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Bobbler. Messin’ around

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    one thing i like to do to mess with people…when getting a Group Sex cold invite…is let the timer run to zero 
    then…inevitably…i get another invite for Group Sex from the same person…sometimes more than once 

    anyone else have a different way(s) to mess with others?


    Hi Bobbler,
    ever tried letting the timer run out and then sent an invite back? But as soon as you get in a room, leave? Never doe it myself, but it might be an option…


    I am acting the same way bobbler

    😀 not only in Group sex, also with a cold invite from one person. Sometimes, after repeating the invite 2,3,4 times, they say “hello”. Then I just answer “hello”. Almost they are quit. Sometimes they say “I invited you” then I say “Oh, really? I didn’t notice it.”


    Hi tight:
    that would be mean 

    but here is another idea, similar to what you stated.  accept the invite, then get in the room and say you accidentally clicked the wrong button…*then* leave 


    Bobbler… nasty…
    Or go through the steps and when arrived in a room: “I thought you were a guy/gal…(opposite from the gender ofcourse)” and leave then.

    If you ever start teaching a nasty course, I'll sign up!


    or how about when someone says “can i invite you?” and then you say “sure”…but don't accept.  you only said that they could invite

    one time i even did that and logged off after i said “sure”…since i was just about to log off anyway 


    ok here's something else i do…just happened tonight, but its happened before:

    on the rare occasion that a girl ticks me off or is rude in some way, i like to keep arguing with her and pushing her buttons, just to see how far i can push her before she puts me on ignore
    a girl starts talking to me tonight, *she* started the conversation, then WHAM  right in the middle of talking she goes in a room. comes out maybe 10 minutes later, says sorry, i tell her she was rude to do that. she say's well then i will go back in the room now. i say have fun. she goes in the room…comes out not too much later…i try to talk to her and she has me on ignore


    and the funny thing is, she probably feels all good about putting me on ignore while in actuality i could care less

    this was a short conversation before i was put on ignore. i've had much longer ones 


    Today a girl talke to me. She just had her name, no description at all. After saying “Hi” she told me about yahoo and that I can meet her there – I played the stupid one and said “Sorry, I don' know WHERE yahoo is, I live in Germany. Is it far to go for me?”
    She tried to explain and explain…

    I talked to a friend during that time, probably she still is explaining…


    good one Lover 


    i nearly had the same one Lover ,maybe we talked to the same gir  l lol


    Haha and did you find out about messenger


    No i said ,never been there , is it big? i don't like big citys, i'm ajust a little guy who enjoys the country life , she gives up and said, i hate to be a teacher…


    Haha, probably she's changing her tactics now If we ever meet her again?


    Maybe, we must prepare us ,she`s bringin up heavy ordnance , i guess, probably she thinks, i hate those guys didn`t know what Yahoo is,how dumo they are


    Let's search her and then, one guy after the other, is asking her: “Can you tell me where I can find AChat?”

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