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Dancing Amongst The Clouds

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    The weekend of heat was dragging in a huge thunder storm , the sun fading replaced by huge dark grey clouds the rain slowly beginning to fall.

    The horses were startled and Phen had gone out to take them into their stables, I was inside but preparing to go outside to help when I heard Phen shouting , I rushed out grabbing my coat as I went outside .. Damn the wind was picking up and it was getting dark , the wind was loud almost a deafening howl … “PHEN!”  I had to shout.

    “AME,QUICK GO FETCH THE ROPE, 'ONYX' HAS BOLTED, I'LL GET 'SHADOW' INSIDE, FETCH THE TRUCK”,Phens voice was urgent and his words haunted me ..Oh God Onyx .. he hated storms and he was out there alone, I Ran back to the house my heart pounding, grabbed the keys to the truck and ripped the Rope off the outside wall.

    Jumping in the truck I reversed up to the paddock , Phen locked Shadow inside then came to the drivers door ,AME LET ME DRIVE, IT'S TOO RISKY IN THIS STORM”, I knew better than to argue and jumped from my seat and rejoined him now in the passenger seat , he had a huge rucksack with him and slung it in the back.

    “Last I saw him he was running South over 'Roman creek' , we need to hurry Ame , there's so many ditches there , we are going to have to ride to the creek then take the rest by foot, Ame 'BE CAREFUL' , watch your footing and stay close by me at all times, I have brought the torches and called the Sheriffs office,they were busy , but we have to keep trying Ame, this isn't safe I need you to be careful.. do you understand”?.

    I felt numb the day had been amazing and it was suddenly turning into my worst nightmare, I had a bad feeling about this and as it washed over me all I could do was offer up a nod , I felt my chest tighten as anxiety started to make my heart race and I just wanted to cry.  I had an hidden fear that I could lose both Onyx and Phen and it crushed at my conscience.. I tried to not let my fear show and put a reassuring hand on Phens thigh.

    The rain now coming down heavy was making it hard to see and the wind was blowing the truck making us sway but Phen did a great job at holding it , eventually we arrived at the creek and stopped, Phen reached over and grabbed the ruck sack , opening it he checked both torches were working , they were .. he handed mine to me but as he did he gripped my hand, ” Remember baby,STAY Close, he gripped my head and gave me a hard slow kiss, then climbed from the truck .

    As I climbed from the truck the wind ripped the door from my hand, I cursed ,”FUCK”!! , shit that hurt , I walked to the front of the truck , the lights had been left on and lit up part the way , man it was dark now and the rain was rough and  cold . Phen shouted to me , “AME ,WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO CLIMB UP AND DOWN AND THIS TERRAIN IS GOING TO BE THICK, MUDDY, SLIPPERY AND WET , THINK AME …WHICH WAY   WOULD ONYX MOST LIKELY TAKE “? .

    He knew more than anyone I would be the one most likely to know all Onyx Habits, I Shone my torch , first left and then right surveying our surroundings, it didn't look good and there was nothing that jumped at me saying Onyx would go this way or that way .. .I Shrugged my shoulders , “IT ALL LOOKS THE SAME ,PHEN WE NEED TO SPLIT UP,WE HAVE TO CHECK BOTH DIRECTIONS, ITS NO USE “! .

    “NO AME , NOT HAPPENING !! I FIGURE ONYX WILL RUN WITH THE WIND BEHIND HIM NOT INTO IT, SO WE WILL TAKE THE LEFT FIRST, I'LL HAVE TO TURN THE TRUCK LIGHTS OFF SO WE WILL HAVE TO MAKE DO WITH THE TORCHES , LAST THING WE NEED IS A FLAT BATTERY, WAIT HERE”. Phen turned and went back to the truck , turned the lights off and rejoined me.  I was struck with fear now with only the light from the torches the wind seemed tormenting and haunting , the rain was harsh and I was glad the wind was behind us as we set off .

    It was tough going , the mud was thick and heavy under our boots and both Phen and I had struggled a few times, Phen had the added hindrance of the ruck sack but he didn't seem phased , his head was focused and I took my strength from his company.

