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      A night in winter room with my friend Cassianna




          I just want to say………………My heart is broken cause maybe my Best friend ever on Achat has left because of a insecure bitch and all her troops! I was their when it all started and if you still dont believe me i have the Chat log of all the messages that was said that day and if you still think Cassie is guilty then your where never her friend or not worth being in her conversations………….
          Sorry Lydia for using your Blog to post this  :P

          Here it comes……….and i'm NOT going to hide names!!!!

          Fight One:

          Rogue_: lets go
          dess: can we modern dance
          dess: or if oyu wnat you can punish me
          dess: i pressed yes
          dess: damn server
          Honeybatcher: think i broke the springs on the bed………..
          Rogue_: well fuck
          cassianna: bad guuy
          Rogue_: fuck stillainrt
          11:52 3/24/2016
          dess: yes server didnt let us
          Honeybatcher: you cant fuck i broke the bed…………
          Rogue_: you relog
          dess: server is AGAINST US
          Rogue_: hehehe
          cassianna: better th grounnd
          dess: he didnt want me to dance with rogue
          Rogue_: it dont want us ti do this
          dess: hey server dont be mad
          Honeybatcher: they must get mud bath…………..
          11:53 3/24/2016
          Rogue_: against old friends older then cass or any of them we were here befroo all there bull shit
          dess: ioh margomargo
          dess: she left
          dess: why she came and left
          Rogue_: yhay means your bull dhit cass bitch
          Honeybatcher: salut………………
          cassianna: ?
          cassianna: what?
          Honeybatcher: wow, what now?
          cassianna: some problem with me?
          11:54 3/24/2016
          dess: did you see margomargo just came to winter and left
          Rogue_: you come here and make everomr feel like they owe you somrthing
          cassianna: ???
          Rogue_: yoiu traet dess like shit
          cassianna: fitball
          dess: no rogue
          dess: cass was alwyas good to me
          Rogue_: dess is so much s,marter then youur stupid ass
          dess: cass was good to me
          cassianna: what happen?
          Honeybatcher: here we go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          cassianna: you crazy?
          cassianna: histeric?
          Rogue_: fuck you
          dess: cass was alwyas good to me rogue
          11:55 3/24/2016
          cassianna: go take  pills and back
          Honeybatcher: days of our lifes:):):):)
          dess: hse is not my gf
          Rogue_: you goty somrthing use it
          cassianna: looka doctor
          dess: rogue cass is not my gf and never hurted me
          dess: all cool
          cassianna: crazy idiot
          cassianna: because it nobody like you
          Rogue_: you youse dess she is long fucking friend why before you stupid ass
          Rogue_: fuck whith me
          11:56 3/24/2016
          cassianna: goodbye
          dess: no rogue cass was never using me
          Honeybatcher: fucking girls
          (We all leave……)

          Fight Two ( same day)

          Rogue_: what dess
          Honeybatcher: are you girls done????
          dess: rogie maybe cassi id somehtig bad to ohters
          cassianna: madnesss
          dess: but personally to ne seh was good
          cassianna: pills for you
          dess: to me
          12:03 3/24/2016
          Rogue_: yes and you need compasion
          cassianna: insanity
          Honeybatcher: you all need “chill Pills”
          dess: yes i knwo she is not here for “love”
          dess: but all have differnt goals
          dess: adrien go
          cassianna: I nevermore speak with you
          12:04 3/24/2016
          cassianna: you nevermore speak with me
          cassianna: play and be happy
          Rogue_: i suites me fine ppl user
          girlonboy25: i always wanna bang with blond guy
          AusWoody: hugs cass
          Rogue_: you got somrthing else to say cass
          dess: batcher why you sent gift
          cassianna: Zoe is right
          cassianna: all time
          cassianna: she tell me and i cant belived
          dess: misclick?
          Rogue_: you know nothing about zoe
          12:05 3/24/2016
          Honeybatcher: to get you to stop fighting!!!!
          cassianna: you know nothing
          dess: i was not tlaking
          Rogue_: did you know what she relly was
          dess: rogue talked to cassi
          Honeybatcher: can we all just leave the past in the fucking past???????????
          Rogue_: huh cass
          cassianna: why you attacked me?
          cassianna: why?
          cassianna: just tell me
          12:06 3/24/2016
          Rogue_: you werent smaret enough to fiquire it out were you
          Rogue_: i know what she was i called her on it
          Honeybatcher: Dess uou forgot your bed……………
          cassianna: i stay with honeybatcher
          Rogue_: what ever
          Rogue_: honry bathcher wont save you
          cassianna: and you come untill me and start innsult me, why?
          12:07 3/24/2016
          dess: jesus will save us
          cassianna: what i doing?
          AusWoody: basta
          cassianna: what I doing for you?
          Honeybatcher: we all are friends……….please guys this is the only place where i can run to….dont make it bad for me/us
          AusWoody: BASTA
          12:08 3/24/2016
          cassianna: just said why? I just want understand why this hate against me?
          Rogue_: you started this shit over bullet cause iask him to come to his home i got him to move and it pissed you off you start this shit i have always been good to you i did not deserve you fucking disipline you like to give every one dont agree with you
          cassianna: ?
          Honeybatcher: kiss and make up…i will take photo's!!!!!!
          12:09 3/24/2016
          Rogue_: yall fuck with me while i weak but i am not weak any more i am strong
          cassianna: you make many shits for me, girl
          cassianna: its over
          Honeybatcher: Lisa nobody is fuckinh you!
          12:10 3/24/2016
          Rogue_: fuck you you cant mess with me no more your time is up and all your lies and hurting ppl DONE
          Honeybatcher: and i dont want to start somethng i'm just saying!
          12:11 3/24/2016
          Rogue_: you do net know whole story please do not comment till you do
          Rogue_: this goes a bit back kk

