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A tale of erotic fantasy.

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    While we are waiting to be called for our match, the others start to submerge me with questions about my relationship with Horgus and on how he train me for almost three years: which type of exercises he suggest me, how many hours at day we do them and, last but not least, how it was to be her lover. I try to avoid answering at the last one, but some of them are really insistent and the only thing that save me from them, is the fact that some employers of the arena come to call some of us for the first four matches, leading the first of us to the arena to accomplish at our role. The rules of the tournament are simple and easy to remember: any match is one against one and no weapons are allowed during it, plus there is a time limit for each match and it settled to be at last no longer than an hour. There are two judges for any match and have the delicate role to verified that no one break the rules and, the most important, to establish who will be the winner in case of reaching the time limit, judging the performance of the two contestants and who of them has demonstrated to be the most powerful and skilled, claiming our victory or our failure. The first match ends in few minutes and I’m not surprised of it: in fact, one of the two contestants is Serpentina, the female naga I notice before we where introduced in the arena and presented by Signis to the spectators. Her foe, if it’s how I can call our opponent during the match, was a felinx, but despite the incredible agility they have, he wasn’t able to face her fast tail and the strength of her coils. In fact, he surrender to her while she was strangling him with her tail, leaving him few chance to free himself from its tight grasp, but the rivalry they showed in the arena, immediately disappear once they are back here in the waiting room.

    “Damnnn….I was sure to avoid the grasp of your tail, this time!” the felinx says, massaging his neck.

    “You improved a lot, Damian, especially your speed….but you must work harder if you want to beat me!”

    “Yeah, yeah, sure….ouch! It hurts everywhere!”

    “Sorry….maybe I put too much strength in my tail! What about some hale, later, to let me be forgiven!?”

    “Sure thing, my friend! See you tonight at The Anvil!?”

    “I’ll be there at nine!”

    The felinx nod at her before leaving the room and Serpentina sit on her tail not so far from me. She didn’t look tired after her match, after all it wasn’t a difficult challenge, well, not for someone like her, anyway! In fact, due to the fact she had an easy victory, felinx are considered as very difficult opponents in the arena, because they can mix their extreme and useful agility with the strength they gain following the hard trains that waits everyone who want to start the career of a gladiator, no matter the reason why he, or she, want to do it. I must admit the fact she intrigue me, for two reasons: he first, is because I never had met one of her race before, the second is because I’m electrized by the chance to face her during this tournament. And this is way I take the decision to approach her.

    “Easy win for you, today!”

    “Maybe….but Damian is getting good fast!”

    “Damian….is the name of that felinx!?” I ask her, continuing our conversation.

    “Yes….never had met him on the battlefield!?” she ask me, surprised.

    I turn my head “I never had take part at tournament outside the league where the City of Rhoonas belongs!”

    “That explain a lot….Damian and I are rivals from almost three years.”
    “But also good friends, from what I see….” I ask, interrupting her.

    “Indeed. We don’t have a Lord to serve, we are both free and we respect each other, till the point we become friends!” she take a break then continue “Only friends….if it’s what you want to ask me!”

    “Understand….” I simply reply to her. Damn, I must admit she’s very good at reading other expressions and I’m sure she’s going to be a hard opponent to beat! Too bad I wasn’t able to look at their match, probably I can learn something about her tactics and style from it, but there is nothing I can do….those are the rules and we all have to follow them. While I’m focusing on my thoughts, her question brings me back to reality.

    “I notice you were staring at me, before we were introduced in the arena…..why, if I can ask!?

    “Uhmmm….nothing, really! I was surprised to see a naga here, it’s the first time I see one of your race in an arena., even, welll….I know about you, someway!”

    “Soooorry!? How it can be!?” she ask, perplexed.

    “I met your friend Kyla at the hot springs, few days ago, and we talked a little….I can say she was looking pretty excited, when she was talking of you!”

    “That girl….” she says, turning away, a little pissed off “she always speaks too much!”

    It’s clear for me why she’s reacting like this: even if Serpentina is trying to hide it, by her expression I can tell there is something more than a simple friendship between them and the funny thing is the fact she is thinking that Kyla reveal it to me, when she didn’t! Pondering at the situation, I can’t hold a loud laugh.

    “What’s funny for you!?” she asks me, with her cheeks barely flushing and placing her closed hands or her flanks. I’ll try to stop laughing, but the situation is a little too hilarious and it takes a minute before I can finally answer her.

    “Sorry….I think you mistaken my words!”


    “Yes….Kyla was looking very proud of being your friend and of your ability….that’s it!”

    “Kyla said what!?” she ask me, with her eyes wide open and a little confused “nothing more than this!?”

    I nod at her, trying to hold another smile “But your reaction confirm my suspicious….you two are more than friends….or am I wrong!?”

    Now, on my face Serpentina can see a malicious smile, while she’s flushing a little embarrassed but not for my words, no, she’s more for the situation she have create right now. A deep silence is now upon us, while the others contestants are all focused on their preparations for their match and no one is paying attention to our talk, just me and her, now caught in a little embarrassing silence that do not want leave us. Taking a deep breath, I talk first.

    “Listen….it wasn’t my intention to put you in a so embarrassing situation….I’m sorry for this! Plus, welllll….I’m not the one that can judge you two, especially now that I’m involved in a similar relationship….if I can call it like that….” I say, scratching my head and lowering my eyes with my heart pounding faster.

    I don’t know how she will react now, I know how difficult it could be to talk of such things: admit that I’m deeply caught by Colette isn’t easy, both because she’s a woman and because of my recent loss of Horgus. I’m an expert in sentimental relationship and now I’m the first one to be confused for how I’m acting, despite my heart is still wishing for my beloved Horgus return…..something I rationally know will never happen, not now that his corpse lie six feet under the cold earth of a foreign city. The only thing that relieved me a little, is the fact he’s well-known here and this, probably, will mean there will be someone which is going to take care of his tombstone even if I’ll be away from Libidinis. I raise my eyes and look at her, now visibly relieved by my words and I can see she’s trying to put together some ideas and words, because she has a serious expression on her face.

    “It’s not your fault….” she say, taking a little break “I mistaken your words and what Kyla told you….you know, we are a couple from long time, but our relationship wasn’t so easy at the begin….”

    I look at her, trying to imagine what she’s trying to say. All I can presume, is the fact that her families, or the one of Kyla anyway, had always try to push the two girls away from each other, because a not hidden relationship between two girls is not well accepted in most of the countries I had visited as Lord Barton’s gladiator. Plus, there is the fact that they are from two different races, something considered a taboo in some countries, till the point I heard stories of girls left in the hands of slaves that use them to satisfy ages of carnal privations, that usual lead to the death of the girls. But thanks Goodness, things look different here in the Free City of Libidinis and I had seen it with my own eyes so, probably, here they are more free to live their relationship than elsewhere.

    “Don’t worry, Serpentina….” I tell her with my nicest smile “mistakes happened! The important thing is to clarify them! And let me assure you that I will take your relationship secret, if this is the problem!”

    “Well, the reason is not exactly that, but….I appreciated it!” Serpentina answer me with a relieved expression on her face. She’s now taking a deep breath and finally, I can see her whole body relaxing as she has avoided the biggest trouble she never had and now I can clearly say that the problem is not the fact they are lovers or because they are from two different species, but it must be something else, something they will never reveal, probably.

    “I’m sorry to had made you worried for nothing, Serpentina….wasn’t my intention from the begin!” I apologize to her, when suddenly I heard the usual same male’s voice calling me for my match.

    “Must go now….seems like my turn has come! See you later here!” I say to Serpentina just before leave to follow the arena employer.

    “About this….would you like to join me, Kyla and Damian at the tavern The Anvil!?”

    “Sure thing, Serpentina! It will be a pleasure! At nine, right!?” I reply, waving my hand while I walk along the corridor that leads to the arena’s field.


    In the arena, the sun is shining higher and outside it’s more bright than before, with the crowd being really noisy when I and my opponent makes our entry. We take our steps to the platform used as ring and here, one of the two judges introduces us.

    “Ladies and gentlemen, the today most waited match is about to begin! On my left, from the Kingdom of Swabia, a man who want to face the fate here, in the arena! BRUTUSSSSS!”

    The whole crowd, especially the delegation from the Kingdom of Swabia, is cheering loud the young man. He didn’t have the aspect of the usual gladiator, I mean….yes, he have a massive and probably well trained body, but he’s not so tall, maybe few inches than a normal man and this look strange to me, but this doesn’t mean I can underestimate his strength.

    “And on my right, a girl which is a legend in the League of Taranis….her name makes any other gladiators tremble when he or she hear it, but not today….and not here in Libidinis….LADYYYY DRAGONNNN!”

    Again….the whole arena is rumbling and I can sense my blood starting to burn: more the crowd turn noisy, more I’m getting excited and this is the moment of being a gladiator I like the most. My opponent and I, take our places in the middle of the ring, waiting for the signal of the judge to begin our match: when he is finally down the platform and have reach his position, we both know that will take few seconds before our dance for victory will begin. And in fact, we don’t have to wait too long for it.

    “Ready!? FIGHT!”

    At the words of the judge, Brutus immediately jump into my direction, with a fast movement that surprise me, but not so much to don’t be able to easily avoid his first strike. Faster as we can, we both turn to face each other and I must admit that he’s movements are excellent in terms of speed and precision, a clear sign of the fact I’m not in front of a common man. He dash again to me, this time with increased speed and, even if he try to hide it to my sight, I’m sure he want to hit me with his left arm: I’m pondering about how to reply to him when I barely notice a change in his posture, a sign of the change of strategy he’s doing while his directly attacking me. I kneel down and using my right arm as a pivot, I’ll hit his legs with a rotating kick that make him lose balance and fall on the floor, but appealing to his ability, he land on his hands and roll into a position which give him the chance to be ready for a possible counter attack from me. An attack that I hesitate to do, trying to understand what the real ability of my opponent is: his true ability is incredible, I rarely met someone with his agility during other tournaments in the League of Taranis, maybe he is at the same level of Horgus, but I can’t tell it certainly. But for sure, I can tell how well prepared are the fighters coming from the Kingdom of Swabia, something I only heard from Horgus during our trainees: since they are nothing more than child, they begin their trainee, forged to be the excellent warriors in the world and many of them can’t resist to the fatigue, dying before they can even take part at the first tournament, to don’t mention the fact that the Kingdom of Swabia is well known for the cruelty of his army and the gladiators are formed to be used as soldiers too, so I’m not surprised about the abilities Brutus is showing to me right now.

    We are now observing each other, try to catch any little movements of our opponent muscles, trying to understand what the next move we are planning is. Maybe this situation was just few seconds long, but for us looks endless: we both know the fact that the first of us who will make his move can have a big chance to hit the other, but at the same time we both know how high is the level of our opponent and this only mean there can be the possibility he can dodge or block our strike and, probably, take a fast and critical counter attack which can establish the end of our match. We are moving in circle and when one of us advance, the other take a step back, without taking a real initiative, like a slow dance. The crowd start to whistle at us, bored by this wait: the match they were waiting all day, must be dynamic, full of surprises, not boring as it is now! But we don’t care about their opinion. We both know how strong our opponent is and, most important, we both know we can’t underestimate each other. This time it’s my turn to take the initiative: with slow but firm steps, I approach Brutus, which stands in front of me without moving, but I can tell his whole body is ready to react, judging by the tension of his muscles. Now, I’m few steps away from him and I can see the determination in his eyes, but at the same time, he is uncertain about my next move. A move I hesitate to make, not because I’m worried by his reaction or not so self confident with my strength, but because I’m waiting in the hope he can get nervous enough to make a wrong step.

