The forums › Share your creative ideas › Clothing Brands and Logos. Fashion Houses.
- This topic has 19 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by FateInfinity.
March 5, 2012 at 11:32 pm #5320
Clothing Brands
(I started this because I thought it is divergent enough, but if you disagree Keiko please roll it in, and congrats.)
With the possibilities of the clothing editor there is a real possibility, maybe even inevitability for brand names.
I joked about such when Tight made a tie with his sigs silhouette, Keiko’s banner seems to almost announce her starting a digital fashion house
;D, and now with Azrielle talking about NSPD uniforms I thought I’d open a topic on not just editing clothing, but brand naming it.
In some cases it would be just logos like the Tight silhouette, but like the case of the NSPD uniforms would it be possible to restrict sales? Maybe pay extra for one of a kind designs?
Would you pay more for logo’s?
How would you feel about limited release clothing?
I know this would all depend on the development team’s feelings on the issue, but we may as well start discussing it.
March 6, 2012 at 12:13 am #53625I am actually very haooy with the post. I have advertised seperate shops before and I think branding clothes would be a benefit. 2 main reasons±
1. Branding will encourage to make more intricate, better qualkity designs. If you want to connect your name to a certain piece, you will want to make sure iot meets quality standards.
2. Branding will evoke competition and thus set a challenge to the designers. Your brand as nost popular clould be a big incentive to create elaborate, iintricate, well/designed clothing.
limited released clothing I see as possible… There are plenty of shops-companies in real life that have exclusive clothing= So why not here= It would limit sales, but still, it does offer a bigger diversity and the opportunity for a group, like the nspd, to seperate.. I have also been thinking about exclusive pieces, made on commision.. Pricey, but not impossible…
I can also see some avatars showing noew designs in game, as a kind of shoooing window.. wearing new clotthes before they are available, as a fashion magzine..
not able to finish the post.. will finish or add later..
March 6, 2012 at 1:18 am #53626I see one big danger: Number of whores will increase again. Or there will be a new type of whores, like noble whores
(don't know if noble whores is correct term, talking about very expensive ones).
Though I would pay more for some special clothes. Of course there has to be a balance. Fun will go, if there are only expensive clothes.
And it depends on clothes: An usual bathrobe (here I am asking again) is enough for me, but a nice suit, branded, is ok.
I add another idea: What about individual clothes? E.g. I ask a dfd (digital fashion designer) to create special suit to have just one of a kind. Then I also would pay more, even for my bathrobe – having a golden L (for Lover) on my back.
PS: I look forward to be a photograph at every fashion parade, taking nice pics of the hot AChat-models
March 6, 2012 at 1:30 am #53627AS far as Specific Designs for clothing… Having independent Fashion designers creating independant lines of clothing for sale in the shop is a positively awesome idea! The benefits of this begin to stagger the mind… namely but not solely limited to:
1. Pantless Fridays being abolished where the guys have access to quality clothing at reasonable prices for us ladies to enjoy seeing them wearing… Like a KILT! (RRRRRRR!)
2. For us Ladies to have even more shoes! (I wuv my shoes!).
3. Creation of yet another area of the forum where independant clothing shops can be implemented and when texture maps are completed, directly uploaded to a “designer's Warehouse” within the shop by the designers who made them.
once again… namely but not solely limited to… I am certain there are other people who will be adding their ideas next.
AZRIELLEMarch 6, 2012 at 6:03 am #53618Janine, considering how we have nearly a catalog's worth of clothing textures already designed, I don't think it's a stretch to consider discussing how or if clothing should be branded.
Tight and Azrielle highlight great points about the benefits of branding outfits with logos and I would like to add a couple more…
- Brands will help easily distinguish which designer created a particular outfit. If you see an outfit being worn by another member that catches your interest, you know which designer's shop to search for it by perhaps a carefully placed logo or crest.
- It will help prevent imitators. If another member attempts to copy the same texture of another designer, the brand will prove the original's authenticity.
If given a choice between two outfits that are of a similar style, but one is more expensive and branded with a popular and very talented designer's logo, I probably will pay the extra money for the branded outfit. Why? Same reason you would pay for brand name merchandise in a real store. You recognize the familiar name and know the quality attached with that name.
