first time he make me reach an orgasm just using his hands and I’m happily surprised by this….I never felt like this before with him and I’m sure more have to come right now!

    And in fact, I don’t have to wait too much: Horgus push me against one of the trees and, with my disappointing, he pop his fingers out of my throbbing rosebud while I try to hold them in, failing, in a last desperate search of pleasure. Finally, after a long, pleasant and breathless encounter, Horgus set me free from his mighty body just to let his leather pants fall over his ankles. The view in front of my eyes is stunning: his rod is standing up hardest and biggest as I ever seen, throbbing and with some precum leaking out of its swollen tip. The desire of holding it in my hands and taste his precious seed is strong, I can’t let my eyes go away of that exciting view, till the point my mind is about to turn blank for the trepidation….. I need to swallow twice before I can try to approach that “monster” and finally being able to feel its almighty presence, but Horgus give me no time for that! He suddenly grab my knees and with an energetic movement push them over my shoulders, exposing my stretched entrance to his rod and forcing my back tight to the trunk, putting me again under his full control: his swollen and flushed tip rubs on my wet and opened spot, moving in circle, and he push it a little harder on it, time by time, opening it to receive it within. I want to beg him to take me now, to put an end to this endless wait and I’m about to do it, but again he’s faster than my words: he dig his majestic rod in me in one go, roughly, letting me scream my whole pleasure loudly and finally fulfilling my wish, pounding now faster and harder, now slowly but deeply but always giving me the strong sensation to be ripped in half by him. And I have to admit it….I love it so much! I love when he take me roughly….I love when his breath is heavy because of me! And more, I love when my body is filled by chills of pleasure….is an unique sensation who make me fill alive, even more than a fight in the arena and Horgus know it! He know everything of me, my weakness, my sensible spots around my body….and he usual like to stimulate them till I beg him to take me, but today….today it’s different, it’s just pure and wild sex, only leaded by lust and animal’s instinct who are now running into us, unstoppable and so powerful till the point no one of us can take them under control! And we both know the reason….even if at the moment it’s just a far away chance, the possibility to live our story without any restriction, is exalting us and our libido had lose any restriction that usually block us and even if we know we can encounter big trouble with Lord Barton if someone find out we have a relationship, we can’t listen at our voices of reason right now: our love is too strong and we are both too happy now to have care about someone can catch us right now, here, merged into each other, experiencing the most intense and wonderful moment we ever had together.

    His thrust is getting stronger and faster, I can feel his rod hitting my belly, draining out all my energy and I can’t stop moaning and panting. I’m exhausted and excited at the same time….on the other hand, Horgus appear in full force: his breath isn’t heavy as mine and his vigorous thrust is getting faster and harder, making me squirm like the first time we made love three years ago. My body is torn by this incredible sensation and more it rise, more my nails sink into Horgus back but he didn’t say a word, not a spasm of pain….he looks drugged and I’m his drug, I can clearly seen it in his eyes, wide open and glued on me.
    He makes me feel like a child….he gained the full control of the situation and of me and I must admit I like it so much….maybe too much, to the point I’m losing the sense of reality around me and all myself is focused, or better say trapped, by the strong pleasure running wild all over me. The demon is losing against the part of me awaken by Horgus three years ago….the little, defenseless girl so eager of love and happiness and unable to oppose any resistance to her man, to the way he makes her feel. And now I’m that little girl, no matter about my horns or claws, he make me feel human and loved as any other normal girls and I love this sensation, his attention….attention he’s not showing me today but I don’t dislike it anyway! He’s pounding inside my canal roughly and faster as he never have done, making me burst in any cell of my body and I adore it so much that it’s hard to not yell loud my pleasure and it takes not so longer before I spray all my cum over his naked chest and on my vest, soon followed by a second one.

