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Achat 55 Word Writing Contest. Halloween Stories & Poems 2020

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    Achat 55 Word Writing Contest. Halloween Stories & Poems 2020

    Here are the amazing entries for the Halloween 2020 Achat 55 Word Writing Contest.
    We have had a stunning response and we wish to thank everyone who has entered and supported us.

    To the contestants, please may I remind you of Rule 8 & 11 of the contest…

    8. Contestants should not campaign for votes; spam; advertise or disclose to others their entry to the competition with a view to gain votes, nor should they attempt to bribe or curry favour with any judges. Any one found do be doing so will be disqualified from the competition. The competition is a writing contest not a popularity contest. It is a fair contest.

    11. Each contestant will be a judge and will be expected to put their story/poem preferences in a list. First will be the story or poem that is liked best then, in descending order to their least favourite. They cannot place their own entry but this will be awarded 40 points on receipt of their Judging List. Their list should be sent to Saga55, Vaughan and JessiCapri in PM.

    To the Secret Judges. Thank you for your support and assistance in this contest. Please may I also remind you of Rule 9 of the contest…

    9. Judges should not advertise they are a judge in this contest nor use their position to gain any kind of advantage over contestants they may know or suspect, ie – no sexual favours, Achat dollars etc…  The judges should be fair, unbiased and judge on the writing not who writes the entry. It is a fair contest.

    All the rules of this contest can be seen here,5154.msg170055.html#msg170055 

    To all readers, including Contestants & Secret Judges. 
    You all have one vote above, to vote for “your all time favourite” story or poem. 
    It cannot be changed after it has been cast & you press the Submit button, so choose carefully.
    This will be known as “The Public Vote or Judge” and points will be awarded as guided by the votes.
    Please vote  and enjoy the creativity of all the contestants.

    Voting and judging will also open today on Halloween – Saturday 31 Oct and close Sunday 29 NOV 20 at midnight EST (5AM 30 NOV 20 GMT)
    Winners and prizes announced on Monday 30 Nov 20

    Some Judges have asked for the format in preparing and sending their Judging Lists.
    This is probably the easiest way to do it.

    Make a list starting at 1 in descending order to the last number of the stories, in this case 1 down to 23.    Your Favourite should be placed at 1 and then down to your least favourite being placed in the last position.

    3 …   etc

    Then using the below list, copy (ctrl+c) and paste (ctrl+v) the relevant story into the position you wish.  Please include the number, as well as the title.  This is so we can keep the scoring easier.

    1. Trolling for Treats ~ a Halloween Haiku
    2. The Creaky floor
    3. Asmodus’s Birth
    4. Perspective
    5. Her Monster
    6. Cold Justice
    7. Horny Li'l Devil
    8. Taken
    9. The Long Halloween
    10. Revenge
    11. ALL HALLOW'S
    12. Nevermore
    13. Moonlight Magic
    14. Witches Corner
    15. The Cast Iron Gate
    16. It
    17. Love Haunts
    18. Halloween Love
    19. Into the Abyss
    20. 'A' Trick and Treat
    21. The Unheeded Warning
    22. Our Girls
    23. Halloween Origins

    Like so:     Example only.

    1    20. 'A' Trick and Treat
    2      4. Perspective
    3      1. Trolling for Treats ~ a Halloween Haiku   etc…

    Once you have completed and are happy with your Judging List, please PM your list to Saga55, JessiCapri & Vaughan in Forum.

    Thank you for your support.  Enjoy the stories and poems.


    1. Trolling for Treats ~ a Halloween Haiku 

    Me in PINK latex
    My Lady in BLACK leather
    Prowling together.
    It’s Halloween night
    Looking to fill our pouches
    Out Tricking for Treats.
    Wearing no knickers
    Leather booties past our knees
    We’re ready to please.
    We’ll be your Snow White,
    Cruella or Mary Jane
    Whatever YOU need.
    Make your deposits
    Fill our accommodations
    Happy Halloween


    2. The Creaky floor 

    Tiptoe-ing and pushing each other playfully they tried to stifle their giggles as they
    made their way across the old wooden floor to steal the Halloween candy.
    The old floor creaked beneath each step and seemed to echo through the house,
    Making them freeze for a second, pausing, holding their breath and listening in anticipation


    3. Asmodus’s Birth

    In spooky town there is ripper street
    Where goblins, trolls and witches meet
    How to bolster peoples fear they share
    To put these in a constant scare
    It is hallows eve, and streets are full
    They wait the sacrificial bull
    Who's blood will give them strenghth, power and joy
    To resurrect the two horned boy?


