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Closing Achat program

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Home Forums Got any problems running AChat? Closing Achat program

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  • #4657

    First… I want to say thank you for and amazing experience.  This does just get better over time.

    1)  I noticed when I first started using AChat program that when I closed it using the main Window X in windows I could not reopen it as it would say the program was still running.  I had to restart the computer to solve the issue.

    I soon learned to close the window with the AChat X which said… Sleep.  Then I used the tray Icon to close the program.  This worked OK… but.. is a bit clumsy.  You should be able to use the main Widow close with out crashing the program… or leaving some part of it active.  Can this be resolved?

    2)  Second thing I noticed is getting a shoulder Tattoo.  This only seems to work for one side unlike the ankle tattoo.

    3)  Also I will echo what others are saying about being pounced upon when you first log in I would like a moment to check my mail before I open the flood gates to suitors.

    Thank you for reading this.



    The main window close button should work just like the sleep button, that means after closing the main window the system tray icon should remain there also in this case. So is not it there?




    The inside X, right top comer does work as a sleep button.  But the outside X… the main window in Windows XP I'm using does not.

    Also second problem I found in this forum is my email address was public on a post despite changing the setting in the profile to hide it.  To protect my privacy I had to delete my profile for the forum.  I created it again to reply.



    On my Windows XP the outside X works the same way as the inside X. 😮  I love Windows…

    The E-mail address is not public, if you don't allow it. Why do you think it was public?



    It's quite understandable that the email address can be mistaken for being public as it's listed in your own profile. There's no real feedback saying that the address is actually hidden from view, you simply have to trust that it is.

    I find it very unorthodox that the X would actually put the application in sleep mode. The minimizing button should put the application in sleep mode, the X should close the application completely. It doesn't bother me too much since I just right click the icon in the system tray and force the application to close when I want to get rid of it, but there are GUI standards and I think it's a good thing to adhere to those.


    Actually, I just made a little test in regards to the email address. I checked in the memberslist for the forum and looked myself up, there I could see that my email was available despite hiding it from public view in the forum settings. I toggeled the setting and checked again, no change. I don't know if others can see my mail (doesn't really matter much as it's not a mail address I use for anything important) but from what I can tell my mail is public even if I have set it to be hidden in the profile settings. Is this a bug?


    Kaileen.  I have just looked at your profile on here and your email is hidden, so no problems.




    Thanks Pete

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