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Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list

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    You can wear the new waistcoat with a shirt? Every time I choose it, all shirts remove.


    Bear, want me to unbutton those easily unbuttoned jeans for you?


    easily ripped open I'll have you know…and u can do so anytime u want… :-*


    Hmmm seems like good jeans for hot passionate fun. Rip them open, snake my hand inside, pull out your tool and kiss it softly. :-*


    With what shirt did you get the waiste coat to work? Are you sure you chose the right one? I tried several options and I can only wear it as single wear….
    Since I am happy with alost anything in clothing they put out for guys (no, still don't like the mankini), i bought both outfits. They do fit the theme…Although I wear black slacks with the waiste coat…


    I also bought them as I neede new clothes, lol.

    I also belive Bear has chosen another one. Or he has a body painiting of a shirt


    @ Adera  psst I whisper in your ear ! how bigg is Bears  > TOOL   LOL


    Funny I swore I got it to work,..tried to find the match last night and like commented on only found it a stand alone wear.

    *lifts an eyebrow at sunny's question

    Why ask? Curious whether you can get is all in the tool box?


    @Sunny: Oh, why don't we go ask him real nicely I'm sure he'll show it to you… I want another look too. But it looks better when its hard so we might have to help him out a little.

    Bear, we have this little favour we would like from you… think you could help us out?


    As nice  as the new dresses are I`m thankful ! BUT ! A s I walk back to the barn , kicking  at the ground , picked up a rock and whip towards  the bunk house . Mumbling to myself 1 lousy COWBOY HAT ! Feeling like drop kicking a kitty , na I`m not even that mean !  Instead I see a bucket Swing my foot to kick it hard ! Ouch ! damn ! Now limping , looking around to see if anyone seen me . At the barn door ,ah hay pile , throw myself on the sweet smelling hay , laying down ,rolled over on my stomach . arms crossed up ,under my head , face sideways . I`M  Slowly falling asleep ……………………. too only begin again dreaming about my cowboy hat !    OK tech TEAM  ! i WONT GO AWAY !  LOL


    @ Bear    Tool box ! and that gives me ideas !


    @ Bear    Tool box ! and that gives me ideas !

    Not certain whether to feel excited or worried by that statement :


    LOL  New meaning to TOOL TIME ! 


    @ sunny Guess they need need a mechanics outfit for you.  Overalls cut short and tight,..barely covering your bottom,… unbuttoned  so your breasts are nearly falling out…

    BUT I want my cowboy outfit,…BROWN chaps,,.(tight .jeans sporting a belt with a big silver big buckle would be ideal)  western shirt, bandanna, I'd be happy with a straw cowboy hat…just no 10 gallon variety please…

    I'm greedy,..not stopping at just the hat here…
    and sunny no doubt you'd look so much better in that outfit than me


    @Bear    hehehe I DO have blue jean coveralls cut off short !  >daisy dukes I .D. Y.D.  `LL  DO YOUR DADDY !    His daddy propable be 120 years old ! hahahaha

Viewing 15 posts - 316 through 330 (of 1,419 total)
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