    He stare at the incredible mess I did and with a pretty evil smile on his face, he sink his mighty rod all inside me, till his balls slam hard on my skin once, twice….his more vigorous now and so throbbing! I know he’s almost close to explode deep in me and I love that warm sensation who fill my belly when he do….it’s pleasant and relaxing, even if Horgus usually give me just a moment to breath before he seals my mouth with a deep and passionate kiss. And this time it’s not different….his warm and white seed is now filling me, with energetic streams similar to a flooded river: my belly burns because of it, my full body twitch again, intensely, and I can’t hold another intense stream of my seed who cover us again. But this time, he didn’t stop….his thrust is less vigorous then before, but looks far then have done with me! He carry me on his strong arms and put me down on the grass an lie over me, kissing my neck and moving down along it till his lip finally reach my hard and erect nipples, just to wrap them with his lips and start sucking them gently. I want to scream his name but all I’m able to do is panting and moaning…. I’m totally overwhelmed by him and by this lascivious pleasure and even if this is not my first time, seems like I’m unable to react, no matter how hard I try! He took everything from me….and he didn’t have enough! He still playing with my nipples, sucking, licking and pinching them, while he’s pounding his rod in my canal, rhythmically, in an endless spiral of passion and lust, were we are now caught, unable to escape from it….or better say, no one of us want to escape! And we didn’t, till the sky turn dark….


    We lie on the grass, exhausted, staring at the first star shining in the sky. Horgus push me against him, forcing me to put my head over his toned and sweaty chest. His smell fill my nostrils and his eyes are now glued on mine. I can see happiness and impatience in them and I perfectly know why….because I have the same feeling rigth now! I softly kiss him on his lips, then I smile at him

    “I swear you….I’ll going to win this tournament, for our future!”

    He smiles back to me, holding me more tight.

    “I’m sure you will win….and then, we can happily live together!”

    After saying this, he holds my head tight in his left arm and kisses me passionately, in an endless and unforgettable instant.

    That night, once we are back at the hut, we continuously stare at each other. It doesn’t matter if the other gladiators can notice it, this is our moment to be happy and nothing else is more important than our future. We both know it: the next weeks are going to be the time to create our new life together….a life we are both daydreaming right now, wishing to be in each other arms. And while I try to fall asleep, I can’t get out of my head and my body all the sensations Horgus make me felt in the afternoon…. they still running all over me, giving me pleasant shivers and making me eager for more! I want to sneak in his bed right now, kiss him and make love with him, but I must resist…. for us and to finally build our future as a family! And now he’s looking at me: I can see his dark brown eyes sparkling in the moonlight while a little smile on his face.

    “I love you….” we both whisper at the same time, smiling at each other and taking a look at the moon, the only witness of our relationship.


    Angus pushed the tankards forward, “It’s on you now laddie.” His words slur some and by the gloss of his eyes one can tell that the special Dwarven brew is quite potent.

    “No worries,:” I gave him a confident grin. “Besides, what have I told you are my strengths?”

    Angus rolled his eyes,… “Aye,,, fighting, drinking and fornicating. Not necessarily in that order.”

    I gave him a wink as I pulled the vial of clear liquid from my pouch “Plays to my strengths then doesn’t it?” For all purposes this elixir seemed to quell the mind. I wasn’t certain, but hoped between the brews strength and the mind numbing abilities the old seleni would succumb to its effects .I popped the vials cork and tapped a few drops sparingly into the tankard taking.

    “Tis a sleeping potion?” Angus eyed the brew curious, as if expecting a pop and smoke.

    “Not exactly.” I shrugged carefully recorking the vial.

    “That tells me little.”

    “Well I am not sure.”

    “Not sure?”  Angus grunts weaving a bit. I did not answer him,…I could not answer him for the effects of the  liquid in the vial were as much a mystery to me. All I knew was that it dulled the senses, ..all I could hope for was that it dulled his immense tolerance for alcohol into something manipulative.

    With a deep breath to steady my nerves I collected the tankards, carefully as Angus had generously filled them to the brim. The amber fluid sloshed and ran over the edges as I turned pausing to read the clearest track to navigate around the orgy,

    I may have sold Angus short in not revealing my true intentions. However I am a secretive creature, driven by the need to remain in the confusing shadows of purpose. It is a necessity when one pursues a demon, or that one carries a dark corruption inside. Like a motto, it manifests into a well rehearsed pattern of behavior. Move in stillness thru humanity, do not create ripples in the pool of society which might bring unwanted attention. Too often I held myself back while injustice played itself out before me. Yes,… I held myself back, and allowed the innocent to fall victim while heartless men took their advantage of them.

