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Discussion topic: "Water Privatization" Blessing or Curse ?

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    A new discussion topic has started in Off-Topic. It's about water privatization in europe, but all opinions are asked and also your experiences if its already privatized in your country.

    Off-Topic/Quizz, Fav TV, Fam Music, Fav Films, Books…,2327.0/topicseen.html#msg48081


    coke cola did this in India and wiped pout an aquafor that serviced 17 villages in that area and has done it in oither countries and has been kicked out of a few of them. they made billions and screwed the people of those counrties. once the water was free now we are all going to pay! if you have Netflix see the documentary “coke  wars” the CEO makes 3.2 Billion a year; and doesn't care who or which country he screws over to make more money for his company, also see the documentary “blue gold” it will wake you up fast about how badly we are avbout to get screwed


    I read something about Nestle doing this as well?


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