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Christmas Present

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    Here is the story I had written as a Christmas present for a very special guy.


    It is Christmas morning and just like always my body wakes me up bright and early.  It never seems to fail where I have a restless Christmas eve night as my body knows the following day is Christmas. I am filled with anxiousness as to what the day will bring although not as much since I know my family won't be celebrating until the following week.  Due to everyone's work schedule, I won't be heading for home until Sunday after work, so for this Christmas I am alone with no plans as all my friends are celebrating today.

    As I lay in bed for a while listening to my music and trying to doze a little longer, I finally give up as my body is so restless and swing my legs over on the side of the bed. Standing up, I walk into the bathroom where I begin to run the water for a bath. Once it is filled, I put a bath tea bag in the water and turn on some Christmas music before I slowly sink my body into the warm water.  Allowing the music and scent of the water to relax my body and mind, I lay in the tub with my eyes closed for awhile just relaxing and enjoying the warmth, scent, and music. My body gets so relaxed where time is no longer relevant.

    All of a sudden, I feel lips pressing against mine which makes my eyes jerk open and my body comes part way out of the water shocked that someone was in my house. I see him, a stranger yet something familiar in the way he looks at me, kneeling on the floor smiling like a little kid in a candy store. He whispers, “Hello love” which calms me immediately and makes me feel safe knowing it is him, my love and heart. Who else would ever call me by that name, for he is the only guy in my life who uses that term in reference to me so regularly. I smile big and say, “Hello love” while throwing my arms around his body and hugging him close to me. Kissing his lips, I sink into his welcoming embrace and know that it will be a great day after all.

    We finally break our embrace when he brushes the wet hair back from my face while gazing into my eyes with all the love he holds for me. “Merry Christmas love, I thought I would bring you your present in person this time.” He says before standing up and stepping into the tub with me, and I wonder when did he strip without me knowing and feeling his presence there. Not only that but I didn't even realize he was naked when my eyes first opened and saw him. Spreading my legs, my love sits down between my legs as I drink in the sight of him here with me in person. Overjoyed with my love for him, I hop into his arms and hug him tight feeling his naked body against mine. My arms wrapped around him rubbing up and down his back as he holds me tight and gently rocks my body against him letting me feel his growing arousal for me.

    I grab the shampoo finally and squirt some into my hands before washing my love's hair. Rubbing my hands thoroughly through his hair, I go longer then necessary just reveling in touching my love just massaging his scalp. He grabs the shampoo and washes my hair in return. His hands massaging my scalp in such a way where I end up moaning as the tension in my head gives way to pleasure. Getting my hair all soapy, he pulls my hair at the end arching me into his kiss. When we break our kiss, he says, “It will be easier to rinse with the shower instead of in the tub,” so we drain the water and turn on the shower. Once the water is warm, we take turns rinsing out the shampoo in our hair.

    Next, we grab the soap and get plenty on both of our hands before we start to wash each other. I start up at my love's neck and slowly wash his body. Making sure to cover every inch, I make my way down his body. When I get to his waist, I go towards his left hip and work down that leg kneeling as I get lower. Then I work my way back up on his right leg all the way to that hip. Soaping up my hands some more, I reach out to stroke his cock and balls making sure to cover him completely with the soap. Licking my lips as I kneel and stroke his cock and balls, I know that he will probably give me the chance sometime to take him into my mouth.

    While I kneel at his feet, my love begins to work at washing my body. He starts at soaping up my neck and arms before he starts rubbing the soap around on my chest. Slowly drawing closer to my breasts which makes me arch into his hands wanting him to touch me more, he finally starts rubbing the soap into my breasts which makes my nipples harden even more. He grabs my nipples and twists them making me moan from the mixture of pleasure and pain. “Time to stand up love,” he says. Standing up, he grabs my leg one at a time and lifts it up so he can wash my body all the way down to my feet. After he finishes the last leg, he holds me there and rubs his still soapy cock against my pussy. Sharing the soap to my pussy with his cock, he keeps rubbing making sure to spread that soap around and get my pussy all clean. My body is starting to sizzle with the heat of my arousal, and I lean into him wanting him to do more. For a moment, I think that maybe he will take me right here and right now. However, my love stops and sets my leg down before drawing me into the water to rinse my body of the soap at the same time his soap is washed away.