Limited Release Clothing encourages members to be active in AChat. I would imagine holidays, special events, and clubs would inspire alot of specially made outfits that could be available for a short period of time. Then once these outfits are no longer available, members can proudly wear their gear that shows they have been an active member during historic moments throughout the timeline of AChat's existence.
@Lover: As long as there are desirable items to buy in the shop with A$, I don't think the whore pandemic will ever disappear. It may increase the number of members requesting gifts but I think it would be only a small percentage of the larger group of new paying premium members who join after seeing the variety of options AChat has to offer them.
March 6, 2012 at 8:01 am #53621Good idea!
I thought that a designer could choose from more than one way to distribute his/her clothes, the clothes could for instance be available to all at the shop or a designer could choose to distribute them in a more “closed” way. Not sure if it would be a good idea or if it would only create problems but it could be a way to at least not encourage more whoring… though i can see the scenario where a designer requests “something” from the buyers as well.
What I wonder is just how much clothing we'd end up with, maybe tags to search on would make it easier to find clothing you like. I might for instance search for cute clothing or posh clothing. I guess we're not going to see any brand like Hello Kitty where you can expect a specific style. :
March 6, 2012 at 8:49 am #53615I see one big danger: Number of whores will increase again. Or there will be a new type of whores, like noble whores
(don't know if noble whores is correct term, talking about very expensive ones).
Lover have a point. a big damn good point!
The toolset have great possibiliy, we had see it!, but it's going to create a big gap between users who are able to work whit it and others who cant, like me. I have no knowledg on digital graphic design program like photoshop, so i will never use it (envy, i admit!).
plus, i see someone talking about “high price” for the stuff created by users: i wanna ask this to all, are you here to gain A$ or cause this is an adult chat!? if your answer to my question is the first one, i really suggest you to move to other social mmo games, when this feature are really wellcome and implemented.
My big fear is this will increase the amount of the prem subscription, so think more on this point, i prefer to have this tool just for personal use, not commercial.
my 2 dirty cents.
March 6, 2012 at 1:05 pm #53616Ummm Hentai, more premiums are good. More money to the AChat team means more resources available to develop AChat. Money might not make the world go round, but it certainly greases the gears.
As far as my personal thoughts on individual styles… much like real brands it would be a matter of the cost of wearing the style, and if you would consider it worth it.
I mean while I certainly like to dress well I'm not one of those you see with every article of clothing carrying one brand label or another visible.
But I also don't have the thousands sitting in my bank account like I do in AChat.
I also really like the idea of certain articles being available for certain events.
It's looking like the market is there if the Development Team would want it, and I'm thinking most anything that keeps the A$ flowing would be welcomed.
As far as favors… Keiko need only ask :-* and Tight's out of luck.
Honestly though I tihnk that if you go through the work of making the design you should be able to distribute it as you see fit. I would like to see the AChat Marketplace be self-regulating. If something is good, it sells, if it's not, or if the price is just unreasonable it doesn't.
Anything else and mediocrity gets subsidized while talent gets punished.
March 6, 2012 at 1:18 pm #53614Ummm Hentai, more premiums are good. More money to the AChat team means more resources available to develop AChat. Money might not make the world go round, but it certainly greases the gears.
i explain it badly….whit amount of premium submission, i mean the price. if peoples can learn A$ in an easy way, i'm sure A-team gonna increase the price.
think on it: if a designer can learn 7000 A$ in a month, he don't need to buy more A$ and he can pay the subscription whit it. on the other hand, peoples who are not able to use the toolset, must buy more A$ whit their real cash: it looks balanced, but i'm not so sure of it…….what about we reach a point where we have more designer then normal customer!?Sorry, but i prefer Achat gonna sell the product giving a percentual of the profit to the designer. more balanced way of doing it!
March 6, 2012 at 1:30 pm #53624Percentages are a definite option, but it would regulate itself like any other market. If you have more selling then buying sellers will start to fail. Now if they sell their own, and use the funds to buy from each other then they are both seller and buyer, but either way unless new A$ would flow into the system it would collapse naturally.
By the same token it might get some A$ flowing that hasn't been. I know I'm sitting on several thousand I am primarily keeping for poses, but if I were to say be able to commission Keiko to make me some fetish gear I'd be willing to part with some of it. By the same token if she wanted half my account for say 1-2 outfits I would turn her down.