    And in fact, it happens. Being sure I’ll going to attack him from the right, Brutus move to the left, ignoring the fact I just give him the impression to want to do it, so my sudden and aimed attack to his left flank caught him unprepared, making him fall on the ground and roll for several feet, till he is finally able to take a look at me, but it’s too late. Immediately, I rush into his direction and now I’m almost over him, ready to hit him with another kick. Kick that make him fly in the air, just to land few feet far away, while the whole arena has start to rumble again for the incredible roar coming from the sidelines. Brutus, despite the two strong attacks he received, immediately try to stand up, ready to face my next clash: he didn’t have to wait too long before I’m engaging him in a close exchange of punches and kicks and I must say I’m really impressed about the amount of them he is able to dodge or block, but it’s clear the fact that his body have takes serious damages from my first two attacks. In fact, he is a little unstable on his legs and this is giving me a certain advantage, showing me a possible weak point I can use to grab the victory in my hands. But this doesn’t mean Brutus is giving up. His attacks are well aimed and many of them reach their target, but despite all the strength he is putting in them, my body is too much resistant and well trained to receive high damages by him. I must admit those are the typical situation when I’m glad to have a so particular constitution: my half demon’s blood surely help me when it’s about to resist to a close combat like the one I and Brutus are having now and this is another weak point for him, in fact more he try to hit me, more he’s attacks are turning weak.

    And I know this is the right moment, for me, to write the word “end” to our match. My left punch land straight on his stomach, making him bend down for the pain, while I immediately attack Brutus with an high kick that hit him right on his chin, making him fly high in the air, just to let him fall on the ground a moment later. Now Brutus is at my feet, spilling some drops of blood from his mouth: when he look at me, I don’t see fear in his eyes….well, not only that, to be honest….I can see a strong determination to continue to fight, something a little unusual in others men, I must say. Brutus try to hit my legs with a kick, but his legs are now trembling too visibly to sort some effect, but this is another proof of his determination and I’m truly honored to fight against a man like him, but we both know there can be just a winner. I attack Brutus with a kick on his right flank, making him roll for about three or maybe four feet and despite his condition, Brutus is trying again to stand up and continue the match but he’s movements are slow and he’s arms and legs are trembling visibly, a clear sign of the fact he’s close to his limit. Without hesitation, I place my foot on his chest and push him on the ground, forcing Brutus to lie on his back and blocking his movements. But in Brutus’ eyes, the determination is not decreasing; it still burning and this make him a dangerous opponent.

    “Don’t you think it’s time to give up!?” I ask him, with a lascivious smirk on my face “If you continue to resist, you will hurt yourself seriously!”

    But Brutus doesn’t answer me. He is visibly in trouble, but I can sense the fire of determination burning in him and now I’m quite sure of the fact he will try something else before he definitely surrender to me. And I wasn’t wrong but what Brutus does, catch me unprepared: he throw to me a small and sharp knife that scratched my left cheek, making some blood leak out of it. Instinctively, I jump back freely him from the pressure of my foot and Brutus, collecting all his remaining strength, stands up and immediately jump over me.

    “FOR THE NOBLE LION!!!” Brutus yells, while he extracts a short blade hidden in the protection of his right arm’s guard. And in that moment, something blocked me, as if I heard those words before and they have an important meaning I can’t recognize right now, or this is what I rationally suppose. In fact, my body react immediately, dodging his attack and blocking his arm within my forearm and my up arm, holding it so tight to the point he lose the grip on the blade. I wonder how my body was able to react like that when my mind was still elaborating the situation, maybe it was pure instinct or maybe something else….but why now I have the impression to have forget something important!? And why the words Brutus said are now hammering in my mind as they have an important meaning for me!? I’m so focused on my though to don’t notice the fact that the two judges are now both on the stage, approaching us, probably because they both notice the weapon Brutus was hiding and according with the tournament’s rules, they are about to interrupt the match and disqualifying him. But my attention is completely focused on Brutus words now: more they echoes in my mind, more I’m sure they have something to do with the attack at Lord Barton’s ship but I can’t clearly recognize how. Mentally, I’m reviving that day and it’s so vivid in my mind! More the memories run in my mind, more my body burns for the anger I experienced for not being able to save the life of my beloved Horgus and now, it doesn’t matter how hard I’ll try to calm down, the pain I felt the day I lost everything, makes my blood burn as never happen before and unconsciously I start to grind my teeth as a beast. Then, suddenly as I forgot it, something emerges in my memories, something happened that day when I totally lose control of myself.

    It happened after the first wave was defeated by me, many others members of the crew from the enemy’s ship jump on the bridge of Lord Barton’s one, pointing directly to me and surround me, trying to push me into a corner where they hope I can’t have too much free space to move and counter attack them. And they reach their goal at the begin, they forced me to take two steps back but at the third, I’ll grab two of their lances and throw two of them directly on a nearby vortex, disappearing in it. At this point, it’s clear for them how difficult, to not say impossible, it can be to block completely my movements, so they advance all together as a living wall, trying to finally have me at their mercy. And it was in that moment I heard those words for the first time: “FOR THE NOBLE LION!!!” were the words they used while their lances are trying to pierce my body but they all were too optimistic about the plan they were running. In fact, for me was easy to jump in the air and land over their line and attack an unprepared bunch of them, just there to support the first line in its attack. One after the other, they fall under my rage….I had no mercy for the ones which toke the life of my lovely Horgus and I didn’t stop till the last of them isn’t at my feet, lifeless.

    And now, the man in front of me said the same words just before attacking me. Everything around me disappear, my whole attention is now focused on Brutus and more the memories of that day emerges, more my angriness rise, till it explode and let me go out of control. Brutus’ arm is cracking under my tight grip and the pain for it is well carved on his face but it’s not enough to calm me right now: I free his arm and with a fast movement of mine, I hit him on his chest letting him fly in the air, just to land on the other side of the stage and rolling over it till his body reach the border of the platform. Brutus is clearly able to move but the injuries on his body slow him and it’s easy for me to be soon over him and kicks him out of the arena, making him fall on the ground of the arena. I jump down the stage and I’m moving to him, still not satisfied for the pain I’m giving him, plus there is something I want to know from Brutus. I grab his neck with my left hand and raise him from the ground, grinding my teeth and piercing his flesh with my nails, making blood leaking from his neck.

    “You have many things to reveal to me….” I snarl at him, tightening my grip a little more “and I suggest you to talk till you can!”

    “I have nothing to say to a beast like you!”

    His voice is feeble and tremble, but I don’t care. I tight again my grip on Brutus neck, making more difficult to breath for him.

    “Wrong answer….I know you are a member of the same group which attacked our ship! Now tell me….who this noble lion is!?”

    “As….I….will….tell you!”

    Again….he’s answer just make my anger grow and my grip get tight around his neck. The temptation to kill Brutus right now is strong but the last spark of reason is able to stop me to do it, even if I’m not sure about how long I can take this impulse under control.

    “Foolish….I’m offering you a chance to live! Tell me who the noble lion is!”

    But this time, Brutus didn’t answer me. A forced smile appears on his face, while it’s devastated by the suffering for the wounds all over his body. I can clearly sense his body weakening under my grip making my demon’s blood boil and I’m starting to enjoy this sensation, more than I expected, a clear sign of the fact that my demon’s heritage is overwhelming my humanity. I feel strong as never happened before and it’s inebriating….now I can do anything, even destroy the whole arena in few minutes if I just let my rage take full control of my body, releasing the part of me I had try to take under control for the last three years. Brutus’ rants are exciting me….it’s a different ecstasy from the one I experienced with Horgus or Colette, but it’s more intense, pleasant….and I like it to the point I’m about to take Brutus’ life with my own hands.


    “It’s enough, Lady….set that man free!”

    It’s Sir Votan. He came into the ground of the arena to prevent me kill Brutus and he’s now advancing to us with ten of his men. He is two steps forwards the guards and despite the determination he’s trying to show me, I can clearly read the fear in his eyes….fear for the creature he is facing right now, a creature he doesn’t properly know and he’s not sure about how taking it under control.

    “Stay away Votan….he must pay for what he did to me!” I snarl at him, without taking my eyes away of my prey.

    “Don’t you think this is too much for a simple knife!?” he say, coming a little closer to me.

    At his words, I explode in a wild and hysterical laugh, then turn to face him.

    “A knife!? Did you think I’m doing this just for it!? No….I’m doing this for what his comrades did to Horgus!”

    “To Horgus!?”, he reply while his expression change. Now, my words really surprise him to the point he stop and stare at us, trying to understand what really is going on between me and Brutus. Sir Votan is doubtful now, he was too far to hear any words I and Brutus exchange and my sentence caught him unprepared, so he must elaborate a new strategy to save Brutus’ life.

    “What did you mean, Milady!? Who is this man!?”

    “You really want to know, Votan!? It’s simple….he’s a member of the group which assaulted Lord Barton’s ship on the way for Libidinis….”

    My words surprise Sir Votan again, which is now looking at Brutus and his condition. He didn’t received many direct hits during our match but the strong strike I gave to him after he attacked me with the blade had caused serious wounds all over his body, plus now he is not able to breathe easily, with my hand which is now crushing his neck. It takes a couple of minutes before Sir Votan try to talk to me again.

    “If he is a member of that group, he can lead us to them! He is more precious alive, Milady!”

    “He doesn’t want to speak….” I reply, looking at Brutus then at him “and he’s useless if he didn’t give me the information I’m looking for!”

    “Maybe….but I know plenty of methods to let him talk!”

    “He didn’t say a word to me….what make you think you can do it!?”

    “Trust me, Milady….my men know how to obtain reserved information buy people like him!”

    My nails are now stuck deep in his neck, letting more blood leak from the wounds they caused. In a different situation, probably I would listen at Sir Votan but now, my whole body is filled by anger and nothing can make me change my mind. Or this is what I was thinking….

    “Milady, if you don’t want to effort your trust to me, then do it to honor Horgus memory….this is not what he teaches to you….isn’t it!?”

    For a moment, everything around me stops. Sir Votan’s words hit straight my mind and immediately, I revive the moments I have with Horgus while he was teaching me how a gladiator will act in and outside the arena:

    “Never forget to respect the life of your opponent….if you have mercy of him, one day he will do the same!”

    Indeed they are nice words to say but today….today everything is different! Indeed, Brutus is my opponent but he is one of the men that caused Horgus’ death too! How I can let him live, now that I have the chance to vengeance Horgus death!? I know I can’t….and I don’t want to do it! I’m about to break Brutus’ neck when Sir Votan hand grab my forearm. I suddenly turn to him, with my face totally transformed by anger and ready to not tolerate any other intromission by him, when he speaks again.

