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Another UPDATE. Another missed opportunity

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Home Forums Share your creative ideas Another UPDATE. Another missed opportunity

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    Another update. Another missed opportunity. Another disappointment.

    It’s not that the Baroque Bedroom isn’t beautiful in all its ornate glory and it looks like you could lose your partner in that huge bed. BUT once again I am compelled, at the expense of my forum peers, to share my frustration with Achat developers and their priorities.

    I am NOT going to regurgitate the same words I have already shared in many previous posts but I am here to remind Achat that they are losing inhabitants, the PAYING kind, of this world to others. And the reason is pretty obvious to me:

    YOU do NOT interact with US.

    YOU do NOT Listen to US.

    You do NOT keep YOUR promises.

    SURE, there has been much progress over my stay here…. some very beneficial to our small world; more Meeting places, improved platform, screen cams for those special moments and some delicious poses, primarily for MALES. Surprise, surprise.

    BUT, not all progress is good or welcome in this world. This fixation with useless material wealth; the properties, gold bars n things which prey on the insecure and divide us as a community. The user Point system which I do not think any of us fully understand except that it is cash driven does nothing to enhance the enjoyment of this world. And of course there is the Like/Dislike feature which is CANCEROUS to our world. It does absolutely NOTHING but cause grief, envy and animosity.

    I can only imagine all the time n effort that went into the development of these features. Wasted n misguided in my opine. Unless of course your objective is GREED and SELF DESTRUCTION. You choose the DARK path, you choose not listen to your people. These are all decisions that YOU have made, not US. We have not been shy about our ideas or desires, the forum is littered with them. Yet when I compare them to your updates over the last year I see no correlation. You simply do NOT listen to US. You obviously do NOT care.

    You can't even keep your own promises. What was the purpose of YOUR poll on the LIKE / DISLIKE feature. Folly? Amusement? A JOKE? If you listened and cared about our opinions that worthless, toxic feature would have been gone long ago.

    AND don't think for a moment we haven't realized what you have stolen from us. YES, stolen. YOU know what I am talking bout…. the ability for two partners to share ALL of their purchased poses. They were PURCHASED. They belong to US to use when we want with whom we want. Its just another SLAP in the face.

    My advice, not that you give a shit, get rid of ALL that divides us. Concentrate on the features that enhance your world and bring us together, not that destroy it.

    For starters….. enhance / fix the features you already have in place:

    Improve the flow and realism of the poses and actions. Get rid of the LOOP when changing poses or actions that disrupts the continuity. Have each pose n action begin with no motion allowing each user to control their pace n intensity. Allow all actions for each pose to be selected by either user.

    Next, when creating poses n actions make them available to ALL orientations, where applicable.  Set an example for your people, show us you believe in equality n fairness for all. Give us more ways to show affection, not just SEX.  All poses should include; Hugs, Cuddles, Kisses n Caressing.

    REMINDER…. just in case you have forgotten, the last FF poses released were in Sept 2016 and Feb 2016. The last MM pose? I would not know, I have not seen one since I stumbled upon this world.

    Make GIFTING more personal. Cash is appropriate for events but it is NOT personal. Allow us the ability to gift our friends, lovers n spouses with gifts of OUR choosing. Like clothing, jewelry, flowers, toys, rooms, etc.

    Improve the internal communications. After all, for most of us in here we are nothing more than our words. Allow us to reply to real time chat while we are replying to an offline message or writing a new one. We can't do both in here at the same time. I find it frustrating.

    Provide a built in translator, we are an international community or perhaps an optional voice interface.

    Focus on what is important to US. It is NOT about possessions, we have those in our RL. It is about people, CONNECTIONS and our shared experience. Unite us, don't divide us. There is already enough of that in our RL.

    It is NOT too late to change paths. This world is blessed with incredible features n graphics. Enhance them. Focus on interaction not things. If you do not reconsider your priorities soon…… you won't have to. You won't have any, this will become a dead world with no inhabitants.

    Why do I continue to RANT? Knowing only my fellow forum members will ever read or listen. I do it SELFISHLY, I actually care bout this world and the friends I have met and it makes me feel better too. We have enough hate and lethargy in our Real World. This place could be better. It SHOULD be better.

    Saved by the time, not from a shortage of words. I have to go. I have things I should be doing, a special friend I should be replying to instead of venting my frustrations upon DEAF ears.

    If you actually made it this far. THANK YOU for caring enough to listen to one persons thoughts n opinions.

    And for that special friend, who never asks anything of me, shares themselves freely without fear and who I know will read these words…. I have not forgotten you. I know I don't even have to say “Sorry”, though I am. It is a shame that in our world it is the proverbial “Squeaky” wheel that consumes our time.


    Standing ovations for this one.