    Finally all clean, my love turns the water off and steps out of the shower. Grabbing the towel hanging up on the rack, he dries himself off while I watch licking my lips as I watch him dry his cock.  My love then grabs hold of my hand and helps me out of the tub where he proceeds to dry me off with the towel. Hanging up the towel back on the rack, my love picks me up where I snuggle into his warm body.  

    My love carries me to the bedroom. Laying me gently on the bed, he leans down and whispers in my ear, “Are you ready for your present love?” I smile and nod up at him while wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiles and says, “Just a moment and I will go get it.” He removes my arms from around his neck and walks out. I hear the door open and shut as he leaves the apartment.

    Laying in the bed, I wait for my love to come back inside the apartment wondering what the present he brought me could be that he had to go back outside to get it. Hearing the door, I smile as I look towards the door that leads outside the bedroom and see not one, but two guys entering my bedroom. Staring in shock up at my love, he says, “Our good friend Leon had business in town, and I invited him over to be with us.”

    Sitting up, I swing my legs to the side and slide to the floor. Crawling over, I kneel at my love's feet. Leaning into his body, I wrap my arms around his legs and hug him tight to me letting him see how much I appreciate his gift. He kneels on the ground kissing my forehead and holds me close. Whispering in my ear, “I love you so much love and want you to fly apart in both our hands till you can't anymore to make up for all the time we missed together over this last year.” Hearing his words, tears fall softly from my eyes. My love kisses those tears away before standing up and says, “Now, undress Leon and suck his cock.”

    Smiling up at my love, I slide a bit over to look up at Leon and smile at him. I reach out and unbutton his pants and slides them all the way down his legs where he steps out of them. Leaning in, I kiss my way up his leg following the path that my hands slid down when taking the pants off. Nuzzling my face between his legs just below his cock, I hear my love chuckle and say, “I didn't say to tease him first now did I.” Glancing up at my love, I smile and say, “No, but what is the fun in jumping right into the fun without a bit of warm up first.”

    I then begin to lick between Leon's thighs slowly brushing his legs with my tongue as I make my way closer to his hard cock. My love disappears from my sight and I hear a drawer open and shut. Sensing him behind me, I hear Leon and my love chuckle as they obviously share something between them that I have no clue as my eyes are on my task of what I'm doing to Leon at the moment.

    I hear my love behind me as he says, “Maybe you need just a bit of encouragement to do as I said. Leon, why don't you get comfortable on the bed. Love, you get up there as well on all four, so I have access to you like I want.” Leon grabbed hold of my arms and lifted me up onto my feet, and we moved over to the bed. Leon propped the pillows up and reclined on the bed while I got up on the bed on all four. My head near Leon while my love had moved behind me again. My love's weight wasn't on the bed, so I knew he stood behind me.

    My love's hands caress my butt while I start to lick Leon's cock up and down covering him in my saliva. I feel my love spreading me open to his view before he starts licking at my pussy flaming my arousal. His tongue circles my clit as his fingers start spreading me open little by little. Stretching me open as he adds more fingers, I begin sucking softly on the tip of Leon's cock as my hands stroke his shaft to the tempo of my love's fingers sliding into me.

    Moaning onto Leon's cock, I feel my love sliding his fingers completely out of me before it is replaced by something hard and cool. Shivering slightly, as my body readjusts the heat of the object to the same as the inside of my pussy. My love continues to slide it inside of me until it is deep, I feel it start to vibrate inside me as he continues to lick my clit. My body arches towards him wanting to take more from him as my passion continues to build.