    “Milady, I can understand your feeling….they are the same I have right now!”

    Bullshit….how he can understand me if we are both two strangers for him!? His words makes my anger grow again, to the point I’m about to explode as it happens during the travel for Libidinis.

    “I want to kill this bastard too, but he can be more useful alive! I want to find the one which gave the order to attack your ship….he must pay for what he did!” Sir Votan takes a deep breath, then continues “maybe I had to tell you this before, but….Horgus was my youngest brother!”

    Sir Votan is Horgus’ brother!? Is he telling me the truth or it’s just another strategy to save the life of Brutus!? I don’t know if I can trust his words, but for sure I’m stunned by them and now I’m a little doubtful about what I’m doing.

    “Listen, Milady….I swear you I’m not telling a lie. Horgus was really my brother. And I can understand if you don’t believe me, but please….save his life and I promise you I’ll make this man reveal all the information he have!”

    I’m still doubtful but his words seem sincere and I can see the pain in his eyes while he talks of Horgus. Maybe, he can be just a good liar but something is telling me he isn’t. A fight begin inside me: my human side is trying to gain control back but the demon in me is now too strong to be easily tamed and take a decision is now difficult for me. The silence between me and Sir Votan is long, only submerged by the noise of the crowd which is whistling at my actions, unaware of what is really going on in the arena. It takes me several minutes before I can make a clear decision, minutes that the guards use to surround me but avoiding to come a step closer, waiting for Sir Votan order. I look at them, at Brutus and at last at Sir Votan: he was always gentle with me, till the first time we met and now I know why! I free Brutus from my grip and push him against Sir Votan.

    “I leave him to you….but I swear you….when the one behind the massacre on our ship is found, I’ll kill him with my own hands!”

    “You are taking the right decision, Milady….” he say, with a relieved expression, then he turn to Mardukas and continue “Bring this man to the prison and take care of his wounds….he have many information to reveal to us!”

    “He will be soon in the prison, Captain, you can count on this!” Mardukas reply but he doesn’t have the time to grab Brutus and escort him away of the arena. Suddenly, a dart pierces Brutus’ head trespassing it side by side, instantly killing him. Immediately, I, Sir Votan and Mardukas turns around, trying to understand the direction from which the dart is coming. We all look at the area where the Swabia delegation is, barely sure it came from there but we are surprised to see they are on the opposite side of the hypothetical direction where the assassin must be.

    “Mardukas, let the men control the whole arena! There must be an assassin somewhere and we can’t let him escape!”

    Sir Votan order is immediate and his men obey him without hesitation. Then, Sir Votan turns again to me, worried by my reaction to the assassination of the only man which can give to us some more detailed information about this mysterious “noble lion”. Whit his surprise, I stand in front of the dead body of Brutus, just staring at him with a strange but happy light in my eyes. I’m hypnotized by the view of his lifeless corpse at my feet and a mix of happiness and desperation is now running in any cells of my body but despite the strong desire to kill him I had till few minutes ago, now I have no idea about how to react to this event or what to do from now on to discover the one behind him. Sir Votan tries to wake me from this state of trance but I can barely hear him and right now I feel like they have killed Horgus for the second time. Sir Votan continue to call my name for several minutes but nothing change: inside me I fell empty, like if someone have ripped my soul away of my body and now, everything around me is simply slipping over me, leaving no trace of its passage.

    “Mardukas, I leave the investigations in your capable hand….I’ll take Lady out of here!”

    “Captain, what are you thinking to do with her!? She’s too unstable to take her under control by yourself!”

    “Don’t worry, my loyal friend….she was my brother’s disciple and future bride, I’m sure I can take care of her at my place”

    “At your mansion!? Are you sure of this!?” Mardukas asks, with a perplexed expression.

    “Yes….I think some friendly walls can help her more than the one of our prison!”

    “I really hope you are right….from the first moment she arrived here, she caused us only trouble!”

    “Don’t worry, old friend….I’ll be fine and everything will be settled! Just….don’t let the assassin escape from us!”

    “You can count on me and our man, Votan….as always!” Mardukas assure, just a moment before taking the lead of the city’s guards near us and join the others in the patrolling of the arena. They soon disappear in the corridors of the arena, a perfect labyrinth where an assassin can hide and let his trackers lose his traces, till he can finally disappear and become just a shadow.

    Meanwhile, under the astonished eyes of all the crowd on the stands of the arena and of the others citizens and travelers which are watching at the tournament trough the magical artifacts, Sir Votan grab me by my right arm and pull me out of the place, where a chaise is waiting us to take me to his family’s mansion.


    A whole day and half is passed from my match in the arena and I’m still here, in Sir Votan's mansion. From the first moment I step in it, I had the impression to be in a familiar place and what Sir Votan reveal to me at the arena explain it perfectly. The atmosphere inside the house is very similar to the one I was able to sense in Horgus dependence at Lord Barton’s estate in the City of Rhoonas, after all Horgus is a member of this family and it’s normal, for me, to be able to perceive the same smells and so similar sensation to the time I visited him at his place. The atmosphere of the place and the gentle attentions of the whole family, had helped me a little but not so much as Sir Votan was expecting, so he went out to support Mardukas and the city’s guards with the research of the assassin of Brutus. And now I’m here, alone, in this room which was the room of my beloved Horgus till he move to Rhoonas to enter at the service of Lord Barton. The whole room is filled of his scent and the furniture placed in it are very similar to the one he have in his place at Rhoonas, giving me the sensation to being back to most beautiful and happy days. I’m lost in my memories when someone knocks at the door.

    “Come in Varon….the door is open!” I tell him, recognizing the old man by his scent.

    “You really have a good nose, my dear….” Varon says, smiling at me and placing a silver plate on a small table in the room, just before sitting by my side on the bed “and I hope you are hungry….because the lunch looks delicious!”

    “Thanks, Varon….but….I’m not hungry now….”

    “I can imagine why, Lady….but you must eat something if you want to capture the responsible of the attack at your ship and of the assassination of Brutus….”

    “Capture him….Varon, all I want is to have him in my hands and kill him!” I reply, looking straight in the old man’s eyes. And I’m sure he can understand me very well but what he answer me, surprise me.

    “It’s not what Horgus expect from you, Lady….and you know it well!”

    How he can be so calm!? After all, Horgus was his youngest son and even if they didn’t met so much in the last three years, from what I heard from Horgus the few time he talked to me about his family, they were united. So, how he is able to stay so calm now that we lose the only chance to find out who is the responsible of Horgus death!? I’m about to ask him, when he speak again.

    “You know….Horgus was similar to you, when he start his gladiator’s career: impulsive, incline to lose temperature easily….but soon that world and its rules makes him grown as a fighter and, more important, as a man….and I’m proud of him now….a lot!”

    Varon takes a break and he turns to look at Horgus portrait on the wall of the bedroom. That portrait really captures the essence of him: proud, strong….and with a deep sense of responsibility and humanity. The same humanity he shows me the first time we met and which was able to reach my heart for the first time, breaking the wall I had rise between me and the whole human race.

    “Tell me, Lady….did you think he will approve your desire of vengeance!?”

    “Probably no….but I’m not like him, Varon….I’m different and….I’m not a human! Not at all!”

    “It’s not what Horgus think of you, dear….he wrote it to me many times, he was so happy to have met a wonderful girl as you!”

    “Did….did Horgus wrote about me to  you, Varon!?”

    “He did….he told me about the difficulties you had to establish relations with the other humans because of your heritage, but he never wrote of you as something different from a normal girl. And if you can’t trust the words of an old man like me, maybe you can put your trust in his letters!”

    Telling this, Varon extract some letters from his pocket and hand them to me, with a solemn gesture. It’s clear to me how important are those letters for him and now he is giving them to me to try to rise my spirit. Despite the rude appearance he can have, I can say Varon is a real gentleman and till the first moment I step into its family’s house, he tried everything to cheer me up and in this aspect, Horgus is very similar to him, probably most then how Votan is.

    “Read them carefully, Lady….there is the proof of his true feeling for you carved in them and, I’m sure of this!, they will open your eyes on what Horgus really expect by you now!”

    Telling this, Varon stand up and move to the door. He is about to close it behind him when I call him back.

    “Varon….I must thanks you for all the things you and Votan are doing for me….I appreciated it a lot!”

    Varon smile at me and I have the impression to see a new sparkle of hope for me in his eyes.

    “Lady….my son really loves you and even if you two weren’t formally married, I consider you as a member of the family….” he takes a break, then continue “and hope you would consider me as a father! You can always come to me when you feel lonely and desperation grip your heart”

    A member of the family….I know this is something that will happen after the end of the tournament, when finally I and Horgus can be a free and real family, but now….it was unexpected, especially after the recent events. Unexpectedly but wonderful, in fact Varon words were finally able to reach my soul, opening a small breach of hope and happiness in it, something I really need in this darkest hour. Varon is still there at the door, staring at me as a father worried for her little girl. He showed me once again the warm sensation everyone can experience when a family is near you to support one of its member in time of needs like the one I’m leaving and I really have to thanks him for this. Holding tight Horgus’ letters on my chest, I look at Varon, then speak.

    “I’ll take care of this letters, I’m going to protect Horgus feeling as they are mine and….thank you, father!”

    Calling him “father” was strange for me, I never had known my biological father and now I have someone in my life I can consider like a real one, even if there is no blood connection between us. I wonder what Varon is thinking right now, after hearing my words, but a smile full of happiness appears on his face.

    “I know you will do that….I know it really well, my child!”

    And telling this, he come close to me and gives to me an innocent kiss on my forehead, then he move to the door again.

    “Try to eat something, Lady….you need to collect your forces to win the tournament and to capture the one behind your sadness!”

    “I’ll try….for my own sake and to prevent others tragedies!”

    “Well said, Lady….well said!” he answer me just before leaving me alone in Horgus room, now so empty….again! I look again at his portrait at the wall and again, I have the impression to have him right next to me. The talk with Varon has unlighted my heart and his words are forcing me to reflect on my next steps: the tournament, the search for the “noble lion”….I must establish my priority and this is probably the hard task for me, at the moment. If I leave the tournament, Signis and Queen Ophala can break our deal, making me again a propriety of the Free City of Libidinis and I can’t tolerate this, but at the same time, I want to support Sir Votan and he’s guards in the search for Brutus’ assassin, probably our last hope to discover the true identity of the “noble lion”. While I’m pondering at what to do, the delicious smell of the lunch is tickling my nose, till my stomach start to growl: it’s claiming for its satisfaction, after all I didn’t had lunch and dinner yesterday, as I don’t had breakfast today, and now I’m starting to be a little hungry and my stomach is trying to remember it to me! I look at the dishes on the plate Varon toke to me and everything in it looks delicious: the meal, the chicken….and fruits too! More I stare at them, more my appetite grown and with it, the growl of my stomach turns louder.

