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- This topic has 19 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by FateInfinity.
March 6, 2012 at 5:48 pm #53619
all of these ideas are based on personalising your avatar, your surroundings, to a higher level, making yourself unique as the game is now a repitition of the same bodies, faces and outfits.
Offering the possibility for self created clothes, for starters, will make the diversity in the game much bigger, A lot of people put a lot of effort in making their avatar look appealing and there have been many requests for more options. Look at pantless fridays, the numerous requests for more hair- and body options. Releaving the task of outfits from the dev-team, automatically creates more time to spend on developing poses and all that is mentioned before, the extra flow of money maybe making it possible to expand staff..
Wouldn't you agree that more options will attract more people? And I see no change in the basics of the game, it is still oriented on sex, and chat. Allowing people from all over the world to interact with eachother andd share their sexuality.. I'd love to make my avatar better looking, in my eyes..
The way AChat makes money, is because they are the only source for the official currency in the game.. If more money is spent, they will get more real money as an income, since they are the only ones that can provide it.. Ones in game, the moeny can only circulate, not multiply..
I stated before, I see it as a very real option that designers would make real money in the shops. Being rewarded for hard work with achat dollars, is great until you bought everything and can buy it twice, still having enough cash to last a few months… I would lose my motivation quickly…
March 6, 2012 at 6:06 pm #53620Tight, as i say, i'll wait for more info from dev-team, nothing more. and wait to see what happend when the shop starts to work.
Guys, prepare yourself to see on ALL the female users (fake or not!) “Give me 750 A$ for sex!” or maybe more.
March 6, 2012 at 7:28 pm #53628@hentay
I never said I want achat becomes a virtual world. Where in my post do you read that? I just made a simple example to show that “a free market for customization is a winner choice”.
When lot of people works making clothes, accessories and so on, the quality of them grows exponentially. And while we create our own stuff, the developers can focus on the technical parts of the chat, that, honestly, can be enhanced alot in achat (there is no dynamic lights, no global lights, no Depth of Field… I think the graphic quality can be enhanced alot).Actual clothes in achat are too basic, quality is low compared with other platforms. Every avatars are the same, when you seen one guy, you had already seen every guys… it is like to have always the same person with you. Where is the difference?
After 10, 100, 1000 rooms, people risks to get bored and to abandone. Is this what you want? Personally, I dream a longlasting achat, lot of people connected and the opportunity to “meet” several friends, all different, all unique, and enjoying with them in several different “places/rooms”.
We can do here what our fantasy dreams to do, but to do this we need achat becomes better and better. To do this we need contents. And we need the a-team earns LOT of money. I want them rich, because if they are rich we will have a dreamplace here.
Noone works for nothing.I think I could live in achat as free member, but i became a VIP to help them as much as I can. I will buy outfits and poses, also if I don't really need them, but i will do the same to help them. I do this because i am loving this place.
That's all.
So, again, welcome to the free market and welcome to the branded content.
March 6, 2012 at 9:16 pm #53629Fate, i don't have use your words to say you want it……i use them cause they suit my feeling about what gonna happend whit the direction we are suggested on this topic.
btw, from now on, i'm gonna to simply ignor this topic, nothing more to say. If you wanna see Achat become a buisness place, it's ok for me, but don't ask me to agree whit all this, cause i don't see clothes like the thing who can make the difference in the personalization of an avi. or, better if say it have only the 20% of it. The 80% of it are body option and hairstyle and a personal touch in the room you choose.
I had buoght few clothes for two reason: one is cause i prefer to spend my A$ (taken whit my real money and i really can't buy more, even if i want, thanks to the crisis) on the poses and the second one is i don't really care so much.
If the shop gonna work like this, there must be 4 categories of users on achat:
- designer: reach premium
- Common premium, who spent, spent, spent
- free users
- whores
well, a good mirror of the outside world.
My last two ugly and dirty cents on this topic.
March 6, 2012 at 10:34 pm #53630@hentai
Not really fair, my friend. Refusing to talk, just because you don't agree something.
Your vision of the thing is very pessimistic but, believe me, it is totally wrong. As you can see the other world I am talking about is full of normal free users, very few are builders, not so many are VIP members, lot of them are doing free sex and enjoying it, and the world will survive forever.
Noone will force you to buy. Noone will force people to buy clothes. You can just avoid to buy. but why stop those who want to buy things, to spend their money to buy a large wardrobe?
Regarding avatar customization, I agree with you, body customization and room customization are the most important thing, but we are not just naked monkey to fuck in a room. I am a woman and we love to have sexy clothes to show to our partners. It is very sensual to seduce a guy with sexy clothes and then finally to remove them to give them a very nice gift.
Do you prefer a word where every women are going around the town, totally naked or just wearing same, old, identical lingerie, a world where you just have to point to a woman and say: let's fuck?
I don't think this is very exciting. The subtle art of seduction works with clothes, looks, words and at the end the bedtime.
This is my vision of the seduction.
I would like to have here much more different clothes, possibility to do sex wearing clothes (or at least some clothes, like shirts, miniskirts, pants down, minidresses and so on), much more foreplays (where I am wearing my clothes), dances and so on. -
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