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    I’m ready in plenty of time for our date and arrive at the restaurant with time to spare. I decide to wait outside for Gemma on this fine, late summer evening. Every car that approaches I watch keenly, hoping it will be the one to bring the sweet girl I’m waiting for. As time passes, and the time for our date approaches, I grow increasingly nervous, doubt gnawing at the back of my mind wondering if I’m being stood up. I shove these thoughts aside angrily, knowing they are foolish and do Gemma a disservice.

    It’s about ten minutes before our reservation when I watch another car near the restaurant. A small white car, old but clearly much loved stops at the sidewalk, close to where I’m waiting. The passenger’s door opens and Gemma, gracefully glides out.

    I watch, entranced by her every movement. She carefully straightens her sky blue, pinafore style dress, smoothing its short skirt. I find myself wondering if her black hosiery are stockings or tights. She wears simple lace-up shoes that have a shallow heel. Her make up is lightly applied, enhancing her natural features. The fringe of her pixie cut blond hair just brushes her brow.

    I see Jess leaning across from the driver’s seat, grinning broadly as she waves. I return the gesture as she calls out “Have fun, kids” giggling as she says it. Both Gemma and I laugh. I step over to Gemma and embrace her. Her arms wrap round my waist and I duck to kiss her on both cheeks. Hand in hand we walk into the restaurant.

    To be honest, this restaurant wasn’t my first choice for our date, but considering the short notice, I could have done worse. Situated in a small leisure park, along with other restaurants, nightclubs, a multiplex and a bowling alley, it is part of a chain and its lay out screams corporate image. I prefer something a little more homely, but the food is good and the service efficient.

    The open plan layout doesn’t allow for any amount of privacy, the best we can do is lean towards one another as we talk in low voices. The choice of food and drink quickly becomes our topic of discussion, as we look over the menu. Drinks are brought over promptly as we settle in to wait for our meal and we start chatting about Jess’ party.

    Gemma laughs when I express my surprise at the invite as I barely know Jess. She says the other conspirators were also surprised when my name came up. Gemma reaches over and gently takes my hand in hers. “Jess often mentioned you.” She says thoughtfully. “She wondered what troubled you so deeply. And if there was a way to get you to open up, a way to help you…” Her voice trails off, Gemma’s blue eyes studying my face as a frown creases her brow.

    I feel a lump catch in my throat as I’m lost for what to say. Had I really been so blind to Jess’ concern? Were there others who shared her worry? I wondered why they had never asked, but then I know what my reaction would have been. I would have closed down and shut them out. Gemma, softly squeezing my hand draws me back to the present, she smiles “I don’t expect you to bare your soul to me, as we only met yesterday.” She says in a kind voice. “But I realise what Jess meant about you. No matter how big you smile, it never manages to mask the pain and sorrow in your eyes.” Her grip tightens on my hand as she adds “Tell me when you’re ready.”

    I gaze silently across the table, lost in Gemma’s beautiful face trying to find any words to explain how she has touched me. Letting out a deep breath, I stroke the back of her hand that still clings to mine. “There are painful things in my past. Events…and people I will never be able to let go of…and that I find hard to talk about.”

    Gemma smiles sweetly “When you’re ready to talk, I’ll be ready to listen.”

    Her smile, the compassion showing in her clear blue eyes and the tenderness of her touch all go to ease the knot that had formed in my stomach. Just knowing that she cares, but is willing to wait until I’m ready to share my feelings with her seems to lighten my burden. Silently, I make a promise not to leave Gemma waiting too long before I tell her about Amanda.

    The arrival of our main courses allows me to lighten the mood, when I point out that Gemma’s choice of spaghetti bolognaise might not have been such a good idea given the pale colour of her dress. She laughs as she carefully tucks her napkin into the front of her dress, and then swiftly steals mine to lay on her lap. I suggest asking for an extra one and some pins to fill the space in between.

    Our meal is over too soon, as the restaurant tries to clear the tables to get more diners in; the usual Saturday night problem. As we stand outside, Gemma playfully jabs me in the ribs with her elbow. “It’s still early. If I call Jess now to pick me up she’ll think somethings wrong.” She says with a frown.

    “Well, it was only our first date.” I say, although I don’t want our date to end either. “And you could just tell Jess the restaurant kicked us out.” I laugh.

    “True…or…we could go bowling.” Gemma suggests with a grin, pointing at the nearby bowling alley.

