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  • #23996

    I know Godkind's “Sword of truth” and it's great.


    'Sword of Truth' is the first book of ten.. and each part is better as the last one.. I read the whole saga (took a few years) and was amazed with the complexness of the story..


    I probably come across as a real boring bookworm, I'm into all the Greek classics & Mythology, I like Shakespeare, Ibsen, Poe, Dickens, Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy, Bronte Sisters, but I love  fantasies too and have read all of the Lord of The Rings and the Hobbit and even Sylmarillion, my favorites are all the discworld series by Terry Pratchett, an English Children's Author I started out reading his kids books. No I didn't get out much, ok!


    Dennis L. McKiernan's The Iron Tower  series is a good read for those that enjoyed LOTR,…
    Donald Stephens Wound Land series would be a good compliment.

    For a good laugh in a mythical world,… any of Piers Anthony works would be worth the time.

    Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy though… still a great comical classic…

    BTW when are they going to release towels for us here?


    Yay! Hicth-hiker's guide to the Galaxy

    Have you seen the film with Alan Rickman?


    I'm an avid reader and I just finished The Lady's Tutor by Robin Schone

    The buzz on Lady's Tutor was that it is sexually explicit, a very hot book. Romance is often a derivative genre and I wondered, as I opened it, what form this sizzling story would take. Would the writing be romantically sexy like Dara Joy? Would it border on erotica like Beatrice Small, Thea Devine or Susan Johnson? Would I read it compulsively and but feel depressed?

    Silly me. The Lady's Tutor is a beautifully written and original story that takes its cues from no one. I swallowed it whole, sat up til 2:00 AM (most of the time with my hand in my panties) and would have been up until 4:00 if I'd been able. To me, this is one terrific book.


    Nice Mollie you found this topic… and it's hot just to read your experiences while you read it

    Yes Blue, I know the film…. great Also heard the book “The Restaurant at the End of the Universe”.. ok.. not so good in my opinon.
    But Douglas Adams also made 3 parts or the series “Dr. Who” which is great.


    as an avid reader also,and with halloween around the corner, may i suggest  “coldheart canyon” a hollywood ghost story by Clive Barker.
    well written and very creepy with lots of sex.

    “weave world” by Clive Barker is also good


    Brian Keene, i love his books. he dose Horror.

    The rising ,sequel The City of Dead
    Dark hollow
    Dead sea
    Urban Gothic ( Good but there was a character's death I could not accept, so I did not finish it )

    House only way out is in. by Ted Dekker , and Frank Peretti

    Zombie Survival by Max brooks
    World war Z by Max brooks

    Fantasy book

    Christopher Paolini

    The Amulet Of SamarKand byJonathan Staroud

    (a book I wish i never read lol sadly I did not care for his style of writing but I did finish all of them.)
    Lord of the Rings

    Oh I even read the bible. 


    Alright, I'll confess.

    I have finished all 3 fifty shades novels. I haven't followed Twilight , I'm told it's a spin-off, so I perhaps didn't get some of the “in” references.

    They are badly written and don't go looking for sleazy BDSM content cos there isn't any, just a hint here and there peppered randomly. There is a romance running through, but the disjointedness (is that a real word?) shows through too much. I was caught once or twice by the “insights” into how some people (EL JAMES) think people fall into BDSM. I was looking for maybe a point of reference for myself, but didn't find any.
    Why always this perception that to enjoy domination or being spanked, you must have been abused as a child? Neither my self nor my fiance fall into this stereotype.

    I'm glad I read them on my Ipad and didn't pay the store price for them.


    I'm a huge Terry Pratchett fan. All the disc world novels and I even read the stuff he wrote for young adults.
    My favorite is the trilogy about Tiffany Aching, about a young witch in the making. He is funny, clever and gives you characters you really adore. and don't even get me started on the Nac Mac Feegle.

    Terry makes fun and light of fantasy like Douglas Adams did with Sci fi.

    p.s. I haven't read '50 shades'. I know many people who have with mixed reviews. So its on the list but not high


    Seems to me we share tastes Momma Andrea…

    and I like your writing too.



    Seems to me we share tastes Momma Andrea…

    and I like your writing too.


    OMG, I didnt read your previous post on page 3. Did you read the bromeliad trilogy “truckers” ” diggers” and “wings”? its young adult books.
    It begins like “The Borrowers” but becomes this aweome sci fi thing, where this is NOT their home planet.
    did you hear that Terry Pratchett has the beginnings of Alzheimer's? He isn't happy about it. says he has many more stories to tell.


    No, I've read the Johnny books, they were really funny, with Yo-less and the gang.


    Good Omens is a good book, Pratchett did with Neil Gaiman
    I think I read Johnny and the Dead. I love  “the wee free men”  the first Tiffany Aching book.
    And TIffany is the only one that can call Mistress Weatherwax “Granny”, but I get why and it's really cool.

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