    “Ok ok….time to eat….are you happy now!?” I tell to my stomach, sitting at the table where the plate lies. Talking to my stomach….this make me smile for the first time in the last two days and, at least, the fact I’m now defeated by my stomach is ironic and make me smile again. After tasting a first spoon of meal, I literally devour the whole lunch as I wasn’t touching food for months and at the end, I must admit that everything was really delicious and now I feel a little better. While I’m pondering about my next step, my sight fall on Horgus’ letters: Varon passed them me as they are his precious treasure, and probably they are!, and I promised to him to read them and try to understand the real feeling Horgus had for me and what he expect from me. Impatient and full of curiosity, I read them one after the other, not carrying of the slow but inexorable flow of time. Horgus’ words directed to his father were full of respect but friendly….I have the impression they are closer than any other family I ever seen but I can imagine it by the strong sense of humanity they both showed me. Probably, if nothing happened, we can be able to be a wonderful and happy family, living together under the same roof or not, doesn’t count when the link between all the members of the family is strong and well rooted in the hearts of everyone. But this is not the only aspect of Horgus’ letters that caught my attention. When he wrote about me, he never mention my demon heritage except in the first letter he sent, but when he do it, his words didn’t paint the aspect of a demon but the one of a mystical creature he fell in love with.

    One after the other, those letters reach my heart in the same way Horgus was able to do at the begin of our relationship. In any one of them, in the words carved in them, I can find the incredible and marvelous nature of Horgus, the same that was fascinating and inspiring me for three years and has show me, for the first time, the bright side of humanity. A side I have easily forgot from the day I arrived in this city and was forced to bury the only man I ever loved in this foreign land, quiet sure of the fact his family will be never able to come and cry on his tombstone. But I was so wrong….fate lead us to his homeland, to his family….and now I’m here, inside those friendly walls and I’m not the only one suffering for Horgus’ departure. Only….I can’t understand why Votan didn’t reveal to me to be Horgus’ brother that same night! Maybe, he didn’t want to give me the impression he want to take Horgus away from me or maybe because he didn’t have full trust on me….or maybe else! Of course, those are just mine conjectures, I can’t know the truth till I don’t ask it to him directly and, probably, and it’s about time for us to know each other a little more.

    It was around 10 p.m. when someone knocks at my door.

    “It’s me, Votan….can I come in, Lady!?”

    “Of course….the door is not locked!”

    The door opens and Sir Votan steps in but immediately stop, turning his face away from me.

    “Maybe….maybe I’ll back later to talk with you, Lady!”

    “And why!? Please, take a sit….this is your house, after all!” I reply, trying to understand what’s wrong with him and sitting on the bed.

    “Ah….well, yes, it is….but maybe you want to put some clothes on, now….”

    “Clothes!? What are you….OH MY!” I yell blushing a little and adjusting the towel which is barely covering my naked body “I’m…I’m so sorry….I totally forget where I am now….”

    I’m a little embarrassed by the situation but Sir Votan is too! Before he knocks at the door, I was drying my hair with a towel, not paying too much attention at the one wrapped around my naked body, so I didn’t notice it was sliding down revealing my breasts, till the point my nipples were about to be totally exposed. A long moment of silence fills the room while I was adjusting the towel, a silence I break soon.

    “Really….I’m sorry for the shameful impression I gave to you, Votan….” I say, looking at him with my face a little flushed “now I’m in a respectable house and no more in a trainee camp….I must pay more attention to what I do!”

    “It’s….it’s ok, Lady! You didn’t do it on purpose….”

    Sir Votan looks even more nervous than me and a doubt jump into my mind. I heard he is thirty-seven but he’s not married and many of his friends and members of his family wonder why! After all, he is a charming and respectable man, someone any father will be proud to entrust the future of his daughter. In my mind, I’ll start to figure it out: despite the fact he appears like a resolute man, maybe when it comes about interactions with the opposite sex, he is not able as he is with the city’s guards and who know….maybe he is a pure man, after all! Or maybe it can be something else….

    “Sorry if I came to visit you so late, Lady….I know you had two very hard days, but when my father told me about the fact you finally step out of this room to have dinner with him, I was really relieved….and….” he takes a deep breath, then continue “and I want to see it with my own eyes!”

    “You were worried for me, Votan!?” I ask him, with a gentle smile. A smile I and Votan didn’t expect.

    “I was, yes….as my father said to you, we have considered you as a member of our family till the first day you arrived in the city….”

    Again….any member of this family, is showing me the most incredible and wonderful side of human race. The first one which do this was Horgus and now, both Votan, his brother, and Varon, his father, are doing the same! And tomorrow, in the afternoon, I’m going to meet the other two members of the Almaan’s family: Kathleen, the only girl in the family after the premature death of her mother, and Ahadron, the other brother of Horgus. From what I heard from Varon, Kathleen and Ahadron are twins and now they are away from the city, both on board on a ship of the fleet under the direct control of the House of Mercator, but with two different roles. In fact, Kathleen is an able merchant at the service of the House of Mercator and soon, she will be married with the son of the second most important merchant in Libidinis, the House of Korial, and this union it’s going to be the base for a commercial partnership between the two Houses, giving them even more influence in the whole city. And Ahadron…..he follow the tradition of his family and enter in the city’s guards when he turns fifteen and now, he is the coordinator and captain of the naval division, which was created by his grandfather to escort the fleet of Libidinis during its journey from harbor to harbor. He’s married seems he was twenty-seven with the daughter of an exponent of the nobles of Libidinis and they had two child. The family of his wife isn’t one of the most important of the whole city, but their union open many doors to the House of Almaan, offering to them the possibility to pass the title of Captain of the City’s Guards more easily, thanks to the support of many nobles’ Houses.
    Horgus was the only member of the family which interrupts the family’s tradition. Seems he was six, Horgus was attracted by the mysterious and fascinating world of the arena and he spent entire days staring at the gladiators during their trainees. And when the time for him to enter in the city’s guards comes, he refuse to join it but despite what he was expecting, his father, Varon, didn’t force him to change his mind.

    “I let you follow your dream, Horgus….but you have to promise me you will always honor the name of the Almaan’s family!”

    Those were the only words Varon told him that day and Horgus always honored the name of his family, inside and outside the arena, and soon he become one of the strongest gladiators of the League and he won many editions of it. His name become a legend, especially after he won the League for six consecutive years and soon, he was contacted by Lord Barton, to become the responsible of the trainees of his gladiators. And we met after three years he obtained that role, three years he used to makes Lord Barton’s gladiators reach the top of the League of Taranis, even if no one of them was able to won the title. Something he was able to obtain, at last, when I became a gladiator at Lord Barton service.

    And now I’m here in his room talking with Horgus’s eldest brother, Votan. And despite the fact him and the others met me for the first time few days ago, they all consider me as a member of their family: me, a complete stranger for everyone except Horgus! I feel happy but uncomfortable for this new situation: too many years have passed from the day I lost my mother and after Horgus death, I lost any hope about to have the chance to experience again what it mean to have a real family near you. But now, Votan and Varon are giving me what Horgus was trying to build for us and the warm of their feelings for him and for me are slowly helping me to fight against the darkness which is grasping my heart and soul.

    “Votan….I really appreciate what you and your father are doing for me….it’s more than anyone else ever have done for me!”

    Votan looks at me, smiling at my words, then speak.

    “My brother Horgus did more than us….he gave you a hope and a reason to live….didn’t him!?”

    “You are right….his love was my reason to live! A reason now lost….” I reply, looking down at the floor.


    Votan, who was standing in front of me for all the time, sit by my left side and look straight in my eyes. His presence so close to me, makes my heart pound faster and at the begin, I own this to the fact I’m almost naked and he is a man, despite the initial nervousness he show me when he enter in my room. But more I stare at him, more I notice how much he appears similar to Horgus: the same deep and crystalline eyes, same rebellious hair even if shorten….to do not mention his toned and massive body! I can really see many things in common between Votan and Horgus, the definitive proof of the fact that the same blood is running in their veins and probably, this is why Votan’s presence seems so familiar to me and make my heart pound so fast. I don’t know if he notice it but more he is looking in my eyes, more his presence is making me feel uncomfortable, to the point I must turn my eyes away from his face to don’t blush right in front of him.

    “I can only imagine how hard it can be for you now, Lady….but there are other people who loves you, never forget it!”

    His words are true and him and Varon are showing it to me, till the firs moment I enter in this mansion. They threat me as a member of the family, orders to their domestics to do the same, and there wasn’t a single moment from the end of my match in the arena during which they leave me alone, especially Votan. Till the first time we  met on Lord Barton’s ship, he was kind and gentle with me and even during the interrogation at the City’s Guard barrack he show me the same attention, trying to let me felt comfortable during all the conversation we had. I wasn’t able to explain to myself why he act like that, till he reveal me about his connection with Horgus, something that surprise me a lot but at the moment, I was too shocked by the assassination of Brutus, my opponent in the arena, the only one who can lead me to the responsible of my pain and suffering, the “noble lion”! I stare at Votan again, without saying a single words and more I look at him, more I can see how he resemble his younger brother, even if probably is more correct to say that Horgus resemble him, being the youngest one.

    “Votan….you and your father are helping me so much…..I’ll thank you two for this! Maybe….if it wasn’t for you, I’ll end to be chained in the city’s prison….”

    “This will never happen, Lady….” Votan reply, placing his right hand on my shoulder “you are strong and enough intelligent to don’t cause too much trouble and get imprisoned!”

    “I’m not sure of this….every day, I have to fight a hard inner battle between my human side and the demoniac one….and take this one under control, is getting difficult day after day!”

    Votan look at me and his hand is now gently caressing my cheek. His kind gesture is warm and raises my soul, making my human half taking a little advantage to my demon’s one.

    “You are a member of the family and we will help you….I will help you….”

    And telling this, Votan place his lips over mine, surprising me and leaving me unable to react to his sudden action. That kiss lasted just few seconds, probably, but it was endless for me and I can’t tell what was going on inside me right in that moment! I mean….I was quiet sure about the fact Votan was interested in me, but I never have imagine till this point! I felt uncomfortable but at the same time that sensation was nostalgic and so welcome, till the point that when Votan’s lips set free mine, I was relieved but a little disappointed at the same time.

    “V-Votan….you….” I babble, unable to put a word behind another. The sensation of that kiss is still running on my lips and right now I can’t focus on something else: that was sudden, unexpected….and it gives me again chills of pleasure I can’t avoid!

    “I’m sorry Lady….I have no excuses for what I’ve done….maybe I must leave you alone!”

    Then, Votan stand up and takes his way to the door, almost ready to leave me alone in Horgus’ room. He is about to open it, when I rush into his direction, letting the towel fall on the floor because of my too fast and sudden movements, leaving my body totally exposed to his sight, if only he will turn to look at me again. I embrace him from behind, pressing my naked body against his back and placing my hands on his chest. Votan’s heart is now pounding faster, maybe more than mine, I can hear it clearly and I can sense the warm of his body passing to mine, letting more chills running all over me. A long and deep silence fills the room: no one of us is moving a single muscle, not a wink or just a tremble….we are freezed in that warm and pleasant embrace, till Votan spoke first.

    “Lady, please….don’t let me feel guiltier than how I am right now! After all, you are m….”

