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Busy combined with an automatic log off after a set time.

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    I know we talked about this in several threads before. So my idea isn’t really new, but summarized and put together in one new topic.

    What about a “busy-button” that shows you aren’t able to chat at the moment. It should be automatic shown when you’re changing clothes and you also can activate this when you’re afk for some time.

    But, as I see a danger with this button, an auto-logoff should be implemented. If you don’t really change your ava or use the search (scrolling the lists) or don’t start/answer a chat in between e.g. one hour, you are logged off from the system.
    Sometimes it seems to me, people are away for one day but still shown online.

    Next idea:
    A message window as we’ve got with additional buttons: “Send message to all lovers”, “to all friends”, “to all spouse” (I know some of you have more than one

    😉 ) and “to everyone in your lists”

    It also would be nice to have the option “Show messages with this person”

    Janine Dee

    All are great ideas, but I will continue the cry for the “Busy” function. Especially since we all have had times when were logging in to say change a banner or an outfit, and our time is limited, but we end up juggling cold invites, which are invariably followed by them trying to talk AFTER getting you into a room.


    I absolutely urge the dev-team to implement a busy-button, sign. Something to close yourself off from the main podium. It has been requested multiple times and the support has always been great.

    I do have a but, which is small and a matter of choice. I know that some people like to spend the night together in a room, so that when they wake up in rl, their partner is still there.. It is a romantic gesture so auto-log off should not be implemented when rooming. For all other sinatnces, auto log off should work and be combined with the busy-button..


    yeah it would be nice to have a busy button but would the busy button basically say you are busy?? I know from personal experience with people through different works and that that people just don't read lol. I know sometimes i might do a rp or maybe a lengthy chat with someone outside of the room and don't want to be bugged as much especially from the ppl who just are doing the “hi let's fuck”


    All of it would be nice though the ones putting themselves on busy should be sorted after the ones who are available when searching who's online.


    That's a really good idea Adera or it would be nice if we could decide to show busy to everyone or just friends/lovers/spouse


    Adera, medjai… good idea and it's already next step using it.

    Tight, your but is ok. For me it's unique – if you're in room there's no need for an auto-logoff.

    Sexi, I'm not sure if we talk about the same. If you use the busy-button other don't have to read. They get the sign when they try to chat or invite you.
    I also do it – sometimes starting a long rp outside the room… also I still went into room with someone just to chat, cause there have been to much disorders outside.


    the “busy” button can work really similar to the offline pop up, but whitout giving the chance to send you message.


        Something like this?


    mhm, something like that..

    I agree that busy should be optional. Approachable for lovers/spouses/friends but not for the general public, and busy to all. Though it would be nice to be able to send messages fro your position as busy, and receive them from the one you are sending them too. So have one channel open and all others closed.


    I see a button like this useful when in wardrobe, or message answering,..

    Not for the need of private 1-1 chat, that is what a room is for.

    The concept I think the developers want here is accessibility … what is proposed has with screening capabilities. has likelihood of creating a cliquish society, and that is not good for the health and growth of AChat.

    Yes, we all would like to reduce some of the nonsense, but I know of  no social  program which will limit others from engaging a stranger in a common meeting area.

    Janine Dee

    I agree that too much screening would be bad, but Keiko's “In Wardrobe” would be wonderful, because even the nicest of people wouldn't be able to know you are in Character Editor unless you tell them, and this would be a way to tell them that would make you split your attention, and as long as no one could talk to you while you are in wardrobe you wouldn't get people hiding in there to avoid talking to strangers.


    Bear, the point is being in that common meeting area as soon as you log in. It's not a matter of restricting or screening, but a matter of reparing yourself to go into the meeting area.

    For that the button would wrok perfectly. But imo, anyone should be able to use the button as they seem fit. Even if only online to do a stripshow, try out new poses or answering messages.


    if they do a thing like this , it will be nice to have the possibility to activate it when we want , and not only when we are in the wardrobe . Sometimes , some discutions are really important , and its always at this moment that a flood of messages come 


    for that, you can use the room, Rukyia…….sometimes it help a lot.

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