What about adding voice technology like Via Voice or Dragon. That way partners who type can be heard over the speaker much like you would use these technologies for your email, word and excell programs at home. This feature could be for paying and premium members so that would help pay for and promote more paying customers. I know I would pay more for it. I don't know that I would pay extra just for random sound wavs, but it is stilll a good idea to help contrast the music. Willl record some and send them too you to help your cause. Look into the talk technology and see what you can come up with.
I meant the sounds, not the voice chat. Well, voice chat is great as well but I would like to send some sounds. But where? To the support email? They can be pretty large files…
I don't remember where you should send sounds, but before you do it would be nice to know from Suzy or Tom if this idea is still under consideration or not.
i agree with the user's option to choose what sounds they would like to make .. not everyone sounds alike during sex.. and we don't all speak the same languages..