    Angus might have understood my true compulsion, might was the key word.  Waiting until Baylis cast a suspicious glance towards me before I added a flair of staggering gait to my walk, weaving indirectly towards the satyr leaving behind me a trickling trail of ale on the wooden planked floors.
    His eyes held warningly upon as I finally rocked on my heels next to him. He waves me off indifferently, refocusing on the male and female knelt between his legs in worship of that mighty phallus. The blonde who had rode his insatiable engorged member lay exhausted to the side. New lust tended him, tongues which drug slow savoring his prowess, their fingers jockeying in position to grip and stroke him.

    I dare to steal a glance of the nymph. Her head tilts slightly taking in my presence with a look of curiosity. The tilt  of her head just enough for me to catch a glimpse of metal about her neck.

    It is the briefest of glimpses, and yet by the satyrs’ glare obviously already too long, I make my move fast before a cloven hoof lashes at me. I shove a pair of tankards forward towards Baylis,  the brew cresting over the tankards rim and spilling onto his chest.

    “Drink with me!” I cry, my pitch mildly set boorishly loud enough to cement his attention. He growled, pulling his hips up the seat in surprise as the brew sloshing over him. The cuddling pair between his legs scooted forward chasing their rigid pillar of worship.

    Most men would have slapped the tankards away, but satyrs are not most men, being the offsprings of Pan they never turn from the offer of drink.

    It’s a course of instinct in them I could have as easily dumped a tankard on his head and offered him the other, he would have as likely accepted the favor of drank .

    Still he bore a begrudging reluctance as he yanked the tankards away, its contents rolling again over the rim onto him.
    With his attention set firmly on me I held his beady stare. Satyrs are not comely creatures. Squarish of face with high foreheads bearing a distinct ridge under their thick unibrows.  Eyes set deep beneath,  recessed under that ridge leave them with an aura of dark mystery or dark erotic appeal, a distinction depending on how much you have to drank or fallen under the  alluring magic of their music. The horns jutting from his high forehead are thick. denoting a creature of old age. Broad chested, thick arms, the mat of chest hair is thick, but nothing like the coat of hair that covers his hips and leg.

    “A toast,” I swear “to the God Pan.” Want a satyr to drink… toast their Deity,  not necessarily a god but to Baylis would not quip at the  over exaggeration, It would be sacrilege not to join in such high salute Baylis  tossed his head back and drained the mug. I smiled as I drained my tankard, thinking blessed are the faithful.

    Baylis wiped his mouth, a contented grin on his thin lips. “Dwarven Ale…. A good strong brew. “

    I swayed a little nodding… “The good brew… he hides it…a shame,  No doubt your thirst  is great. It takes energy to enthrall such a crowd.” He made to speak, but I cut him off. “A toast,… to your skill and the honor it brings Pan.!” I drank immediately draining the tankard of house ale, sparing a glance to confirming the satyr followed suit,  gulping the  contents down swift.. I turn towards the bar and wave my arms  Shouting “More!,.. Bartender,… More..”

    Angus was already moving towards us carefully balancing four more tankards in his precarious weave thru the squirming sea of bodies. He pushes a pair of mugs towards me. Which I take somewhat perplexed, uncertain in the moment if they are my drink of the lite house ale  or the heavy hitting drwaven brew .The obvious confusion must have been apparent, Angus nods his head jerking towards the satyr.

    “Ah good my short fellow…. Don’t stop keep the drink flowing.“ I fumble for coin and flip it towards him. Again I shove the tankards towards Baylis “Drink,… drink while the brew can still flow freely.”

    Baylis is leaning forward, his suspicious gaze locked on Angus as I relieve the dwarf of the remaining tankards. The satyr’s eyes narrow as the follow the retreating dwarf moving to the line of tankards set upon  the bar. “I know him..”

    My senses sparked with a warning, all could be undone if Baylis dwelled on that too long. My plan could be defeated when it had scarcely began

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