The forums › Everything about sex and love › Confine kinky or vanilla topics – BDSM yes or no?
- This topic has 70 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 3 months ago by Stone.
August 6, 2013 at 8:01 pm #100320
ok, I have no problem with any stories, role-plays or generally unsavory behaviour being labelled as such because some people might be upset by it, but this would mean that 90% of the pictures posted need moving to a different topic/thread and especially the gif topic.
We have many topics, why can't we just have a whole section called “BDSM related topics & pictures” which anyone who might not like “BDSM” will know they should avoid and where all us dirty people can post and write as we want?There are some topics I find extremely distasteful, should I list them and suggest labels for them? will scat, cannibalism, age-play, asphyxiation and several other “HARD” fetishes be lumped together with what I do?
There are people on Achat who find any kind of non-straight sexual behaviour anathema, should we hide that from them?
There are many homosexuals who find straight behaviour extremely offensive, what have we for them?
Achat is full of men pretending they are girls and women pretending they are girls, but I for one take things at face value
I think we would do well to remember what this site is and why people come here. Censorship of any kind should be avoided or where will we stop.rant over!
August 6, 2013 at 8:37 pm #100321Blue, we are not going to put censorship to you, just wanna find a way to warning about sensible content in certain oriented thread. And yes, BDSM is only one of them, so the warning we gonna realize will be a generic one and not a specific one…..we hope this will help people who don't want to read certain content to avoid them, so there can be no polemic about this and that!
with this, we mods hope this particulary contents can be discussed by people who have some interess in them, this is the main point! of course, the TOS of AChat is a firm point even in this situation….no bestiality, pedophily…..
Hope i had make our intention clear, Blue……sorry if you had a wrong impression about what we are trying to do!
August 6, 2013 at 8:39 pm #100322Blue, thanks for your open and honest words. This is the reason we started the topic, we want a discussion.
Though we don't have to discuss one point: There is no and there never will be a censoring – you know the difference between censoring and clarify. BDSM is part of sexual play and also part of AChat. It always will be a part here in forum. Many like it and some more are interested to learn about.
All we're asking for are ideas to clarify if a thread is about vanilla or kinky play. We don't want to exclude it.
You offered one idea: An own board. This we're talking about too, but today we can't say if it's possible. Also it's not always easy to differ if a thread would belong to BDSM or to another board. But the forum has to stay simple.
You're talking about you dirty people. Well… yes, you are. As all other who love sex too. Woody Allen once said “Is sex dirty? Yes…if it's done right”
August 6, 2013 at 8:43 pm #100323Hey Blue, we are not trying to cen-s-or anything. We were trying to think of ways that the extreme kinks or fetishes could be identified in a warning… so readers could be pre-warned and choose not to read it if they thought it too much for them.
We want all people of all orientations & tastes, ( TOS & laws permitting ) to enjoy Forum.
So we are trying to open up the discussion , to say, any stories or topics with an exclamation mark may well be a topic to avoid if you are easily offended or could bring up bad memories.
All the mods believe in free speech and we don't want any members to be afraid to read any topics in case there is a post hidden in there that could give them bad memories or remind them of any RL experiences, that they have put behind them.
We are all valued members and each of us apart of this village. As forum grows, we obviously want to maintain the friendly and fun atmosphere. I hope this goes some way in trying to explain the thoughts behind the exclamation marks and warnings.
August 7, 2013 at 1:48 am #100324But who decides whether it is extreme? I can't stand Bukkake or gangbangs, is that extreme? To some it would not be.
Then there are many facets of BDSM that I don't like; piercing, knives, blood or toilet play of any kind. Who will protect me from that?I will. I peruse the forum on my guard and at my own risk. Just like I put up with the morons who call me mommy and want incest games.
So go ahead, segregate us.
August 7, 2013 at 3:14 am #100325I like Mrsexlovers banner – just a couple of suggestions .. I think BDSM should be changed to AN EXTREME so it covers all kinks and fetishes and the writing should be in bright red – the international colour for danger or warning ..
Great work, Martin
updated banner
August 7, 2013 at 5:09 am #100326thanks for the updated “Extreme” banner with red writing Martin
and they say we don't do irony!
.August 7, 2013 at 7:37 am #100327@ Andrea
But who decides whether it is extreme? I can't stand Bukkake or gangbangs, is that extreme? To some it would not be.
