The forums › Share your creative ideas › Collated Ideas For Improving the Game
- This topic has 50 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Brandybee.
November 30, 2012 at 10:40 pm #77610
Chat Window
The chat window obviously supports a drop down list. Why can't we talk directly (whisper) to individual partners while in group?
There are occasions when I may not be interested in one of those present (but tolerate them, lol) but would perhaps like to meet the other 1-on-1 sometime or even discuss the prowess (or lack of same) of the 3rd party
November 30, 2012 at 11:34 pm #77611The posts I have copied, are of the ideas that have been collated here, from the previous topics. I have now included these reviewed topics for reference.
You can refer to them to see any discussions that have already taken place.
Hope that answers any queries you may have. Sorry if I caused any confusion. My goal was just to collate the good ideas all in one place. Bear with me, I am still on a massive learning curve … and I need a drink now …
my head hurts lol
December 1, 2012 at 2:30 pm #77614Nice job Miss Brandy. That is a lot of time consuming work to compile everything into one place. Suggestions are scattered all over the Forum and especially in this section.
I'm now going to add to the confusion
It has been said to me many times that members would like the ability to change their User Name. I am not one of them, but others have told me of their desire to “tone down” their screen name, remove slut, or vulgarity from their names and still retain all their shop possessions, and all their relationships.
My suggestion is to charge them to do. AChat could offer a ONE TIME username change for… let's say A$800 or so. That person, after agreeing to the charge, could then change their name without having to start anew. It would be up to the individual to inform all their relations of the change.
Also, AChat could make the “old” screen name unavailable for a period of time… maybe 3 months… to prevent someone from impersonating the name changer.
December 1, 2012 at 9:02 pm #77615Emoticons
How about more emoticons we have all these in the Forum:
??? :
:-[ :-X
:-* :'(
Why do I only have 2 in AChat chat? My 11 year old could write the code.
December 6, 2012 at 10:02 am #77616Update info
We added suggested ideas to this topic:
– Sign, your partner is writing
– Ava personalization
– Partner/User notes
– Body art and jewelry
– Save received messages and increase number (you just can keep 20 messages at the moment)
– Replace change move when orgasm by face action
– Light switch
– Sounds
– Public rooms & voyeur modeDecember 6, 2012 at 11:25 am #77613AnonymousA couple of the above (like user notes and number of saved messages) Lover are associated with the chatlog.txt file and it might be simpler/more effective to enable an easier in game/offline method of accessing it. Also, I would like to see invites added to that file and time stamps put on the entries. oh and messages sent when recipient is busy/offline.
December 6, 2012 at 2:36 pm #77617We talked about the messages you send too – they also should be saved on your hd, so you know what you have sent.
Regarding invites… I'm sure you girls need a bigger hd to safe all of them too…lolJanuary 5, 2013 at 11:40 pm #77618Another suggestion… Please give me a “Stop Loading Page” button… or the ability to stop the load by some other means… a “hot key” or something.
I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but there are times when my system “hangs up”. In other words, the page I'm on in the searches does not load completely. Someone's little picture doesn't load up and the program is frozen. Just the “loading icon” is active. I can't go forward or backwards, my only option is to logout. Sometimes this also happens while the relationship status is loading. Frustrating.
If I could stop the page from loading completely, I would be able to move past the lag.
January 6, 2013 at 2:25 am #77619Thank you Covems, your idea has been added mwah xxx :-*
January 6, 2013 at 3:46 am #77620Don't know if been mentioned, but i would love to have small pop up say a friend, lover & spouse has logged in to the game. it get little tiring going back and forth to see if any of then are on. its not major issue just one of my pet peeves.
cool 251 rank upJanuary 6, 2013 at 2:00 pm #77621Maybe I should have put my suggestion here.
I want to be able to control the robots. I would like the ability to dress them the way I like, change their body appearance and even access their actions during poses. Make the robot more interactive with me. I would be willing to PAY to do so.
Thanks for the pic, Pafe.January 6, 2013 at 6:28 pm #77622Interesting Idea Covems.that would help with testing out poses.Oh that give me an idea. Achat needs a dressing room to try on clothing and pose before buying them. quick 1 to 2 mins demo or something. I also would like them to increase the characters for your Description. I never have enough room to type what i want.
January 6, 2013 at 7:34 pm #77623all this have yet been talked about i think
but i dont know where
January 6, 2013 at 8:00 pm #77624I figured as much, doesn't hurt to say it again.
January 8, 2013 at 6:50 pm #77625Update info
We added suggested ideas to this topic:
– Sign, your partner is writing
– Ava personalization
– Partner/User notes
– Body art and jewelry
– Save received messages and increase number (you just can keep 20 messages at the moment)
– Replace change move when orgasm by face action
– Light switch
– Sounds
– Public rooms & voyeur mode
– Stop loading facility, to skip over lagging and freezing
– Make pose request better noticeable
– Adding own backgrounds
– Make the robots more interactive/Add a shemale robot -
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The forums › Share your creative ideas › Collated Ideas For Improving the Game