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Appeal for help for our Australian Cyclone Flood victim and friend.

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Home Forums Forum News Appeal for help for our Australian Cyclone Flood victim and friend.

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    Hello Friends,

    Every now and then something happens which is beyond our control and has devastating effects.

    AusWoody and his home was caught up in Cyclone Debbie in Australia & he lost everything. EVERYTHING!

    Can you imagine that? Look around your home and imagine it all gone. That's what happened to him. 
    Precious sentimental things and a lifetime of memories!

    Sometimes we need to step forward and just help out our friends.

    We are asking if you can spare 5 Euros (more if you can afford it) for him to have a little start up money & begin to repair his home & life.

    Send to the below link for him if you would.  Its all confidential. No names or bank cards are seen. It is all hidden.
    Your personal details are all secure and safe and remain so. Your identities will not be known unless you want them to be.
    It's done through Facebook and will be sent to AusWoody's bank account.

    We hope we can raise about 1000 Euros, to buy him a new bed and for it to be decorated for him.
    5 Euros is the cost of a packet of cigarettes or a couple of beers!

    Here's the link. Lets help him out.

    If you have Face Book  please spread it around. The more 5 Euros we can collect the better!


    GsCougar & Vaughan.


    GOOD LUCK WOODY!!!!!!!!!  I hope every little bit helps you to get what you need.  you are missed here, and we all wish you love and luck. 

    the conversion rate of US dollars to Euro is $1 USD = .94 Euro  you can opt to use English if you scroll to the bottom of the page, there is a button on the right lower corner to change it to English, Spanish or other languages. 


    Woody, our thoughts n prayers are with you in this difficult time.  You have always been a good friend, straight up, no BS and helpful. I value and appreciate spirits such as yours in ANY world, by sharing a few bucks to help you get back to your life you  feed my heart 100fold. I am sure you will need some Pizza n Beer during your clean up and reorganization. I am practical, you need FOOD and DRINK to survive so that is the amount WE, Andrea and I, will donate hoping each time you wash that pizza down with a cold swig of some local Aussi beer, NOT Fosters, you will think of ALL of US from Achat and know that there are those that really care. It's more than just fantasy.

    I know you are tough and proud, but we all need help sometimes, please accept our very small token of friendship and may you find the strength to see your way through this.

    *hugs* your friends Kaitlyn n Andrea

    Vaughan, thank you for taking the time and making the effort to share this with us all. *hug n kiss*

            ooops, I meant …… Thank you Vaughan and SARAH, I am sure this was a joint effort. 

    Marniejo, thank you so much for sharing the language option within the website. That was very helpful. *hugs*


    I'm sorry Woody. But I also am very sure, this won't knock you down. You're strong, you're not whimpering but just starting new. Take this chance!
    I hope you soon will be back. But of course there are more important things to do now. Just know, you have friends here, thinking of you, sending you positive energy!

    You make it!!!


    This is why i love our community. Thanks for setting this up. when i spoke with Woody briefly I wanted to help but did not know how.

    With all the bad things going on in the world its so nice to see people offering a helping hand to one of our own.



    AusWoody and his home was caught up in Cyclone Debbie in Australia & he lost everything. EVERYTHING!

    Thank you to all the organisers and donations received so far in this fund.

    Here's the link. Lets help him out.

    I've received an update in a message from AusWoody.

    He's now moved back with his daughter to her place in the same area. Her place was effected too but was higher up and after a clean up has been made habitable. For the moment his place is still a mess and totally uninhabitable. The clean up is starting slowly but surely.

    He has managed to buy a second hand car and has managed to get some donated clothes and  a settee.
    He says thank you to everyone for kind thoughts and kind donations to the pot.

    He is very grateful and humbled by your goodwill.

    Im sure people will post updates as they receive them.

    Hugs Aus. Keep smiling & Hurry back to us soon.


    AusWoody and his home was caught up in Cyclone Debbie in Australia & he lost everything. EVERYTHING!

    Thank you to all the organisers and donations received so far in this fund.

    Here's the link. Lets help him out a bit more.  We have raised 190 Euros in this fund and a kind donor also sent  100Aus $ direct.

    I've received an update in a message from AusWoody.

    He's still living with his daughter and has now got a bed and bed clothes. For the moment his place is still a mess and totally uninhabitable. The clean up is slow but he is hoping to be back on his feet soon.

    He hopes to have internet again in the next couple of days. He has an old lap top so hopfully will be able to catch up with friends and members direct.

    He borrowed a truck from a local firm – Holden Colorado General Motors, worth over $60,000 and he is sad it has to go back tomorrow!

    He says thank you to everyone for kind thoughts and kind donations to the pot.

    He is very grateful and humbled by your goodwill.

    Hugs Aus. Keep smiling & Hurry back to us soon.




    WOW Thank you all for your warm wishes of support and your generous donations, I am so touched by the generosity of you all.

