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Dear Diary

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Home Forums Erotic Stories Dear Diary

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    I found this place on the net.  Called a chat.  I am amazed at the depth of activities and interests there are to explore.  I played that game with the Letter S L in it for a year and found a type of limbo. ooo hell music stopped, one sec.Ok (JOSS STONE Mind Body & Soul Sessions NYC Full Performance: music back on. Anywayz limbo can be fun for a long period.  Since I tend to get bored with things too e z a year is actually a long commitment for me.

    So as far as A chat I feel very forturnate to have found it.  I also feel ive had good fortune in that both of my sexual adventures “in game” have been wonderful and sweet.  It is like i want to stop now while I am ahead, but that is so not me!

    I was off playing my video game that i am a robot saving the world and i kept wondering what was happening on the music stuff I like on this Forum.

    I suppose it is ok to add to this Diary as thoughts hit me by replying to myself. Which (my brother Liam, Will, or as i call him Assface.) will say May, shut up u are the only one listening to u … I blow him a kiss and talk a lil louder.  Thus  'Here comes Trouble

    wth was i talking about…O I want to put my sexual adventures here in my diary ….all names will be changed so they will do me again!

    More soon Im all over the place today.


    its all good May 
    we look forward to your  reports on your trysts


    'Like this one time, uh at Band Camp…'  *runs from the worn out joke police!


    Ever had a story that was true but just so cool, u figure no one will believe it really happened?

    There was this girl that followed the music.  She didn't care if it led to a Rascal Flatts concert or Blues at a Biker bar.  And with the music, the whole experience; clothes, makeup, E N E R G Y! *Adjusts her meds… So she find this flyer for a “Gothic” underground club.  So in time she connects by email with one of the DJ's @ this supposed underground club.

    It really turned out to be underground! In the tunnels under Portland Oregon.  Often called the 'Smuggler's Tunnels”  fffast ffforward…She found the place. Under a chinese resturaunt….mmhmmm like james bond potty style.  Just past the bathroom doors was a door the same color as the wall.  Go through and boom…Black lights and the slightest sound of boom boom boom …not x box, silly…a bass beat.

    fff> Meet the DJ – Very impressed – he owns the DJ company and this is the only place he still actually DJs.  ff> He is spinning 80's music ….why …80's night at the goth club…try to keep up…so the young lady meets a lovely vamp that really does look like Amy Lee but in her 30s.  They hit it off, snuggle at the DJs booth….Cool DJ guy takes his break, sits across from them…orders them both drinks….like they notice…so much of that brand new touching going on…when the world shrinks and as Jim Morrison said so well, your off on a moonlight ride.

    Now she was polite to the sexy but now passay DJ.  Till He says…not kidding…” I see u met my wife!”

    The young girl's eyes went wide with surprise…that feeling of oops, and right behind it that warmth when she knows something wonderful may be about to happen….

    This is a true story and does have some good sex, but if u don't know the cool peoples it won't be as sureall yet hyperreal as it was for m…uh her


    Kiss and Tell Break!  Right now I am split screening the game and the Forum.  I just had this almost great sex experience.  I have been doing very well for meeting romantic n sexy people.  This lover was no exception…he is Italian and I am , shhh don't tell, west coast USA.  So there can be the communication thing.  But done and leave…mm, seems rude.

    I don't mind putting details cause all of my experiences have been sexy…the first two were very hot!  They were about romance and building up into a fantasy, as well as communicating to make sure we understood what our partner liked on both sides…

    I am used to the female role.  My family paid for my breasts and have never questioned my choice to keep both sexes.  I am feminine tho.  And I like even rough sex to build up from growing excitement.

    I did have a Mistress for a short time…hey that will come around in that uh…made up story im neglecting right now.  But I feel 2 things.  One tho pain and certain levels of violence are very sexy…not all erotica is violent…I like to see the outcome of a sex act as the outcome of shared desire and empathy between 2 people.    Sometimes leading to a drawn out violent frenzy.  Sometimes a flame of passion over in minutes but lingering as u cuddle into sleep.

    And when my Mistress Disciplined me…it came about that way …a fire of  love and my overwhelming respect for here building into screaming whipping clawing sometimes both of us crying as we came …but sometimes just forgetting the movie as we lay on the couch and she would hold me and stroke my hair and pleasure me utill she felt me tremble and let me fall asleep in her arms.

    I guess all that to say no matter what u consider erotic…its always good to remember u are not the only one in the room


    Of course it's ok to share your achat life. You're one of us, a regular citizen of AChat village

    Maybe we will move your diary to erotic stories or personal ads. I think one of them fits better. We think about while you're enjoying more adventures


    Its great  NeceMay,  I think  Erotic stories.   

    Keep up the good work.


    Thank Ya'll for the words of encouragement!  It has made me feel comfortable continuing the journal.  I will take your advice and move it to Erotic Stories tho…cause cyber life can go from day to day straight to yummy so fast…It happened yesterday, I was at New person sim that I help people learn a certain other cyber world…its like an entry to this huge place and we help people ease in.

    Anywayz yesterday was the founders rezz day party…her ninth one!  Founder of the helper sim, not the game.

    So after her party I decided to swing by a shemale (tho i don't really like that word, I feel it was made up by the porn industry. But i have opinions about pretty much everything

    One of my close friends was there and we snuggled and chatted for about an hour catching up.  Then went back to here place… different world and wrong Forum area.  I don't spend much time on the A chat game right now cause I feel like im standing in fishbowl.  So My long term goal is to make friends and meet people that i connect with here on the forum and hopefully meet them in A chat game.

    I do know that any cyber world means different ways of meeting and expressing ourselfs, so I also am just taking one day at a time and getting to know this new cyber space.

    I do know I feel a lot of openness and kindness here and I am glad to hang out with ya'll



    I'm enjoying your “Dear Diary” work very much.

    As you can see I have now moved this topic to the “Erotic story” section to continue your escapades and thoughts..

    I would also like you to read the stories and vote for your favourite in our current Erotic Story Contest 9  as well as checking out the themes for the next Contest 10.  I really would like you to enter a story in the next contest.

    Here's the details

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > “OUT OF THIS WORLD” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 9,3727.0.html

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 O.T.,3728.0.html 

    I look forward to reading more of your work.

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