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More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF.

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    lol,…I waited how long… for this? :


    I don't know, but actually I am still waiting – the new clothes are not men clothes

    And Bear, you read this forum so you know my opinion. I disagreed Tom when he wanted to finish this discussion. I always support all homo girls and the Shemales, too. I even would support homo boys if they would ask for it here. Because of one simple reason – I believe, the more people are happy here, the more we all will have our benefit!

    And do you really believe, I could reject a wish from Janine, Adera or all the other wonderful friends around?

    I wanna have more positions, more actions, more clothes, more rooms….for all. BUT I also say I love it, it's a well done job; hoping, my praise will give them the power to go on. And I agree to you, they shall go on in the right direction. It's senseless to move faster, when you're running the wrong path.


    If anyone thought my post was meant as a political or gay rights post, I'm sorry. I'll be more careful with words. because that was not my intention. One thing I'd like to add to the discussion though. In developing new poses, imo, there can be 2 perspectives to view from. Either you develope something new which complies with the wishes of your current  subscribers, or you develope something new to create a wish amongst your current users and make that group grow. You can say: I'll concentrate on FM, because they generate the most income. Or you can say: I'll create something for the gay-community to make that community grow.
    Looking from the second perspective, I think it would create a bigger group of subscribers then now… It's a matter of choice and maybe of entrepeneurship…


    @ Lover…never question your motives nor the underlying support to the development team…

    I just walk here with an understanding that releases are constant,..though some voice the requirement of immediate action, good programming takes time. I can only voice my opinion strive to point out glaring weaknesses that I hope the team will acknowledge and account for…

    In this matter, I am adamant in supporting Janine's cause here and that of the others wanting FF poses…this just hasn't been happening with positive responses from the team.

    and with this new male costume,…it's like the mouth fuck for the FF,…rather disappointing, but a few may like.

    Janine Dee

    When you put it that way Tight… economic systems follow many of the rules that organisms do. One of those is that the grow to fit their environment. In this case the market for everything other then FM is smaller because their “habitat” is smaller. Much like a business doing more business if they stay open longer, or start selling over the web as well as at a physical retail site… a VERY valid point.

    Janine Dee

    Really??? MORE dresses?

    Anyone want to lay odds on what will be released next?

    Honestly guys I'm trying not to get bitchy here, but the release schedule seems to be saying “No Janine, go ahead and get bitchy, we've basically abandoned the FF line.”


    I would like to believe they are selling dresses to get money for developing fantastic FF scenes

    Janine Dee

    I'm sorry my dear friend, but at this point there is a saying I heard that I feel applies. “There is suspending disbelief, and then there is hanging it from the neck till dead.”


    Somehow I get the feeling they have a strict development planning and are not willing to deviate from that. Who knows where FF positions are in their planning/ on their list, or decent guys clothes for that matter

    Janine Dee

    Someone still set that schedule Tight, and someone decided that a whopping sixteen other things could be developed before another FF. Whatever the reason there was will and intent behind it. Yeah, it's their program and their choice on how to develop it, but I figure at the very least all the real money I've put in gives me right to speak my mind on their choices.


    I absolutely agree with you Janine. And I am rooting for you…


    Just strikes me odd,…the lack of product they provide there,…especially with the number of of bi' listed in the roster,…straight lesbians yes low on numbers,…but more Bi' women the straight het'


    Maybe a silly suggestion…. But just maybe the ones developing the poses are guys and haven't got enough imagination to create g ood FF poses?


    Not silly,…we raised that issue sometime ago,…even had a few state they would work with and advise the development team on creating good products for that group.

    My big thing has always been besides complaints was suggest,….suggest,…spin the ideas for them. Which Janine has started.


    Bear, I do agree with you. Complaining is easy, working towards a solution or suggestion is less easy. But to be honest, sometimes I wonder if we help the development team too much. Like with the translations. Ofcourse it is smart to ask the help of the active community, but it also means they saved a ton of money. If they had to hire someone to do the translations, it would have cost them. Or would they have done it to keep the fees low?  :
    Not that I do mind helping them in some cases. I think i'd be proud to know the dutch version is my translation. But if they rely on the community this much, sometimes they should listen. Because I think we swamp them with usuanle, profitable ideas.

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