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Chief Psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins Has Bad News for Caitlyn Jenner

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    i am posting this  for various reasons, discussion opinion and educatrion
    May 11, 2016

    Former Chief Psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins Has Bad News for Caitlyn Jenner
    Dr. Paul R. McHugh, former psychiatrist in chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, has an opinion about former Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner’s recent announcement that is sure to upset the many crusading for the transgender movement.

    McHugh not only believes that changing sexes is biologically impossible, he also believes those identifying themselves as transgender actually have a mental disorder.

    McHugh, author of six books and over 125 peer-reviewed medical journal articles, wrote in a Wall Street Journal piece that surgery is not a solution for those wishing to live as the opposite sex.

    McHugh wrote that these people believing they can choose their sex suffer from a “disorder of assumption.”

    In the piece, he also quoted a study claiming that transgendered people undergoing reassignment surgery are 20 times more likely to commit suicide than non-transgendered people. (H/T BizPac Review)

    McHugh also said that while Hollywood and the mainstream media promote transgenderism as normal, they are doing no favors to these people by treating their “confusions” as a right rather than treating them as a mental disorder that deserves treatment and prevention.

    The doctor considers the transgendered person’s “assumption” that they are “different than the physical reality of their body “a disorder similar to someone suffering anorexia nervosa.

    McHugh claims that pro-transgender advocates do not want to accept the fact that studies indicate between 70 and 80 percent of children who express transgender feelings lose such feelings over time.

    Changing sexes is impossible, according to the doctor and all transgendered people do is “become feminized men or masculinized women.”

    In addition, those who had sexual reassignment surgery and felt satisfied with the results of that surgery fared no better in their psycho-social adjustments than those who didn’t have surgery.

    Because of these studies, Hopkins stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, the doctor said.

    While certain people will disagree with Dr. McHugh’s statements, more will probably agree. But the liberal media will likely try to smother those who find such transitions troubling and embrace actions that add to the moral decay of our country.

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