          Fight three (5 Days Later)

          Bullet: hey whats the problem here
          Rogue_: shez house battle with you you lie to everyone tell truth
          cassianna: this psycho send peopes to brawling with me
          Rogue_: i have nothing to do with houses
          cassianna: becaus dont have balls to speak with me
          cassianna: not is house
          cassianna: is you, shezawaolf speak all for me
          Rogue_: i speak with you you snake and lie
          cassianna: coward
          10:45 3/29/2016
          vallor1987: oh my, cassi is after rogue now?
          cassianna: i dont lie
          cassianna: you know
          Rogue_: you talk about me i never say anything bad to anyone about you
          cassianna: you send peoples to attack me
          cassianna: send more
          Rogue_: you have always lied cass you use ppl for money
          Rogue_: say i lie
          cassianna: WHOS THE NEXT?
          cassianna: WHOS THE NEXT?
          cassianna: YOU DONT HAVE VALOR
          Rogue_: i send no one but many do not like you
          10:46 3/29/2016
          Rogue_: your time is limited
          vallor1987: o.O
          Rogue_: you have no guts you come here talk behinf my back that is cass coward
          Bullet: HEY enough here
          cassianna: send more, coward
          cassianna: iam here
          Rogue_: you always been coward
          cassianna: IAM  HERE
          10:47 3/29/2016
          cassianna: i never send peoples to my fights coward
          Bullet: HEY
          Rogue_: yes so what you do talk
          cassianna: psycho
          cassianna: sick
          Rogue_: i sebd no one shez mad you steal her ppl
          Bullet: we old enough to talk about all
          cassianna: WHY DO YOU START THIS WAR AGAINST ME?
          Rogue_: i have nothing to do with your battles
          10:48 3/29/2016

