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Amethyst. The soft hearted Brit

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Home Forums Introduce yourself Amethyst. The soft hearted Brit

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    Hi All ..thanks for the lovely warm welcome ..I normally stay away from forums but decided to give it a shot ..hope you enjoy my contributions to the stories section .. the dippy brit Amethyst ..(Sams in game spouse ) I tend to be wary of strangers so please forgive me if I take a little while to warm up ..I do actually like people ..I'm  a single working mum and work within profound care . I can be funny ..dippy ..extremely sarcastic ..humorous and damn I can be stubborn ..I come from a large family of bikers and although I love a big family ..I love my own time with the special people in my life ..sorry for my post being so clinical but I need to warm up first to you all xxx


    Welcome to the forum Amethyst! 🙂

    Take all the time you need to get warmed up, read stories, study people in here, join some events if you like!

    I hope you will find here and in game what suits you most and your heart desires 😉


    Hello Amethyst,
    welcome again and thanks for introducing

    🙂 So you’re from england, you’re stubborn… means we’ve got two of your kind now 😀

    You already know the forum, so I don’t say too much. Just thanks for your ideas and you know, you always can ask and post any ideas or suggestions. And we’re no strangers for you anymore, so no reason to be wary 😉

    Have fun 🙂


    Thank you Lover


    G'day Amethyst

    how did i miss this ?

    Welcome to the forum.
    People are friendly here I hope you find  as many good friends as I have.

    We also have an open chat room where a lot of the members hang out and  chat.

    Here's a bit more about it.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

    Feel free to drop in and  get to know  some of us   Same TOS  as Achat.  You would be made welcome.

    The Square

    Look forward to seeing you there.

    Oh, the bar is open  and the chef  will feed you


    Thank you all …you are all very kind … So let me tell you a little more about myself …As the eldest girl of 7 siblings I didnt always have it easy but I learnt early to protect my siblings and try to show guidance where I could … My mum had lost her way a little and she was a heavy drinker and also very abusive and violent … however my mum had her own demons and was also battling with mental health issues … Sadly my mum passed away in 2010 but we had built bridges by this time and the abuse was forgiven and I wrote a couple of poems …1 ) to Highlight the effects and stigma of mental health from my mums perspective … and 2 ) to help my siblings to come to terms with the sudden loss of our mum … I hope you enjoy these poems and take from it what was intended … With Kind Thoughts to you all …. Amethyst ….

    Mental Health by Amethyst

    When people look at me .. what is it that they see?
    The image of a stigma that sticks with people like me?
    I once used to laugh, and write my poetry all day long
    i'd dance around the sitting room and sing my favourite song
    But right now I don't feel that way , my mind just draws a blank
    the trauma of losing my son and husband, took away my thinking tank
    I don't know how to laugh or cry , I feel numb and dead inside
    emotions leave me bleeding dry, yet the tears I still cant hide
    I cant make sense of the tv, or what people try to say
    I don't want to be a burden , why do I feel this way?
    I don't feel no emotion, this kills me deep inside
    I cant bond with little Harvey, yet I feel a sense of a pride
    No-one understands me , I feel I'm all alone
    I try to express how I'm feeling , each day, over the phone
    Kirsty & Clare take me out for meals, to make my day pass by
    But I cannot get to grips with this, and again I break and cry
    I want to be just like you and have dreams I can remember
    but my head is no longer working , instead its a burning ember
    the medication that they give me, comes with promises of 'you'll be fine'
    I know Ive heard this before , if not a thousand times…
    remember when you look at me I was once alive like you
    and instead of seeing a stigma , open your eyes and see the truth ..
    I hope one day I will be well and my thoughts will again return
    to the days when I can wake again without feeling this painful yearn
    I long to love my kids again and buzz with pure delight
    but for now I'll keep on trying .. and beg god, hears my desperate plight ..

    A Mothers Message

    Sat upon a hillside , over looking lakes of blue
    When in my mind I captured a smile , An Image that was you ,
    The stress and pain had left your face, now smiling, you were free,
    You whispered 'Michelle I have a message. please pass it on for me '

    Please tell Toni I'll always love her , I'm never far away
    to know I'm everywhere , around her children as they play
    let her know when they smile at her , that I am smiling too
    and maybe she will someday, just see my smile come through

    Tell her to be brave , tell her to be strong
    because I'm always with her,  willing her to go on
    I know that she can do this and sometimes life can be so tough
    but with you all around her she is safe with sibling love

    Tell her not to grieve for me , tell her I'm not in pain
    Tell her I am free to fly and with her dad again
    Tell her she is in our hearts and we watch over her with love
    Tell her if she misses us to watch the stars above
    For among the stars we have a place , that watches over you
    Please also tell the others they have a message too

    Please tell Ricky I love him, with every inch of my heart
    and tell him , I often sit by him , and also watch him from afar
    I see his love for Katy and that makes me feel so proud
    He was my Inspiration, A sliver lining in my cloud

    Tell him not to get upset or angry at my passing
    because my love for him will not fade , its a love that's ever lasting
    Tell him not to blame himself, as some of my children do
    but to think of me now happy, my spirit pure and true

    I have to thank you Michelle for passing on my words, it means so much to me
    I have to let All of my children know , that where I am, I'm free
    free from all the pain, the woes that my life did show
    A message of a mothers love , I want for you to know

