Lover. He's a long time member of the achat community. One of the best guys on here who is always willing to lend an ear and listen to what people have to say. Always willing to take the time to chat when he is around.
Just as her name suggests, Sexilicious is Sexy and delicious. A fun and loving lady who quietly dances through Forum, Achat and the Meeting Places. She is funny, mischievous and very entertaining. Her stories give an insight into her naughty mind and sexy thoughts. I always enjoy chatting and spending time with her and hope she writes lots more.
VAUGHAN, what can I say. Such an amazing friend, kind, caring, compassionate. His devotion to Cougar is one of the things I love most about him.
He is very outgoing, speaks to everyone. truly a Mentor of the game. I am so glad we became friends as he is a strong shoulder when needed, quick to make you laugh, quick to stop stalkers and trolls, all around good guy.
Hugs V, your a true Gentlemen in all senses of the word!!!
hi would love to say something about Marniejo but have not met her so can't say anything but if she has Vaughan as a friend she has to be a good person
Lydia, Lydia….. What an amazing girl, or should I say garage girl? Always busy, never wants to share her secrets…… Great imagination and did I mention to say always busy? Think she was the first person to hold a contests that was so intense, but yet so GREAT!!!!
quick witted and funny intelligent, literary minded who uses her intellect well shy & stoically Swiss a good friend to those who see these qualities understated but secretly wild and wanton who will blush at that little truism