          then i walked away…………

          Rogue_: i dont speak for shez but i respect shez she fair
          Bullet: sheza is a witch rogue
          Lydiarose: rogue did you send sheza
          Rogue_: what ever you too problem has nothing to do with me
          Honeybatcher: she will turn you both into Frogs…………
          11:03 3/29/2016
          cassianna: DESS, HONNEY
          dess: hi
          Honeybatcher: lol here's Dess……….
          Bullet: she make many bad thing
          Bullet: by us she had do it also
          Rogue_: just stop talking bad about me cass i do not do to you
          Rogue_: here we go now i am getting mad
          cassianna: DO YOU SAW ROGUE START IT?
          Rogue_: you will not sttop
          11:04 3/29/2016
          cassianna: YOU START IT
          Rogue_: you just keep on
          cassianna: HENEY AND DESS
          dess: me said somehitng wrong?
          Honeybatcher: Cassie if you are better person then you must stop it NOW……..if she started it you can walk away!!!
          dess: what i see was
          Rogue_: you are here starting it i did not start this but i tell you what i will finish this now
          Bullet: all th problem is sheza is see it so talk to here both and u will find the truth
          dess: lisa came to you adn said bunch of crazy things
          11:05 3/29/2016
          dess: my understading was that she was mad already
          dess: what was before i dont know but i guess better to just let all be free
          Honeybatcher: okay so Cassie let it goooooooooo
          dess: cassi can do all she wants lisa
          cassianna: OR SHEZA IS A LIAR
          dess: no point to fight
          Rogue_: and i apoligies for it cass said all is ok then she start everthing again say that is itt not true
          Rogue_: are do you all lie
          11:06 3/29/2016
          cassianna: WHO IS TH NEXT DOG AGAINTS ME?
          Rogue_: leave it alone cass are i promise you you will not like what come next
          Rogue_: just let it go
          cassianna: MENACING ME?
          Honeybatcher: Cassie everyone know you two are fighting……….so if i want to bad mouth you i also can go to Lisa and tell her you send me………
          11:07 3/29/2016
          Rogue_: meanace no i will fucking desroy you
          cassianna: START
          cassianna: IAM WAITING, LITTLE PSYCHO
          cassianna: GO AHEAD, DESTROY ME
          Rogue_: i have been here long tome i have more resourses then you can imagine leave it alone
          cassianna: LETS GO
          cassianna: DO IT
          11:08 3/29/2016
          Rogue_: leave it alone or i will give you a war you will never forget
          cassianna: DONT MAKE MENACES , DOING ACTIONS
          cassianna: I WANT YOUR WAR LITTLE PSYCHO
          cassianna: GIMM YOUR WAR
          cassianna: IAM READY
          cassianna: GO
          11:09 3/29/2016
          cassianna: WAR AGAINST ME, DESTROY ME
          Rogue_: you want actions cass you sure you are pissing me off you have no idea what i can send your way i ask again leave it alone
          Rogue_: it is not worth it
          cassianna: YOU MENACE ME
          Honeybatcher: Lets go Cassie……………
          cassianna: NOW, MAKE YOUR MENACES TRU
          cassianna: TRUTH
          cassianna: IAM WAITING
          Rogue_: i will fuck you in youer ass backj off now
          cassianna: START YOUR WAR AND DESTROY ME
          11:10 3/29/2016
          Rogue_: now mother fucker
          dess: its too crazy
          cassianna: IAM WAITING
          Lydiarose: THE TWO OF YE FUCKING STOP
          Rogue_: NOW
          dess: i was in shooting game that is pok for fighting
          cassianna: SHOW YOUR FACE LITTLE PUSSY
          dess: but here its just too crazy
          cassianna: COM ON
          cassianna: LOOK ME?
          cassianna: IT YOUR WAR IDEA?
          Lydiarose: dess a word
          11:11 3/29/2016
          lookout1206: thats good
          vallor1987: it still bad bro?
          sonfi: whats happening honey
          Honeybatcher: hecktic
          vallor1987: *sigh&
          11:12 3/29/2016
          vallor1987: this game needs a mud pit so those ladies can fight it out and get it over with already
          Honeybatcher: lol no that is all PMS……….
          vallor1987: lol
          lookout1206: or have make up sex
          11:13 3/29/2016
          sonfi: lol
          vallor1987: i had a feeling that might be a factor too, but a gentleman never says that out loud hehe
          lookout1206: :)
          Honeybatcher: lol no i dont think they will ever have that again…….
          sonfi: yes make love not war
          lookout1206: peace :)
          Honeybatcher: yes Peace……….
          cassianna: I MOVE TO FAR
          11:14 3/29/2016
          cassianna: AND YOU SEND SHEZAWOLF
          cassianna: WHAT DO YOU WANT ?
          Honeybatcher: WTF……………
          Rogue_: i admit that but this should end it hurts me to go against you i did not send shez cass
          Bullet: forget all this shit yout two are friends
          11:15 3/29/2016
          Rogue_: i cre for you you have helped me many times i do not like this it hurts me cass
          cassianna: Iam hurted, tired, humillited, i hear a lot of insults and menaces of  you and your friends
          Honeybatcher: i have a better idea…..why dont you two go one side and sort it out! without a audience??????
          cassianna: leave me in peace
          11:16 3/29/2016
          cassianna: take this corner, take your friends
          cassianna: forget me

          And so it went on for days………….and i'm really angry, mad, and disappointed that people can attack people like animals and say they are sorry!
          i'm not sorry for doing this cause Cassianna is my friend and if someone is going to hate me because of this its fine! their are lots of people on achat that does care what i have to say…………


            This is untrue me and cassie  got in an argument three days before all of this over something stupid… people love this and I think it is very wrong to only give bits and pieces…. now it is being said I am trying to make people leave and saying things about ppl… I talk about no one and have no troops.. before you make accusations why don't you come and ask.. I notice most of these so called logs are bits and pieces of what really occurred I did not attack cassie .. we got in an argument about someone I said nothing while she insult me for quite sometime… 3 days later after her constant ignoring me while I was trying to ask why she insult me so bad then I got angry and yes I said a lot I shouldn't I was trying to hurt her like she had hurt me…. as far as telling lies about you Lydia we have discuss this I had nothing to do with saying anything about you… I have never spoken bad of you and do not ever want you to leave you good ppl… cass would not forgive she wanted to stay mad at me because I stood up for myself something I had never done with her…I do not know niccs  very well at all and do not appreciate you writing such things with out having your facts straight this is just wrong… some one is out there saying things that are not true I think I know who it is and I think you do to….Good Day.