    “But, I’ve never played before.”

    “That’s okay, I’ll teach you.” She says looping her arm through mine and pulling me towards the brightly, neon illuminated building.

    “You’ll beat me easily.” I laugh.

    “I don’t know…I’m not dressed for it.” Gemma replies, tugging gently at the hem of her dress with her free hand to emphasise her point.

    The bowling alley is busy, as you would expect on a Saturday night. Gemma and I sit in the bar while we wait for a lane to come free. Over drinks, she goes over the basics of the game for me and once we get a lane, true to her word she teaches me how to play. She demonstrates the proper technique and when it comes to my turn to try, she checks my stance and adjusts my positioning, each touch of her hands causing a thrill of energy to surge through me. My first attempts are pretty disastrous, both of us laughing at my failed efforts, but with further guidance my game is soon improving.

    We leave with our arms wrapped around each other’s waists, smiling and chatting. Gemma politely declines my offer to drop her home, saying Jess will pick her up. I can’t change her mind, but I insist on waiting with her until Jess arrives. Gemma’s protests are half hearted and the grin on her face speaks more that words.

    When Jess’ car comes into sight, Gemma turns towards me, reaching up she loops her hands behind my neck. “Thank you for a wonderful time tonight.” She says smiling as she looks up at me.

    Grinning back, I reply “It’s been great. And thanks for teaching me how to bowl.”

    She giggles, rising herself up on tiptoe, while her hands encourage me down towards her smiling lips. “I had fun.” She says, in barely more than a whisper before her lips lightly touch mine. I slip my hands down to hold her waist, savouring the feel and taste of her lips. I feel her hands pull me in, our lips pressing more closely together. I barely withhold an excited gasp, our bodies close, our lips joined, as I experience emotions that I haven’t felt for a long time.

    We are equally reluctant for our contact to end, but Gemma slowly eases away from me, our touches lingering until only our finger tips remain together. I sigh with disappointment as Gemma turns to walk to the waiting car. Briefly she slows. Looking back over her shoulder she says, smiling “Call me.”

    “Oh, don’t worry. I will.” I reply, a broad grin etched across my face. I watch as she slides into Jess’ car, my eyes continue to follow until I’m unable to pick out the tail lights from the rest of the Saturday night traffic. With my hands buried in my pockets I wander to my car, trying to bring order to the multitude of emotions and thoughts threatening to overwhelm me.

    As I lay in bed, happy and content, I find myself doing something I haven’t done for many years…thinking about the future.


    I find myself getting lost in the story and even had tears at a few points.

    Funny though, I always look forward to when he is in bed and the little messages he receives off his Angel.

    Write more, and please don't leave out or forget those messages.  It really is a terrific story. I am a fan.  Well Done to you Fixx.


    Thanks Brandy

    Despite everything else I have going on, I'm trying to keep writing.

    The next piece is in progress.


    I agree what a great story and it is an honour to be writing with you .. Hope things settle down for you soon Fixx

    Hugs Ame


    Everyone begins to notice that I have become more carefree. At work, I chat and socialise more. It’s like I’m meeting people for the first time, even though I’ve known them for years. My sister teases me, wanting to know what’s changed in my live; I know she suspects, but I’m not saying yet, I don’t want to jinx my good fortune.

    Gemma and I meet for another Saturday night date, after chatting on the phone several times and constant text messages. Again we meet outside the restaurant, another Italian, but this time the one I really wanted. A quaint, family restaurant, cosy and homely, absolutely perfect for a date. Unlike on our first date, as I wait for her to arrive, I’m not nervous, just excited that I’m going to be seeing her again.

    Jess pulls her car up to the sidewalk, and I watch Gemma slide out with well-practised grace, breaking into a smile as soon as she sees me, causing my heart to flutter excitedly. Again, Gemma is wearing a short dress, this one off the shoulder, deep-red in colour. Her legs are bare tonight, which pleases me and she wears the same simple black lace up shoes. I take all this in before we are wrapped in a warm embrace. My lips lightly brush against hers, her sweet lips eagerly answering mine. Her hands loop behind my neck and she encourages me down into a deeper kiss.

    I feel breathless as our lips part, Gemma looking up at me with a smile says, giggling “Hello.”

    “And hello to you.” I reply, with a broad grin.

