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  • #5607
    Quick Star Guide for NEWBS

    From the Office of the Superintendent of Police
    Nymphomania Sex Police Department

    Getting Started
    By now, you have already downloaded and installed the AChat Client software, and registered yourself as either a Free User or as a Premium User CONGRATS! For making it this far…

    Some Do’s and Don’t… Please see the wonderful post courtesy of Lover & Janine Dee,593.0.html
    Quick-start guide: The English Version

    While the AChat Client software will allow just about anything. Be creative; take some time to use your imagination, because once registered, it’s yours. The use of profanity or descriptions of assorted body parts and appendages should be avoided whenever possible. It’s just polite, unless your real name is “Dick” or “Ivanna”. LOLZ.

    Upon Start-up, the AChat Client Window will open, displaying the default avatar, and all the basic controls. If it is your first time using AChat, this will be the time to familiarise yourself with the basic controls before moving on. The most important thing to remember is that any changes you make before logging into AChat will not be saved. This can be the place where you can actually play with everything and explore the basic controls before going ON-LINE.

    This Start-Up screen is the same as when you are within the Character Editor, which is exactly where you will be taken after Login… so lets go through a step by step run through all the controls, starting Top Left and proceeding Counter-Clockwise from the top left.

    Profile Located: Left Side of the AChat Client Window.

    Name: Will be automatically displayed when you login with your username and password.
    Sex: Radio Buttons to choose Female, Shemale & Male. The program allows you to make changes to your sex up to 48-72 hours, but after that it will be locked.
    Skin: Is a series of skin tone colour choices that you wish your Avatar to have. You simply need to make a choice, and if you wish to change it later you can.
    Age: You can enter anything, but please be truthful. It just makes conversing with others within your age group easier and search engine filtering.
    City: You can leave this blank (and most of us use this for other purposes anyway).
    Country: Again, this can be left blank, but for most of us knowing where you come from can assist others in attempting conversation.
    Orientation: Choose one as your preferred sexual orientation, and when using the search engine function, please be respectful of others as their sexual orientation should be a clear indication of what type of other game players they would like to have contacting them.
    Character Type: A series of radio buttons, that you may choose to best depict your Personality Type.
    Favourites: A series of Radio Buttons that you may choose any or all for what you think you like the most to do IN GAME.
    Description To a maximum of 63 Characters including spaces, for any information you would like to have displayed to either describe yourself, or to announce to others what you like to do, or groups you may be a part of within the ACHat game.

    Chat Box Located: Bottom Left of the AChat Client Window.
    Fairly self-explanatory, but should not be taken for granted. Be respectful with whom you chat with, and please use the chat box to become familiar with your chat partners and potential game room partners. Always remember RESPECT EARNS RESPECT. The Chat Box also remains where it is when in a Game Room with a partner.

    Camera Controls Located: Bottom Center of the AChat Client Window.
    Similar in design to a video game controller, it moves your avatar both vertical and horizontal in addition to pan left or right, up and down like a camera would, to place your avatar as you see fit within the viewing screen area of the AChat Client window.

    Take a Picture Located: Bottom Center to the right of the Camera Controls.
    Simply take a picture of your Avatar – This will be used when using the search function, which will be discussed later under Search Function and also Profile Icons.

    Avatar Animations Located Center above the Camera Controls directly to the right of the Description box of the Profile.
    Two Basic choices for free users, and an Avatar Animation upgrade is available to buy in the Shop. The Shop will be explained later in the Website Community.

    Okies, Up Next… Clothing for you Avatar

    Superintendent, NSPD


    At first I always assumed that all hetero tgirls where only into men but after seeing most write “Only females and shemales”, or that they only have female and shemale friends and lovers I've come to understand that not everyone identify themselves with women like me. It's so weird to me since every tgirl I know wants to be seen as a woman… oh well.

    Anyway, it might be easy to determine the orientation of a female or male but if you're browsing shemales you should take a closer look at their profile to determine what they're actually into. You might find some message on their profile that clarifies things or you can take a look at their spouse, lovers and friends to try and determine what they're into.

    Quick Start Guide for NEWBS (Continued)

    From the Office of the Superintendent of Police
    Nymphomania Sex Police Department

    Clothing Your Avatar

    For most of us, society has deemed it appropriate to be clothed while in public. So it is only appropriate that you also clothe your Avatar. Whether you choose to clothe your Avatar or not, is still your choice but keep in mind that not everyone wants to see you naked.  With this being said, as a new user, you may find it daunting to figure out how the Character Editor actually works… in particular, choosing clothing for your Avatar.