    AND don't think for a moment we haven't realized what you have stolen from us. YES, stolen. YOU know what I am talking bout…. the ability for two partners to share ALL of their purchased poses. They were PURCHASED. They belong to US to use when we want with whom we want. Its just another SLAP in the face.

    This especially makes me angry.

    But ignoring customers wishes had brought down other business before on the long run.


    I am not about to waste any more time bemoaning how the Achat Team does not listen, does not care. BUT, after the last two mornings….. trying to please a very special someone's fantasies with some naughty three way play only to be reminded that I am the only one that can select any of my 3 way poses.


    So NO one else has any free will in this play?  No one else can initiate change? I am burdened with making ALL the decisions? Does that sound like FUN to YOU?


    Give us back what is OURS. What we purchased. You keep this shit up and you will lose all your paying customers. You can flash that over inflated customer base all you want but investors want PAYING customers. Not a bunch of freebies or ALTS.




    I barely know Achat and i fell in love whit it , but from what i understood are added only clothes and poses leaving out the real necessities of those who enter the achat , i would like costumes of monsters , aliens and more , be pregnant , can edit my avatar more fully , more sperm for men and that remains on it does not disappear after a few seconds and very much still , i hope you read and start thinkink seriously about achat more and more a wider experience and where you can make the most of your erotic fantasy … Sorry translated italian english 🙂


    Nice post, I like it and fully agree with Anna. Achat Devs, please try to do something about it.



      Customizing your avatar will be impossible.  Like I said in another Thread the poses are fixed,  any alteration in the body shape the poses will not work right.  Hands, arms, legs even, would disappear inside or hover over your partners body.  Sorry to burst your bubble on this,  but, it what I think would happen.

      We've been suggesting better cum shots for sometime and way beyond that before when I first started here.

      Having a costume of a monster or an alien is an interesting idea.  But again, costumes would have to be restricted to the map / masks of the clothing.  Making the head for the monster / alien might be possible but would have to be used like the latex masks are now,  the entire head replaced by it.

      They're all good ideas Anna.  But, I don't think there's any chance of customization being added (apart from make up, and that might be asking too much).


    Hi ALL *hugs*

    Zuzs makes an interesting point I had not considered and explains many graphical / visual anomalies while rooming. I chose an Avi body shape that resembles my RL one, slender and pretty small on top. If I had to run every morning hefting that extra luggage I would either knock myself out or have to strap em down.  😮  Anyway …. back to Zuzs observation n point, even selecting this standard but “non-default” body shape creates the effects she describes in all areas of the body that have been altered. Sometimes body parts penetrate your partners flesh other times hovering above.

    Is it a BIG deal? No, not really, not too me anyway……. BUT, now my point, there are scores of debugging projects the Achat dev team could be working on to improve the game with the CURRENT option palette. In my opine, we don't need MORE, we need to FIX and IMPROVE what we already have AND provide all our residents equality in poses before we go dreaming of other worlds.

    One of my biggest “Bitches” bout the Game itself other than the blatant inequality in poses and the fact that our purchased poses were STOLEN from US…… is the annoying LOOPING between action selections while rooming. Nothing ruins the flow or realism of an intimate moment with your partner more than that stupid loop back thru the default position.

    Ohhhh, another thing, why not begin each pose in a static or slowest speed setting and allow us to initiate movement instead of starting out having my cervix pounded before I have a chance to enjoy my partner's teases at my entrance.

    These are just two examples that the Achat Dev team SHOULD be dedicating time to improving gameplay and realism There are scores more. Then there is the inequality in poses that needs to be addressed…… then the countless ideas already posted in these halls by members  past and present.

    At a NEW update release frequency of 1, at best 2, per week….. Achat has LOTS of catching up to do and I have a lot of “expectation” adjusting to do.

    But that should not keep us from dreaming or sharing our dreams with others. That is kinda why I am here. 


    I agree to you, Kaitlyn, whole heartedly.
    The speed of the poses starts way too fast. First deed is to slow them down as far as it goes.
    A more natural flow would be great but hard to realize, I am afraid.
    If it comes to the balance of poses, well, I hang out my bum each Friday (at last if I dont forget about it), But I noticed it does not change a lot. Nevermind, I won't give up. At last not the worst bum to get hung out

    Anyway. The magic about this place is mainly because of the gals and guys hanging around, so on the other hand it would be not the worst idea to put some value on their opinions, uh?
    But what the heck am I dreaming about?


    ;)I believe in the fantasy of each of us….what Anna said was the reality,and i think that you would also really have a feeling,a perception of the game even wider and more satisfyng……to take in really considering




    Another beautiful idea … Anna …… why not if you have to add some of the other poses because not of the poses a bit more romantic, you ok the sexual fantasy, but also the romance sometimes there It is :-*

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