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Disappointing moments. Writing complete sentences? Rude Exiting.

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Home Forums Polls Disappointing moments. Writing complete sentences? Rude Exiting.

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    So, apparently, according to some women on here, my writing in complete sentences is a bad thing.

    Also, my showing genuine interest and you know actually attempting conversation is bad.
    WHAT? Did I wake up in an alternate universe on accident?
    I mean I ask if someone is busy when I approach them for the first time, if they are busy, cool, no problem, well wishes for a good day and all follow.

    But being yelled at for typing well, for showing that small polite measure of courteous? what? I don’t get it. It is rare when stereotypes seem to be made fully true, but in this case, I have to say that I seem to have stumbled upon some “b*tches that be crazy” … ah oh well. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but women who are prejudice against personality will never hurt me :).

    Also, ladies, on another note – if you want to leave the room and go to room with another friend because he just came on or you two have a regular hang out, its cool – just say so!
    Have a little faith that not all of us guys are jealous, angry creatures – in fact a true gentleman (such as myself) appreciates honesty and won’t have hurt feelings. As an adult, I understand that none of us are going steady on here. We cool? excellent, be cool.


    Sometimes language is an hard barrier to bring down, but honestly what you wrote at the begin make me think more at some guys who pretend to be a girl in AChat.
    Of course, i had seen rough girls too here in 3 years but not till this point…..oh well….aaaanyway don't let them bring you down and continue to search, there are gentle and sweet girl outside there!


    I adore complete sentences and HATE “HRU BB”. That being said, there are times that some questions and chit chat seem… intrusive or even derisive.
    No, my husband doesn't know I'm here, and your talking about him is not endearing you to me.
    But hey, that's why we all have that “Iggy” button. Don't take it personally and yes, some bitches be crazy.


    This is a recurrenting problem, which girls, shemales and also we guys do have. Sometimes you are reviled for saying hello, another time you are ignored or they tell you how much A$ they expect lol…and the nice girls seem just to meet those stupid idiots, who think “hey bb, lets fuck” is the nonplusultra in being a real man.

    I just can promise, there are nice people and you will find them. You also can join our Forum Residents group, all forum members who love to chat and don't just ask for sex or money.

    Adult Game AChat > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families  > Forum Residents,3493.0.html


    Well, you know I love your descriptiveness, and don't you prefer to have a descriptive partner as well?  Just take it as different strokes for different folks and move on and let like minded find each other.  I've ran into folks who say I talk too much too (the most interesting feedback was someone said “I like to let the poses do the talking”.  For me not having the conversations, the descriptions, the feedback, the personal connection reduces the game to really really bad porn. It also means that language barriers are a huge problem for me.

    Don't take their criticisms to mean that anything is lacking in you, because it's not.  You know I prefer a gentleman, and I'm not alone.  Although, I will say again, you drive me crazy with the compliments, I'm just not one who is comfortable with it, although I'm sure there are plenty of women who would soak it up.  A dear friend of mine says to stick with 30+ there's just more of us in that age range that prefer to be treated respectfully.  I know one younger women actually told him he was in the wrong game if he wanted to be a gentleman.  Another bit of achat wisdom from him…I love to steal it:  “if you can't chat, you can't fuck”  OOoh so true for me…  There are plenty of men and women like us…it's just about finding them!  In the meantime, I know you're like me and enjoy getting to know people, and that's usually worthwhile even if a sexual connection doesn't materialize from it.


    What can I say, it's quite strange to me to read that. Typing too completely? It is so rare to find a person who can type phrases in complete words, I cannot even imagine someone will dislike that.

    To me, all that 'hru' and 'bb' is a plague of Achat. Distorted words, distorted minds…


    One time thinked about it that not all members from achat talks proper ENGLISH ???




    One time thinked about it that not all members from achat talks proper ENGLISH ???



    There are many people from other  country's that don't  have English as their first leagues
    I know a few are English speakers but its hard to understand them  their's many ways of  understanding  English,
    I don't think there is a proper English
    it go's from  place to place to  understand it.Some  people come  from  many places

    some English  from Texan or NJ , NY, OZ ,  some street slang  they speck English but I don't understand there saying mean to
    some words they use ,
    I have dyslexia for me its almost  good to understand  all  but I have trouble and I know  very few  understand me
    and my grammar and writing are my weakness

    all I can say is I am thankful I can Speak great English


    There is many people that come looking for different experiences fantasies on  Achat
    some do enjoy a good conversation as I do, only off sex topic  but the realty  is  they see  Sex  Game Porn
    so to me that what will get most attention fast sex , over shadowing
    what they  don't see is its other member have to be willing participants

    they don't read

    as the say  a online dating game
    AChat can be your ultimate source for free sex personals,  amateurs & swingers.

    I like mine personal

    and so this is why  we have so many rude people
    some don't know what polite  is here
    and can be odd to understand that not all play the same 

    when you log on and you get hammers when most all the seek is sex here and cheesy come on's

    as I said  take time to know them
    there are some that are respectful ,and kind but it takes time

    there are many member's that seek many different needs wants and fantasies

    and if every one learn to  respect each other on here
    the game would be more enjoyable for each his own

    Wishing you all the best that you  find what you are seeking polite and courteous
    like mind people here enjoy your time on Achat  Calid


    One time thinked about it that not all members from achat talks proper ENGLISH ???



    Hello Stacy, welcome to the forum :)
    Be sure, we all think about that, cause many of us arent native english speaker too. Just between hi bb how r u, ready 2 fuck.. and “Hello, I like the style you are dressed” is a big difference

    @Nexe: Welcome back  :)


    @  <

    is then the wrong way too


    thank you everyone for your kind comments and remarks.  I guess that night I just had to vent a bit to the forums since there are so many mix messages flying about back and forth between folks on here.  and the nature of the insult was so … odd … still makes me shrug.  but oh well.  if there are people on here who just like to say “hey wanna fuck?” and the other person says “yeah lets fuck” and then they go into the room and don't say anything … and yet … somehow … still feel good … sorry I keep pausing to laugh because it just sounds ridiculous.  Sex is fun yes, but its about expressing yourself as much as it is about the motions of the body.  and while I could see being quite in person and just going through the motions for pure lust, the act of just pushing a button doesn't satisfy me.  especially if the other person doesn't use their excitement bar or their speed controls.  Okay, now I am shifting into another rant/vent, which is not what I intended, I assure you.  Again, thank you for your kind words and compliments.  It is rewarding to know that there are people of quality and good nature here, even if we must sort between the individuals who are lacking in communication skills. 


    I find this fitting for this topic..and a prime example of can't please em all.

    I got an insulting message saying that because I have big words spelled correctly on my profile that I think I'm better than everyone else.

    Then the next day, got placed on ignore because a lover of mine had transposed a vowel combination on his profile.  He got insulted for such by this woman, along with a scathing comment about the low quality of achat.  Sadly, being ignored I wasn't able to help her correct her punctuation errors on her profile.

    Just laugh! 


    I feel your pain Misdevious.  The quantity of rudeness on here can at times be overwhelming.  But, I remain confidant that good manners and polite behavior will result in better conversations and romantic encounters than slights of hand and insults.  And besides, even as I am dodging the rude ones, I can still admire the lovely ladies capable of complete sentences and actual conversation.

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