Then there are many facets of BDSM that I don't like; piercing, knives, blood or toilet play of any kind. Who will protect me from that?The few members, who are intersted in bukkake, gangbang, blood or toilet play… either just posted once or then and when (I remember some asked for pissing and in the past we had one blood play). It's not a big theme. But of course, there are people loving it and we will get threads including it.
This is the discussion now. We're asking everyone, when there should be a sign/warning and when it might be silly. I'm surprised you feel offended, as you posted a warning in your age play story (Little Amy) after talking to us.
“Authors note – this is an age play story. If it offends you, don't read. Both characters are of legal age and consent. It is bedroom play, period.”
This is exactly what we're talking about now, asking for your ideas and opinions.
In many other sex forums BDSM has an own board – I never noticed there are complaints about it. We don't have an own board, but having a symbol in the title makes it easier to notice what the thread is about – for those not liking it, but also for those loving it.
jcm started an own thread for bdsm pics – does somebody feel to be segregated? I think it was a great idea – those who love it, have an own thread. Those who are curious and want to know more, also know where to look. Those not liking it, don't have to look. Simple but effective.
.August 7, 2013 at 8:15 am #100328So go ahead, segregate us.
we are not trying to segregate people who are into BDSM or other extreme sex play (till tyhey don't go over AChat TOS, of course!), on contrary! we are tring to provide a new service who will grent people who don't like extreme things to avoid those thread they don't want to read! the fact is some people here can have some bad experience and certain subject can bring worst memories in their mind and we don't want it.
Just to put an example… weren't here at that time, when Chienlubrick was usually around (not so much, to tell the true!) and she don't usually join us in the B&G or other similar thread. When she was young, she had experiment many faces of BDSM (some extreme, from what she said!) and now that past is over but stay in her mind as a not so happy period……i had try to make her join us and you know what!? it was during a party in the Ice House! Of course, i have done all to avoid her to get hurt by bad memories, don't involving her in BDSM play! and you know what!? she must go away for a businness trip while we are having the party and wrote me i can “use” her while she was away…..well, i don't have done it…..i found a way to let her stay in the story but at the same time i was able to wait till she's back to continue our line!
At last, i was able to finally make her join as and have her done it in a pleasent why and without hurting her feeling, my primary purpouse!, and give her a good time with us, even if it was in a “place” she will never come to post for obvious reason.This is what we are worried about…..for users who have experience like this or of abuse…..and we know there are, Andrea….and we don't want they found out it suddenly, in the middle of reading a story or a post! is this wrong!? i don't think…..and hope this is for you the proof we don't wont to segregate people, but make them all be part of the fun, just we want to do in the right way, that's all!
And about what is extreme….yes, for some maybe gangbang or bukkake can be as for others no, it change from user to user, and i agree with you, this is not we all can know. I echo Brandy, if you or Blue have a better solution, please…..share it with us! We are mods, but not perfect….this is why we ask always for your opinion and help…..and we are doing it this time too!
August 7, 2013 at 10:17 am #100329@ Andrea
But who decides whether it is extreme? I can't stand Bukkake or gangbangs, is that extreme? To some it would not be.
Then there are many facets of BDSM that I don't like; piercing, knives, blood or toilet play of any kind. Who will protect me from that?The few members, who are intersted in bukkake, gangbang, blood or toilet play… either just posted once or then and when (I remember some asked for pissing and in the past we had one blood play). It's not a big theme. But of course, there are people loving it and we will get threads including it.
This is the discussion now. We're asking everyone, when there should be a sign/warning and when it might be silly. I'm surprised you feel offended, as you posted a warning in your age play story (Little Amy) after talking to us.
“Authors note – this is an age play story. If it offends you, don't read. Both characters are of legal age and consent. It is bedroom play, period.”
This is exactly what we're talking about now, asking for your ideas and opinions.
In many other sex forums BDSM has an own board – I never noticed there are complaints about it. We don't have an own board, but having a symbol in the title makes it easier to notice what the thread is about – for those not liking it, but also for those loving it.
jcm started an own thread for bdsm pics – does somebody feel to be segregated? I think it was a great idea – those who love it, have an own thread. Those who are curious and want to know more, also know where to look. Those not liking it, don't have to look. Simple but effective.
