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MM Pose Review Request. 6. Dance!

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The forums Man with man in AChat MM Pose Review Request. 6. Dance!

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  • #6740

      6. Dance. Released Sat 30 Nov 2013

      PRICE: 199A$

      This is a general request for someone in the MM or wider male community to review this pose please when they get a suitable opportunity and post it in this topic. Some hetero men have also bought this pose for partying in the public rooms.

      It’s fairly simple to do.

      1. As you “Play” the game and find a willing partner, please list the actions on the both sides.
      2. Please identify if there is a “Change Role” button or do both partners have to own the pose to swap positions?
      3. Then write a short paragraph of 1 to 6 sentences about what you like about the pose, what you don’t and if it can be improved.
      4. Let your (un/identified) partner do the same kind of review that you have and post with yours.
      5. Both give it a star rating. If it differs with your partner, rate it the lowest star.
      6. Identify if a good buy for a new join in the initial A$1,000 gift they receive and what section it can be bought in the Achat Mall if not identified already.

      There are examples of MF pose reviews in the Woman with man in AChat section of Forum to give you an idea should you need help.

      1 Star. – No. Hate it. Don’t bother – its rubbish.
      2 Stars. – Yes. Didn’t like it much. Will buy it if I have A$ to waste.
      3 Stars. – Yes. Liked it. Will use this occasionally but other poses need collecting first.
      4 Stars. – Yes. Really liked it. Will use regular. A good add to my collection.
      5 Stars. – Yes. Excellent. A must have. Will use this often.


        * This is the last pose created for MM. *

        When it is replaced by another new pose creation for this genre, this pose topic will be unstickied.

        The last sex pose was 23. Against the Wall. Found here:

        Topics » Man with man in AChat » MM POSE REVIEW REQUEST. 23. Against the Wall

        MM Pose Review Request. 23. Against the Wall

        UPDATE: MM has a new pose YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. MM Pose Review Request. 24. Swing Joy. Released Mon 16 Jan 2024. THANK YOU ACHAT.


          MM Dance
          Can be found on AChat Mall/Scenes/MM
          PRICE: A$199
          This is a dance pose for two males

          Man’s Actions:
          1. Finger circle
          2. Hands right & Up
          3. Show Left & Right
          4. Bend back and forward
          5. Turn left and Right
          6. Step Left & Right
          7. Step Nearer ( to your partner and do the twist)
          8. Hand Up and down
          9. Jump
          10. Hip Circle – Saturday Night Fever
          11. Clap
          12. Bend left & Right
          13 & 14. 2 x Pleasure Faces

          Man’s Actions
          1. Finger circle
          2. Hands right & Up
          3. Show Left & Right
          4. Bend back and forward
          5. Turn left and Right
          6. Step Left & Right
          7. Step Nearer
          8. Hand Up and down
          9. Jump
          10. Hip Circle
          11. Clap
          12. Bend left & Right
          13 & 14. 2 x Pleasure Faces

          Very fun pose which can be used by friends or lovers, i recommend it to all -4 Stars

          Vaughan says “This is a fun pose which is great in public. Its as much fun to do with hetero guys as it is for gay guys. Its none sexual and aimed to lift the mood and have a great time… 4 Stars from me”

          OVERALL RATING : 4 Stars ****

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        The forums Man with man in AChat MM Pose Review Request. 6. Dance!