    I shone my torch at the ground and caught glimpse of a horse shoe imprint , then Another ,  I gripped Phens arm and pointed to the sunken imprint , Phen smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up and pointed his torch hushing me into following the trail , we didn't get far when we spotted Onyx , he had fallen into a ditch and he didn't look too good , he was quiet and the mud had him trapped fast , On seeing the state of my poor boy I ignored everything Phen had said and rushed down into the ditch to comfort my beautiful horse .. The mud was cold as it sunk into my jeans,  it was up to my knees and made it hard to move but I didn't care, I took Onyx head in my hands and brought my face to rest against his and began whispering close to his ear stroking his face , ” There boy , shhhhh you are going to be just fine shhhhh “, Onyx snorted on hearing my voice and his skin was worryingly over heating, he was red hot to the touch and time wasn't on our side.   His ears were drooping and his heart rate was excessive.. he was snuffling , he was desperately vulnerable and becoming lethargic . I needed to cool him down and quickly and we had to get him out of this ditch or there was no way he would survive. 






    Phen was pissed at me as he turned his back and opened up the rucksack , He reached down and handed me a plastic container full of water.


    I Nodded and as he stormed off swiping an hand over his head I swore I heard him curse , “STUPID GOD DAMN WOMAN”!.

    I opened the container of the water and brought Onyx head to rest on my shoulder and slowly began pouring the cool water over him and scraping it from his head and neck, repeating this over and over  , he snuffled and snorted and took a little comfort from it , but he was getting so desperately tired, his head becoming very heavy on my shoulder and I was beginning to ache. I looked up to the sky and under my breath I prayed that my horse would make it.  I whispered to him reassuring him .. “Ok baby are going to be fine , please stay with me Onyx, we will have you some help soon, just a little while longer , I kissed his face softly but refrained from hugging him , trying to do my best to get his body heat to come down.  A severe dull pain started to flood my shoulder, Onyx head weighing heavily , pushing me down,  I felt my foot slip and for a few brief seconds I began to panic as I tried to gain my footing again… these few seconds seeming like hours.   

    The rain started falling heavier and although on one hand it was good for cooling the skin on Onyx , it also meant the ditch was starting to fill with water as it settled on top of the already over absorbed mud.  I was beginning to shiver as the cold bit hard at my skin , the warmth from Onyx chest giving me a little heat , but my back was bitterly cold . I could only offer up one soft word of reassurance .”Sshhhhhhh”,my mouth almost numb my words wouldn't form and I was beginning to feel tired , at one point I felt drunk and just wanted to sleep my face resting against the side of Onyx , the warmth from his cheek soothing to my own.  Suddenly awoken by a huge Flash and then crash of thunder , I realised if I was feeling like this, then how was my horse feeling .

    The thought of my horse surrendering to the exhaustion gave me my second legs and I heaved myself up with the last strength within me and pushed at Onyx chin ..He let out a huge snort and together we pushed him upright ..his head held high by himself .. His eyes met mine and he snorted , I swear if those eyes were talking he was saying to me , “its ok , I'm still here”,Our Brief moment was interrupted when we heard voices shouting .. it was Phen and he wasn't alone , help was at hand.

       THE log fire was burning and as I sat wrapped in my fleece blanket , my soul felt relieved . The door opened and Phen came in , I gave him a questioning look and he knew , ” He's going to be ok baby , the vet said he's had an ordeal but his heart rate is back to normal and he's eaten and had a drink , he's laid in the hay , I think he's just glad to be home .  I looked up at Phen , smiled at his news then overcome with emotion I just burst into tears.   Phen rushed over to me and wrapped his arms around me and stroked at my hair, I rested against his shoulder and without any words he held me while I released every tense fear I had felt earlier in the ditch, ” I was scared Phen , I ….I …. “,

    “Hey's ok , you are safe now , Onyx is safe now and I am right here”, Phens reassuring words and deep voice stirred something deep within me.

    “Show me Phen , Show me that you are really here, I need you”, I rasped with an almost desperate plea.

