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  • #131993

    What a loser, this clown is….  Hugs Lydia..


    Lydia and her friends are doing an amazing job. Spending much time to do it. For free. For fun! More I don't wanna say, it's not worth it. Let's just enjoy a great and funny contest




    Let me just ADD……..

    then I hope its the Last off it!!!!

    A girl that want to cheats goes throw all this…………..


    To make the Contest work…….

    Priceless !!!!


    Hi all
    I would like to say a big thank you to Vaughan (you would have stormed it) and to Honeybatchy, Lover, Anatasia97, Brandybee, and  Kaitlyn and as you can see she  the go get them one of the group,  for the kind words, I myself never answer people like Cat on my topic but I did send her a few pm. The reason for not answering on here my post would be full of the F word and a few others and when I send pm I always think about what to say.

    hugs Lydiarose

    ps I did ask her to be a judge but I see now that she is a Guest on here   


    Thanks Lydia

    Well we couldn't have done it without you!

    Good luck with your Contest!!!

    Hope all the bad mouth people are out off our hairs now:)



    Hate to say it but, this contest is taking way to long, and all the fun has been sucked from it


    Just means I can just stare lustily at all the sexy bodies longer.

    Cassiana should make all the contestants into calendar girls.  I'd buy one for my boathouse :p


    Hello people. I just got back from another city, had planned to leave for 2 weeks, but the trip was delayed for a month, in the end I was not here in the game at all, I was not here from 18 July to today, August 13, I was out of the game and I was not involved in the scandal.
    I'm sorry that someone from behind me pulled a beauty contest, it was not me, that's for sure, believe me. For me it was also important beauty contest, but I could not unfortunately arrive in time and take part. I'm sorry that hurt good people, really sorry, excuse me. The culprit in the collapse of the contest, I will try to find and severely punish. Sorry for destruction.But I really do not know who it is and I accept this is not involved, so it was a despicable act, and it's not my methods, I'm sorry again.


    The ACHAT  Forum Beauly Contest for Women

    1,  This is round 2

    2,  The first round was to give girls idea
           how we going to run contest

    3,  Each round you will be asked
           to wear different clothes,
          round 1 Favourite outfit
          round 2 “Worst” dress Mix and Match.
          round 3 .? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?

    4,  All you have to do for this round is
           take photo and send to Lydiarose in forum

    5,Rules for round 2
    1, you can post about contest but you
      can not post what number you are,
    Anyone who does post there number
    will lose 10 votes
    2, You can not wear same clothes as
          you have in photo, in game
    Anyone who does this will lose 10 votes

     6,  this round is a knock out round
    We were going to use public vote
    in this contest but after the first round
    will not be using the public vote anymore.
      We will use judges and anyone who wants to
       vote but will have to send votes to Lydiarose
       All votes will  carry from round to round
        but not into semi- final


    In addition to this, in the interest of fairness, the Contest Manager – Lydiarose – has made the public vote into a Public Judge.  This is a good sound decision and in effect , keeps the fun of the vote  but ensures it is only a part of the total judging process.

    Some final clarification on this would be nice, because according to the posted overall results the votes of that manipulated public voting in fact were counted in total and NOT transformed into a public judge as announced. Not fair to all those who didnt get unfair votes by cheaters, who didn't advertise for themselves, who didn't pose in contest outfits or bought votes with blowjobs and sex. Just my opinion though.

    In what way will the results of round 1 influence the contest overall results?

    Second question:

          round 2 “Worst” dress Mix and Match.

    “Worst” dress…can you please define “worst”? Trashy? Ugly? Boring? And when is the deadline for the pics of the contestants?


    The first round public was left stand because there was no way to proof that there was any cheating on the voting and after look into to it the first round public vote we think it will not have any influence on the overall contest results … Q2  the reason for worst is to get ye thinking.. as for deadline, some girls don't come on till weekend so it will be up to next Sunday.     


    hope this will help some girls,, worst mix and match


    hmmm, she looks vaguely familiar, oh no that is too scary *giggles*

    *hugs* Lydia, thanks for the laugh, I needed one. Keep up the “good” fight, you are a “ROCK”. *kisses*


    Are you sure this is worst mix and match? 

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