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dirtyElena. My 2 Cents Fashion.

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    A slightly fuller beard and a manly scar (probably from a fight with a bear!! )

    Great Elena 
    i just wondering who won the fight with Bear?


    Freckles ftw!

    I am thinking about making some more variations of them.


    maybe  more color on lips and longer eye lashes great work.


      Hey Elena Can I Put some Pics on here or not.  I'm asking because no one else has you see. 


    @ zuzannah.. I am not sure if i got what you mean? what kind of pictures do you want to post in here?
    your own desings? ideas for designs I should make or just random pictures of cute little cats?

    I would like to keep this thread as a publishing medium for designs I made and therefore to  keep it as clean as possible. So that interested people can browse the “Elena thriftshop” easily.

    Or maybe I should start a new (closed) Thread with the desings only and use this for idea gathering and discussion/feedback.. on my work in progress..

    anyone in favour of that?


    Hi Elena,

    I think you can create a new topic with your design with your name of your future product and closed topic yes.
    Here we can talk with you about your designs.


    I would keep this topic for your designs and ideas. But what if we start a topic in this board, where people can post suggestions for clothes? We have one in Polls, but this is more for the A-team.


      What it was Elena is that Foxy said something about adding more colour to the lips.  I found some pics on the internet and was going to post them here.  So, I'm glad I asked First 

       But yeah another Post would be good for other people to add suggestions. 

       I like to comment on your designs Elena.  If you close it, will I still be able to reply to it?
      Oh I've put some pics here to.  Not the one I was going to post here.,2503.5025.html


    I was complimenting her work

    But at the same time  suggestions

    different color shades on lips stick and lashes 

    it  is nice to see her work and  as in past we  member suggested  on work

    well just giving ideas  on what member might like to see …


    you are a wonderful new creator and your work is amazing keep it up

    hope you  did not  get offend  I just suggested  this 

    I really want that  skin  I love it !

    longer lashes so I can flutter them,  darker eyebrows  and  birthmark above the lip like  Marilyn Monroe  :
    different color eye shadow.

    sorry I am just a little narcissist on my AVI

    You are  amazing creating  very talented  Love  your work

    I would say  just keep it here in the same  topic    it makes it easy 


    @Foxy: Offended? no way! I appreciate feedback and suggestions. And I am not that easily offended so don't worry dear

    For the second thread.. I would let this thread like it is and you all could post suggestions and whishes in here as I will continvue to post my works in this thread.
    And parallel to this thread a secon one where just the finished creations will be postet, so taht if somebody new would want to check them out s/he won't have to go through 8 pages (increasingly) but just 2 or 3.
    I have the same problem with marylins thread by now.. it has grow so big that you have to click and scroll for hours to get through it .. that might discourage most people of doing it at all.

    So if the mods agree and won't kill my second thread I would like to do it that way.


    We only will kille the 3rd threat It's ok to do as you say


    For you info –  re  designing clothes ….

    the tool should actually be there since the last upgrade. It can be started e.g. on the 'customize yourself' screen just like earlier. Maybe you cannot change the gender, that will be corrected soon.


    Elena, are you still designing?


    Not at the time  no.
    I don't see why I should. I have sent in over 80 “designs” to the A-Chat Team. And even though they told 3 month ago, that they like them and want to implement them in the store nothing happened.
    They strangely even payed me some A$ a 5 weeks ago for my first 7 Designs and said that they want to put them in the store, but as you can see nothing happened. On the contraty no updates since 4 weeks at all.

    And on top of all that, the editor is still not working correctly.

    All that does not motivate me to work for a game that the devs don't even seem to care all that much about anymore.


    I hope that they are warm clothes that you do Elena because in winter… brrrr 
    It's summer, vacation, nobody does anything, only this Forum works in the world !

    Kisses to everyone, I'm in a hurry I have nothing to do  :-*

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