    Phen lifted my chin up and looked into my eyes , wiping a tear from my cheek he smiled at me and knew just what I needed.  He slid the fleece blanket from my now naked shoulders , revealing my pert breasts , the soft glow of the fire lighting and flickering over my skin. He stroked his fingers slowly across my chest then with slow circular movements he found and teased at my nipple , his fingertips brushing softly over their new found hardened state .. I closed my eyes and moaned .. a sudden wave of want flowing through me .. the core of me aching for him deep inside me .. his pushing , his grinding into me , our bodies locked .. .. I was surprised by my own desperate need of him that I pulled his jacket from his shoulders… needing him now … I Gripped at his t.shirt , I was hungry ,  needy and I pulled at him with an urgency that made Phen as equally hungry for me .. he tore his t shirt off pulling it quickly from his head and tossed it away .. he looked at me and groaned , “OH FUCK AME” he pulled me to the floor infront of the fire and pushing me back his hands found my face ..he kissed hard , his soft bites painless but determined as he sucked and kissed my lips , his tongue darting hungrily into my mouth meeting my own .. A low rumble of gasps left my chest making my back arch for him . While kissing me his hands unfastening his jeans and as he kicked off his boots my nails gripped at his back .. .. ” FUCKKK AME ..FUCKKKKK ” … He was now so desperate to be inside me , to be fucking me .. and I knew it .. … Fuck I loved this man .. .. ” YES! PHEN YES , UMMMMM” ! , my cries making him lunge forward as he grabbed my breast and bit my nipple .. I whimpered but he didn't care , he was lustful and he wanted me to whimper for him, it turned him on to hear what he was doing to me , how crazy and weak he was making me .. he sucked hard his tongue flicking , moving from one nipple to the other .. now swollen , hard and red .. he raised my hands above my head and gripped them .. he paused looked around the room then whispered a hungry growl at me , ” oh god baby, don't fucking move” , … He  grabbed his rucksack from earlier and pulled out a rope , returning he wrapped the rope firmly around my wrists binding them together above my head …. I lay moaning ..squirming his mouth all over me .. , he pulled the rest of the fleece open , my whole body now lit up by the fires glow and pulled tight with the help of the rope .., “FUCK Ame you look beautiful like that”… he pushed my thighs apart and lowered his mouth directly onto my clit and sucked it hard ..I trrembled and bit my lip ..”Oh God PHEN..UNNNn OHHH GOD ” … .. I could hear his mouth lapping at me , sucking my button making it swell under his teeth .. I whimpered over and over, his hands gripped my hips holding me firmly in place …my head hazy my weak protests were in vain as he continued , his tongue now probing at the entrance of my ass ..he pushed it inside .. I groaned and writhed the pressure making me cry out , I was so close ..his tongue curled slipping in and out of my star as his fingers worked hard across the top of my clit , OH god I was close ……. I bucked hard crying out ..”PHEN ..OH GOD OH GOD PHEN !! FUCKKKKKKKKKK UNNNNNNN OHH SHIT ! PHEN !!”, my fingertips now curled gripping at their restraint and I came with a huge surge that I could barely breathe ….My taste flowed onto Pheonix's lips and chin .. I was shaking … ..Phen moved up he was above me now … he pushed his rock hard self into me and tilted his hips making sure he grinded into me hard and deep…the pleasure was so sensitive I screamed … “OH GOD” … Phen rocked hard and deep then thrust deeper . harder….


