During the last weeks, you may have noticed, several members posted eggs in their posts. Big surprise! We have an Easter game
The eggs look like this or similar. This egg does not count as part of this contest.
1. All you have to do is to count all eggs and send your number to Brandybee and Lover. Winner of 1,000A$ is the member, who first called the right number. If no member has the right one, the winner will be this person, who is closest. Just know, eggs still can be posted until Sunday, April 12, 10pm GMT. You may just send one approach!
2. An additional contest is “Count the rabbits”. We hide 3 golden rabbits within next days. Winner is, who first sends a pm to Brandybee and Lover, calling the topics and posts. The winner will get 500A$. The rabbit looks like this:
We proudly present the winner of all three easter contests:
– AusWoody for finding 3 easter bunnies – Stone, for being closest to the correct number of hidden eggs (her answer: 234, hidden eggs: 235) – maron211177 for being the first who found 4 mistakes in the easter riddle “Secret Easter Tryst”
Thanks to evryone who has hidden and/or joined the contests. Good luck for the next contest