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Animation editor: We want your pose

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Home Forums Artist’s Alley Animation editor: We want your pose

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    Are you using the new animation editor? Great

    Post your outcome here. Name it and if possible add a description. We're thinking about a prize for the most liked one and there is a big chance that AChat is adding it to the store.

    Looking forward to your pics 


    It doesn't work to me. The screen just turns white, and I must restart the program to get out of there… 


    Try to remove the game and reinstall. This worked for some members. Just save your ignored list and chatlog.txt on your harddrive before you remove it.


    This pose is created by a member, who asked me to publish it. Two girls cuddling. Well done


    I made two poses with 6 animation variations for each role.

    First pose is deepthroat blowjob pose)

    A lot of beautiful sucking) I don't know how discript this… Everything what i like in blowjob) No thats not true.. Not everything, just a lot of thing what i like in blowjob) Yes thats will do)

    Another one is Fun with toys

    This is a pose where you can prepare your lover to anal) Slow fingering, dildoing and then fucking. I am not really good in making discription) What exactly should i say about it?)


    Well done……….


    Good (blow) job Ksenia Thanks for sharing your ideas


    me also would like to have more hug poses . and more poses in cothes to make fun at the mp . try to make male lapdance but can't handel the software


    Does somebody know, when B-shop will be ready? I think i have some time to make poses this days, but i can't understand when shop will be done. Or maybe i missed something and everything already done? Good day to everyone and have fun)


    Here you can read more. You have to login to your account (website) and follow the next steps:


    Cool) Thank you darling, i will start to make something i guess) 


    Just start


    I have been toying with the Animation Editor (AE) since… well since it arrived. While I have yet to submit an animation of my own yet, I have had high hopes for a plethora of new poses to suddenly flood the shop. Are people not sending in submissions; not using the editor period or is there something else holding up progress? I have lots of (IMHO) great ideas but I'm also a perfectionist… so my pose submissions have to pass my tough scrutiny first. Then again I am just now getting the jist of the AE. My real question is: has anyone submitted anything and seen it arrive to the Achat Community for all of us to enjoy? Or are we all still working/waiting on the creative artists among us to open the floodgates?


    Well Attila I cant speak for the Poses , but for little thing like Cloth ……….you need pation to get a answer.

    The Support is maybe on Vacation

    Its a bit of lack that a developing program is open but the responce is so slow. I dont even had a answer if my files are good ,or not good at all or what.
    So I stoped sending files. Still waiting for answer. Thas all I can say to that theme. Maby other who do poses getting faster answers.

    Have fun making poses


    Where i can find this editor?

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