    Each deep slam into me making my stomach ache, I couldn't fight the fire soaring through me and I exploded around him , the pressure filling me , I was squirting and crying out hands unable to grip at his back , he had all the control and it made him hungry for more of me … he pulled  his now soaked  cock from the pulses contracting around him tight pulsing squeezes, he teased the tip of himself against the entrance of my ass .. gently pushing the tip back and forth against the tight hole , he was slowly, carefully and gently stretching me as I groaned and bucked onto him .. my body taking his tip now fully into me,  he pushed gently till his entire cock was now buried balls deep into my entire tightness…. “OH FUCK! AME ! YES ..SO FUCKING TIGHT”!! , he started slowly rocking his hips into me, fucking me,  my body being read from cover to cover as he stretched me,   I groaned and gripped at my restraints ..the deep pressure inside me  making my pussy squirt over and over as his pace quickened .. He was close and growling through gritted teeth .. .. He slowed and let out a loud growl ..” GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK YES” !! … “OH GOD BABY THAT'S IT ..RIGHT THERE, UHHH YES YES UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” .. ..he bucked , then shuddered,  growling and groans filling the softly lit room  , his deep throbbing cock buried balls deep spurting himself deep into me … he leaned forward, his arms shaking and hovered above me letting his tip do it's job as he filled me, then resting his chest against mine , he kissed my mouth and as I returned his breathless loving kiss , we let our waves of passion simmer and cool, low soft gasps from us both , stealing at each others mouth …lost in each others loving embrace,  we both lay exhausted ,  the long day and evening ..and then our re-affirming bond left us both spent..  ..he reached up and untied my wrists letting my arms down gently .. turning me onto my side ,  he slipped behind me, pulling the warm fleece around us both and as we lay locked in each others arms I felt his lips kiss my neck as we drifted hazily into a love fuelled sleep .


    I was stood in the kitchen when Pheonix came in and took hold of me pushing my back against the wall

    Pheonix raised his arms to the side of me , one hand at each side of my head and leaned close to me , “Ame you married me huh?” his tone was straight talking and his eyes cool .

    I looked into his eyes , “Yes ? what's this about?”

    “Hmm do you remember those vows Ame? huh?”, he leaned closer

    I was starting to feel vulnerable  and naked and shifted a little, “YES! I do Pheonix!”, he pushed me back against the wall firmly but gently

    “So you remember the vow ' to honour and OBEY' then Ame?”, his questioning of me was calm, I nodded a yes as he continued, “oh really? and would you like to keep the horses Ame?”

    “YES! , You know I do, Pheonix what are you doing? where is this going?” , I attempted to move again and I was about to snap at him getting annoyed at my entrapment . He put two fingers to my lips , ” SHHHHhhhhhh AME .. Listen!” , I looked into his eyes my temper starting to replace the need for him. “What did you NOT do Ame?, Hmmm? ….he paused ….. “You didn't OBEY did you?”  .

    It Dawned on me he was talking about the night with Onyx and my refusal to go with him, the first time in our relationship I had ever refused to do as he asked, I pulled at his hand removing his fingers from my lips, “What the fuck Pheonix! WHERE is this going?”

    “I need to teach you Ame what obey means huh?… look what happens when you don't obey” , He paused looking down at my naked body,  “do you think I would ever put you in danger Ame?”

    I thought for a moment and I knew he would never put me in danger , in fact it would be the total opposite, he was more than protective of me, so much so he had almost got into fights over it. I suddenly felt ashamed and wanted my towel back, my emotions were now mixed with love and fear as I felt intimidated and extremely bare. I Whispered “no Phen I know you wouldn't” .

    He smiled at me, he was controlled, calm “We will keep the horses Ame, Right after I have taught you what happens when you don't 'OBEY' me, Ok?”

    I was stunned, in all the years of us fighting our own demons I had never seen this in Pheonix before, this mood and this change made me feel like I didn't know my husband at all , but then I had NEVER disobeyed him before. Phens raised voice snapped me from my thoughts making me jump.

    “I SAID OK!! ”

    I started to panic unsure of what was happening and felt my heart starting to pound against my chest, I felt like a Rabbit trapped in headlights and I froze. 

    Pheonix gripped my shoulders and spun me around , I was now facing the wall and he was resting his chest against my back, he lowered his mouth to my ear, “I love you Ame, I need you to know this , he paused ,   “I'm doing this for us, you will never go against those vows again, you are MY wife”.

    As I heard him sliding his belt from his jeans I started to push against him , “NO PHEONIX PLEASE , WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”, Phen gripped my head and pushed it against the wall , holding me firmly in place, it wasn't painful but I couldn't move my face which was now resting against the wall.