    4. Perspective

    Raven showing off in the wind above the cliff and sea, soaring, swooping, hovering head height to check me out, drops down to collect the fruit I left.  I'm his easy food source; he and his mate raised four young this spring.  The simplest things are the greatest pleasures.  Halloween with covid is too morbid.


    5. Her Monster   

    Creeping down the stairs
    Barely breathing in the dark
    She could hear her heart.
    Her mind racing
    Alone but for her young son
    She must keep him safe!
    Years of threats all true
    Peeking through blinds she sees him.
    Crouched below
    Looking back at her
    Tearful eyes full of hate
    Matching the evils of Halloween


    6. Cold Justice

    When the man regained consciousness, he was naked and chained to a cross. A cruel but gorgeous she-male holding a whip grabbed his balls and squeezed. The man screamed: “What did I do to deserve this?” Under a light snow, the crowd began to chant: “Death to the Cold Inviter! Death to the Cold Inviter!” 


    7. Horny Li'l Devil  

    “Trick or Treat!”
    He stares silently at my latex devils outfit. Smiling “I'll have to treat you then!”
    Pulling his boxers down, he's instantly erect as he slips into my welcoming mouth…
    Eagerly sucking him he starts to climax, breathing heavily, he explodes hard all over me.
    “Who are you?”
    “Just a horny li'l Devil”


    8. Taken 

    The ghost arrives.… Crash! A chair falls!
    The woman awakes… and calls,
    “Who’s there? I’m not scared!” she lies.
    Shocked to see a set of dead red eyes,
    They stare from the darkest corner
    And say, “I want MY wife! I mourn her!” 
    His raspy voice horrifies…
    “You, come with me!”
    “No! No!” she cries.


    9. The Long Halloween

    The soft glow of the pumpkin light reflected on to the small beads of sweat that had formed on his
    now, sex, scented flesh. She stroked her finger nails over his muscular chest, looked at him and smiled. The decorated handcuff chains now hung lifeless as he kissed her forehead and whispered, “Good Girl …Mine…Happy…Sweet…Halloween”


    10. Revenge.

    Second hand doll! She threw it across the room and broke its pretty porcelain face. Her mother was appalled and made her glue it carefully back together. She cut herself on the sharp edge and christened the doll with blood. The doll didn’t want to belong to the hateful child and so it would begin…


    11. ALL HALLOW'S 

    Feral phantoms flit on wings of fear through the frost hued night… pale spectral eyes glowing from midnight faces promising madness and death.
    No night for mortals to be abroad.
    Best cower ‘neath warm covers behind barred windows and bolted doors till Halloween Night is over and the dead creep back to the cold earth


    12. Nevermore

    She held me; not with her arms but with a gaze. She seemed light and pale and somehow sad. She flashed me a crooked smile showing acceptance as we all do as things aren't as we wish.
    Lightning crashed and she was gone. Left alone I knelt at her grave and sobbed for my love


    13. Moonlight Magic

    The saucy witch looked into the night sky, giggled naughtily and was thankful she had invested in this broom. Hovering so high up, balanced on her back, was almost as exhilarating as the Warlock’s tongue burrowing into her pussy.
    “OMG! THERE!” she shrieked.
    Skirt hitched. Spread out obscenely. She knew she was under his spell


    14. Witches Corner
    The gnarly witch stood on the corner muttering, and cursing all who past. Those who knew the route avoided her in passing. Tales of bitterness, twisted truths, barely survivable. Many Halloweens ago, casting her curse, the victim produced a mirror, reflecting it back. The bitch choked on her words! She haunts the corner still… BEWARE

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