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More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF.

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Home Forums Woman with woman in AChat More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF.

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    Since their voice isn't heard and I have no clue of why, I would want to make a statement for the gay guys in this community. They have less positions as FF and that should be adressed too. I still believe that, because AChat is targeting the masses, they neglect a big group of possible customers. MM have only 5 positions and I can understand why there are very little MM posts in the forum. There is just not much to do for them ( as for FF). Excuse me if I'm wrong. I'm from a liberal country where being gay is pretty much incorporated and accepted in daily life. I wish them as much fun as now is provided for 'the norm' in life.
    I believe variety is enriching to everyone's life. Wether in real life, on this forum or in the game.

    Janine Dee

    As far as the MM we’ve had some of the guys stop in, and we’ve told them to speak up and get others to do so, but nothing.

    The thing to remember with AChat is that it doesn’t get any tax payer subsidies. It has to support itself, and I get that. I’m not asking for any favors or hand outs. I’m just asking for a chance to spend my money on positions instead of yet another hideously over-priced dress.



    Since their voice isn't heard and I have no clue of why, I would want to make a statement for the gay guys in this community.

    I don't have any problems to support gay guys too. But probably their voice isn't heard, as they don't speak.
    Like Janine said, now and then when one of them has run here in we tried to help him. But they also need to do something even.


    Actually Tight' they have 8 positions intermingled in the mess of the shop, though they are still under represented in the number of poses.

    Janine is correct they are a silent group, however I often consider the Shemale to represent for many the effeminate exotic nature of some in the gay community. No disrespect to true Shemales' of genetic being made.

    Fact is many of us have been vocal in supporting that the wants of the FF group should be better addressed. I hold faith that the developers would jump on board and provide it.

    Janine what ever happened to the pose suggestion thread?

    Janine Dee

    Which one? : 🙂

    😛 It’s buried I presume.


    I do agree that the gay guys have to speak up if they want anything. With not hearing their voice, I mean there are only little postst from guys asking for more mm poses. As long as they are silent, I can imagine the A-team adressing their focus on the ones that do make some noise. I just want to support the gay community in general, as I wish for them to have the same opportunities as the FM-community.
    I hope the A-team sees the opportinuties they have in incorporating them too…



    the number of MM or FF poses has absolutely nothing to do with the acceptance of homosexual people. I can assure, that the bigger number of heterosexual poses does NOT mirror any type of prejudice against homosexual people. It seems to be ridiculous, that I have to emphasize: it is a pure economical decision, and mirrors only the demand of the majority.
    If you check it regularly, you can see, that we deliver also MM poses. You can be sure, we can hear the requests of new FF and MM poses. I would like to close this dispute here.



    I think someone already figured that was the reason in one of the numerous threads about this and now it is verified. I think that reason is good, higher demand equals more poses. Good thing I’m pantient 😛


    and just to put some numbers to a part of this:

    shemales have been here for what…maybe 3 months now?  and bi/homo males have been here over a year. however, the number of premium members for each group is about the same, with shemales numbering about 190 and bi/homo males numbering around 220. so the fact that the shemales are just about equally represented here (in terms of number of positions available) with those 2 male groups is valid. and i'm sure it helps that we have one (*very*) vocal  and a few other not-so-vocal shemales posting here. how many bi or home guys have ever posted here?

    Janine Dee

    Tom, I hope at this point you know I'm never out to create disputes. Discussions certainly, but never disputes.

    While I have been a strong speaker for more FF positions I have also been one of the first if not the first to say that I GET it's economics.

    I'm hoping some numbers will help show why I felt I needed to reopen this discussion.

    On the home page there are twenty pictures representing implements stretching back to August 29th, roughly seven weeks.

    There are 6 FM, 5 Clothing, 5 FS, 2  MM, 1 FFM, and 1 FF.

    Almost two months and one implement. It was a similar stretch that led me to open this thread in the first place, and I hope no one begrudges me saying “I'm still here, still queer, and would like SOMETHING new.”


    Tom, it's great to see you post here and I think it too ridiculous to think that any prejudice is evident against the gay community.

    Our posts have often addressed the economic issue, and although the Female lesbian community declaring homo is relatively similar in numbers to the males and females, the female Bi' community is very large, (I stopped counting at 500 premiums).

    In terms of economics I (and others) found ourselves  rather baffled then why more poses have not been addressed towards meeting their desires.

    Is the economic model that heavily slanted  disclosing females only purchase clothes? Is that a result of the gifting issue?

    The matters here have simply been points of discussion, and I hope sincerely you and staff understand that. (Though some have vented angrily about being served things unrealistically immediately,..) Many questions here about what drives decisions made by the staff.


    Bear, they probably have statistics of what's selling best. Even if there are alot of bi females they might like males more anyway and there are quite alot of girls out there interested in shemales. I think that might reflect why so many FS poses have been released latly.


    Adera, good points, but is that where the female bi' community spend their scrip? The gifting process obviously opens up questions of economics which Janine and I have discussed at length here in a separate thread. Curious where that $A flows to other than monthly subscription…


    Tom, this is a forum – and let me say, this forum is having a very friendly and amicable conversation. You don’t need any moderators to watch it and take care for the postings at all.
    We also talked about the economical stuff – knowing and accepting, this is your reason to do this all.

    It’s ok you answered now. But you also have to know, if you answered a little bit earlier, some discussions would have been superfluous. T
    hough I want to say, I like to discuss. If this is done friendly and constructive, we all will have our benefit – that means you too!

    I’m sure you know, but I repeat my mind: All our talks are only, as we love AChat! Your “job” is to find the right balance between our wishes and your benefit.
    Let’s ave fun together



    @Bear: You might be right about the gifting. I think some of the money goes to nice dresses, luckily I can afford the clothes I want myself :).

    : the discussion will probably always continue, its kinda interesting to speculate about the economy of Achat as we don’t have any numbers. I don’t think you will and should give us any numbers either.

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