The forums › Upgrades and newly added features › AChat publishes big update. Achat 2 is released May 26 2015
- This topic has 138 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 5 months ago by FoxyRoxxy.
May 26, 2015 at 1:32 pm #148773Anonymous
yeah overall I can get used to the changes, they did basically eliminate cold invites I think. doesn't seem like you can receive invites in the change room etc.
May 26, 2015 at 1:46 pm #148774@Nat33
With “not dynamic” is meant that you can not drag and rezize the window to a size you like. There are just 2 options the given window and fullscreen size.My first impression:
I personaly do not like the Win8, or flat UI design in general, but that is a question of taste so there is no need to complain about it.. I will get used to it eventually.
Some m.inor issues like the overlapping “restore position” arrow in the chatbox and the missing “show myself” button will surely get updated quickly. So no need to rage about hat either.
The Poker game is far from done in my opinion.. except for the obvious bugfixes which need to be done, I think that it should be possible to open up your own table (like a room) and invite some friends with whom you want to play.
And it woul be like 300% better it if were a strip poker instead of gambling with money
(btw. those are not real $ NOR A$ .. so no worry about that)And what I NEED for real is the tex-Editor back.. Please Achat Team do not forget us humble designers … pretty please.
May 26, 2015 at 1:50 pm #148775Ah ok, thank you DirtyElena.
Yes for the headaches TG
They are new options for the cold invites now lol the “blind date” and poker too !You can't type “tex” for the textures now ?
:(” title=”>:(” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
May 26, 2015 at 1:57 pm #148752Hi.
New updates are great, carry on with the good work,next for improving some of the M/F poses.
YES I like the NEW ACHAT.
Best Wishes,
Bert the PictMay 26, 2015 at 2:22 pm #148776Something of the new AChat I'm not going to use is for sure the blind date option…….basically, it's a cold invite!
May 26, 2015 at 2:42 pm #148777I think “Blind date” are made for the Whores Houses… you know girls who asked for money for virtual sex ! the beggars of sex !
Or when you need sex quickly, immediatly ! quick… quick fuck me but give me the money firstMay 26, 2015 at 2:53 pm #148778Upgrade
1. Screen is bigger and looks more modern.
2. Blind date seems to be a cold Invite like HB said.
3. Sex Experience seems to be the Achat we know with slight changes but manageable
4. Quick demo is exactly that with Robot boy. You can use your poses with him.
I cant see where you could swap it for a Robot Girl and I think Shemales should have a demo robot now too.
5. Naked poker seems like a chatroom for 8 people but looks like you join a totally random table and it all seems a bit confusing.
6. Customise yourself is your wardrobe. But this needs a short cut to the game.@TG the cold invite is still there. I had a few whilst chatting.
My thoughts on Improvements needed.
1. The letters in the text box are too small when typing. They enlarge when sent but this is a nuisance when typing
2. You cannot send urls to people. So when lap dancing or pole dancing you cannot play the same song or even direct people to a forum topic, such as voting in the erotic story contest.
3. We have lost “See yourself” so to find my friends, spouses, lovers very quickly, they have made coloured boxes by the chat box on the right.
4. We need a button to go to our customise yourself and vice versa so I don’t have to keep coming back to the menu
5. We want a forum and shop button in Customise yourself.
6. There needs to be a link in the demo room with robot boy so I can swap to robot girl or even a shemale robot to test my poses out and clothes in the shop.It's early days yet, I'm not sure if I like it tbh. I really think its a bad idea to cen – sor httl links in the game. This means no songs or internet radio with your partner. This is bad for lap / pole / slow dances and of course Forum topics links.
I'm interested in others views on the upgrade.
May 26, 2015 at 3:10 pm #148779Anonymouslinks are overboard, it was already really stupid that the names of other games are censored from our own private conversations. as far as my personal experience goes, i remember every other game that was mentioned by me via achat because the other person had to play word games to tell me.
so what i'm saying is that censorship doesn't stop word of mouth advertising, not at all, if anything it makes conversations about other games more memorable.May 26, 2015 at 3:10 pm #148780For the robot girl you can search “robot girl” like before and invite.
For your friends, lovers, spouses you have big buttons behind the chatMay 26, 2015 at 3:29 pm #148781Honestly talking, the first impression abouit the new graphic isn't tha t bad, but we still miss the chanse to take screenshot or chose by ourself the game resolution (now the window is in 16:9….what about people whio use the old 4:3 monitor!?)
Too bad, the chatbox is still thye same, without a tab option for multiple chat, as we asked for soooooo long time
About the poker room……I find it a real mess and I wonder why we can't create our room and chose who is invitted in it or not. Plus, tell me….why the Dev-rteam didn't do it more interesting, making it a sort of strip poker instead of being nude till the begin and playing some virtual money we can't learn!?
for the moment, as Brandy said, this new version isn't offering something really enjoyable……but who know……maybe it's not finished!
May 26, 2015 at 3:45 pm #148782For me I like:
– News interface but like you about many years with the same I need adaptations.
– graphics are better with the new resolution of the game.
– the poker room for the free users is good for the game and you can speak with 8 playersI don't like:
– the “false full screen”
– text too small in the chat and of course no more options than before
– No “show me” option :-[
– I wan't to change the first page with this 2 guys and 3 girls:(” title=”>:(” class=”bbcode_smiley” /> Grrrr
May 26, 2015 at 4:16 pm #148783Just got a new update – it seems, they stopped Poker game. You only get a message “..paused” and can't start it.
Really bad is, you can't start the tex editor anymore. A-Team, change it ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Full screen looks good for me.
You still can send cold invites!
The “text window frame” on the left side doesn't fit, it's much too small.
May 26, 2015 at 4:40 pm #148784The option” sex maniac” in your caracter profil don't work ! change and save and that don't work
May 26, 2015 at 4:43 pm #148785The option” sex maniac” in your caracter profil don't work ! change and save and that don't work
It does work its just that the “sex maniac ” and “Talkative” checkboxes are switched.. you need to check the other to display the former.
I hope I expressed my self somewhat understandable
You need to check “sex maniac” if you want your profile to display “talkative”
And vice versa.
[/Edit]May 26, 2015 at 4:46 pm #148786Yes I understand Elena but I have only “sex maniac” check and save and don't work the others options work ! I retry, not important
ah yes I see your edit I try, thank you Elena
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The forums › Upgrades and newly added features › AChat publishes big update. Achat 2 is released May 26 2015