    Without warning I felt pain shoot up my body as I cried out, Phens belt made contact with my ass, Pain soared through me, my skin felt as if it was on fire , Again & Again his belt made contact first with one cheek and then the other, my legs were trembling as I began to cry . Pleading with my husband to stop. I didn't count the times he hit me with his belt, my head was hazy, my emotions mixed. I wanted his arms around me, loving me , nursing me , telling me it was all going to be ok. Then as sudden as the blows started to reign down on me , they stopped.  Tears slid down my face  as I fought to hold back the sobs. Pheonix stroked at my hair softly “Sshhhh baby .. it's all ok now, I did this for us, you'll see” , The warmth of his hand rubbed softly at my burning skin as his mouth found mine , kissing me , his mouth gentle , loving.

    There was no doubt about my love for this man as I responded to him and shared his soft kiss, inhaling trying to fight with my mixed feelings of pain and pleasure. Phen picked me up in his arms and carried me to the bed , laying me down carefully he gently pushed my thighs apart and his mouth was on me , his fingers sliding my clit from it's hood as his tongue swirled and pressed gently against it, I cried out as my hands gripped at the soft bedding beneath us back arching I was lost in a haze of so many mixed emotions as my body lost all control giving myself to my husband who gladly took from me.  Waves of deep euphoria darted through my soul as I trembled and bucked, his tongue and his hands bringing me to the edge as I cried out, my taste on his lips . As I lay beneath him breathless , heart racing , Phens mouth again found mine as he whispered “I Love You” . 

    I lay silent, thoughts running through my head , the cheeks of my skin feeling tender where the belt had hit. I felt like I had been disgraced and although I had just had a shower I needed to take another one. I felt ashamed like I had been so bad to have warranted a belt.

    The last time I was ever hit was by my step dad when I dared to back chat him and he took his belt to me.  That day I felt so vulnerable and didn't ever want the belt again as he had accidently caught my skin with his metal buckle and it bruised me. I realised what I was feeling was fear, fear of ever disobeying Pheonix again. Maybe he was right , maybe it was for us both that he did it and yes I did go against my vows but ……..I pushed myself up from the bed, Pheonix stood up too and as I went to walk away, I felt his arms wrap around my waist and pull me to him. He was stood behind me. He Lowered his head to the side of my neck and whispered, “Sorry Ame, baby I am SO sorry”, I was cold as I pushed his hands from my waist ..Pausing … I replied , ” Me too!”. I walked into the bathroom and for the first time in 5 years I turned the lock, leaving Pheonix outside.

    I stepped into the shower and as I tilted my head upwards to feel the water on my face I began to cry.  I wasn't sure I could do this anymore, for the last few years having to cope with not knowing how he would be from one day to the next, sometimes one minute to the next . Yes he was funny , loving and by god did I love him, I loved him so much it hurt , but this today?  something had changed.

    I stepped from the shower and patting my face softly with the towel I looked at my reflection in the mirror, my eyes were a little puffy so I took up a sponge and pressed cold water to my eyes, it was soothing and helped. Unlocking the door I entered the bedroom and was relieved to find Phen wasn't there. Quickly dressing I slipped the keys to my jeep into my pocket and slipped away through the front door, got into my jeep and drove off our small ranch.

    It was almost dark when I arrived at the bar not far from where I shared my home with my husband, I had earlier driven to a local lake and sat on the edge just paddling my feet in the cool water. I had watched people some couples and some alone come and go from the lake and also watched two young children flying kites with their parents having alot of fun in the sunshine.  The flowers were beautiful and many butterflies and bee's had put in an appearance going about their day almost carefree.  I felt at peace with myself but as I watched couples holding hands and kissing I missed the man I loved. Then the awful reminder of his belt hitting my skin made me angry. I wanted to scream at him , throw something at him , tell him how dare he do that to me. That's when I decided to head to the bar, my thoughts now reckless.

    I stepped through the doors and made my way over to the bar and took a seat on a stool. The bar tender was a young man and as he took my request for a Rum & Coke he smiled  and politely asked if I wanted some ice. 