    Please Tell Kirsty not to cry , it hurts my heart to see
    that she often feels so alone, and often thinks of me
    I know how much she misses me,  and sometimes feels she can't go on
    but Kirsty doesn't realise it was her that made ME strong

    The passion in her heart , her determination too
    Is what often made me chuckle , her fiesty spirit that shone through
    As all of my children are , She is a credit to be mine
    to watch her smile sometimes , is what makes me brightly shine

    I know that she will read this and feel a warm glow inside her heart
    tell her that I am near her , we are never far apart,
    Please continue with my message , my work is not yet done
    I have a love for you all , for each and everyone

    Clare also needs to know, that I'm watching over her
    And I see a heart so big , a heart with love and care
    She punishes herself , deep down inside that others just dont see
    yet she is such a blessing , A treasure given to me

    Tell her not to waste her tears, on crying over me
    Tell her I am happy , as happy as can be
    I know she finds it difficult , for I am not in view
    but I am right beside her , my love for her so true

    Maybe when she reads this,  she will know that I'm close by
    giving her my message of love , I'll allow her one last cry
    For when she smiles so brightly , she lightens any room
    And I want to see her happy , not filled with tears of gloom

    My Children are so beautiful , they are everything to me
    I had to share my message , had to make you all just see
    you didn't think I'd just go did you ? isn't that just absurd ?
    I couldn't leave you all , without ME having the last word !

    So Carl this brings me to you , my first born Baby boy
    your bright read hair , your freckled face , but such a mothers Joy
    Somewhere in the dark,  I seemed to lose my way
    But my love for you was always there,  I just found it hard to say

    So now I bring you this message,  to let you know I'm here
    And my love just kept on growing,  with the passing of each year
    I know you found it difficult , when my passing finally came
    But I'm safe here with your Grandad,  and we often speak your name

    I have to tell you of course , you always had my brains
    your hidden strength and inner love , the things you tried to explain
    we were both often misunderstood,  we found things hard to say
    but it wasn't us , it was the others , they just didn't get our way

    So now as my message closes , I want for you to know
    That I am always with you , wherever you may go
    I hope that life brings you happiness and my love you'll carry near
    because i'm right beside you , you will never have to fear

    With one last look she kissed my head,  and said 'I want for you to know'
    passing on my message,  is the benefit you will sow
    of knowing you have passed on my words,  to the siblings you adore
    that they will understand these words , because you always seem to know.

    Michelle when times were hard , you filled my heart with pride
    together we faced the storms and came out the other side
    There is no other person,  I would want to pass my message on
    You have it all , its right inside ,  just didn't get,  to sing your song

    Know I'm right beside you  , just look inside your heart
    We were never really ever,  going to be that far apart
    You carry my heart inside your soul,  as my message finally breaks through
    A Mothers Love passed on , through the words you write so true

    And as her mouth kissed my forehead , she vanished out of sight
    but I'll never forget her loving smile she bestowed onto me that night

    So passing on this message I want for you to know , she never really
    left us , she's in everything we know

    She's in our childrens laughter ,  she's around us when we are down
    she is only a thought away , a smile to take the frown
    the soft wind that passes us by , a kiss within a breeze
    the gentle brush of a loving hand , felt across the knee's

    So smile my priceless jewels and share love wherever you go
    cherish your precious  children as you watch them bloom and grow
    And as they spread their wings , you will know your job is done
    And you'll find love all around , that forever will live on .


    I hope one day I will be well and my thoughts will again return

    I'm wishing you all the best and maybe we all can help a little.

    And you'll find love all around , that forever will live on .

    Nothing more to say

    Thanks for sharing your poems with us. They are full of emotions, sadness and also faith, hope and love. Awesome!
    You can be proud of what you have reached so far and I am sure, you are on the right path. Just keep on walking on your own feet with sunshine in your eyes and a smile on your face


    Lover has this way of making his German English perfect.  I echo his words from my heart.

    Amethyst your poems are astoundingly good.  I urge you to put them individually on to Literotica and set up your green world link.  They will all be listed then under your name and your fans here can visit them more easily over and over.

    You will no doubt gain more fans on that literary  site as well.

    Think about it seriously. Anyone in the Hall of Fame will help you if you need it.,2668.0.html


    yes Amethyst,
    i can only echo the thoughs of Brandy and Lover,
    your poems need to be shared on Literotica,
    also  once published there  copyright is confirmed
    and many many more will see them.

    i am a new author  myself  it takes a lot to take the first step
    but it is worth it
    its helped me grow and develop as a wrtiter

    please consider it

    you know  there are those out there that need to see your messages to their hesarts


    Thanks all .. ..Lover the poem was for my mum ..not for me hun ..I'm ok other than Autistic ..…Guys do the poems on literotica have to be erotic ? as these poems arent erotic …thats all that has made me hold off ….and thank you for the positive feedback ..


    gday hun,

    literotica  can be either  erotic  or non erotic

    if you need any help  i am usually about in the square


    Thank you ..I made an account so will eventually get around to posting some more of my work …btw if I post more of it here ..what thread do I use please ?


    You can post it here or you can make a topic in Erotic Stories and post it all in that topic.

    This is where Amethyst's work is …

    Forum Home Page > Discussions about sex > Erotic Stories > I'm Autistic let my words paint you some pictures,3595.0.html

    Welcome back.  I hope you stay this time round.   


    Thank you xxx


    Hey I know this person well  :

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