    The Clothing Editor is located on the right hand side of the AChat Client Window, when in the Character Editor. The Clothing Editor has 4 main tabs to choose from. For Free Users, your clothing options are rather limited. With a paid membership, your options increase exponentially, as optional clothing can be purchased from the shop in a variety of styles.

    Once You’ve Chosen to attire your Avatar, Simply use the Camera Controls to place your Avatar where you want it to be within the Viewing Frame, and choose SAVE CHANGES. Your Avatar and the changes you have made are now visible to all members.

    If at any time, you make a mistake and wish to remove an article, simply click on the “X” located on the right hand side of each clothing option. At the top of the Clothing Editor is your $A’s Balance (when you’re logged in) and at the bottom is a button that is linked directly to THE SHOP.

    The Street Clothing Tab
    This is how your Avatar will appear to everyone who is viewing your Profile. Choose wisely, as it speaks volumes about the type of Charater you want your Avatar to be, and also promotes yourself visually to everyone using ACHat.

    For ease of explanation, all listings are mentioned from top to bottom, and left to right.

    For Females & Shemales: The Boutique
    I) Hats, Headwear, Hair pieces and Masks
    II) Eyewear
    III) Tops (Including Bra’s, Lingerie and Gloves)
    IV) Panties & Bottoms
    V) Pants & Skirts
    VI) Hosiery
    VII) Footwear
    For Males: The Haberdashery
    I) Hats
    II) Eyewear
    III) Shirts, Ties & Jackets
    IV) (Blank)
    V) Pants & Shorts
    VI) Socks
    VII) Shoes

    The Sex Clothing Tab
    This is the clothing you want your character to be wearing when having those intimate moments with a partner(s). Basically the same options as for Street Clothes.

    For Females & Shemales: The Boutique
    I) Hats, Headwear, Hair pieces and Masks
    II) Eyewear
    III) Tops (Including Bra’s, Lingerie and Gloves)
    IV) Panties & Bottoms
    V) Pants & Skirts
    VI) Hosiery
    VII) Footwear
    For Males: The Haberdashery
    I) Hats
    II) Eyewear
    III) Shirts, Ties & Jackets
    IV) Underwear
    V) (Blank)
    VI) Socks
    VII) Shoes

    The Jewellery Tab
    Here you will find those personal items and accessories, that you decide where and when to wear.

    For Females & Shemales: The Jewellery Box      .
    I) Earrings
    II) Necklaces
    III) Upper Arm Body Art
    IV) Front & Rear Torso Body Art
    V) Bracelets
    VI) Rings
    VII) Anklets & Leg Body Art
    For Males: The Valet & Tattoo Parlour
    I) Earrings
    II) Necklaces
    III) Back Body Art
    IV) Upper Arm Body Art
    V) Bracelets
    VI) Rings
    VII) (Blank)

    The Your Body Tab
    The place where you get really personal about your avatar.

    For Females & Shemales: The Salon
    I) Hair Styles
    II) Eye Colours
    III) Faces
    IV) Make-up
    V) Boobs & Butts
    VI) Nipples
    VII) Pubic Hair (Not Available for Shemales)
    For Males: The Barber Shop
    I) Hair Styles
    II) Eye Colour
    III) Faces
    IV) Facial Hair
    V) Chest & Ass Sculpture
    VI) Body Hair
    VII) Pubic Hair

    * * * * *

    Up Next – The Command Line



    Azrielle, you can add that shemales can't have Front Torso Body Art.


    hmm women cant too adera , i suppose its reserved to men


    hmm women cant too adera , i suppose its reserved to men

    Azrielle, you can add that shemales can't have Front Torso Body Art.

    The Items Listed under the Controls are what is available, but good to note. Perhaps it can become an available option in the future. How about starting an information thread about this in the sharing ideas section?



    well, it would seem to be a very positive response by all who took the time to vote on the USERMANUAL POLL.

    Thank you for everyone who voted! Mwah!

    I am continuing to compile a working model off line at this time, and will post it in it's entirety once it has been completed.

    Also, To everyone with comprehension of other languages, I invite you to translate what has been compiled so far. (Earlier in this thread)

    Just be sure to let LOVER know what you are intending to do, so that he can organise it all once you make your submissions.



    I think that a user manual is not required reading, since there where not many answering. But I would suggest a poses manual, there is no place to get info on the poses and what they do, for any reference or curiosity  (wanting to buy) or window shopping. um I hope I am saying in a clear way.  I know my wording is rough, but I like to give you all any thoughts and suggestions that I can make.  By the way the layout of the pages and the way it flows is great.


    It's not important to get answers. Free user can't post but read… all the manuals shall help them and hopefully do.

    About the poses there are topics – for example,5.0.html for MF poses. Look at the mainpage of this forum – you see the categories “Woman with man”, “Man with man”….

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