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AChat publishes big update. Achat 2 is released May 26 2015

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Home Forums Upgrades and newly added features AChat publishes big update. Achat 2 is released May 26 2015

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  • #148816

    But i am really disappointed that still the online friends cant be viewed in an easy way. Have to go through the whole friend list.
    That can REALLY not be too hard to change…


    But i am really disappointed that still the online friends cant be viewed in an easy way. Have to go through the whole friend list.
    That can REALLY not be too hard to change…

    It would be nice if the online friends/lovers/spouses found themselves to the top of the list.


    6 – it is impossible to select text chatting to copy. When the mouse and you select text takes an arbitrary selection is not the desired text

    Just checked it a second ago….it works fine for me!

    With the release of the mouse the text to understand. Good selects the text in the normal location of the window.
    If it is moved, it is not possible to select text to copy.

    After selecting text with the mouse in the chat window I want to translate the program Dicter v.3.62, the text is not copied,
    and the program does not translate.


    You can copy your own text and insert text you have copied. It works in the chat window. But you can't copy text which has been sent to you.


    I crash  every time I make it full  and  try to move it around …

    can you please fix this  ???


    Whats the diference from old achat to new achat update ?!?



    1- NEW interface
    2- NEW resolution in 16/9 so better graphic
    3- Blind Date (or special cold invite)
    4- Poker room ( AChat fix it now)
    5- NO music ( best imersion in sexual play)
    6- Fonts resize in chat
    7- No “show myself” ( like that you look the others players)
    8- It's NEW so it's fun


    You can copy your own text and insert text you have copied. It works in the chat window. But you can't copy text which has been sent to you.

    open the log
    ctrl end
    copy and pate text from there


    Yes Woody, this works. But you always have to close and open the chatlog again, it's not a comfortable way to use the translator when you're talking to someone.


    well at least your online friends, lovers and spouses float to the top of your lists now   yay


    and yes when ur playing poker you show as busy

    WELL DONE AChat gods


    well at l;east your online friends, lovers and spouses float to the top of your lists now   yay

    and yes when ur playing poker you show as busy

    WELL DONE AChat gods

    That IS good news.


    I want to play Poker    who wants to play  poker with  me and Lover  :


    Great news They have listened to the forum once more! Thanks A-Team


    That is great news     Thank You Achat Gods.

    * Please Achat Gods, could you allow Premiums to copy & paste again now.   I cant copy & paste songs from the Achat Game.

    * Plllleasssssssssse could we have a Forum button as well, to take us to the Forum Homepage, like you can with the shop by clicking on “Buy”    Thank you.

    * Please can we have a short cut to Customise yourself. Its annoying getting to my wardrobe now and then going back into the game.

    * Please can we have a Log Out button

    * And I want a show myself so I can check my profile. I have to use my friends lists to do it.

    Thank you.


    I would like to add that the tex editor should be accessable again.

    BrandyBee, you can log out by clicking on the (back) arrow top left while in main manu

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 139 total)
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