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Blue screen loading issue when visiting cities

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Home Forums Got any problems running AChat? Blue screen loading issue when visiting cities

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    I have always had some issues loading cities, it’s so annoying when you select Amsterdam and it loads and then loading never ends for 3 minutes until you simply get the message you have left because of no activity. It may be my Windows 10 but Achat is an old 32 bit app and modern Windows hates these I feel, does anyone have a simple way of resolving this issue cause I miss the friends I can’t visit in Amsterdam

    Thanks Michelle


    I did have this error ages ago. I don’t have it now, which is odd.

    But when I did have this error, all I did was restart my P.C and it worked as far as I can remember.

    I’ve deleted my previous answer because it didn’t help and I read your post wrongly.


    Thanks Zusannah, The problem is apparent on both my laptops, even on my tiny but powerful Lenovo Yoga I use mostly, it’s only in gaining access to the cities works perfectly when I have arrived, loading summer or winter is easier and once I have succeeded getting into one of those it seems easier to get into Amsters, I am mostly on a high speed connection never slower than 50mb so it is really strange.



    Especially when you’re getting the same problem on two different machines.

    Have you any Anti Virus / Malware installed. And have you recently uninstalled and installed the Achat client. If you have re-installed did you remove everything that applies to Achat ?

    Thing is Michelle, it might not be your end that is the problem. I occasionally get the black screen glitch when in a Meeting Place and sometimes in room too. And it is not just me either.

    And talking of glitches, I had the Botox bug as well about a week ago.


    Hiya Zusannah, thanks for your reply I did get a response from Achat as follows :-

    I think Windows 7 will not solve the problem, we develop AChat under Windows 10, and it should work fine on it. The problem can be the way communicates with the server, one part of your network elements can have problems with that, although on most of the computer that doesn’t cause any problem. In the near future we plan to change the communication protocol, that will hopefully help.
    AChat support

    It does at least tell me it may be my network settings, I just don’t know where to start, they have taken note thou and I appreciate they are very busy with new developments hoping 🙂 I so miss Amsters for Topless Tuesday especially, at least I have a new master to please. Michelle 💕 xxx


    I just wanted to update and let people know I have found what I think is a partial loading problem because I can get into city locations easier now, I found once I am in a location such as “Winter” if I set “detail” low before exiting the next time I try to Goto that location it’s easier to get back into that location next time of the time, I tested over the last week and it does seem to work most of the time, you can set detail hi while in the room but make sure you set it low before you exit


    Thanks for the tip Michelle, always useful to know.

    I dont have your issue but I do have the “sudden lights out” issue when all goes black on the game screen and all I can see are the avi names.
    Thanks to zuz, we have figured out, if you drag the border of the game bigger or smaller, the game resets itself, turns the lights back on and you can see again.

    Enjoy the game.


    The strange thing is that I use to get the screen blacking issues and the solution was to minimise and then maximise the screen, but now I seldom get that issue, I assume it’s to do more with the updates Ives had to window 10 and my graphics, Entering Amsters this morning couldn’t be faster this morning I have Asked Achat support to confirm my solution above but also asked them to confirm if there has been a fix update concealed with the last pose update or if the solution above really did fix the problem, I will let you know if they respond with anything of interest, don’t hold your breathe 🙂

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