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Resolved. Chat loading. Freezes and slow with bursts of several lines of chat.

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Home Forums Got any problems running AChat? Resolved. Chat loading. Freezes and slow with bursts of several lines of chat.

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    Sometimes my chat freezes and won’t load, then it loads 5 or 6 lines at a time, anyone else having this problem?


    I haven’t experienced this. Not for a long time.

    I think I flushed DNS and Reset Network Adapter. (I have no idea what all that means by the way). And used CCleaner to clean Temporary files and everything.

    BUT. After doing this I can’t really remember it happening again.

    BUT X 2. The above resets and stuff might not have done anything and just a restart of my P.C could have cured it.

    Sorry I’m not very technical or useful for that matter.



    Zuz is right. Sounds like your PC needs a good clean and defrag.

    At least, do this first as its the cheapest options (Completely Free) and should fix the problem.

    Both are free downloads. I use them regular to get rid of trackers, cookies and junk, which slows your pc down.

    Get a cleaner, faster, and smoother PC with CCleaner
    Free download here. Just follow the instructions to download and clean your PC.

    Defrag can take a few days. It tidies up your files and frees up memory. Its worth doing as it helps keep your pc efficient.
    Speed up your PC with quick & easy defragmentation. Defrag entire hard drives or individual files.

    Download the free version here

    By the way, make a note of your passwords as CCleaner will log you out of everything to clean and will empty your bin.

    After its done, restart your computer and hopefully everything should be great again.

    Good luck and let us know how you get on.


    Just a little warning about defragging.

    If you have a SSD then don’t. But you might already know this.


    In regards to CCleaner and passwords.

    When use the cleaner off to the right is a list of items you can uncheck. One of the items is passwords.

    Also use it to clean your Registry. Everytime you delete a program or file it can leave behind portions of the file.

    Great advice from all above. Good luck and hope your issue is resolved soon.


    I do have a SSD so defragging is out of the question, I did optimize the drive and cleared the DNS. This is a new laptop with Windows 11 installed on it so I really shouldn’t be having any problems, but it happened. Thanks for the useful hints! BTW I read up on the SSD drive and it writes new information in the blocks that are empty, why I am telling you this is beyond me, but I thought you would like to know. Happy New Year everyone and may 2022 bring us all good luck!


    Good morning, I think I solved the problem, Windows Defender was eating up all the memory, so I followed some simple instructions on how to fix Windows Defender from eating up the memory. It seems to have worked and less memory is being used by the program, we’ll see if it works, but less memory is being used now.

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