.I feel offended not by the sign but by the fact that you will then lump all kinks together, I think that is what Blue and I are trying to convey.
Its like those people that find out you like BDSM, “oh well thats all you like” No, I like Vanilla too. AND I don't like everything in BDSM, in fact some of it disturbs me just as BDSM in general disturbs VanillasAugust 7, 2013 at 10:40 am #100330Dear Hentaiboy,
Sometimes I play “Devil's Advocate” in a discussion. Please calm down. (to many exclamation points)
but on first reading of this topic, it seemed like you were going to create a new section to the forum and were going to toss us “Kinks” into it like a Jewish Ghetto.
But I still do not like the idea of a generic sign. It should convey what the particular Kink is, which is now what I think most people are visualizing, Because all BDSM is not the same.With love and affection,
August 7, 2013 at 10:46 am #100332I understand your point, Andrea, but trust me, we are not putting an etiquette on people with this (if this is what did you think, i swear you are wrong!) but we just want to put under attention of the readers a thread who can have a sensible subject, nothing more. I know not all the kinky are the same, but at the moment we don't have a better way to do it and this is why we are talking about this with you. I'm really sorry if some of our words offend you or Blue….not our intention!
Of course, if you and Blue have a good idea, i will very happy to listen at it and propose it to dev-team, if it's something we mods can't do by our own. And no, i don't want a section just for BDSM, Lover was putting out an example he saw somewhere else.
P.S. the esclamation point i use are just to point readers attention, i'm calm as always…..
August 7, 2013 at 10:49 am #100331Hiya's…
I seem to have stirred things up with my post in the ECUADOR: WTF!? topic, which I am now regretting. PLEASE, Please, please… do not change the Forum. Please do not label anything. Please do not cen-sor or segregate anyone or anyone's post. Which is what any sort of labeling will do.
Bluedenim is right… if we label one thing, we have to label everything, and once it gets going, where will it stop? The Forum has functioned very well without any sort of catagorizing of anyone's postings, so there's no need to change anything.
I sincerely was not trying to change the way anyone posts here, I was just simply stating a fact about one person that I know of. I want to apologize to the Forum for any misunderstandings, we're just a couple of old ladies who are stuck in our ways, and I'm sure there are people who find our behavior and our lifestyle offensive. The needs, wants and desires of the many out weigh the needs, wants and desires of the few… or the one, so please allow the Forum to go on as it has, without labels of any kind. Thank you.
Why not put it to a vote and let the Forum Village members decide if there should be labels on the postings. I for one will vote “no”.
Thanks for letting me share,
PafeAugust 7, 2013 at 1:22 pm #100333I seem to have stirred things up with my post in the ECUADOR: WTF!? topic, which I am now regretting. PLEASE, Please, please… do not change the Forum. Please do not label anything. Please do not cen-sor or segregate anyone or anyone's post. Which is what any sort of labeling will do.
Lady Pafe, it's not your fault, in no way…….you just give a situation to think about! i want to apologize with all of you, my forum's friends, wasn't our intention to create some discrimination, all we want to do is to create a way to help all of us to enjoy more the forum!
We can have a poll, as Lady Pafe suggest, and if the majority don't like to have this “warning advice”, i'll promisre all will back to how it will be… i said before, we mods are not perfect (even someone say the contrary!
) and this is the reason we ask for your help, when we are not sure about our decision. We like to have the support of all the forum community, as we try to do our best to bring new funny stuff to life and, of course, help who is in need……i don't know how many time i tell this, but i like to consider you all as a big second family for me!
And James… hit the whole point, my friend! Kinky sex play tickle our curiosity but it can happen we don't like all of them: and yes, i think it's up to an artist or a writer to add a specific warning to his works….of course this will be the perfect solution, i think.
August 7, 2013 at 3:26 pm #100334
Thank you for your understanding. Two old Ladies? Surely not, you are as young as Achat makes you feel. I've even started looking at boudoir shoes myself, lol.
I have never tried to thrust what I like down anyone's throat and when I played out scenarios with Miss Christy it was made clear to all what they were about.
I think if we try and segregate we alienate. -
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The forums › Everything about sex and love › Confine kinky or vanilla topics – BDSM yes or no?