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Editing cloth textures

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Home Forums Artist’s Alley Editing cloth textures

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    My designs are not remotely comparabòe to keiko, tight and jeanona's but I will gladly provide the textures I used if they wanna use them


    @Lover: what is the meaning of it!? oh, btw, i'd like to have some clarify from Tom about what he mean whit “3 design”, if it's 3 for everyone or not


    HB, I mean, every designer is allowed to sell 3 clothes. The idea is, that the forum votes for these 3. So, if the designer just put their favourites to the polll, nobody has to sell something he doesn't like.

    I understand Tom's offer, that each user is allowed to sell 3 creations.


    like i understand the post , its that for now only 3 outfits (no more) will be made for now . Not 3/designers 


    Rukya, that's the doubt i have.

    Lover, it's not a big deal for me….at last, every designer can give a look at the suggestion for the clothes poll we have now and that is a perfect place to see which textures are the most wanted.
    I'm not personally interessed to vote the texture they gonna sell, i wan t o see every designer free to submit his favourite work


    Nobody has to vote… if you think that's the best for the designers, it might be a good choice.



    I think we really need some clarification on what the 3 slots mean, or what the a-team really want. Do you offer three slots, meaning that three pieces or clothing lines (think of Keiko's Tron-line) can be offered?

    As I understand the forum decides which three designs should offered in the shop, in my view, that means that all designs from all designers (that want to offer their design) can be chosen.. And the 3 that get the most votes will be sold in the shop..

    Please, help us out?


    its what i have understand too


        My interpritation was Tom meant 3 creations total, not 3 from each designer. This sounds more likely considering the fact that they are simply testing out this new process. Tight, I did raise that concern to Tom earlier and he confirmed that if we have an outfit “set”, then it will count as 1 creation. (e.g. My 3 TRON outfits would count as 1 creation but sold individually in the shop).

        If it's only 3 creations total, then my personal suggestion would be 1 creation from jeanona31, TightFit74, and myself since I haven't seen anyone else express an interest in publishing their designs with AChat.

        A few people are suggesting we bypass the public voting option and allow the designers to pick their favorite outfits themselves. This would benifit everyone by speeding up the process so Tom and the rest of the team can get their hands on the textures sooner to make them available in the shop.


    As we all talk about 3 creations, Tom didn't say “just 3” – he wrote

    As first step, we could select e.g. 3 creations from users, who accept the listed terms.

    Englis is not my native language, so I'm not sure – I can see both meanings, e.g. 3 creation at all or 3 creations from all users, who accept the terms…

    As it seems, their last offer is accepted by all designer, I don't see a reason to allow just 3 creations – the more clothes there ae, the more they can seel, the higher the income. I understand to say “3 users for the beginning”, as there is some work to handle the daily account.

    But I'm sure Tom will give his answer soon.

    I don't have to vote, too – I have seen so many wonderful clothes, it would be horrible to decide


    quote from keiko :

      If it's only 3 creations total, then my personal suggestion would be 1 creation from jeanona31, TightFit74, and myself since I haven't seen anyone else express an interest in publishing their designs with AChat.

    i dont know for the others , but me its not by no interest that i dont made , but cause i understand nothing on how work this tool . I can have the window where you choose the outfits , but when i put something in it i cant move it to place it where i want .

    and i suppose i'm not alone in this case 


    Well, more then use of the tool, for me the problem is i don't know how to use properly photoshop to realize the texture. never try to draw whit it


        I just got a reply from Tom and he clarified his earlier post. He wants 3 creations total, not 3 from each artist. A creation may include multiple outfits only if they are part of a themed set. Once again, is there anyone else besides TightFit74 and Jeanona31 that have texture designs they want eligible for selection? If not, then does anyone have a preference on what outfits from which designer they would like to see available in the shop? Perhaps 1 from TightFit74, Jeanona31 and myself? Maybe by this weekend, we can make a decision on which textures we like and have them submitted to Tom for integration.


    If can i say my opinion……..

    one must be the prisoner outfit of Keiko, really perfect combined whit police  outfit and very wellcome for NSPD! here the pics keiko post some time ago



    Perhaps 1 from TightFit74, Jeanona31 and myself?

    If no other is coming up I agree.

    Though it's a pity, just 3 designs at all after I've seen all these wonderful clothes… but I'm sure, if they are successfull they will ask the designer to create more and more

    Sorry HB, I disagree. IMO there are some more beautiful clothes Keiko made.
    Either they choose the one by themselves or they choose three of their own designs and we vote. For the beginning (and to not waste time) I suggest they decide bey their own.
    If you need my help dear designer, you may ask me… 

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