    “Don’t….” I reply, interrupting him “I have done nothing to stop you….if you are guilty, I am too! Maybe more than how you can imagine….”

    Suddenly, my mind is overflowed by the memories of the last eight days and by any single moment I lies with Colette, unable to resist to her charm, which lead me into her arms so easily, to the point I was completely attracted by her just two days after Horgus departure. I don’t know if it was just a way to escape from the reality or if I was really aroused by that mysterious and voluptuous girl, but the fact is I betrayed my love without hesitation and, most important!, so soon! And now I’m here, naked and embracing his brother, in the room which was of Horgus when he was still living with his family and if a part of me is guilty for what happened till now, the other one is too afraid to be left alone again and it’s getting attracted by Votan, a man so similar to my first and only love. More I think at the situation, more I recognize this attraction growing in me. Votan is showing me something different from Colette: with Colette was carnal, pure instinct….a desperate search of something that can make me forget about the pain I was experiencing but at the same time, I’m sure there was something strange in her, something able to surpass any defense I had try to put between us and wasn’t something natural or something I can easily explain or, more simple, I can’t understand. Defense I don’t felt the need to put between me and Votan. Maybe, because he never reveal openly his true feeling for me, forcing me to accept them, but his attentions, his kindness….little by little they open a breach in the suffering around my heart and now they are reaching it. Another thing he has in common with Horgus! Maybe, I’m attracted by him because I can see something of Horgus in Votan, or this is what I was thinking at the begin, but now I’m not so much sure of it. Horgus enter in my life suddenly, leaving me breathless till the first moment we met and he was more direct than his brother, in fact it was love at first sight with him, something didn’t happened with Votan. I met Votan many time from my arrival here and I wasn’t surprise of that, after all, as Captain of the City’s Guards, he probably want to be sure I can’t cause any trouble in Libidinis. And it was during any casualty met that he show me his kind and gentle side and even if I didn’t understand it immediately, slowly his manners makes something change in me, till this moment.

    Votan’s hand is still on the handle of the door, but he hesitates to open it, unable to take a decision. For both, it’s clear the fact that something is born between us but Votan is hesitant about taking the first step, probably because he is afraid about the possibility to betray Horgus memory and feeling. And now, his body is barely trembling confused by the mix of sensations he is experiencing, something he can’t easily takes under control. I press myself tighter against his back, making that tremble on his body a little more intense.

    “Don’t leave me alone….” I whisper to him, closing my eyes “I’m sure of the fact if you do that, I can’t be anymore the one Horgus loved….”

    I know this is not a simple strategy to let him stay. Deep in a corner of my soul, overwhelmed by all the intense pleasure I experienced recently, a part of me is conscious of the fact that the continuous encounters I had with Colette are pushing my whole self to release my primal instincts and more I let them come out, more I’m losing my humanity, unchaining my demons’ nature, till one day I’ll probably end to act as a beast. It takes me time to understand this and I must confess I will be never able to do it by myself, especially right now. What help me to realize this, was reading the letters Horgus sent to his father, Varon, and the words carved in them, where he never describe me as a “beast” or a “monster”, but just as a girl who needs to know what love really is. Something Horgus always did till the end and now, he entrusted my happiness to his beloved family. Votan interrupt the silence between us and his hand left the handle.

    “Horgus will love you forever, Lady….no matter what you are!”

    “He can’t love the beast I’m risking to become….he was in love with the girl who was able to control it!”

    At my words, Votan turn to face me, with a solemn expression on his face.

    “You are not a beast, Lady….and you never will be!”

    “But I was almost at the point of killing a man! And now….the desire of killing the noble lion is strong in me!”

    Votan look at me for a long instant, then after had taken a deep breath, he speak to me.

    “Those are feelings everyone can experience. He took Horgus away from you and now, the feeble chance to find him has expired with the death of Brutus….” he takes a short break, then continue “I have your same feeling, Lady, but I’m trying to suppress them to honor Horgus’ memory….and I know you can do the same!”

    Again, Votan prove to have deep faith in me, in what Horgus taught to  me for the three years he was my trainer and mentor. And I don’t want to disappoint this faith, not now that I have found a new and wonderful family inside the walls of the Almaan’s Mansion. Without any other hesitation, I put my arms around Votan’s neck and kiss him passionately, as I have done just with Horgus. After a first moment of surprise, Votan replies to my kiss with the same passion and put his arms around my waist, gently pushing me against him and soon, that passionate but innocent kiss become a voluptuous dance of our tongues, both seeking greedily for each other. Votan’s hands are warm on my skin and their gentle touch is giving me intense chills that are running wild on my spine, making me greed and impatient: I’d like to be taken right now by Votan but at the same time I truly love the gentle touch of his hands, an incredible contradiction with his strong and a little rude appearance. Slowly but without hesitation, his right hand slip over my bum cheeks, lightly squeezing them time by time, arousing me more and making my blood start to boil of passion. A passion different from the one Horgus make me felt when we were together. In fact, if Horgus was impetuous and a little rough in his action, Votan is showing me the tender side of love, but this doesn’t mean he didn’t know how to excite a woman and push her at her limits. He play with my sensations, stimulating my sensible spots but he always pay attention to don’t go too much further, as he is trying to force me to beg him for it. He kisses me under my chin, on my neck…..again and again, while his middle finger barely reaches my rosebud, just to retreat a moment before it’s over it.

    “You are torturing me….” I whisper at Votan, trying to hold a moan. At my words, a malicious smile appears on his face and the tip of his finger finally reach my rosebud and gently begin to rub against it, making me unable to hold my moans any longer, which echoes in the whole room.

    “You have a very sensible body, Lady….and sensual too!”

    Telling me this, Votan softly bites my right lobe, forcing me to moan again and close my eyes. To think I supposed he have not so much experience with the opposite sex or he is attracted by his same gender, make me smile. Votan is showing me how much he is skilled as lover and soon he find all my weakness spots, stimulating them till the point I can barely resist to him and especially to the gentle but firm touch of his hands. They are playing with my naked body, stimulating it as even Horgus wasn’t able to do, and gifting me with the most intense and pleasant sensations I ever had experience and Votan is conscious of this. His hands are giving me no rest, continuously titling my rosebud and my sensible spots, letting me moan more and louder and arching my whole body began to burn, fired by the intense ecstasy Votan is giving me. My breath is going heaviest at any touch of Votan’s hands and lips and when he finally graze my nipples with his burning lips, my body totally surrender to him and the remaining doubts I got till now, immediately disappear. Not that I was doubtful of Votan’s true feeling, the doubts I had were about me and if I was taking the right decision, giving myself to Votan as I have done just with Horgus. But now, I’m sure about my choice. Votan is not forcing me to make love with him, it’s happening naturally and I know I can entrust him my wounded heart and he will protect and heal it.

    When Votan gently chew and pull my nipples, I can’t resist any longer. The desire has grown so much in me and his touch and kisses are no more enough for me: I desire more, I want everything he can give to me and I want it now, immediately! And I’m quite sure he is conscious of this but he is probably waiting for a request from me, a request I make very soon.

    “Votan….I can’t wait anymore….I want you so badly!” I babble, while he continues to play with my nipples and teasing more my rosebud.

    “I want you too, Lady….from the first time my eyes lies on you!”

    Votan kisses me again with overwhelmed passion, then he gently laid me on the bed. Now he is over me and his right hand is fondling my body, moving down along my flank, barely grazing my bum cheek, till it reaches my thigh. His hand is gentle but unstoppable and holding my left knee from behind, he slowly move my leg apart, while he move between my legs, always kissing me with all the passion he have. I can sense the warm of his body overwhelming mine and it’s more intense than the sensation Colette gave me from my arrival in Libidinis. Not that I totally regret  what I and Colette have done, after all the time we spent together was pleasant for me too, but she didn’t gave me the same strong emotions I experienced with Horgus first and with Votan now. Plus, there wasn’t love between me and Colette, it was pure physical attraction, but nothing more. Oh, it was wonderful of course, and it helped me to cross over Horgus departure, but now I know that was just an expedient to don’t let my wounded heart bleed continuously.

    Now, with Votan, it was totally different. I know him from few days, that’s true, but the fact he is Horgus’ brother makes more easy for me to have full trust in him from the begin, plus his gentle manners have really impressed me, since the first time I seen him on the wrecked bridge of the ship who lead me to Libidinis. Day after day, he came to visit me to be sure I was fine and anytime, he show me not only his resolute side but even his sweet one, especially when we met at the warehouse and him and his father Varon gave me some of the components of Horgus’ armor instead of taking them to their manor as a relic of him.
    And now I’m here, in Horgus room, with Votan over me while he is kissing softly but passionately my neck and caressing my body with extreme sweetness, as he want protect me, more than make love with me. But despite his sweet intention, something hard and big is now pressed against my belly and judging by what I can sense thorough the pants he’s wearing, it looks even bigger than Horgus majestic rod, something I found impossible till few moments ago. I’m stunned by that big presence, but more by the intense chills which Votan makes run all over my body with his kisses and caresses: her hands are big and strong, but they know how to be delicate when they touch a feminine body, to do not mention how skilled they are in finding my most sensitive spots and stimulates them very well!

    My breath is getting heaviest and I must close my eyes to resist at the pleasure which has started to fill any cells of my body. Votan’s kisses are nice and warm, they cuddle my wounded soul giving me some relieved and a new sparkle of love which is now growing in my heart, making my body burning not only of luxury but even of a new and strong passion for a very nice and gentle man. A man who is now pleasantly torturing me with his deep love for me, a torture I really enjoy, especially when he start to play with my nipples, now kissing them, then biting them lightly between his teeth. But the sensation I like the most is when he pinches them with his fingers, sometimes lightly, sometimes hardly, making me moan anytime he do it. Little by little, I had started to understand what he’s about to do, for example anytime, before he pinches hardly my nipples, he likes to rubs them between his thumb and index finger, then he suddenly pinches them, giving me intense pleasure any time.
    He really is exciting me and the presence of his mighty rod pressed on my belly is now hammering my mind. I can’t wait to hold it in my hand, massaging it slowly but without giving it any chance to resist to that pleasant and lovely attention. And, of course, this is not the only thing I’d like to do to it. I’d like to wrap it with my lips and suck it till it’s totally dry and then….I want to ride it, till we are both exhausted and I can finally fall asleep in Votan’s arms! And I’m sure he wants the same, I can see it in his eyes right now, in any caress he give to me….and now, I’m quite sure he really can fill the empty space left by Horgus in my heart and soul.

    When I open my eyes again, Votan is standing on his knees removing his shirt and offering to me a first look at his naked torso. It appears more toned and trained than how it looks and I can’t hold a satisfied and little lustful smile, something Votan didn’t notice, probably. But I can’t avoid admitting how hard and well sculpted is his abdomen. Votan have very massive ribs, more than any other normal gladiators I ever seen, and caressing them with my right hand is really pleasant, it give me a sensation of protection in some way, but at the same time, that view excites me even more.

    “You really have an excellent torso, Votan….” I say, with a lascivious expression “but I wonder if you reach the same level down here….”

    Votan notice that my eyes are pointed down on his crotch and he appears satisfied by the malicious light I have in my eyes while I stare at it. Then, after a moment, he speaks.