    Gemma’s hand is in mine as we enter the restaurant. The interior is decorated in a combination of red and black, the lighting low with the warm glow of a small cluster of candles illuminating each table. Most of the tables seat just two, the spacing and the lighting allowing for a feeling of intimacy and privacy. I had managed to secure a corner table which offers the greatest privacy.

    Once we have our drinks, the waiter leave us to look over the menu, Gemma leans over towards me. “I never knew this place was here.” She says. “It’s amazing…So romantic!” Even the low lighting can’t hide her blushes.

    As we talk, waiting for our main courses, I notice, Gemma’s eyes have drifted from my face, to my shirt. I wonder if there is a stain on it. Her hand reaches across the table and I feel the weight on the chain around my neck lighten, as Gemma carefully lifts the ring, Amanda’s ring, to look at it more closely.

    “My God! Robert.” She exclaims. “This ring is beautiful. It must have belonged to someone very special…”Gemma’s voice trails off as she looks up at my face.

    I can barely imagine what my expression must be from Gemma’s reaction. The colour drains from her features, her eyes wide and her mouth moves wordlessly as she starts to back away from me. The ring slips from her retreating fingers, to swing upon its chain.

    Appalled that I could create such a reaction in someone I care for, I gently intercept her retreating hand. Merely touching Gemma calms my racing heart. I’m pleased she doesn’t pull away as I feared she would. She allows me to guide her hand back, inviting Gemma to hold Amanda’s ring once more. She looks at me, uncertainty etched in her every feature until I smile. Then I feel her lift the ring once more, as my hand remains gently touching hers.

    “I’m sorry, Gemma.” I say in little more than a whisper. “I haven’t allowed anyone to touch this for many years.” Her eyes switch from the ring to my face as I talk. “Its owner was very important to me. They were my world.” I watch as her expression softens, as I continue quietly. “It’s a platinum band, set with a heart shaped ruby, encircled by a dozen diamond chips.”

    The beautiful blue eyes remain fixed on me, as she says softly “It must have been expensive.”

    “It was, not that I cared.” I reply with a shrug, as my mind drifts back to earlier times. “I just wanted the perfect symbol to show how I felt.”

    “She must have been very special.” Gemma says, tears moistening her eyes. “We best keep this safe.” She adds. Carefully, she tucks Amanda’s ring back inside my shirt, fastening another button. She places her hand over the ring, smiling she leans across the table, until her lips meet mine. I close my eyes, losing myself in the feel of her soft lips.

    Gemma made no demands for me to tell her more.  If she had asked, I think I would have told her everything. Maybe I should have? Our meal is followed by a movie. I let Gemma chose and we ended up surrounded by kids, watching the latest Disney movie. Not that I minded, as Gemma spent the whole film resting against me, my arm wrapped around her.

    Afterwards, I offered to drive her home. Gemma smiles, her hand lightly caressing my cheek, her lips briefly met mine before simply saying “Thanks.”

    When I pull up at her apartment, we spend a few silent moments gazing at one another, before I lean towards Gemma, a motion she mirrors. Our lips come together, softly at first but our kiss grows more intense. Through open mouths our tongues come together dancing an increasingly wild tango. Gemma’s hands rest upon my leg, clenching at the fabric of my trousers. I have one hand resting on the back of her head, the other stroking her bare thigh.

    With a shared reluctance, our mouths part. My breathing is heavy with the desire I feel for this young woman sitting, looking deep into my eyes, my own passion and excitement reflected in her clear blues eyes. Wordlessly, she presses her lips to mine once more. Immediately, our tongues met to renew their dance. My hand upon her thigh wanders carelessly higher, only stopping when my fingers find the soft fabric of her dress.

    The chime of Gemma’s phone interrupts us. With a sigh of reluctance she parts her lips from mine. “It’s Jess” She says with a giggle. “She wants to know when I want her to pick me up.”

    I chuckle “I guess that’s my cue to wish you goodnight.”

    “I guess…” She says drawing closer “…but not until you give me a goodnight kiss.”

    “It sounds like a tough job,” I joke “but I think I’m up to it.”

    Our lips meet once more, Gemma’s hands clasping the front of my shirt to pull me closer. My hand squeezes her thigh, drawing a quiet moan from her, that seems to vibrate through my mouth. My other hand gently caresses her cheek. Time seems to stand still, until reluctantly our lips part and we finally bid each other goodnight.

    My thoughts and dreams that night were of Gemma, but always there was Amanda watching over us, a gentle, warm smile upon her face as my angel nods her approval.

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