              Hello All peoples.

              I just entered here to check llast messages and I saw one war here. I leaving this game because I suffered manny assaults for some peoples.
              I miss my good friends and many peoples here, gived me same support to continue.
              But I dont liked what is happened in this forum, so i want ask for ALL…

              My Dear friends:
              Thanks very much for all help, all support, you trying too much make me continue. But I reach my breaking point in this game. I just want beg for you stop this war. You losting your time for fun making  the same things I suffered. Really, I beg to forget it, leave it in the past. Go enjoy and know new peoples, making new friends. Leave all shit in the past. Hurt me too much saw peoples I like inside one no sense war. Please, stoping the  flame war and enjoy, make the game be good again. I want enter again in the forum and see good news, funny things, makinng me smiling, please. I dont want leave a war situation because me. Go play, enjoy and fun!

              Dear Rogue:
              Please, stop this war with my friends. And just said the truth. The first insult come from you. You started it, you finished it. You win and destroyed me like you said. Its over. No stress more. I am out. Congratulations. This war is over, doesnt matter more. Go play and have fun. Keep peace. I just beg for you the samething I beg for my friends. Stop it, stop this war. I beg to my friends dont stress more you now, and now I beg to you dont stress then. I dont want leave a war situaion because me. Go Play, enjoy and fun!

              All bad things must be finish.
              If everybody contest its never end. I think All yours can be better of it. I belived in it. Dont disapoint me. Please.

              When i finish my post, i BEG FOR EVERYBODY (My friends and unfriends) , DONT SPEAK MORE ABOUT THIS THINGS. I beg because I trying forget it, and so, help me peoples. Just help me to forget. dont posting more things about it.

              iam always find the funny things and good things here. i dont want my name linked a stressfull war.

              Kisses for Everybody, keep the peace and the fun.  I want see just good news in the next post. Please again.




                Yesterday my friend Cass, my super friend of Cass returned to game, I am very glad to that.I think that a lot more people are glad to it.with return of CASSIANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  Hi all, yesterday was a day of come backs.. I was going to say something about my friend coming back but Vike  has said it all for me and would like to say nice to see Zoe back too and I like to say to my friend  Waimuri who I have not see on here for over 3 years Welcome back.


                    Sounds to me all this is just public drama

                    and gaining attention for non senses

                    All this can be handled  the right way as adults in privet .

                    no one can make a another person stay or leave ,
                    as a adult

                    have some  common sense and walk away from all the attention seeking drama


                        Everyone kiss and make up!! i love you all, and this kind of stuff makes me sad… I hope you all work things out, because your all my friends and i don't like seeing all this happening to anyone.. group hugs…((((group))))


                        Lydia, recover somewhat quicker. All your friends wish you, the speedy recovery. All of us miss you. I love you, your Vika.


                            Welcome back Lydia, So happy to see you are feeling better, Thanks for the nice chat!.. hugs and a kiss


                              :( :( :(  It really makes me feel sad, to loose someone I care deeply for as a friend, because of a name on one of my lists?
                            Makes me wonder, how may others that I count as friends will decide im not worth being friends with because of who is on
                            one of my lists?  :( :( :(  no point in adding anyone to any list I guess.


                              i hate it when a woman's only contribution is oooooooohhhhhhhhhh  or mmmmmmmmmmm . Tell us how we make you feel .
                              Tell us where to touch you. Some of us listen


                                Hi All

                                First, I want said thanks very much to great LydiaRose for give me this space in her topic.

                                I come here to make a little publicity about the Achat Angels beauty Contest.

                                A beauty contest create by SexyArwen and Sonfi in Achat Game. They can give more info about. Iam  just make the publicity art.

                                Everybody is welcome.

                                Kisses All



                                  Hi all
                                  Was in game the other day when a friend comes up to me in meeting place and
                                  tells me she thinks I got a troll, the girl has name like me and is from Eire,
                                  Eire is irish for Ireland and has same hair, and age as me. I have not chat
                                  with this girl so have not made up my mind if she is troll or not but if she is
                                  all I  can say this is GREAT. if not I will be a bit sad.
                                  so as soon as I find out I will gat back to ye.
                                  so Bye for now.. 

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