    “Did you like surprise, Lady!?

    “Only if they are nice….” I reply, without being able to look away at the incredible bulge he have.

    “Then, why don’t you find it out by yourself, my dear!?”

    Votan didn’t have to ask it to me twice. Impatient and excited, my hands start to fumble with the lace of  Votan’s leather pants, dissolving it and letting them slip a little down on his waist. The only thing that supports them now, is that amazing bulge and I must confess I’m very impatient to finally set it free to look at it. I grab and push down Votan’s leather pants and suddenly his mighty rod pop out, straight and hard, right in front of my eyes.


    “Hello, little boy!” I say, with a lustful smile and without taking my eyes away from it. Votan’s cock is biggest than Horgus’ one, but despite its dimension I’m not worried about the pain it can gives to me. After all, Colette had trained my sphincter very well in the last days and now I’m curious to discover how pleasant will be to have it inside me. But first of all, I really want to taste the white and creamy nectar which is now hiding in that incredible and inviting rod.
    And when Votan lies at my side with his shoulder placed over the pillows, I let his pants slip down his leg, till I can finally able to throw them away. Now we are both naked, looking each other straight in the eyes, both perfectly know what is about to happen between us. Crawling, I slowly advance between his spread legs, without turning my eyes away from his face, till mine is over his majestic rod. With a shameful smirk, I bend over it till I can kiss its burning tip, paying attention to look at his face, trying to catch any single expression he will do. And judging by what I see, he really enjoys the soft touch of my lips, maybe more than how he will ever admit.

    My kisses become more intense, while I hold his hard rod at its base with my hand and gently stroke it. Votan’s body immediately reacts at that stimulation and even his expression changes. He closes his eyes to better enjoy the sensation I’m giving him and when I wrapped my tongue around his shaft, he can’t avoid groaning softly. I had always loved to hear Horgus groans when I was playing with his cock and even now, with Votan, I feel the same! Votan is mine now, under my control in some way, and I can give him more pleasure or let him beg me for it….I wonder what he will do if I stop right now!
    But even if I would like to stop, I can’t do it right now! His cock, that sensation of control which is growing in me….maybe, in a different situation I’ll pander it, but not tonight! I want his wonderful cock, I want to taste it and I want Votan with all my strength, I want to be taken by him as any other normal girl! Now I’m sure of this, any member of the Almaan’s family have the incredible power to push out the girl hidden deep inside my not human body. They always touch my soul, even if anyone of them do it in a different way and now it’s Votan’s turn to give me that beautiful and so wanted sensation.

    Under the gentle but firm touch of my tongue, his shaft is visibly throbbing and it looks almost ready to explode and spray is white, delicious nectar all over my face. But Votan is still resisting to the pleasant sensation I’m giving him, even if I can clearly read on his face how difficult it can be. Holding tight the base with my hand, my tongue begin to move down its length, slowly and voracious, covering any inch of it with my saliva. Then, once it’s near my hand, it moves back, rising along it and with it, even mine and Votan excitement. I repeat that many times, having cared to do it all around Votan’s rod, till precum spill out the swollen and now dark red tip. And more my tongue continue its dance, more precum comes out, completely covering it and starting to drip down that majestic rod. Before it can cover my hand, I lick it away, following its trace till the tips and wrap it with my mouth, sucking that delicious cream till the last drop.

    Votan’s groans become more intense and while my tongue tickles the burning tip of his shaft, my hand begin to strokes its base more vigorously. Votan’s cock is pulsing faster and his groans are very sensual for me….they give me shivers making me even more greedy for his cock, which soon is now half way in my mouth. I can’t avoid looking at Votan and he does the same. He smiles at me and gently fondles my hair, while I suck vigorously his cock, taking it deepest little by little. Votan didn’t say a world, but in his eyes I can clearly see how he appreciated my warm, skilled mouth and the touch of my hand. And I enjoy this too, of course! Plus, his cock is so big that it needs just 2/3 of its whole length to reach the back of my mouth and my chin is barely in contact with my hand.
    Not that I am not used to this strange sensation, but Horgus cock wasn’t long as Votan’s one, so I was able to totally hold it in my mouth, but this time it’s different. I can’t be sure but probably, something like two more inches are out of my mouth and I don’t know if I can handle them. I’m about to give it a first try, when Votan pushed my head down his rod, making me swallow it all in one go. It cut my breath and I have the impression to suffocate, but Votan’s grip on my nape is strong, more than how I was expecting, so I can’t free my mouth from that beast which have reached my throat, now. I tap my hand on the bed, trying to catch Votan’s attention, but he continue to smile staring at me, and only when I tap it again for several time, he penlight his grip, finally giving me a chance to gain back my breath.
    His cock is about to pop out from my mouth when suddenly, he push my head down again, with more strength, penetrating my mouth and throat with his majestic rod. Again, I try to free myself from it, failing. Not that Votan is stronger than me, but I have the impression my body isn’t reacting as I want and I can’t explain the reason to myself, except one, probably: my body is taking its pleasure by this new experience!

    In fact, I never had felt my body burning so much with Horgus, the chills which are running on my body really intense, to the point they make me feel a strange and pleasant itch all around my rosebud. I can sense it clearly and more Votan forced his rod in my mouth, more that itch grows and with the desire to have it inside me right now. Votan plays this game again and again, and little by little, I’m getting used to it, but not completely, and now, that strange sensation is nearby pleasant, even wanted maybe.
    And anytime he does it, the desire to have it inside me grow, till the point I really need to find another way to satisfy it. And soon, I found it right in my own hands. Being kneeled down with my bum raised up in the air and most of my chest placed over the bed, I don’t need both my hands to support my body and soon, my fingers begin to rub against my itched rosebud, while Votan continue to deeply penetrate my throat.
    My fingers are finally able to give me a first but little sensation of relieving, but it’s far away to completely satisfy my now so teased anus. Soon, the movement of my fingers becomes more frenetic, nearby obsessive, making my whole body squirm, eager of more strong sensations of intense pleasure. My body burns and I can hear my heart bumping like crazy. I really don’t know how long I can’t resist in this conditions, I feel myself pushed far away from how Colette was able to do in the last days and I perfectly know that there was just another one able to make me felt like this in my life, Horgus!

    And it’s while I’m thinking at him that two fingers open their way inside me. They are moving, back and forth, exploring my sphincter, and I love this incredible sensation and how it runs all over my body, but it’s not enough. I know it, I want more, I need Votan’s cock to be totally satisfied, anyway, that feeling is strong enough to excite me more, especially now that I close my eyes to better enjoy this double penetration and the insertion of a third finger in my entrance.

    “Gosh, Lady….you are even more insatiable than me….” Votan says, forcing his cock again in my throat, using both his hands and pressing his full balls against my chin.

    I can hear the squishing sound of my fingers digging deeply in me and the rants of Horgus while his cock penetrates again my throat. At this point, I didn’t know how many time Votan have done it, but at any of them, his rants turns louder and this probably mean he is about to reach the apex of his pleasure. And I like it! I know he will spray a copious load of his cream right down my throat while he will scream his pleasure….and now, I really hope it can happen very soon!
    With this idea in mind, my fingers’ activity becomes more intense, if it’s possible. They seem unstoppable, wild….and both I and Votan are enjoying it, even if in a different way. Votan loves to stare at the amazing show I’m offering at him, probably even more than the sensation he got by my first, incredible deep throat! A deep throat which seems nearby to the end, anyway!

    “I’m about to cum, Lady! AAAHHH! I’m-I’m…….CUMMIIIING!”

    Immediately, an incredible amount of delicious cream fills my mouth, even reaching my throat. It’s warm, dense….and yes, I like when my man’s seed fills me completely, and I’m not only talking of my mouth, but this time it’s really too much, even for me. I can’t hold it all in my mouth, it’s suffocating me….some spills out of my nostrils, with extreme satisfaction of Votan, who is devilish smiling at that view. Plus, he didn’t seems willing to free my head from the grip of his hands, forcing me to try to swallow more of his cream, but failing in it. All I can do to attire his attention to what’s happening to me is pat the bed with my palm and emits some rants from my full mouth, but again, it seems like this have the opposite effect on him. He tighten his grip on my head, without setting me free till the last drop of his seed isn’t released down in my throat.

    When I’m finally free from his grip, all can I do for a minute is cough and try to catch my breath back, but it isn’t so easy. Votan seed is so dense that some of it is still sliding slowly long my throat, making breath normally difficult for me, plus even my nose is still barely closed by it. Between a cough and another, I look at him with angry eyes. Votan have a satisfied expression on his face and he stares at me and at the cream which is leaking from the corners of my mouth and at the one which it spills out of it anytime I cough. Again, I have to change my mind about him, he is sweet and cute when it’s about cuddles and kisses, but he can be very rough if he wants, when it’s about sex!
    I’m about to hit him with my punch, when he suddenly rise his torso and hold me in his arms, kissing me again with an incredible passion. My angriness slowly disappear, leaving the place to happiness and to a strong growing desire of him, of his kisses and his wonderful cock, awakening my sexual instinct as no one have done before. While he kisses me, his hands are exploring my naked body from my neck to my bottom, slowly and greedily, giving me more intense chills that make me feel loved and alive. But not as alive as what is about to happen.

    Holding me by my shins, Votan lifts my body till the still burning tip of is his cock is pressed against my pulsing rosebud. I immediately understand what he is about to do and it really excite me, till the point I can’t wait any longer to have his incredible shaft right inside me.

    “Do it….do it, Votan….I want it so badly!”

    At my words, he devilish smirks at me again, teasing me and my now wet rosebud slowly stroking his cock against it. That sensation is torturing me and makes me moan again, with my whole body now totally overwhelmed by lascivious chills continuously growing thanks to Votan’s stimulation. I would like to set me free from his grip and ride that beast right below me, but the sensations Votan is giving me make me greedy for more and at the same time, I like the idea to leave him have the control of our lascivious dance. But at the same time, I can’t stop to beg him to take me here and now.
    In answer, Votan continue to tease me with the tip of his cock, making grow more this incredible desire I have of him. Votan kisses my neck, my shoulders….every touch of his lips or tongue is a pleasant torture, but at the same time it become more difficult to resist to the strong excitement I can feel growing inside me and which is now running wild all over my body. My entrance is pulsing faster and it’s getting more wet, but I can’t say if it’s for the reaction of my body of for Votan precum.

    “Please, Votan, stop teasing me!” I yell, moaning louder “I need it….I beg you….I can’t resist any longer!”

    But again, he didn’t listen at my desperate request. And now I’m no more the strong and powerful gladiator who is used to fight in the arena, now Votan is making me feel like a normal girl, defenseless right in front of the man she love. Votan have full control of the situation, something I have experienced with Colette too, but in a different way. Colette usually gain control awakening my instincts, pushing them at the limits my half human nature can face, till the point I became similar to a beast in heat during the reproductive season. Sex with her was wild, without any inhibitions and there is no love between us….it was pure physical attraction, almost carnal, but I’ll tell a lie if I deny it was wonderful! But it’s not what I need now!
    On the other side, now with Votan there is passion and a connection which grows little by little till tonight, when we finally were both able to reveal our feelings to each other. Something not easy to do, because Horgus is a strong and heavy presence upon us, but at the same time he is the link between me and Votan, his brother. But now that we admitted our true feelings for each other, I can hope in a new and happy life with him, the same life Horgus was wishing for us after the tournament but the attack at Lord Barton’s ship took away from me.