    As I lick Leon's cock, I feel the sudden unexpected smack of my lovers hand on my butt. My heart races, and my body arches towards him even more as the stinging pain sweeps sweetly over me. Momentarily, I wonder if he wanted my pussy pressing in closer to him or if it was just the usual spanks he always seems to delight in giving to me. In that sharp, pleasant pain, my body races in ecstasy as my lover spanks my bare bottom and works me with the dildo and his tongue. Always combining that pleasure and pain in my mind, my love always makes sure that my overall experience is always a pleasant one. Something that would keep me coming back and begging him for more.

    Pushing back towards my love as I stroke Leon's cock a little faster, my love whispers against my pussy where I can feel his warm breath, “No cumming now love. Not until you swallow Leon's cum.” Hearing his words, I take more of Leon's cock into my mouth. Bobbing up and down in time with my hand stroking him, I want Leon's cum more and more as my love makes me burn hotter down lower. As my passion increases, all I can think about is that impending orgasm creeping up on me and know that I can't give into it. My purpose is to please my doms. Through giving them the pleasure, my own pleasure comes, and I know that my doms will always make sure that I am well pleased by the end. However, I want that orgasm so much where my hands and mouth start flying as I take Leon's cock in and out of my mouth.  

    My moans become louder even with Leon's cock in my mouth muffling some of the sound. My body rocking back and forth as I lose myself in my lust and passion. Feeling Leon's hands grip my head, I hold still and glance up at him. He smiles down at me before he starts slowly pushing into my mouth. Whispering into my ear, Leon keeps encouraging me to take him deeper and faster as he slowly builds up his speed giving me time to adjust to his rapidly growing speed and penetration. I move my hand down lower giving Leon the room he needs to go as deep as he decides into my mouth. His cock keeps sliding deeper into my mouth as I feel it starting to hit the back of my mouth. The first few strokes causes me to gag and tighten more against his cock. Eventually, I relax enough where he can slide his cock into my throat. He whispers, “Good girl.”

    The grip on my hair tightens, and I hear Leon moan right before he fills my mouth with his cum. Swallowing his cum, I suck on the tip of his cock, so I drink up every single droplet. The excitement building as I know that drinking his cum will give me that permission to cum. I am right on the edge as I fight against the stimulation my love is giving me until I have that permission to cum. Leon smiles down at me and says, “Good girl, now cum.” Immediately, my body responds and tightens on the dildo as I start cumming. Screaming loudly at the intensity of the orgasm, my hands tighten into a fist as I ride my first wave of the day. Leon strokes my hair and tells me how good I am.

    Finally, my love gives me a break from all the spanking as he takes his head away from licking on my clit as well. My love tells me, “Yes, you were such a good girl, and I think it is time for you to ride many waves to make up for lost time before I fuck you. Turn around onto your back love.” I move onto my back as Leon gets off the bed. Leon opens the drawer and pulls out the restraints and hands two of them to my love. My love reaches for first one foot and ties it to the corner post of my bed and then the same thing with the second. Stretching me open to his view, my love checks to see my range of motion to make sure that I will not be able to pull away from whatever touch he decides to give to me. At the same time my love is tying my legs, Leon is tying my hands to the corner posts as well near my head. Spread eagle on the bed now, I cannot do anything but just accept what both of my doms would give to me.

    My love begins in fucking my pussy again with the vibrating dildo while he caresses my clit with his tongue again. Meanwhile, Leon starts squeezing and twisting my nipples causing them to be nice and pointy in his hands. Thrusting into both guys touch as much as I can, I feel the strain of the restraints as they hold me back. Then Leon starts to lick around first one breast then the other drawing slowly closer to those hardened points. My nipples aching for that touch which makes them hurt with the longing of any type of touch. Leon reaches over and opens the drawer and takes out the clamps and places them gently onto my hardened nipples. Moaning loudly as soon as the clamps close, my love looks up at me and smiles while rubbing my clit with his fingers making sure that my clit is always being stimulated.