So percentages are an option, or the development team could charge for things like shop space where you pay for a place to sell your wares in their shop. In that way they could keep additional A$ flowing, while providing a control to the marketplace since people couldn't just slap together designs and put them up and see if anyone will buy them, but would have to put up their own funds to run a shop, and hopefully turn a profit.
So designers can make A$, the development team can make more real $ though the flow of A$ as well as be able to focus more on developing poses or the interface, and the users would be able to get clothes they are actually interested in.
To me it seems win, win, win, and the only loose would be those who loose in the marketplace because they can't provide product people want to buy.
March 6, 2012 at 1:50 pm #53617My suggestion is mostly because Azrielle could for instance sell NSPD clothes to those who she have decided are part of it.
Percentage for the designers seems like a fair thing, though I don't know what the rate should be.
I've seen quite a few groups in AChat and I guess many of them might like a common clothing amongst each other or something. Most of these groups seem quite harmless and mostly there for the fun of it, though we do of course have the ones who think they're the “cool kids” where many of the members seem to think they're really awesome.
March 6, 2012 at 2:56 pm #53612Well branding and the clothing developments would just be another step in the creation of an economy here. Azrielle's wonderful post about the uniforms definitely a statement of a commissioned design for a specific group. I would agree there is probably an existing market for such within the group or families which have evolved and likely to grow.
(fyi “families” is a term for are groups of player with a hierarchy of leadership.)
March 6, 2012 at 3:54 pm #53613If anoybody believes, the A-Team would not take their percentage he is totally wrong. Of course they will and they have to! They give the platform for it and really need to earn real money.
If we all want to keep AChat going on, they must earn money at least.My idea:
They stop developing clothes (or perhaps they also purchase the clothes they sell?). And start to develop a new section, called “gifts & accesosories” . Like flowers, drinks, toys, interieur, furnitures…. just some examples.Just these copmonents (orperhaps even poses) you may sell with the gifts you get from a friend.
You need real purchased A$ to buy clothes (and maybe poses). So the A-Team will earn money, the number of prem members increase and being a whore is not so successfull.March 6, 2012 at 4:54 pm #53622I think users should be able to create their own clothes, and they should too be able to create branded clothes. They should be able too to sell their products directly in the shop. All this means lot of new money for Achat team. More money and less time spent for creating clothes. Time that they can use to work on better avatar textures, better animations, better graphic rendering, better video card support…
I see the example of virtual world i am living in: it is quite famous but i will avoid to write here the name. This world has a good economy, lot of money. They have a very huge marketplace with user made contents. Lot of money in that game, real money.
This can seem a bad thing but instead this made that platform one of the most advanced. I used it with my high level video card and the realism is impressive. It is not adult oriented of course but what they made there can be made in achat. Giving to all of us a better experience inside the software we love.As builder in that game and fashionista I will be the first to start creating new contents for achat. For free or for money, I don't really care. But if I will do them for money, and this will help achat to survive and enhance, i will be really happy.
The problem of “escorts” is a problem, but it shouldn't stop the progress.
March 6, 2012 at 5:12 pm #53623I see the example of virtual world i am living in: it is quite famous but i will avoid to write here the name. This world has a good economy, lot of money. They have a very huge marketplace with user made contents. Lot of money in that game, real money.
This can seem a bad thing but instead this made that platform one of the most advanced. I used it with my high level video card and the realism is impressive. It is not adult oriented of course but what they made there can be made in achat. Giving to all of us a better experience inside the software we love.those words are saying all. what we are planning is a global change of achat, loosing his basic nature of an adult chat.
what is the next step!? a tool for room and, maybe, the chance to build a city!? sorry, my friends, but this is breaking my interess for achat and, probably, for the forum too.
plus, can i ask an explanation to the one who said the A-Team can learn real money whit the release of personal shop!? if he or she mean the peoples are probably going to buy more A$ using real cash, i agree, but there is no other way for it!
anyway, before daydreaming, wait for official news! whenever they come……and IF they come!
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The forums › Share your creative ideas › Clothing Brands and Logos. Fashion Houses.