    But now I’m here in this room with a wonderful man who is able to let me feel alive and loved as any other normal girls, something I missed more than how I would admit. Votan is strong and gentle, he knows how to cuddle my wounded heart, but at the same time he is able to let me feel small and defenseless in front of him, like a little girl who is about to experience sex for the first time. A sensation even Horgus gave to me, but at that time it really was my first experience….so, why I fell like that even after three years!?
    Maybe it’s the way Votan had approached me, coming in to my life a step after another and not so sudden as Horgus, who drastically change it in a day! Day after day, Votan came nearby me, opening a breach in the shell I put between me and the entire world to protect my heart and soul, and without I noticed it, he became a strong presence for me, till today….the day he came close enough to finally open my heart again to love.

    We stare at each other, speechless, but words are not needed between us. Any touch, any kiss….even in our eyes I can see the strong feelings that link us now to each other! And we both know they will grow more after tonight, after we finally accept and reveal them without hesitation. Of course, Horgus will remain a strong presence upon us, but he will no more be the reason why we can’t be together, from now on he will be our bond, the one who makes us met and become a couple! Or this is what I hope in my heart right now!
    Our kisses become more passionately, maybe even a little wild, but I like it and I’m sure Votan is thinking the same, judging by how is body is trembling. Probably, he is waiting this moment even more than me and I wonder from how long! Maybe, even from the first day I arrived at Libidinis or maybe from the day after….but it doesn’t matter, that moment is finally here and we know it will be unforgettable!

    Slowly, Votan lowers my body and finally, the tip of his shaft can open its way in my wet and too much teased rosebud, which easily accept that marvelous and burning cock Votan have. Little by little, it’s getting deeper in my sphincter and holding some moans become more difficult, especially when the whole tip is right inside me. Its base is probably large as Horgus cock but it’s not the larger section of Votan’s cock. In fact, right behind the tip, it enlarges again till the point I wasn’t able to touch my index finger with my thumb while I hold it in my hand.
    Votan is lowering my body more, while his majestic shaft penetrates deeply in me, forcing me to bite my lips to resist to the strong pleasure it is giving me. I placed my hands over Votan’s shoulders, lightly scratching his skin with my nails, but more his cock is penetrating in me, more I instinctively dig my nails in his skin, making it bleed a little. And for all the time, we never had stopped to stare at each other, both enjoying the wonderful sensations that are expressed by any little movement of our lips or eyes, movements we catch immediately and which make us even more excited, if possible.


    When Votan lays my shins again on the bed, half of his cock is filling my sphincter, but to me it seems more than the half of it. My belly is burning and my entrance is now stretched by that so wanted intruder….I can’t avoid to think at how big it is and wondering if I can take it all inside me, but at the same time, I want it with all my will, quite sure it’s going be the most incredible ride I ever have. Slowly, I begin to move my hips in circle, trying to search the right balance of my body and to get used to that presence which is the cause of pain and pleasure for me. Pain, because it’s bigger than I was expecting, but despite this, it’s giving me some very wonderful chills which are spreading in my whole body, reaching any cells of it and making me even eager than how I was when I saw it for the first time.
    Even Votan is enjoying this moment, I can sense it in his hands, which are now holding tight my waist, and from the way he is kissing me, with more passion and leaving me breathless. Then, he started to kiss my neck, slowly moving down it, inch after another, till he reach my tits and his kisses are replaced by soft chews on my pointed and hard nipples or by his fingers pinching them.

    I can’t tell which was the most pleasant sensation running on my body but for sure, every cell of it is now crossed by many chills which make me arch my back moaning louder, till I’m forced me to lay my hands on the bed to support my body, offering to Votan an easier position to play with my tits and my pointing nipples. His big and strong hand holds and squeezes my left breast, forcing me to bite my lower lip to don’t scream loud my pleasure while he is doing it. But he surely noticed it, and without any hesitation he bites my nipple, pulling it with his teeth and again, I must bite my lower lip, till it bleeds a little and the blood slip down to my chin.
    Now I know it, I was totally wrong about Votan! He is an amazing lover and he know how to perfectly mix gentle and sweet touch with strong, and sometimes rough!, actions, giving to his partner some very strong and deep sensations. And he’s doing it to me right now, holding gently my back with his right arm, while he is playing with my breasts a little roughly, while I ride his mighty rod moving my whole body over it in a slow and sinuous dance of lust and passion.

    But they were so different by the lust and passion I experienced with Colette! With her I had no control of the action, I was totally in her hand, almost abused by her in some way, but what she gave me was like a healing balsam which was able to stop the blood which was leaking out of my wounded heart. She was like a storm, she blows away everything from me, even my reason, probably, and at that time it was what I was in need, even if i never had admitted it to myself. But alt last, it was nothing more than sex, there was no love between us and that wasn’t what I really need to heal my heart and soul. But anytime I was near to Colette, I felt a strange fever running thorough my whole body and I wasn’t able to resist to her incredible charm which attract many men and, as I discovered at the hot spring, girls and women, her real target.

    With Votan is different, thanks to his love and passion he had reached my heart and he’s cuddling my body and soul with incredible sweetness, making me feel protected and safe in his arms. And it’s exactly what I am in need in this moment to avoid losing myself in the darkness of my cursed blood, which is pulling me to become a real monster unable to take its instincts under control. Sex with him is mutual passion, we teased each other till the point we can’t hold anymore that incredible and deep sensation which the other made bornd inside each one.
    And now I’m here, riding Votan’s shaft, so big and pulsing inside me, and finally, again, I have a reason to enjoy this life, sometimes so cruel but even wonderful, when you feel the presence of someone who truly love you at your side.

    When I finally wake up, the sun is high in the sky and Votan isn’t there at my side, but his scent is all around me: on my body, on the bed and on the pillows….everything around me reminds me at the wonderful night we spent together! I’m a little disappointed by the fact he is not here, but I can understand why he left me alone while I was sleeping, after all Votan and the City’s Guards are all focused in patrolling the city to prevent crimes during the festival and to try to discover some traces left behind by the assassin of Brutus. This is Votan’s job and he can’t avoid doing his duty, as I can’t avoid going to the arena before my second match begin. To don’t mention the fact I had a deal with Prefect Signis and Queen Ophala to respect, if I want to gain my freedom once and for all.

    Reluctant at the idea to release the pillow I’m holding tight to enjoy a little more Votan’s delicious scent, I sit on the border of the bed and stretch a little, trying to throw behind my shoulders all the sufferings which are gripping tight my soul and heart. Of course, the intense night of passion I just had with Votan offer me the perfect chance to do it, but the path to completely heal my wounded heart is still long and difficult, even if now I’m making the right steps on it.
    Standing up, I move to the window and open it to take a look at the world outside this room, a world which can be cruel in its amazing beauty but which can offer you surprise behind every corners. And Votan, that night, was the most pleasant surprise I got in the last days! But wasn’t the only surprise….more will arrive during this shiny and peaceful day and the most incredible one, probably is the possibility to finally meet the last two members of the Almaan’s family, Kathleen and Ahadron, which will be both back to Libidinis after a long and very busy commercial journey with the Libidinis’ fleet. I don’t know how they will react when they can finally be in front of me, maybe they will consider me as the responsible of Horgus death, even if the real one is still unknown to me and to Votan and his City’s Guards.

    But there is time to be nervous for that, now I have to prepare myself for the arena and the first step is to have a nice and warm bath, something I’m really in need especially after the long and intense night I spent with Votan. The only part I don’t like of taking a bath, today, is the fact that the soap will cover the nice scent of Votan and it disappointed me a little, even if I know there must be more chances for me to enjoy it in the near future.
    The second, obviously, is to have a nice and energetic breakfast, something really important if I want to be in the right condition to fight in the arena. Not that I need to fight too seriously, considering the fact that my opponent will be another normal human, but as Horgus has taught me, I must be always ready for everything when I step on the ground of the arena.

    “Good morning, my dear Lady!”

    Varon step in to the room, surprising me a little. I was quite sure he was at the Guards’ main barrack waiting news about the investigations and not here at his family’s mansion. He is smiling at me, as he usually do since the first time we met at the warehouse, but today, I can see a little of malice in it and a doubt immediately born in my mind. Anyway, I’ll try to don’t think at it and while Varon is sitting right in front of me, I speak to him.

    “There is some news from Votan, this morning!?”

    “No, nothing, for the moment….” he replies staring at me “But maybe you have news, my dear!”

    Again, Varon’s smile is a little malicious and I can feel his eyes straight pointed on me and I can’t avoid to lightly blushing. A deep silence fall between us, while I try to find an answer to his question which will not reveal what happened during the night, even if I suspect he just have a vague idea about it.

    “I got the opportunity to talk with Votan…..he’s very kind, he tried to cheer me up as you had done in the afternoon, Varon. I really appreciate what you two did for me.”

    “I see….well, I’m happy to hear that, my child, and I’m sure his presence will help you to cross over the pain in your heart!”

    Varon didn’t say it openly, but it’s clear he have clues about what happened in my room last night. The point is I have no idea of how Varon was able to discover it and I doubt of the fact that Votan had talked to him about us, he didn’t looks the type to do something like this! Maybe, Varon accidentally heard our excited moans or, more probably, he seen Votan leaving my room this morning, before he left the mansion to accomplish at his duty of Captain of the City’s Guards. Anyway, whatever the real reason is, I feel embarrassed now and I’m wondering which idea he have of me, so I try to change the subject of our conversation.

    “Varon, the fleet will arrive in the afternoon, am I right!? Did you know when?”

    “Mmmm….if I remember it well, they will be here around 4:00 p.m.. Why so interested!?”

    “I have a demonstrative match today, but I hope I can arrive in time at the dock to meet and welcome Kathleen and Ahadron, that’s it!”

    Varon smiles at me again, conscious of the fact I’m really getting in touch with him and the other members of the Almaan’s family.

    “Don’t worry about it….I’ll ask to the manager to set your match earliest as possible. He is a good friend and he will not refuse a favor to me.”

    “Varon, really….it’s not needed!” I reply, feeling sorry to cause to him so many troubles, but happy at the same time.

    “I insist, my child….even Kathleen and Ahadron are impatient to finally meet you!”

    Again, this family surprises me, it doesn’t matter how many times they do it, their gentle hearts always leave me stunned and now I’m very exalted by the possibility to finally meet its last two members. Without being conscious of it, a sweet and gentle smile appears on my face and Varon immediately notice it.

    “You are really beautiful when you smile, Lady….sadness never fit on a young girl as you!”

    Varon’s words make me smile more, cheering my heart and soul. I must admit it, I was very lucky to be accepted so well and easily by Horgus’ family  and now, I’m starting to feel a member of it, exactly as Horgus was probably hoping during our travel to reach this incredible and a little mysterious city.