    My love nods to Leon, and Leon leans closer to my ear while circling the outside of my breasts with his hands. Whispering into my ear, Leon tells me, “We want you to cum every single time you get close. You do not have to wait for our command. We want you cumming basically nonstop.” Moaning as I hear exactly what they expect from me, I know that these two men of mine will not stop until they have drained my body of every orgasm possible.

    As Leon works my breasts, he keeps whispering into my ear, “We want you to cum. I know you want to cum for us.” With the constant stimulation and Leon's encouragement to reach the peak, I feel myself rapidly getting closer to the orgasm. Then Leon flicks the tip of the clamp sending a little bit more pain through me which sends me over the edge. Screaming out loud as the orgasm races through me, I hear Leon whispering in my ear, “Good girl. Good girl. Another one now.” Unable to escape all the stimulation from both Leon and my love, I cannot avoid the fast buildup of another orgasm, and with Leon's last words inside me head, I quickly cum again. Squeezing tight onto the dildo, my body arches out as that orgasm races through my entire body.

    My love still keeps circling his finger around my clit keeping me near that edge even after cumming. He smiles as he says, “Come on cum for me love. I know you want my cock inside you instead of this dildo, but Leon and I need a lot more orgasms from you first.” My heart beats faster as my love paints such a picture in my head that I fall off the edge and cum again. Screaming, “My love,” as the orgasm hits me hard and hangs on for what seems like forever. Panting a little as I can finally catch my breath, I look at both guys and see them smiling like little kids cause they are doing what they love best which is making me cum over and over for them.

    Smiling at both Leon and my love, I start feeling those walls that had been building up over the last year from the lack of time together cracking and exposing me to them and their wants. While Leon still stimulates my breasts which are starting to ache a bit from the tightness of the clamps, he leans closer to my ear and whispers, “You have had a nice little break to pant. Now I want 5 in a row.”

    After hearing Leon's words, it seemed like both guys doubled their effort in stimulating my body. My love removed the dildo and concentrated on stimulating right inside the entrance as well as on the clit. My love knows my body so well, and he knew that this combination would really make me go wild. Leon started taking my nipple into his mouth and began to lick and pull the clamp around to really send those pleasure and pain jolts through my body. I thought I even heard my love chuckle and say something to Leon that I didn't quite hear. What I could make out though was something about how wet and tight I was with the two of them playing with me. Moaning as my body reacts to their touchings, I feel the orgasm approaching as my body tightens up preparing for the fall. As I fall over the edge time after time, my body continues to shake within its bounds. I give them the 5 orgasms they wanted while they keep stimulating my sensitive areas.

    Catching my breath after those orgasms, I could feel the start of the next orgasm right there. Moaning my need, my body arches towards the guys then away unsure whether I wanted another orgasm right then or not. Blowing his breath on my nipple, Leon whispered, “Don't stop now.” That little encouragement sent me over the edge, and I came for them again and again. Now, that the lust has taken over and with some encouragement from my guys, I begin to cum more. When it seemed that the orgasms were non stop, my love removed his fingers from inside my pussy and just rubbed my clit. My body keeps pushing towards him as I keep mumbling, “Fuck me. Fuck me. Please love. Fuck me.” My love chuckles, “Not yet love. I need a few more orgasms from you still.”

    (Edited for spacing only. BB.)


    As the orgasms keep coming, I start shaking my head back and forth while mumbling still for him to fuck me. Both Leon and my love just keep working my body and bringing out those orgasms one after another. As each orgasm races through my body, I start to cry as the walls of hurt and separation disappear in the moment of such pleasure making me quite vulnerable to what the guys would say and do. As the tears build up and keep running down my face, I pull more at the bonds trying to free my hands so I can hide and not feel so on display in front of my two guys. Leon removes the clamps and sucks softly to bring pleasure to me. As the blood rushes back into my nipples, my body jerks trying to get away from the pain, but Leon is insistent and keeps going till I'm not trying to get away from his touch. Once Leon eased the pain that rushed through my nipples, he snuggled against my body and held me close.