    Many of you have asked the circumstances of  disaster that occured so i thought i tell all here

    Lismore  is and always has been flood prone as it is the nexus of three rivers with a huge catchment area, we get  3 or 4 flood “warnings” every year though in the 12 years ive been here we not had a flood thanks to the 10 metre levee that is installed. 

    let me digress with a story

    early in the week we were warned that there was a possibility of flooding as the tailof debbie (the cyclone) was heading south and a super cell storm was heading north. the local SES went around warning people to prepare, they went to one devout christians house and he told them he wasnt worried as GOD would look after him.

    later on in the week a SMS message was broadcast warning people again of an impending flood, again our devout christian wasnt worried as his GOD would take care of him.

    On the night before the flood an SES member did a walk through telling residents to pack and prepare to evacuate, again the christian told him his god would look after him and he wasnt worried.

    the following morning when the water was rising a SES member in a kayak arrived and offered to take our christian to the evacuee centre, again he said his god would look after him and sent the SES man away,

    later when the water was entering his house a speedboat full of SES volunteers arrived offering to rescue him and again he refused toleave as his god would “save” him.

    Much later he was sitting on his roof  surrounded by water a helicopter arrived and wanted to take him to safety again he refused stating his god would take care of him.

    eventually he drowned and went to heaven and was greeted by st peter who invited him in.

    he asked st peter if he could have a word with GOD, st peter told him god was busy but he would ask

    st peter told him he could have a minute with god.

    The christian spoke to god stating that he had relied on him to save him  and he had let him drown during the flood!

    God replied ” i sent you a SES volunteer a kayak a speed boat and a helicopter, and you refused them all, what more could i do?”

    anyway back to the facts 

      to be continued


    Firstly I like to thank EVERYBODY who donated to my FLOOD appeal, regardless of the amount every little helps, Special thanks to GsCougar for starting the appeal, fortunately the donations were anonymous so I don’t have to  thank everyone individually  LOL.

    Just be aware that all donations are appreciated, it’s a humbling experience to be the benefactor of such a tribute from people who you don’t really know except from Achat.

    Now my last post I promised to detail my flood experience so here it is.

    We were aware that cyclone Debbie was moving into the coast a thousand kilometres or more north of us; we were unaware that a monster low was coming north and they met around Lismore where I live. With that came the warning if possible flooding now we get about 3 or 4 flood warning every year and we never had one in the 12 years I have lived here. So we tend to take these warnings with a bit of salt,

    Though as I said  this time there was a huge low pressure zone moving North as Debbie was moving South and it created torrential rain for 2 weeks that's made the ground saturated and filling all the Reservoirs and having a rivers run a banker. Again having a positive mental attitude I took the warnings with a cavalier attitude, though  still keeping an eye on the storms,  we were warned again on Thursday that there was a possibility of a big flood., we heard it all B4 the “Little Boy Who Cried Wolf”. Even so I stayed up all Thursday night keeping my eye on the weather, having put all my property four feet off the ground just in case it flooded through my house

    At 4 a.m. the flood siren went off telling us that the levee bank had been topped meaning water was rushing over the top of the levee bank into the city.  Siting on my balcony looking for the water I still saw nothing it was dark and we still raining so I expected to get some water, when the sun came up about 7:20 a.m. and I looked out over the roads looking for water and still seeing nothing the roads were wet, yes the rain has stopped and there was no standing water but I could see the drains running but it looked like we dodged a bullet.

    Within an hour the water had started to arrive, within 4 hours I had water through my house and by mid-afternoon the water was up to the top landing of the Staircase and 10 feet of water through my house, the stuff  I raised ‘out of harm’s way’ was  well submerged.

    I lost my Internet power everything fortunately a friend who lived out of the affected area was kayaking and supplied is with the necessary bottled water food cigarette alcohol all the stuff you need when you're stranded in the middle of a lake.

    On the third day the water started to recede it went down quite rapidly to about 6 feet and then it stopped going down and decided to come back up with the tide and then by the next morning it was all gone, leaving a massive mess.  I went downstairs to check out the damage, everything that could float in my house floated out the back or over the fence and down the street everything that didn't was covered in thick layer of mud unfortunately I'm disabled and only have a limited capacity to lift and carry,  there was a mass influx of volunteers who stepped up to help clean and a great job they did though everything that was dirty or wet went out in the street which was everything stainless steel pots and pans glasses plates things weren't damage just dirty but didn't matter, they just dumped it all out into the street everything I owned gone but what can I do these people volunteering their time and effort doing for me what I couldn’t do myself.

    I don't know if you've ever been in situation similar,  to be honest it's devastating and heartbreaking just see everything you own small things that you've had for years and years and years but have stories with them all gone even now I still haven't finished cleaning the mud off everything but we're getting there I can't thank the local people here enough for their assistance and help and support even the government come to the party with cash as well as a couple of up fundraisers every still of my faith in human nature I hope and pray that you never suffer an experience like this it's physically give you all the mentally debilitating

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