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Editing cloth textures

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Home Forums Artist’s Alley Editing cloth textures

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  • #16409

                                          —- ACHAT TEAM —-

    PLEASE PUBLISH PEEKA´S work , From World Cup Brasil 2014 !
    She´s Already done a few National Teams, In a record time of 2 days !!!!!!!!!!!!
    When She Delivers Her Work, Please Publish them as Fast as You Can !
    Shes Deserves Recognition For her  Hard Work .
    And Many Users Would Love to have and BUY ,
    Her Work on The Achat SHOP as fast as possible !!!

    THANK YOU…..Patricia


    how about making some  video tutorials

    Thats what i desire from the best designers here.
    I dont have much experience in doing suits, if i had ill do that.


    It takes a lot of time to do video tutorials. Next question, which software you use to do it and for which programme (photoshop, gimp…)
    You have to do a script…which is important, which are basic rules, which would be good to know but is not really important.
    Just this would take month – time, our designers here had to take from their free time, all without getting paid.
    Also there is a difference if you desing or if you teach other how to…

    Good books and vids are expensive – think about the reason!

    Though there are many websites with tipps and support, also free vids – all you have to do is google. For some special questions, im sure you always can ask our best designer here and they will answer.



    it  dose not take a lot and  there is programs that  do them

    Honey, read my above post.


    What youre asking is the same as if you would ask Apple or Samsung to give free lessons “how to create your own apps”
    Its not their business and maybe they arent even able to do it. They buy fashion and offer in shop – we dont know if they design too or if they buy all of clothes.


    I can understand that !! Either way LOVER is right, and are many video tutorials about make dresses,some good,some bad, but there are many


    Yes, search for free texture on line, save the ones u like in a folder then experiment 

    jeans Cavalli style from Medjai's Coture winter collection 

    By medjai81 at 2012-01-07

    By medjai81 at 2012-01-07

    By medjai81 at 2012-01-07

    I like how you show us  with photos step  by step


    Can you still upload clothing? I tried and got the textures on my avatar but was unable to get a chat box after the editor opened or see how to set them for sale or to appear in my wardrobe.


    good question, is it still possible to create and upload clothing?


    Yes it is. But since we got the new starting screen, it's awful to do it. You have to load a few times until you get a featured user, which has the gender you want to design clothes for. Then you can't rotate the avi, which means you don't see if the backside of your clothes is like you want it.


    I hope dev-team will change it soon, cause Marilyn was interested in creating new clothes…….and we all know she is very skilled in this!


    Totally agree HB! Marylin, and also Prias, maybe Jeanona too. We had some really great designers and it would be perfect if they can live their passion again.


    ok, made a first try… looks sweet for the first time i think, but where are the screenshots saved?


    In your AChat main folder is a folder called “screenshots”. They are saved there. I recommend you start an own topic here in Artist's Alley and post your designs.


    Thank you, but where is it normaly located? can't find it  ???

    found it, nevermind

Viewing 15 posts - 586 through 600 (of 688 total)
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