    As I feel my love climb up spreading himself against my body, I know he can see the tears, so I close my eyes trying my best to hide. However, my love does not want me hiding, for he kisses the tears on my face. He then kisses my lips as he slides his cock into my wet pussy. Slowly fucking me, my love shows me his love for me as he keeps kissing me. Whispering as he keeps fucking me, “I love you.” I feel my arms slacken and realize Leon has removed the bonds. I throw my arms around my love and cry into his shoulder. Meanwhile, Leon is rubbing my body softy making sure I knew that he was there for me too.

    Soon, I feel my love shooting his cum inside me where I milk his cock to get it all from him. Once he finished cumming inside me, I feel my love loosen the bonds from my ankles before he snuggles beside me as well. Both Leon and my love just hold me as the tears eventually fade. Whispering into my ear, “I'm sorry love for not being there as much as you needed.” I curl up into their arms knowing that I'm safe and loved. I whisper, “I will always love you guys.” With the words still lingering in the air, I fall asleep in between my guys with a smile on my face.

    I wake up to my normal morning music, and there is no one around, and I realize it was all just a dream. My eyes tear up realizing that it wasn't for real. There was no body or two laying beside me to wake me up after a long session of making love to each other and sharing our love with a close friend making it a terrific threesome. An amazing gift it would have been if it really happened.

    Then I notice my hands are gripping my phone close to my chest. I must have grabbed the phone and drew it closer to me sometime during my sleep instead of leaving it near my pillow like I always do. The phone has always been such a connection to the man I love and has remained near me at all times bringing me that comfort that he is there just a text or call away.

    Glancing at my phone, I see a text message was received while I slept. Opening it up, I see my love has texted me, “Merry Christmas Love. I hope you are ready for your present.” Maybe, just maybe, my dream will come true after all, I think as I send back a text with a smile on my lips.


    Well I had a nice mmmm from one of the guys and a WOW from the other guy who it was destined for. The second guy mentioned had never had such a sexy present before.


    Excellent story Sexi. It's a wonderful present, you should “gift” it to everyone and publish on literotica.


    A lovely story Sexi.  I was a little sad at the end it was all a dream…  Hope the text changed it  though  hehe.

    Its a lovely gift for your guys. Hope they appreciated as much as I have.

    Hope you write lots more and join in the next contest.

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News  > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 9 – OUT OF THIS WORLD.,3565.0.html

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.,2509.0.html


    i wouldn't know how to publish the story lover

    yes my guys loved it. in fact my love has made such exquisite love to me online 3 times in a week. i'm so glad his real life is stabilizing so we can enjoy each other again. 


    No problem sexi, Brandy or I will help you


    Very well done, Sexi! I really found it an amamzing story and I hope it cen become reality for you! 


    Nice tale sexi, 

    i really enjoyed it and i agree with my fellow readers, post it at literotica. 


    Found this, and I really need to share!


    Hello, lil Sexi!


    lol you were peeking.

    my story was accepted by literotica 


    YAYYYYY! WONDERFUL NEWS! congratulation, Sexi!  *hug*


    Well Done & Congratulations.

    You are in the Achat Hall of Fame

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News > Talented Writers in Achat's Forum – you betch ya!,2668.0.html


    Miss Sexi… I'm suddenly envious of Leon and “Your Love”.

    Well done with this. It was a hot present for all of us that you shared this with us and an even hotter story.  Made me want to pile on ya, too.  The only problem I see with it, is now I want more.  We all want more.

    I will definitely get to Literotica and give this one a boost.


    Well Covems stick around and you may see more hot stories from me

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