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Change orientation system from hetero-homo-bi

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Home Forums Share your creative ideas Change orientation system from hetero-homo-bi

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    It really needs to be changed to “I'm interested in: Males, Shemales, Females” as the only people who actually know what to put are the ones that fit the binary.

    theres a lot of things that can be changed, like if you're not interested in males maybe you don't show up on males search list etc etc. I think that would make the game a lot more efficient but I mean the main thing is the fact that you never know what a bisexual shemale is etc.


    Never really thought about it before.

    Maybe it could be changed to  ” I prefer  … ”    ” male, ”  ” female” ,  “shemale,”  and tick the relevant ones


    Good idea TG. Either that or, what we're asking for a long time, more space to describe yourself and preferences. This combined with a better search function would be great.


    If people learn how to properly use the search option, this is something we don't need so much, but as we know, few of the users in AChat takes the time to study what we have…..sigh!

    aaaanyway, I'm proud of you TG… are one of the few who put out suggestion for AChat in how……6 months!? congratulation!


    I would be happy with  I am not interested to all . 

    I have always wanted the  more space  to make it  more clear on my wants .


    I think I have a pretty good idea of what the template should be

    Nickname: Yourname (unchangeable)
    Sex: Your sex (unchangeable)
    Skin: The way they have it now
    Age: The way they have it now
    Location: Instead of the short infos or country+ city
    Orientation: Checkboxes with each gender
    Character type: Checkbox so you can choose more than one, and more options need to be added. Romantic, Passionate, Talkative, Submissive, Dominant, Passive, Active, Sex maniac, a few more that I probably overlooked
    Relationship status: People may not always read, but I feel like these people in exclusive relationships have to use their whole profile to point that out
    Favourites: This needs to be changed up to basically list all of the pose categories as well as clothing: Romance, Foreplay, Oral, Face to Face, From Behind, BDSM, Hands, Toys, Roleplay, Descriptive play, Latex, Leather, Condoms, Cloth, Chains
    Description: this needs a character limit of like 300, currently its short enough to be a header of an adequate description


    Sounds like a nice solution, TG……I'll support your idea totally!


    I like your idea TG, well thought. Also would be good to have the chance to add some space to “Character type”. You can choose the checkbox and also add one or two own descriptions


    I like your idea too TG, its well thought out. 

    I particularly like the thought of expanding the description, especially for winners in any wagers LOL

    I could have fun with that, and no doubt others could on mine ,  bobbing my tongue out at Lover 


    i think the description might take them more work, but I think the one we get now should be like a headline for it and the rest should be box that opens up when you click it


    Good  idea  Good Idea TG

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