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Premium Membership, Covid 19, Senior Members and Locked items.

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Home Forums Polls Premium Membership, Covid 19, Senior Members and Locked items.

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    I don’t understand what it means to purchase a premium membership. When purchasing, the system will prompt you to receive a gift, but I did not receive the gift, I purchased a premium membership. But why is everything still locked?



    Achat have announced that the gifts are not quite ready. (Starts real soon). If you have bought premium after 1st June you will be able to claim your gift, when Achat has got it ready.

    If everything is locked still, I would message Support and tell them.


    Okay, I am looking forward to the update, I hope my money is not wasted


    Hi again,

    The items that you have bought, Are they still locked, or do you have access to them now ??


    No… I bought a premium account, but it still hasn’t unlocked any items, nor received any gifts.



    Well if your bought items are still locked up I think you should contact support about it.

    Concerning the gifts. I think a little patience is required. Achat are working on it as they have stated on the website home page.


    Hi, Cutecatmeow

    Welcome to forum.

    At the moment, as far as I can tell, nothing has changed. We are all still premium and have access to the items we have bought. Although this can change at any time. Achat has indicated we will be paying to play again soon. (Friday 4 June 2021 but it hasn’t happened yet)

    Your items are not locked, I don’t think as Achat has not upgraded the game for premium to come into force.
    Unless you have purchased the items they will not unlock.

    Premium means that you have a valid paid subscription and will have access to all the items you have purchased.
    If you have not purchased them, they will be seen with a “buy” label on in your wardrobe. You have to buy them first.

    When our premium ends, we all go back to being Free users.
    This means all your purchased items get locked and cannot be used. Only the free items can be used during this time.

    When you buy a subscription and become premium again, this will then unlock your purchases and allow you access to them once more.

    My advice to everyone would be not to buy your subscription until your purchased items are locked up. Enjoy the extra free days play as long as you can. Every free day as a premium player is an extra bonus as subscriptions are time sensitive.


    So, since nothing is unlocked, what does it do if I buy it? 🙁


    If you buy the item eg, a pose or outfit as a premium member, it means you can use it in your rooms or in public rooms.

    There is no need to buy a subscription, until the current premium ends. When it does, all your purchased items (except what you are wearing) will lock. To unlock them, you will need to buy a subscription to use them again.


    One thing is for sure. Achat doesn’t care at all about its senior members when it comes to anything! My game level should be at least 4-500 points higher then it is. Based on past experience Achat will screw us again.


    mrscara we were given a free year over covid and subscriptions are cheaper now than they were pre-covid. They did this at great cost because with everyone on lockdown they could have profited off of us. They did not. In fact they refunded my recently paid annual subscription.

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