    Taking my drink I sat and swallowed the cool liquid, my thoughts drifted back to Pheonix and I started to feel a little guilty. I knew he would be angry with me but I needed to think. Two men approached me , one at either side of me , one was a little plump and he was unshaven and looked like he had just come from some ranch or farm, his hands still dirty. The Other was slightly taller, also dirty and he was chewing on something and as he spoke he had an accent I didnt recognise, “Now then , what's a fine looking gal like you doing all alone in a place like this?” I looked at him and trying to be polite I just replied, “The same as you sir, taking a drink”.

    “well allow me to get you another lil lady” , He waved the young bar tender over, “I'll and my friend here will have a double scotch and whatever this lil lady here is drinking”[/i].

    I knew I shouldn't but I wanted to be drunk, I wanted to forget things so I gladly accepted his drink and drunk it one go, damn my throat burned and my chest felt warm.

    “Whoah there tiger! You were thirsty huh?”, The Small plump guy slipped his hand to the small of my back steadying me as I swayed a little. He too had an accent I didn't recognise. Both men were laughing a little.

    “Here Get this lil lady another drink, in fact make it three, I think we have a thirsty one here” , the taller of the two waved to the young bar tender.

    “Mr I don't think you should be doing that , she looks like she has already had enough”, The Young bar tender spoke.

    “GET THE DAMN DRINKS BOY! My money is good enough… now go! We only just got started here!”

    I was starting to feel worse for wear and becoming very unstable on my feet but my two new friends helped me each time I struggled. I was giggling and believed my new friends to be good people.  Then the room started to spin and as I leaned over grabbing for the taller of the men to stop myself from falling,  I mumbled hoarsely , ” UrgghhhhhI think I'm going to be sick”.  the two men wrapped around each side of me,  helped me outside.

    I leaned over a drain sink, both men holding me and I vomited. “uhhhhh ohh god I feel rough I sh should gu home”.

    “Whoah lil lady not so fast , we only just starting to get to know you”, The taller man spoke, his hand reached down ,gripped my breast hard making me wince.

    “ohh god ..please don't , what are you doing” , I questioned

    “HAHA Hear that ERIC , She wants to know what you are doing” , The plump man spoke , and as he did he pulled my head back by my hair. I was about to scream when he put his hand over my mouth. My heart now racing started bringing me out of my drunken state and I began to panic and struggle.

    I felt my skirt being pushed up my thigh, then I felt some cold steel against my skin , Oh god he had a knife! , I struggled some more and as I did I felt the cool steel dig into and slide across my thigh cutting me. Eric hissed  , his voice no longer friendly , “LISTEN BITCH! You struggle some more this ere blade is going to cut more than your thigh , OK !” I stared at him , my head throbbing , his friend still had my mouth covered , he continued, “OK BITCH!!” His friend gripping my hair nodded my head forward roughly making me nod a yes , laughing as he did.

    The knife pressed against my thigh moved up and cut at the sides of my panties , OH GOD NO , what were they doing .. I struggled some more, causing the plump man to pull my head right back making me stand on my tiptoes and arch my back  , my cries for help were muffled against his hand.
    Then as I felt the cool air hit my skin i realised Eric had cut my pants off … I kicked out trying to get both men off me , but it was no use, they were stronger than me . Eric grabbed my legs and both men started to carry me to the back of the building where it was isolated. Tears down my face now as I began to fear for my life , my thigh trickling with blood.

    “HEY YOU!! LET THE LADY GO!”, I heard the voice of the young bar tender, he was stood holding a gun pointing it at the two men as he stepped from the shadows.

    Eric spoke “OH Come on Son , we just want a lil fun wit the lady here, you can join us and stick your cock in her too, I bet her pussy is nice and tight, wouldn't you like that huh?”

    “I'M WARNING YOU MR , ONE MORE WORD AND THIS GUN IS GOING TO BE MAKING AN HOLE IN YOUR CHEST, I SAID LET THE LADY GO!” The bar tender waved his gun slowly from side to side, first at Eric, then to his mate.