    When the time comes, Varon and I leave the mansion to go at the arena for the daily matches of the tournament. Once we are outside it, we took or ways, but not before I had the chance to gave him a warm hug to thanks him for all the things he had done and said to me in the last two days.
    In the waiting room of the arena, the atmosphere it’s heavy and when I step in, all the others contestants turn to me, a little surprised to see me there. A strong pat on the shoulder, catch me unprepared and with my guard down.

    “I heard what happened during your match, Lady….I’m glad to see you here and safe!”

    I turn to the one on my left and I’m surprised to see Serpentina and the nice smile she have on her face. Even the expression of all the other gladiators change, everyone relieved by the smile which answer to Serpentina’s words. Serpentina and many others, have nice words for me now even if they admit to be worried by my reaction during the match, worried by the not so remote possibility that I had totally lost control of myself. But when they were informed of the truth behind my actions, they were all relieved to know I was perfectly conscious of what was happening and I was able to take under control my rage.
    I apologize with them just in time for the begin of my match, which was a not so difficult task for me and in less than five minutes I’m classified for the next stage of the tournament. When I back at the waiting room, the same who were preoccupied for me, are now cheering and congratulating me, inviting me to join them at the tavern “The Anvil”, an invite I accept very happily. Then, I leave the arena to reach the harbor in time.

    Twenty minutes left to 4:00 p.m. and the fleet is entering in the harbor passing through the huge stone walls which protect it from eventual attack coming from the open sea. The fleet is formed by five merchant’s ship and other two which escort them during their long and sometimes perilous travel from dock to dock in search of new market for the products of Libidinis and to obtain more partnership for the city and its prosperity.
    At the head of the fleet, the ship of the House of Mercator advance slow to the dock where I, Votan and Varon are awaiting the arrival of the fleet with trepidation, especially me, a little nervous at the idea to finally have in front of me the last two members of the Almaan’s family.

    Slowly, the ship is approaching at the dock and after few and excellent maneuvers, the ship can finally moor to it. I heard many times about the ability of the sailors of Libidinis, the only comparable to the ones of Rhoonas and the navigation’s school of both of them are well known in any city of the continent. In fact, many sailors or apprentice captains come to those two city to learn the difficult discipline of sailing and till the begin of their studies they have to face with the Berin’s Sea, one of the most dangerous sea human’s being know.
    And I had a proof of how difficult it can be to sail it! The vortexes appear suddenly and it’s impossible to establish logic in it, I had experienced it clearly during my travel to Libidinis, something I don’t want to experiment again and so soon. But those men and women do it every day to grant richness and prosperity to their families and to the City of Libidinis, even if this is not the only reason that makes Libidinis a strong and powerful city.

    Here, anyone can have an opportunity to change his life, it doesn’t matter the race or the gender, it’s all about having a strong will and good timing to propose some new and productive idea, the only important thing is it mustn’t be against the laws of the city. Of course, most of the laws were made by the House of Mercator and, of course, they grant some special benefits to its business but thanks to the support of all the merchants of the city, it’s not difficult for the Prefect, who is also the ruler of the House of Mercator, takes under control the nobles’ families of Libidinis, which don’t always agree with the Prefect lines of conduction.
    Of course, Signis always paid attention to satisfy requests coming from some very influent peoples who live in the city or just want to open an activity in it, so here it’s not unusual to see a brothel in the area nearby the dock and the shipyard. The first one was opened by a merchant who reached Libidinis from a city of the nearest Kingdom of Swabia, where his activity was not so well accepted, and soon another one was opened by another merchat coming from the the city of Rhoonas. Then, there was another one, till they became four, at last. Naturally, there were many polemics about those places, but the possibility to grant more money to the city and have more visitors who can be interessed in doing some trades before enjoying a night of passion, had made change the opinion to lot of peoples which weren’t in favor with the opening of those activities, at the begin.
    The city of Libidinis is really something you can’t find elsewhere and it’s very easy to be caught by the atmosphear you can breath in it and I had experienced when I met Colette, a woman who is the living expression of the city and his freedom. But now I’m free by her influence, thanks to the love of a wonderful and sweet family, which was able to accept me for what I really am and not for what I appear at their eyes.m They are the family I missed for so many years, almost sixteen, and they all showed me the brightest side of human’ nature or, at least, it’s what was showed to me by the members I allready had met till this morning. I can’t be sure of how the last two, Kathleen and Ahadron, will react when we are finally facing each others, but deep in my heart I wish they can accept me as Varon and Votan have done till the day I arrived in the city.

    While the preparations to permit to the whole crue to leave the ship are on the way, the nervousims begin to grow and despite the fact  I was almost ready to meet Kathleen and Ahadron from the moment I woke up in the morning, now I really don’t know what to expect by this intense and incredible moment. Varon, who was standing at my left, notice it and placing his right hand on my shoulder, he gently smiles at me, as he ever do when I felt down or when I’m nervous as in this moment. Few steps away from us, Votan and Mardukas are both carefully watching at all the operations, while their men are patrolling the area of the dock around the ship, where merchants and other citizen are waiting for their goods or for relatives.
    Right now, I really wish to have Votan by my side, I know how his presence can help me to relax a little. Not that Varon can’t do that, but the bond which had born between me and Votan is strongest than the one I have with his father. Immediately, the sweet memories of the night we spent together emerged in my mind, making me blush a little while I look at Votan. I wonder if he is thinking at us while doing his duty or if he is the type of man who focus on his work when it’s needed without giving to personal emotions be in the way, but for sure, I can say he is a man I can really trust.


    Then, suddenly, a feminine voice caught the attention of me, Votan and Varon.

    “Always busy protecting the city, Votan!?” she says, walking down the footbridge.

    “It’s my duty, you know it, as yours is to made the House of Mercator richest, if it’s possible!”

    Votan reply to her was friendly, maybe too much, so I can presume he must know her very well. The girl is walking slowly, barely lifting the lower border of the long green dress she’s wearing, to don’t risk to stumble on it and fall along the footbridge. She’s tallest then most of the other women I had ever seen in my whole life and even if her dress can appear simple and with not so many frills, she’s really elegant with her long brown hair trailing down her chest tied in a plait. The dress barely reveal the shapes of her silhouette, it’s not so tight except on her waist, where a brown with golden decorations belt embrace her flanks tight, giving a vague idea of how slender and well proportioned her body is.
    The only jewelry she’s wearing, is a pendant made by a thread of pearls with a golden medallion which have a blazon carved on it, and more I stare at it, more I have the impression to have seen it recently, but at the moment I can’t remember when or where. Then, suddenly, an image appears in front of me. It was in the Almaan’s Mansion, while I was walking through the corridor which lead from my room to the stairs: a portrait right on top of the stairs had caught my attention and from what I was able to see, it was a paint of a youngest Varon and her wife, Margareth, a very beautiful and elegant woman, from what I was able to see. I didn’t paid too much attention at her face, what really had attracted me was the pendant she was wearing around the neck, the same pendant the mysterious girl in front of me is wearing right now.
    Thanks to this little detail, I finally understand: that girl must be Kathleen, the second born of Varon. And taking a better look at her, I can see the same deep and crystalline brown eyes of Horgus and Votan but for sure, she has inherited the facial features of her mother and the same attitude for commercials’ business and the love for travels, something Varon and Votan didn’t have.

    “Welcome home, sister!” Votan says when they are finally in front of each other.

    In replies, Kathleen hugs him gently with a happy smile on her lips but in her eyes I can see a small shadow, probably due to the notice she had about the premature departure of Horgus, her beloved little brother. There is no sign of tears in her eyes now, but I’m quite sure she had shed many bitter tears during the travel and I wonder if she’s really fine or if she’s trying to appears strongest than how she is just to don’t give more preoccupations to Votan,

    “My my….this looks like the reunion of two lovers and not the one of a brother and a sister!”

    Votan and Kathleen both turn to the direction of a member of the City Guard’s who is just few steps far from them. Despite the insolent tone this one used, Votan didn’t looks so upset with him and I’m wondering why, after all Votan always had showed to me to be the type of Captain who pretend discipline and determination from his men, so why he is acting in a different way with him!? Then, when I can finally see him, immediately understand it: the young man is the male version of Kathleen, they have very similar facial features and the same hair color….just their bodies shapes are different, with him having a massive and apparently toned one. I have no more doubt about it, he must be Ahadron, the third born of Varon and the last brother of Horgus and just in case I can have someone more, Votan’s words throw them away.

    “You always like to joke, don’t you, Ahadron!?”

    “You know me, Votan….I’m the funny guy of the family….” he replies, smiling at Votan.

    “I know it too well, since we were childs….but it’s nice to have you back here in Libidinis, Ahadron!”

    “And it’s nice to being here again, Votan!”

    Telling this, the two men grab each other wrist in the typical greeting of the City’s Guard. They both appear fierce and resolute and the fact to be finally together after the long absence of Ahadron, was a relieved for both of them and even Kathleen, which is staring at her two brothers, have a gentler and less forced smile on her face. Of course, the death of Horgus was a tragedy for all of them and probably, not being all together when the news arrived at the Almaan’s Mansion, didn’t help them. After all, Horgus was the youngest of them and even if he sent many letters to his father, he was leaving away from them for long time and the fact to don’t had seen him again alive for a last time, wasn’t something easy to handle it.
    They talk for some minutes and even if I can be able to hear them thanks to my superfine hearing, I prefer to let them talk in private, quite sure of the fact that Ahadron and Kathleen are asking more details about Horgus and me to Votan. Staring at them, I can see their reactions to Votan’s words and with my surprise, by their expressions they didn’t looks angry, maybe tired by the long travel and a little sad for the bad event which hit their family, but nothing more. And again, I can sense that feeling of anxiety rising inside me while I try to figure out how Ahadron and Kathleen are going to react when we are face to face. Something I’m about to discover, because they are all coming in mine and Varon direction, till they stop right in front of us.

    “We are at home, father!” Ahadron says, smiling at Varon and greetings him in the same way he did with Votan.

    “Welcome home, my childs” Varon replies, while he embraces Kathleen “I’m glad to see you two are back safe!”

    His words hit me as a knife. I know he didn’t it on purpose, but for me it’s like if a sword was piercing my body and heart, making me bleed till death. I turn my face away, to don’t let Varon see my expression and how I feel right now. I know he cares of me as I’m his daughter but now, the only way I can look at me is as the cause of his loss, which probably had leaved a deepest wound in him than how he want to admit and I can imagine. Then, suddenly, I hear the voice of Kathleen calling my name.

    “You must be Lady….the only girl who was able to caught Horgus heart….”

    I look at her and on her face and eyes I can’t see anger against me, maybe just a veiled sadness. Kathleen approaches and embraces me so suddenly, leaving me astonished: her soul, despite the moment the entire family is living, is warm and that embrace is giving me a really wonderful sensation, as if she is trying to comfort me. Then, when I’m finally free from Kathleen’s arms, Ahadron step in front of me, landing me his right hand.

    “Welcome to the Almaan’s family, Lady!”

    And while I hold his hand tight, I can’t avoid to happily smile at his words.

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