    Both men released me and I fell to the floor, rushing to my feet ,pulling my skirt back down. Pheonix eyes were cold and he had that look on his face, he wanted to kill them, he strode past me, dismissing me and made his way to Eric, Eric raised his knife to Pheonix, and as a struggle began , time seemed to freeze , it all happened so quickly , Pheonix took the knife from Eric and the next thing Eric was laid on the floor, he was silent as blood oozed from him where Pheonix had stuck the knife in him. He was dying.

    The plump man now pleading for his life as Pheonix reigned blow after blow upon him. I screamed and rushed over to Pheonix and stood in front of him..”NO PHEN .. NOOO .. PLEASE LETS JUST GO , YOU ARE GOING TO GET INTO TROUBLE”!. Pheonix expression was blank, his breathing heavy, his heart was pounding so hard I could almost hear it. Gripping his arm I pulled at him, Pheonix kicked the plump man as I pulled him away, then looking into his eyes, I saw him acknowledge that It was me speaking, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

    The young bar tender was now at Erics head stemming the blood flow and on his phone calling for an ambulance, The plump guy was just rolling on the floor he was in alot of pain and I could see his arm was broken. His mouth and eye bleeding badly where Pheonix had caught him.

    All we could do now was wait for the police and ambulance to arrive.



    Really, powerful emotional writing.




    The sun was beginning to set over the small scenic pond as both sat there in silence . The air was cool and fresh and the wind whispered through the leafs on the trees as they danced softly.

    All was calm and both sat deep in thought not a word between them.  Months had passed since the dreadful incident at the bar , but the nightmares were still real enough to disturb Ame's sleep. Things had shifted between the couple and both were showing signs of the unwelcome unrest that stirred within them.

    Pheonix stepped up to his feet with a deep sigh, turning he strode through the swing door, letting it swing back hard behind him as he entered the ranch house. Ame remained seated outside alone looking up just briefly as the man she loved stepped inside.

    A few minutes passed and Pheonix stepped back out onto the porch ..he was holding his rucksack and it looked as if he was going on a journey. Ame looked up at him an inquisitive look on her face.

    Pheonix spoke , “it's no good Ame , I can't do this anymore I need to get out of here for a while , you won't open up to me and I can't do this anymore !! ” , Ame didn't speak , she didn't try to stop him , she had become cold and even though deep down Pheonix was hoping she would beg him to stay she still didn't move nor say a word.  Pheonix hissed low , his words unheard and muffled as he threw his rucksack into the back of his truck and drove off .  Ame watched as the vehicle vanished out of sight her stomach jumped and turned …a dull ache screamed through her core and she knew she couldn't lose the man she loved.


    She stepped through the doors of the old saloon bar ..the room was full , a river of cowboy hats and dim lights filled the air.
    She made her way across the back wall and found a seat at the far end of the bar and ordered a beer from the barman who broke from a conversation he was having to serve her.
    She could barely see him up on the stage , but she could hear that familiar voice , the way he played that guitar , a dull ache swept through her core and she felt nauseas
    She was tended to by the barman who served her a nice ice cold bottle of beer, whispering a quiet “thank you ” , she paid the man and turned her focus back to the stage.
    She suddenly felt sick a surge of nerves swept through her and she began questioning if she should have come here at all, still she wasn't about to leave , not now .. not ever .. she shifted in her seat a little as his voice filled the room and she closed her eyes absorbing him . 

    Time seemed lost and as she opened her eyes the crowd had thinned and she could see him clearly now, she took in the sight of him as her stomach jumped in tense little waves , she wanted to turn and leave but as she stepped up to her feet he looked up and caught sight of her , his voice broke mid song as he whispered 'Ame' , the crowd turned and looked at her stood there and she wanted to bolt out the door but she was stuck ..froze to the spot . Pheonix put his guitar down and started to make his way over to her ,it was then and only then that she could move and she rushed out through the saloon doors.


    Damn might need to think of where this story is actually going ..its been so long since I was here last !

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